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SCANS FOR THIS DATE- 591030 - HCO Policy Letter - Blazer Badges [PL002-127]
- 591030 - HCO Policy Letter - HCO WW Stenos Hat [PL002-128]
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex


(This is not necessarily applicable in HCO Area offices)

To ensure that all bulletins and policy letters leaving Saint Hill are printed neatly and in the most economical and aesthetic way, and on time. To see that all Central Orgs and other classifications receive copies of bulletins and policy letters originating from LRH or HCO WW, through their HCOs. To ensure that the files are kept up to date and are obtainable. To do any mass addressing and mailing.

DISTRIBUTION of bulletins and policy letters:

1. 1 copy goes to each HCO WW staff member. The Technical Research Auditor gets 2 copies of all technical bulletins. The Book Administrator gets 2 copies of everything.

2. The Central Organisations receive the following numbers: – London 4; DC 4; S.A. 4; N.Z. 4; Melbourne 5; Paris 5; Berlin 1.

3. All franchise holders get bulletins marked BPI. 300 copies are needed (this is variable as numbers grow).

4. The distribution of CenOCon is 60.

5. Distribution to HCO WW Staff get placed in your OUT basket.

6. Distribution to Central Orgs have a rubber band placed around them and are marked HCO Communicator WW. These get taken to him from your OUT basket.

TYPING of bulletins and policy letters.

1. Type them all on the ELITE ADLER typewriter.

2. When typing the stencil check up on the length. If the amount still to do by the time the quarto line is reached is more than quarto length, continue stencil to make a foolscap or type another quarto stencil to be printed on back of page.

3. To save expense on paper and postage (weight), fill up pages back and front as far as possible with material intended for the same distribution as long as this does not hold up the bulletins or result in difficulties over distribution.


Bulletins are printed on gold paper with green ink.

Ron's Special Thursday Bulletin is printed on white paper with red ink.

Policy Letters are printed on white paper with green ink.


PURPOSE: To run off fully addressed envelopes for all mailings, by means of clear and legibly typed silk screens.

Silk Screens: Procedure:–

1. Take special Addressall container and fill with water so that the leather pad is moistened.

2. Place silk screen on the damp pad so that the cut-out is now on the bottom left-hand side and allow it to soak for about two minutes. (This makes it possible to penetrate through the membrane when typing. It is best to place a silk screen on the pad each time while typing another screen. This saves time.)

3. Make sure that the special typewriter has a backing sheet running through it. The back side must face you.

4. Allow the screen to dry after typing. This is hastened by placing the screen between pieces of blotting paper and pressing together.

5. Place the silk screen in the typewriter in front of the special backing sheet so that the cut-out is on the top right hand side.

6. Type the name and address you require on your silk screen.

7. Type out a sticky label duplicating the name and address already on the stencil and stick it on to the stencil.

8. Place silk screen in appropriate drawer of Addressall cabinet ready for usage.

9. A complete set of silk screens is to be kept and filed in the Addressall cabinet of all franchise holders world wide. (Only U.S. and U.K. franchise holders get services directly by us, however. All other franchise holders receive their data from the continental office.)

10. Keep all addresses up to date. Make all the necessary alterations to your screens.


Purpose: To ensure that there are sufficient addressed envelopes each week to make it possible for franchise holders to receive bulletins and correspondence.


1. Envelopes must be fully addressed for a surface mailing to the States each Tuesday. The envelopes are tucked in, not gummed.

2. Envelopes must be fully addressed for a second-class air mailing to the States each Thursday. This is Ron's Special Bulletin to franchise holders which is done on white paper with red ink. The envelopes are left unstuck, as in (1).

3. Make sure that all franchise holders' envelopes contain the special stamp on the outside ("HCO Dispatches – Open At Once").


1. Envelopes must be fully addressed for a mailing on Tuesdays. These mailings contain any backlog a franchise holder has owing him of bulletins.

2. Place any letters, invoices, inside these, if any.

3. When letters are placed inside the envelopes are sealed. Otherwise they remain open.

4. Envelopes must be fully addressed for Ron's Special Thursday Bulletin to franchised auditors. These are sent unsealed.


1. Ensure that you have sufficient stationery at all times to enable you to get your bulletins out.

2. Write out a purchase order form for any materials required and send it through to the person in charge of stationery.

3. Always be responsible for seeing that you are equipped with the necessary material.


1. After having run off the bulletins and having completed distribution place the remaining bulletins complete with the original copy into an orange folder.

2. See that the folder is fully labelled, indicating the date, description of the contents, and the distribution.

3. Place the folder in the filing cabinet in datal order.

4. All bulletins and policy letters get filed together.

5. One copy of everything is placed into the Master file after being stamped MASTER FILE COPY in the top right hand corner.

6. Titles and dates of bulletins and policy letters sent to Central Orgs are entered in a logbook.

7. When reissued by Central Orgs and sent back to HCO WW, check them, tick off in logbook, and file. If they are not received a month after our issue, write Org Dissemination Secretary a memo.

8. All SEC EDs issued and sent to us by Central Orgs are filed in a separate folder.


1. Once the stencil has been used it is ready for filing.

2. Place it in a white stencil filing cover.

3. On the cover in the bottom left-hand corner place a typed sticky label indicating the date of the stencil and its contents.

4. File the complete article in datal order in a stencil filing bin.



1. Envelopes sent to the U.S. by surface mail cost 2d per 2 oz. These are left open and marked PRINTED RATE.

2. By air first-class Printed Rate costs 1/3 every l/2 oz. Envelopes sealed.

3. By air second-class costs 6d every 1/2 oz. These are left unsealed.


1. Sealed envelopes cost 3d for every first oz. and 1 1/2d for every second oz starting from 2 oz.

2. Unsealed envelopes cost 2d for 2 oz. Every two after first two oz is Id.


PURPOSE: To ensure that all bulletins and policy letters are duplicated accurately on the correct paper with the correct ink, so that they are presentable to the field and the other Organisations.

Turn on the Roneo machine and get roller well inked. Then stop roller revolving and place stencil into position, making sure it is STRAIGHT. Before tearing off the backing sheet, rub gently with your hand around stencil, ensuring that ink penetrates.

1. Take old used paper and pass it through machine until it is running steadily and freely.

2. Allow only one or two new clear pages through for a final testing. (Do not waste paper.)

3. Make sure that printing is centred and straight on the paper, i.e. not too near the top, bottom or one side as the case may be. If this is so alter the position of the page vertically, horizontally, or laterally.

4. Once all these points are ensured place the correct paper for the bulletin into the machine.

5. Set counter for number of bulletins required.

6. If printing is going on the back of any sheet do ten extra copies. DO NOT waste paper at any time. Be careful, as more money is wasted on this than almost any department.

REMEMBER: This is an outflow line. It is very important. The quality of your work represents us here at HCO WW, so don't let us down.

Notes on Mailing of PABs

PAB mailing dates differ in order to arrive on same date in each country.

Time it to arrive between monthly Continental Magazines, i.e. PAB arrives 5th of the month, Minor (or Cont Mag) arrives on the 25th of the month.

Example: if PAB should arrive on 5th January: –

Post from here to:

New Zealand on Dec 1st latest (pref. Nov 18th) takes 5–7 weeks.

Australia on Dec 8th latest (pref. Nov 18th) takes 4–7 weeks.

S.Africa on Dec 21st latest, takes 2 weeks.

U.S.A. on Dec 28th latest (pref. Nov 23rd) takes 6–11 days.

U.K.on Jan 2nd or 3rd.

Exact Postage travel time: N.Z. 22–51 days. Aus. 27–52 days. S.A. 15–16 days. U.S.A. 6–11 days.

Issued by: Norma Webb
HCO Secretary WW