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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Cope and Organize (ORG-2) - P700914 | Сравнить
- How to Organize an Org (ORG-3) - P700914-2 | Сравнить

RUSSIAN DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Как Организовать Работу в Организации (ОРГ-3) (ц) - И700914-2 | Сравнить
- Справляйся и Организовывай (ОРГ-2) (ц) - И700914-1 | Сравнить

SCANS FOR THIS DATE- 700914 - HCO Policy Letter - Cope and Organize [PL042-034]
- 700914 - HCO Policy Letter - Cope and Organize [PL066-002]
- 700914 - HCO Policy Letter - Cope and Organize [PL069-103]
- 700914 Issue 2 - HCO Policy Letter - How to Organize an Org [PL016-055]
- 700914 Issue 2 - HCO Policy Letter - How to Organize an Org [PL042-035]
CONTENTS HOW TO ORGANIZE AN ORG Cохранить документ себе Скачать
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
Issue II
Remimeo Exec Dir Hat HES Hat HAS Hat Org Series 3 URGENT


Let us assume that you have an org to run (or any part thereof).

How would you organize it and get it to function?

1. You would count up and name the different vital actions necessary to functioning.

2. You would count up the persons needed for each function and give them the post names.

3. You would do a checksheet for each post to include its vital data.

4. You would collect the material of each checksheet into a pack.

5. You would recruit the minimal number to begin it, keeping in mind finance and solving that.

6. You would show one of them how to check the others out to get them trained.

7. You would then get the org running.

8. You would expand it by single hatting vital posts.

9. All the while you would cope with things as they came up.

10. You would add to checksheets and packs things learned while operating.

11. You would add posts as they were found needful.

12. You would never drop out the actions of recruiting, checksheets, packs and training.

Naturally the org would have to have a function that was valuable and would have to execute it or produce and be paid or it would not be viable (able to live).

All right. All that seems straightforward enough.

Now let’s see how it could go wrong.

Foremost would be a failure to function or produce and a failure to get paid for it. This would cripple the activity and bring in inadequate operating funds, curtailing facilities and pay and making it undermanned, hurting its image and shutting off recruitment.

Recruiting to fill a new function could be incorrectly (destructively) done by using the production area as the recruitment pool. Also each time a portion was operating well, it could be used as a recruitment pool and emptied out and unmocked. This would destroy all training effort and injure the viability and reverse organization back to cope.

Or no recruitment could be done at all.

There could be no checksheets or packs.

There could be no training done even when checksheets and packs existed.

The checksheets or packs could be too short or unreal for the post. Or they could be too long or relate to another post.

The head of the org could fail to check out the heads of portions.

The heads of portions could fail to get their juniors hatted and checked out.

The org staff could be unaware of their belonging to the org and be unaware of its purpose and general products.

The problems as listed above could remain obscured and ethics could be substituted as an effort to get up production.

There are ten basic points that could go out. These are (1) recruiting (2) training (3) training on post (4) utilization (5) production (6) promotion of product (7) sale of product (8) finance (9) justice (10) morale.

It is assumed that the activity is worthwhile and the potential production valuable. Given that, the remaining ten points are the points where organization breaks down as these areas are the most aberrated in the society.

The fundamental outnesses, however, would be failure to recruit, to have checksheets and packs for each post, get training done on them and have new people on post serve on it in-training.

Let us suppose the head of an org or division never checked any junior out on anything.

Looking at standard functions, everyone would be posting and routing people except Dept 1, intended for that. Everyone would be handling comm except Dept 2, intended for that. Everyone would be inspecting and handling stats except Dept 3. And so on down the line. The place would be a dog’s breakfast of total cope.

All right, let us say one does have a dog’s breakfast instead of an org. How would one straighten it out?

One would cope to maintain some semblance of viability.

One would throw together an org board and post it and drill people on it.

One would throw together hats and get them worn.

One would continue to cope but now also force others to help the coping and cope themselves as semispecialists on their own posts.

Finally one would get checksheets and packs together for each post covering all its actions.

One would then get these checksheets and their packs trained on for each post fully.

Thereafter one would insist that executives made sure their juniors had checksheets and packs as their hats.

And one would continue to recruit as by this time the org would be expanding and it would become upset by undermanning and go down hill again.

One would watch the ten aberrated points as they go out very easily.


People gather up all sorts of weird solutions to running a disorganized org. “We need more experienced people”; “We can’t produce so should be subsidized,” are two common ones.


When people on post do NOT have grooved-in hats they do goofy things. The goofiness is not confined just to their job functions. Lacking a purpose and not conceiving the org purpose they can go utterly astray and do things that are quite mad. Like tearing things up. Like breaking things. Like getting involved in goofy relationships.

You can detect an org where posts are not grooved in by the number of oddball things happening.

The way to put this sort of situation right is to start organizing as given in this rundown.

Working on organization as you cope, it will eventually make it come out right.

When it sags just come back to this rundown and it will all straighten out again.
