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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Org Rudiments Reports to Me (DIV1.DEP3.ORG-RUDS) - P620117 | Сравнить
- Responsibility Again - P620117 | Сравнить

RUSSIAN DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Еще Раз об Ответственности (КРО-4) (ц) - И620117-2 | Сравнить
- Назначение Одиторов (КРО-4) (ц) - И620117-1 | Сравнить
- Направляемые Мне Доклады о Рудиментах Организации (КРО-1) (ц) - И620117-3 | Сравнить

SCANS FOR THIS DATE- 620117 - HCO Policy Letter - Auditor Assignment [PL101-013]
- 620117 - HCO Policy Letter - Org Rudiment Reports to Me [PL005-009]
- 620117 - HCO Policy Letter - Responsibility Again [PL012-021]
- 620117 - HCO Policy Letter - Responsibility Again [PL101-012]
CONTENTS RESPONSIBILITY AGAIN Cохранить документ себе Скачать
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
Reissued on 7 June 1967
Gen Non Remimeo Qual Hats Tech Hats Level VI Students & Above


The common denominator of the Goals Problem Mass is “No Responsibility”. This is the end product that continues any circuit or valence.

This is a deterioration of Pan Determinism over a game into “No responsibility” as follows:*Editor’s Note: Tape Opening Procedure of 8-C, 8 Oct 1954 gives more information to that scale.

No Previous or Current ContactNo responsibility or liability.
Pan DeterminismFull responsibility for both sides of game.
''Other DeterminismNo responsibility for other side of game.
Self DeterminismFull responsibility for self, no responsibility for other side of game.
Valence (Circuit)No responsibility for the game, for either side of the game or for a former self.

The Goals Problem Mass is made up of past selves or “valences”, each one grouped and more or less in a group.

Therefore, the characteristic of the part (the valence) is the characteristic of the whole, the collection of valences known as the Goals Problem Mass.


The way a being is hung with persistent masses is the mechanism of getting him to believe certain things are undesirable. These, he cannot then have. He can only combat or ignore them. Either way, they are not as-ised. Thus they persist.

Only undesirable characteristics tend to persist. Therefore the least desirable valences or traits of valences persist.

The way not to have is to ignore or combat or withdraw from. These three, ignoring or combatting or withdrawing sum up to no having. They also sum up to no responsibility for such things.

Thus we can define responsibility as the concept of being able to care for, to reach or to be. To be responsible for something one does not actually have to care for it, or reach it or be it. One only needs to believe or know that he has the ability to care for it, reach it or be it. “Care for it” is a broader concept than but similar to start, change or stop it. It includes guard it, help it, like it, be interested in it, etc.

When one has done these things, and then had failures through overts and withholds, one cycles down through compulsive and obsessive care, reach and be and inverts to withdraw from, combat or ignore.

Along with ignore goes forgetting or occlusion. Thus a person has occlusion on past valences and past lives go out of sight. These return to memory only when one has regained the concept that they can be reached, or that one dares be them again or that one can care for them.

Herein is the cause and remedy of whole track occlusion.


There are many uses of these principles.

Sec Checking gets off the overts and withholds and opens the gates.

All chronic somatics and behavior patterns are contained in valences and are not traceable to the current lifetime since one can reach present life, is caring for present life and is being present life, so present life is an area of responsibility.

All real difficulty stems from no responsibility.

However, one can use these principles even on present life with considerable gain.
