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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Second Dynamic Security Check Questions (HCOIL) - P620223 | Сравнить

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Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
Central Orgs Franchises

Second Dynamic Security Check Questions

The following additional questions may be added to existing Security Check questions on 2nd Dynamic. They were sent in by Jane Kember and Graham Wood, Staff members at HASI Durban.

1. Did you get married for any other reason than you told (spouse)?

2. Have you ever regretted getting married?

3. Have you ever felt you should have married someone else?

4. Have you ever married someone to change them?

5. Have you ever considered divorcing (spouse)?

6. Have you ever considered yourself to be sacrificing yourself for (spouse)?

7. Have you ever made (spouse) sacrifice something in return?

8. Have you ever used sex as punishment?

9. Have you ever hurt (spouse) sexually?

10. Have you ever failed to reach a climax and blamed (spouse) for it?

11. Have you ever thought of another (terminal) while having sex with (spouse)?

12. Have you ever thought of other things while having sex with (spouse)?

13. Have you ever had critical thoughts about (spouse) body?

14. Have you ever felt your were too good for (spouse)?

15. Have you ever been sexually unsatisfied after you've had sex with (spouse)?

16. Have you ever wanted to act in a depraved way with (spouse)?

17. Have you ever wanted perverted sex with (spouse)?

18. Have you ever criticized (spouse) to the children?

19. Have you ever regretted (spouse) being pregnant?

Issued by: Peter Hemery
HCO Secretary WW
For L. Ron Hubbard