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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Statistics for Divisions (0.CONDITIONS, DIV1.DEP3.OIC) - P650930 | Сравнить

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SCANS FOR THIS DATE- 650930 - HCO Policy Letter - Statistics for Divisions (All Divisions) [PL009-106]
CONTENTS STATISTICS FOR DIVISIONS Exec Division 7 HCO Division 1 HCO Dissem Division 2 Org Division 3 Tech Division 4 Qual Division 5 Dist Division 6 SUMMARY Cохранить документ себе Скачать
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
Remimeo Advisory Councils Advisory Committees All Divisions


(Note: We will call the Advisory Council the Ad Council, never AdCoun, to avoid any errors in confusing it with AdCornm)

Each whole division has a statistic on which it is judged as to condition.

While this gross divisional statistic does not cover all the statistics of the division, it is the primary divisional statistic.

An ADVISORY COUNCIL meeting can be very brief if it has these statistics tallied by AdComms and plotted and submitted by OIC. Then when a gross divisional statistic is up the Ad Council can find out why and reinforce what caused the rise. And when a gross divisional statistic is down, the Ad Council can go through all the remaining statistics of that division and take action accordingly. Thus the Ad Council need not cover all the statistics of an org at its meeting. Only the gross divisional statistics and take action only when these vary widely up or down.

The Advisory Committees of the Divisions record all statistics but headline in their report their gross divisional statistic for quick reference. They include all their statistics, headline their gross divisional statistic.

The gross divisional statistics are:

Exec Division 7

Gross Income of the Org.

This of course reflects best the total Org operation and is what the Exec Division is promoted or demoted for so it is the Division 7 Gross Statistic.

HCO Division 1

Total Org Letters In - Total Org Letters Out.

As HCO has personnel, Ethics and such matters, if they do their job there is a heavy outflow in of all mail types for HCO and the Org and a heavy outflow out from all divisions. If the Personnel Officer gets hard workers and puts their hats on and if Insp & Rpts and Ethics are quick off the mark and if the HCO Area Sec runs a good division and handles all about, the Letter In - Letter Out will tell the tale. HCO sees to it, Org pours out letters and mailing pieces.

HCO Dissem Division 2

Number of new Enrollments of Students and Pcs for the week,and gross Book Sales.

Although this division has Registration, magazines, etc, etc, all these add up to enrollments, which of course is the final result of all magazines, letters, promotion and advanced enrollment. Book sales are our oldest index of future business.

Org Division 3

Credit collections vs Bills paid.

It will be seen that gross income is established by many in the Org but collections as a special income is purely the Org Division's. Bills paid require gross money in, so reflect the gross — no money in, no bills paid. This is a dual statistic which shows the industry of the division in general. It even touches materiel as no bills paid equals no supplies. Monies paid into Reserve Payment do not count as Bills Paid.

Tech Division 4

Number of Students and Pcs completed in the week.

The number enrolled is really only partly the Tech Division's as if they give good service they will get enrollments. However, the completions are the real index of a Tech Division and show up any weakness of the division. So their statistic is only total completions of courses and auditing. This of course includes graduations from any course and completion of any result for the pc that brings a Grade Cert or just ends intensives.

Completed of course means only certified or classed or graded. However completion of a 25 hour intensive which satisfied the pc (no review at end even if one occurred before the end) counts as a pc completed. Five hour rehabs which did not result in a Grade are not completions. Five hour assists bought as assists are done of course in Qual and so are not a Tech statistic.

Qual Division 5

Cash Collected by reason of the Division for the week.

This division's certs and grades and awards are all really the Tech Division's work. But we early found that a Qual Division's various services were paid for when good and not when bad. So this division's gross statistic is how much cash was paid — not later collected, for Qual Division services.

Dist Division 6

Number of field staff member commissions paid/number of new addresses added to CF both for the week.

This dual statistic reflects a healthy Dist Div. The number of new addresses added to CF means of course new people buying things from the org. Therefore its advertising quality and basic services can be judged even though assisted by other divisions as well. The number of field staff commissions paid reflects its leadership of field staff members.

New people is the business of the Dist Div.


There are many other statistics, many even more important than these. But these gross statistics tell one at once if the Division Secretary is alive and has his division functioning. Thus they provide indicators by which management can be done.

The AdComms of course handle all their statistics.

The Ad Council handles the gross divisional statistics looking for steep ups (to assign affluence) or steep downs (to assign emergency).

Gross Income only hereafter influences the Exec Division and is assigned from Saint Hill. All other divisions are assigned conditions by the Ad Council in accordance with the gross divisional statistics.


[Note: The last sentence under HCO Div 1 has been added per HCO P/L 15 December 1965.]

[Considerable evolution of the Statistics for Divisions has occurred since this policy was first written by LRH. As of August 1973, the following P/Ls have amended the above issue: