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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- ARC Breaks and Missed Withholds (SHSBC-147) - L620501 | Сравнить
- Routine 3G - Experimental Preview of a Clearing Process (SHSBC-148) - L620501 | Сравнить



A lecture given on 1 May 1962

Thank you.

Well, from a survey of this I would say some of you can audit. And the rest, why, we're pretty good at training Fortunately.

All right. This is the 1st of May. This is May Day. Mayday. That's a radio signal for "SOS." And if you feel in an SOS frame of mind . . . First of May, AD 12, Saint Hill Special Briefing Course.

All right. I might as well start in giving you hell. So you think you can audit? Ha! You know the hard thing that we have doing? The very, very rough thing we have doing? Is getting an auditor to ask the simplest question. I don't know, maybe there's some vocal selector on "missed withholds." Maybe there's some vocal impasse. Maybe it is absolutely impossible for most people to say "Have I missed a withhold on you?" Maybe there's something in the onomatopoeic of that syllablization. Perhaps the phonetics of it are insurmountable. But that's the hardest thing we have to do. That is the toughest thing to do. It is utterly wild!

We have had more than one case of somebody letting a pc die before they would say it! That's pretty fantastic, isn't it? "Have I missed a withhold on you?" It's simple, isn't it? Now, if — the syllablization can't be the reason because there's another way you can phrase it. "Is there something I should have found out about you?" Ho-ho-ho, that fooled you. you can't keep telling me, "Well, because of my — because I was Japanese in my last life I can't say it." Because you can say it, because there are several ways with which to say it.

Now, you needn't be taken so aback. But it's only that you haven't heard me. See, on this one I am forced into an involuntary withhold. See, I feel like somebody screaming in a soundproof room. Pc comes down out of session — duhuh- into one wall, caroms into the other wall. The auditor comes down beaten to pieces, you see — just absolutely — face utterly flat, you know? And says, "That certainly is an ARC breaky pc. He just has ARC breaks all the time." Obviously the auditor cannot utter these words: "Have I missed a withhold on you?" It is fabulous!

People will actually let a pc sit in front of them and yap and scream and go out of session and have his list all mucked up and his brains knocked out, while the auditor sits there and says, "Well the pc really ought to be controlling the session anyway. And what do I have to do with the session?" It must start with that kind of an attitude, you see. "I have no responsibility for what this fellow is doing because he — look at him — ha-ha-hrrr. Well, what could I do about it?"

Well, you couldn't have done anything about it without Scientology. And perhaps you would have had a rough go of it even a few months ago when you didn't know about missed withholds. But in the few months we have known about it . . .

You ever see a boa constrictor in a zoo? You ever see these? They have glass fronted cages and you look through the glass fronted cage and see this boa constrictor. You ever see this? You know how they feed them? They have a machine and every six months they pry open the boa constrictor's mouth and start the machine going and it puts hamburger — six months' worth — into the boa constrictor. That's the way they feed them. That's actually true. Now, don't make me get one of those machines to teach you this — please! Now, please learn it for the importance that it has.

Let me read you a list of some of the things which a missed withhold cause — and only a missed withhold causes these things. Now, don't get the idea that there's a — see, I think maybe you're not hearing me because you think there's a lot of other things. And there are not. There are no other things that cause these things. The fundamental cause of this long list I am about to read you is missed withholds and nothing else. There isn't any other manifestation from here to the other end of this universe, if you've ever been there — and I'll send you, if you don't learn this — that causes any of these things, except missed withholds. You have a GPM because of missed withholds! Now, that's how important the missed withhold is. You'd never have a single item if people hadn't kept missing withholds on it and you haven't kept missing withholds with it. Now, that's something to know. This is very important.

It is almost as if the basic principle of existence is: thou — when existence is good — "Thou hath not missed a withhold." And when existence is bad, "Thou hath mithed a withhold." See? Now, that's how important that can be.

Now, let me read you the list of the things which only a missed withhold cause. And which are caused only by missed withholds and which missed withholds, asked for, heal — bang Just like that — bang. There is no monkey business about it. A missed withhold properly asked for, the meter properly cleaned on missed withhold, remedies each one of these fifteen things and many more. The number is almost infinite but these are the best ones:

One: Pc failing to make progress. Now, we used to say that was a present time problem. Well, a present time problem comes into existence because somebody has missed a withhold on him. That-he's missed a withhold on somebody else and after that they have problems. You understand? A pc in the presence of missed withholds will not get any graph change. All right.

Two: Pc critical of or angry at the auditor. Pc critical of or angry at the auditor. Now, do you know that you sometimes make a flub. And have you made a flub and the pc didn't protest? And have you made a flub and the pc did protest? Well, now, listen, don't get hung in this mess. you made a flub; the pc protested about it. So therefore you were wrong and he was right. So therefore, it's reasonable. And you know that's why you don't pick up missed withholds? Because it's so reasonable. I spit on reasonability. It's so reasonable.

One auditor said, "Well, the pc sat there and kept calling me a coward and saying I was a coward and I was afraid to audit him and that sort of thing and it was true. So what could I do about it?"

Now look, look, get this real straight. Yes, it's true. Absolutely. That was perfectly true, that the pc was uttering these words and that the auditor was guilty of the charges. But that wasn't what the pc was upset about.

Do you know, it's not what's known that's wrong with the pc, you see? No. The reason the pc protested and got upset about it, is because the pc has a missed withhold. See, it doesn't matter how reasonable the pc's squawk is. You know, you dropped his goals list into the spittoon. You know, and when you got up to fetch it, dumped the E-Meter over his head, you see. And he says, "What the hell are you doing?" Now, if he says, "What the hell are you doing?" it's because a withhold has been missed earlier than that. Do you follow this?

See, don't get so doggone tied up in the reasonability of it. Very often the pc's complaints are correct; very often the pc's complaints are incorrect. It does not matter whether the pc's complaints are correct or incorrect. The pc is complaining because you have missed a withhold on the pc. And that's all there is to it. There isn't any more explanation to it than that. Do you see? This bypasses reasonability.

Now, of course, you can take an auditor who can't do a Model Session and doesn't know an E-Meter — one end of it than the other — can't follow on any TR, and he's stumbling and fumbling in all directions, and trying to end the session with no rudiments. And before the session has started he said, "Well let's see, I'll do my Model Session. Now, let's see, what part of it is . . .? Let's see. Have I . . .? Let's see, where is it here? Oh yes, 'End of session!' No, no, I mean — uh, I mean — uh . . ."

And do you know the only reason the pc gets upset is because a withhold has been missed on him. you search it out sometime. You go into this thing, you know, and you'll see that's a fact. See, the missed withhold might be such a thing: "Well, you schnook, why the hell did they ever let you out of the Academy?" Still a missed withhold. See, for a few minutes, for a few seconds, the pc was — tried to be nice about it. Tried to be patient about it. Tried to, you know. Get it audited anyway. You know, try to get the session going so they're stonily not saying anything oh, you've been there, have you?

Look, I told you a long time ago that it took a half an hour to an hour and a half for the pc to blow a session. This is just empirical observation. This betokens the fact that something must have happened that much earlier. And the something that happened that much earlier was a missed withhold. But you can see it; you can see it on a pc. you can see it growing and growing and then the pc finally blows.

And a real dumb auditor with no observation of the pc, auditing the meter instead of the pc or something, see, auditing the — his memory or something, doesn't see this, and all of a sudden the pc explodes and tries to blow session and the auditor tries to put this back together again. And if the pc is halfway out the door, that is not the time to try to patch up a session, see? See, it had already happened a half an hour to an hour and a half earlier. So this is not the time to patch up the session. The time to patch up the session is routinely and regularly, earlier.

And the way you patch it up — now this is, it's very complicated and I know it's very hard to understand, and I know there — that it's almost impossible to utter these words — is to say to the pc, "Have I missed a withhold on you?" Not when he leaves the session. When he's going out of the door, I want to point out a physical fact to you: the E-Meter cans are no longer in his hands. They are lying dented on the floor, see. So you don't ask him that at that time.

No, the technical way to go about it, you see, the real professional attitude, is to ask him the question while he is still sitting in the chair. And now if you're a real pro you will notice that the pc is not in good comm with you when he ceases to be in good comm with you merely by the tiniest inflection of voice. And at that moment you will ask, "Have I missed a withhold on you?" And it goes glang. And he tells you what it is and then you clean it up properly. Do you know how to clean one up properly? Well now just a minute. You say, "Have I missed a withhold on you?" And he says, "Yes, I had a fight with my mother this morning."

Now, a huge crossroads yawns before us. And there's a tremendous boulevard which has magnetic attractors laid into it all down the left. And the little, tiny straight path on the right is not at all attractive, see. And most auditors drive down this tremendous wide highway by saying, "What was the fight about?" Ohhh-ohh. Oh, no. Oh no, we've had it now. We're on the M1 at a hundred and twenty-five miles an hour with no brakes and can't find the ignition switch. There isn't any way of stopping now because things just go from worse to worser.

No, that little, little path on the right is the one we want. And we say, "Good," or "Is that all of it?" or "Good, thank you. All right. Is there any other withhold I have missed on you?" See. And that steers us right back into the session again, see. That's all we do. Trouble with it is it's too cockeyed simple, you see? You see? It's too — much too simple. And as long as you keep getting knocks on missed withholds you keep asking for them. And when he gives them, you don't develop them. you just understand and acknowledge them. That's all you do with them. Don't do another thing. And the pc just sinks back into session beautifully. He just goes right back into session. It's gorgeous. It's marvelous. It's such magic, nobody ever heard of such a thing. It's unbelievable until you've done it.

Pc is screaming his head off. You can't even be heard above the highpitched roar, see. But you manage — he finally takes a breath, and as he takes that breath you say, "Have I missed a withhold on you?"

Now, oddly enough, "What are you trying to make me guilty of?" is not palatable to pcs. It isn't. It's a piece of technology but if — pcs don't like it. And the next one is, "What have you done to me in this session?" The pc doesn't like that either. But pcs for some reason or other always take this like little lambs. "Babies cry for Castoria," you know? And, "Have I missed a withhold on you?" You see, you've already accused yourself. See? And very often this strikes him that you're being terribly clever. "How did you know?" See? He doesn't connect it with roaring at you. Very interesting technology.

I'll read you another one of these conditions:

Three: Pc refusing to talk to auditor. That happens ordinarily fifteen or twenty minutes before the blow. So that's just a little closer to the end of session and the final blow, you see? But the conditions are the same. Up to fifteen, twenty minutes, half an hour before that refusal to talk to the auditor there has been a missed withhold with magnitude. Ordinarily the session started out with a missed withhold, continued with a missed withhold while twenty or thirty new missed withholds developed. And then the pc goes into a total withhold.

See, there's such a thing as an involuntary withhold, too. The mechanisms of the ARC break — if you really want to promote an ARC break with the pc, you can, by hanging him with withholds which are involuntary. The involuntary withhold is something else. The pc says, "cat," and you don't acknowledge it. And he says, "dog," and you don't write it down or acknowledge it. And he's giving you list items, you see, and you just sit there and gaze off into space or something like that. And the next thing you know, he gets the idea that he's withholding Naturally he is because he's not communicating The funny part of it is, the same question serves. "Have I missed a withhold on you?"

"Yes, goddamnit. I said 'cat' and I said 'dog' and so forth. And you missed these as withholds."

Now, the thing to do is acknowledge these things. And you just acknowledge the fact that you've missed the withhold. That's all you have to do about it. Straighten out the situation with the pc if it's the fact you actually didn't put a couple of items down on the list. But honestly, it cures it up right away.

There are many types of involuntary withholds. Do you realize that most of you have all — are out of ARC with the Marcab Confederacy at this time because you're not saying anything to them. Somebody who is very Christian, extremely Christian — you know, has to have permission to eat breakfast and has to have permission to eat lunch and then forgiven for the evening. You know, their life wholly turns on these little pivots — will sooner or later in one lifetime or another listen for a moment after the prayer, you see, or something, and the circuit they've been using hasn't — hasn't spoken for some time. They get no acknowledgment. And they realize they've been talking all this time to the Big Thetan, you see? And nobody's ever said a word. And they get madder than hell at the Catholic church, you know. And they start revolutions and burn popes and . . . It's marvelous.

The most adventurous activity you could possibly engage upon would be to start something that couldn't ever have any acknowledgment. See. Because sooner or later that's going to bust everybody up into a screaming fury. Because it's going to add up to nothing but one long chain of missed withholds. You follow that?

Now, this refusal to talk is the realization that one can't because one isn't being heard. Well, there's two ways to go about this, is acknowledge the living daylights out of the pc and give him about twenty or thirty acknowledgments in a row, one way or another. Or just ask him if you've missed a withhold. And he'll come back into communication with you, because of course these all seem to him like withholds. See, although he isn't withholding anything he can't communicate anything, so therefore he is, you see, withholding, in his opinion. You got it?

Now, of course we covered number four: pc attempting to leave session. That's what happens after the pc refuses to talk to the auditor or the reverse of the flow is scream at the auditor. See, there's a reverse side of the same flow. He's not talking to the auditor then, either. In fact he's practically unintelligible ordinarily. And by the way, auditing can get a pc — I will tell you something — auditing can get a pc into this state when the auditor himself is being technically very bad. When his TRs are very bad, and so forth, he can just stack up, stack up, stack up, stack up, these involuntary withholds. And just keep stacking them up, stacking them up, stacking them up. And eventually the pc gets into a screaming fit.

There are — is no such thing as "an ARC breaky pc," you understand? There's only auditors who can't acknowledge, you see, and won't audit the pc, that's all. Because you could take any — I could take any person in this room and in the course of fifteen minutes of a session that they would think was letter-perfect, have them absolutely screaming enough to break plaster off the ceiling in an ARC break. You could do it to any pc, so don't think this is a specialized pc condition; it is not. you can get any pc into this state. They go out of — you can just drive them out of their minds. It's a liability in auditing. So don't classify one pc as ARC breaky and another pc not ARC breaky, because they could all be made to ARC break. There isn't a person here I couldn't do this to.

Just by asking you a question forcefully and then never acknowledging anything you say. Just be doing just that, see. And I'll say, "Well come now, come now, have you ever been to school?"

And you say, "Yes, I've been to school."

"Have you ever been to school!"

"I have been to school!"

"You're not answering my question. Have you ever been to school?"

And if we just kept up this thing — man, boom! That's all you have to do, you understand? Because you're creating a missed withhold every question. And you just stack them up, bing-bing-bing-bing. Actually pc's can faint, have heart attacks — almost anything you can think of under this kind of treatment. You can do anything you want to to a pc in the way of making him thoroughly ill just with this kind of treatment. Never acknowledge anything he says. Every time he says something, say something else. Don't ever acknowledge it. Just follow that course. You say, "Well, we're going to list this list. What should be disregarded in order to make people sick?" You know, whatever it is, you see.

"All right. Is there anything that should be disregarded to make people sick?"

And the pc says, "Well, medicine."

"Yeah. Well, I know — but uh — is there any uh — get the question, now: Is there anything that should be disregarded to make people sick?" You see, you haven't written down anything.

And he says, "Well, uh, medicine."

And you say, "Now, listen to the question carefully this time."

Honest, you can just blow them right straight up. They'll scream, man! Take them maybe fifteen minutes to work up to it, but if you do it adroitly, he'll — even though the guy doesn't — even though the guy might start out knowing what you're doing, he'll still scream. See how you can stack them up? Those are all just missed withholds. And if you turned around after that and said, "Have I missed a withhold on you?" he'd say, "Yeah, you refused to say anything about medicine." You clean this all up, and he comes right back to battery just like that.

In other words you can create and dissipate an ARC break just as easily as that. Just refuse to receive anything from the pc and then afterwards find out if you've missed a withhold on the pc. By refusing to receive anything from the pc you'll get the ARC break and all manifestations. They'll scream at you or they eventually refuse to talk to you. They go into complete apathy. They go into such apathy by the way, that they can't talk. They're not being unwilling; it's unable! And then they eventually know it's for the best that they get out of that room. Well, they might walk out howling and they might walk out absolutely mum, but they feel like hell.

All right, you — so you can turn the manifestation on by missing withholds and you can turn it off by asking if you've missed any withholds. In other words, an old pal of mine who did most of the helicopter work other people have gotten credit for in subsequent years, sits there and argues with the whole University of Kansas at Lawrence. He takes them all on. It's just a small pastime with him. He told me one time, he says, "Well, if you really knew your business," he says, "you could make — if you really knew anything about the mind, Ron," he said, "you could make people laugh at will and cry at will." And he said, "Then that would be a good test whether you knew anything about the mind. you know?" Well, I won't say it went so far as I immediately made him laugh and cry, but here is something: If you really know the mechanism of something, you can turn it on or turn it off, you see? And you sure know the mechanism of an ARC break. You can turn one on; you can turn one off. You can create them and you can vanish them.

Now, in view of the fact that you can be sitting there acknowledging the pc perfectly every time he speaks and taking care of everything he says, and you're doing all this perfectly, and so forth, how does a pc still have an ARC break? Well, the withhold that you've missed just has been ticked but hasn't come up, see? It could be something like this — it could be as vague as this: he read in a magazine — he's read in one of the Scientology magazines that one won't make any progress, you know, if he's thought evil thoughts. You know, or something. You know, something weird like this. He's got some misinterpretation. You're busy auditing him and you're going down the line. And you say, "Well, are you withholding anything?" And at that moment why, you're auditing with a Tasmanian meter or something. Something, something's going on, you know. I mean, it hasn't got anything to do with auditing; you miss this entirely. Or at that particular moment he's totally ARC broke or he's so scared of you he's not in-session or something happens and you don't get any register on this meter, see. you go by and all of a sudden you find out you're getting no place fast. you should sense that something is wrong with the session.

When you sense something is wrong with . . . One of the ways of doing it is the needle bobs and then you ask a question or while you're asking a question the needle does something or the needle does something during and after you ask the question. Regardless of what you're saying the needle is active, see? There is no timing between you and the meter, let me put it that way, see?

You say, "Do you eat catfish for breakfast?" see, and the thing falls on "do" and "breakfast" but not on any timing that has anything to do with you, you see. you say — apparently, you know, it looks like it fell on "do" and "catfish" or something like this. And then you look up at the pc — one of the things to do is just stop talking to the pc for a moment. And you'll see it's doing the same thing. Heh-heh-heh-heh-heh. What do you know? Hoo-hoo. And you say, "Do you eat catfish for breakfast?" And the needle goes dip-bob-dip, you know. Hmmmm. "Do you eat catfish for breakfast?" and it goes dip-bob-dip — latent this time, you see. "Do you eat cat ." It goes, dip-bob-dip. Just don't ask anything for a moment. It'll go, dip-bob-dip. It's haunted. You watch that sometime because that's the commonest thing that happens on one of these things. It's called a needle pattern.

All needle patterns are caused by missed withholds — all needle patterns.

Number five: Pc not desirous of being audited or anybody not desirous of being audited. Grandma is sitting there and she's going natter-natter-natter-natter-natter-natter. "The idea of little Johnny getting audited," and so forth. Johnny, little Johnny, is forty and married, see. But, "Little Johnny shouldn't be getting audited. Why are you interested in that sort of thing? What's the idea of doing anything about that? Nyah-nyah-nyah-nyah-nyah," she chews some more snoose.

You go in there to audit John, you see, and she's sitting over there in the chair. And she's going vitriol, vitriol, vitriol, vitriol, you know. Make up your mind. You've missed a withhold on her.

How could you? You've never talked to her? Oh, but you're the one who's supposed to know. So you see, it's automatic. It'd startle her half to death if you walked over and put a — E-Meter cans in her hands and said, "Have I missed a withhold on you?" you know, "Is there something I failed to find out about you, Grandma?"

"Well, I should say there is, son."

She'd probably tell you, too. It's quite remarkable. It all depends on how good your presence is. you have to hold her in that first couple of seconds to get over the rage surge. Then she'll talk to you like a canary bird, you know. She'll just sing, sing, sing Well, you prompt her a little bit, you know, and away they go at it. They'll argue for a little while and then there they go. It's — she says, "I would never be audited." Why would she never be audited? Because somebody, including you, somebody else and other somebodies and also you have missed withholds on her, that's all. That's simple, see.

There is no other reason people don't want to be audited. You see, these are all on the bracket of, "There is no other reason," don't you see? There isn't also the fact that the libido often comes into conflugence with the lumbosis, you see, and makes a censorious subconscious. See, that has noth — that explanation isn't there either, see. It's just missed withholds, that's all. Nothing — nothing more.

People try to make so much out of this, you see. And then they all say, "Well, the ARC break is so terrible." This person is so vitriolic. They've gone down to the police department and they've told the police there that everybody in that Scientology office should be arrested and everything else, and — and so forth. You say, well, it's because they're a member of the Communist Party. Well all right, they're a member of the Communist Party. That's reasonable. And you say it's because they have an uncle who's a psychiatrist. That's reasonable. It's because they've been in an institution. That's reasonable. These things are all true, don't you see. Everything's all true. Nobody argues with any of these things. But the reason they did it was because somebody's missed a withhold, see.

And this reporter comes in to get a story from you for the newspaper. He sits there the whole damn time with a missed withhold. See, what you should know is he's going to clobber you, man. The way to start in on some guy, he's — guy's sitting down there with a hell of a sneer on his face, and say, "Well, all right. I'm quite aware of what you're going to do. You're going to go — you're going to treat me nice, and then you're going to go back to the paper and write a hell of a thing. You've already got orders of the kind of story you're supposed to write on the newspaper. You're already — city editor's been telling you. I wonder why you came down here to get any details because you've got the story all written in your typewriter already, huh! That's right, isn't it Jack? Ha-ha!"

The guy goes, "I-huh-hoo-oooh . . ."

"Well, let's find out something about your personal life now that we got that established and you don't know anything about the thing. Let's see, what withhold has your wife missed on you?" Put him on the meter. "Well, take a hold of the cans!" "Take them! All right, now, what withhold has your wife missed on you?" Heh-heh huh!

"Oh, well, I . . ."

Hold him back to the — against the wall until you get them cleared. And he'll walk out of there saying, "God damn them people, why don't they mind their own business!" He won't dare write a word, man! Marvelous.

All right. Now, this is a new one to you:

Number six: Pc boiling off. Oh, you thought it was from some other things, didn't you? Oddly enough a stuck flow is the basic cause of the actual mechanics of boil-off, but apparently a stuck flow is only caused by a missed withhold either way to. And all boil-off is a missed withhold. So you say to the pc, you say to the pc — you're nulling, you know — and you say, "Cat, dog, catfish, waterbuck," and the pc goes zzzzzzzz, see. Well oddly enough, if you went on and read the list you'd still get the proper reactions on the thing — doesn't matter whether he's boiling off or not. But you should at that stage of the game say, "Have I missed a withhold on you?" Particularly when you hear him snore.

Listen. If you let a pc even go fuzzy, you've missed a withhold on him. See, they go a little bit fuzzy and then they get a little bit dopey. And then they go into a zzzuhhhh. And they go all the way on out. Every one of those stages is caused by a missed withhold.

You understand, when I say "missed withhold" it isn't something about they have murdered the cook and stuffed her body in the dinner dishes. We're not looking for any blood here. It's just the fact that they came into session and wanted to go to the bathroom and didn't. Now, that makes a corking withhold. And you didn't find out about it. And that's enough to make a pc completely boil right out in the session. Anything you try to do with the pc, the pc boils off. Bing-bang. And you finally better find out what it is and straighten it out. That's all boil-off and all fogginess and all stupidity. It's all low IQ. That isn't mentioned in there, but it would be a section under six.

The next one is: The pc is exhausted. How many of you have wished that you didn't feel so exhausted? All right. Let your auditor wish right now that he'd picked up a few withholds off you — missed withholds, you understand. Pick up the missed withholds. Entirely different subject, you know, than picking up withholds.

Withholds you pick it up with Prepchecking, you can even pick up missed withholds with Prepchecking But withholds are withholds. You have to develop withholds. What has he done that is contrary to mores and all this kind of thing A big subject, withholds.

But missed withholds is a very tight, narrow subject. It's something you should have found out and didn't; something he should have found out and didn't; something it should have found out and didn't; some something they should have found out and didn't; something the pc should have found out and didn't. Don't you see? All of these things classify as missed withholds. "Should have — should have found out." Exhaustion — exhaustion and the sensation of tiredness and all the rest of that, pin right down on the subject of missed withholds. The pc finishes the session feeling very exhausted — some withholds have been missed. It's as simple as that.

And there's an awful lot of pcs come into HGCs and they come in because they're so exhausted and never have any pep or energy. And this is one of their prime examples. Well, it's just missed withholds. Simple. I mean, something that makes that much fuss in life, you see, to be that simple, is why everybody overlooked it. you see, because this little drop of water called a missed withhold couldn't possibly cause that avalanche and explosion called Vesuvius. But it did.

All right. Your next one, eight: Pc feeling foggy at session end. you actually, in going over your end rudiments should notice whether or not the pc can talk to you. I mean, that's interesting — it's all right for you to go in consultation with the meter and ignore the pc. you actually should only handle things in end rudiments which knock on the meter. But as you're sitting there — I'm not asking you to do this routinely and all the time, you know. you know, I'm not — not to put your attention on it or anything like that, but just the way you'd up your own havingness, you know, by noticing the settee or the ceiling or something; notice there's a pc sitting in the other chair, you know. And notice the pc is sometimes mmmm-mmmm-mmmm . . .

And you say, "Is it all right if I end the session now?"


Well, I know it isn't — I know it isn't absolutely necessary to — according to Model Session, in order to do this, but he might have been asleep. Something else might have happened when you passed "Have I missed a withhold on you?" in the end rudiments, you know? Pick up a few just for fun, you know? Not for any reason — yeah, just for fun, noticing that you have a pc, you might pick up some of the missed withholds at the end of the session and notice the pc brighten right up and cease to be foggy. It's quite an interesting thing to watch.

Pc starts into a boil-off — pick up the missed withholds right in the middle of the session, you see. End of session the pc says he feels real weird. You know, he doesn't know whether he's here or there or otherwise. Pick up a few missed withholds on him. He's always got some. They're little cotton-picking withholds. They haven't got anything to do with anything broad or expansive. Big missed withhold: You didn't find out that he wanted a cigarette and a break. But he knew he had better not have a cigarette and a break because he is also very interested in getting his goal found so he doesn't mention it. At session end he's going blah. "Have I missed a withhold on you?" "Is there something I should have found out?" Well, he thinks. And you say, "that, that," you know.

"Oh, oh that. Huh. Oh, it's nothing very much. I didn't tell you that I wanted a break and a cigarette about an hour ago. I didn't tell you I wanted a break and cigarette about an hour ago. Heh-heh. Nothing to that." He's all cheered up. He's all alert. Didn't take anything at all, don't you see? These things are little, tiny, damn, fool things, you know.

If you always put "in this session" ahead of your question, why, you find yourself keeping the pc quite alert and quite capable of being audited without ever plowing up any backtrack. When you're doing a Routine 3 Process you don't particularly want to be plowing any backtrack. And you'll find that it's a pretty good thing to do that.

One thing argues against that is once in a while you pick up not a missed withhold, but sometimes you will pick up something that wasn't known about the goal or something like this and it'll be backtrack. But that's not as valid as asking for an invalidation — when you're doing with items and goals you should ask for lots — you should ask for invalidations, you see, and things like that. That's not a missed withhold.

But "In this session have I missed a withhold on you?" Actually, if you did no more than that, if you never picked it up any earlier than this session, you'll still keep the pc alert. And don't think by finding a great big avalanche of the thing stemming all from the basic-basic a hundred and eighty trillion years ago — you pick up one missed withhold a hundred and eighty trillion years ago — he's going to stay bright in the session. No, he's not. See, it's the session missed withholds that are important to your auditing and doing Routine 3, is all I'm trying to tell you.

All right. Number nine: Dropped havingness. Can squeeze at the beginning of the session, a quarter-of-a-dial drop. can squeeze at end of a session, eighth-of-a-dial drop.

"Have I missed a withhold on you?"

"Yes. So, so, so and so-and-so. Yes, and . . ."

"All right. Thank you. Now, let me clear that. Have I missed a withhold on you?"

"Yes. Yap-yap-yap-yap-yap." "All right, all right. Let me test that out. Have I missed a withhold on you? Yeah, well that's clean. Squeeze the cans." Bang A quarter-of-a-dial drop. No Havingness run.

You'll find the havingness will go right back up, and even improve. Particularly if you're picking up missed withholds on a little bit broader basis you'll find that havingness improves all over the place, not just "in this session." You just say well . . . If you're prepchecking, particularly, on some missed withhold Zero Question. Man, you'll find that havingness picks up and picks up and picks up and picks up. Because what it is — what is it? It's a not-reach, isn't it? And havingness is a reach.

All right. Number ten: Pc telling others the auditor is no good. "Joe is really a schnook. He really can't audit worth schnooks." You're passing at this moment on this list out into the outer perimeter of life. We've gone out of the auditing session. That's why that is marked there as number ten. It isn't these are all of them; it's just those that most concern the auditor.

And what is known at once about this pc? Well, that the auditor missed a withhold on the pc. That is actually all there is to be known about it. Of course, it is bad auditing now that you know about it.

Now, in earlier auditing, earlier than two or three months ago, it was possible for a pc to be pretty badly cut up by never being acknowledged to what he said. And a whole bunch of withholds stacked up and the guy got into a lot of ARC breaks, thrown into an apathetic state and all this kind of thing, because it was rocked-up auditing. Yeah, he'll argue about this auditor. But that doesn't — even though we didn't know the technology, that doesn't say it didn't exist. You see, people studying Scientology only — only people who study Scientology really don't know anything about it, you know. They haven't really done anything with it, you understand that. They make this mistake. They think that every time we come out with something new, old things cease to be true, you see. The ARC Scale went out because we've just said there's an Effect Scale. Yeah, oh, you'll find that rather consistently. Of course, they never had any reality and didn't understand the ARC Scale in the first place.

You'll find these people hanging around PE Courses and things like that. And they say, "Why is Ron always changing his mind?"

Ron isn't changing his mind! See? The thing's still true, you know? Well similarly, just because we have learned of a datum doesn't mean it didn't exist before we learned of it. See? It didn't materialize at the moment we learned about it. It had been there all the time. Well, this was the cause for all of these ARC breaky sessions and all of these prior upsets in auditing See, whatever the score was.

Now, formerly it was simply an index of how well, really, how perceptive an auditor was, and how well he acknowledged the pc. And if he was not very perceptive and he didn't acknowledge the pc, and if he also ran a lousy session, of course, his pcs had a hell of a time. And the pcs would all go around saying, "God, that was a lousy auditor." Well, they might have been right.

But today, under this understanding, see, all right, you just — auditor's missed a withhold, that's all.

Now, what do you say about this pc. They said, "Well, this fellow, this fellow Schnooks up in the Northwest" — or something like that — "My God, was he a terrible auditor."

Your instant response is, "What withhold did he miss on you?" You understand?

Now, instantly you — you see, it just doesn't matter otherwise than you've got a snarl up of auditing track. So if you're auditing the person — I'm talking about in an auditing session and he says, "Well, Schnooks was terrible. And he just about cut my throat from ear to ear."

"What with " If you're clearing up by Prepchecking and past auditing and that sort of thing. You don't do these things while you're running Routine 3, you understand. Prepchecking, you're trying to straighten out the pc so the rudiments stay in. You'd ask some question, "What withhold did Schnooks miss on you?"

Oh, you'll get the Seattle phone directory. God, it'll be that thick. But they'll mostly be little things. Don't look for any big home runs. And they'll basically be fundamentally that he didn't acknowledge well, see. The auditor didn't acknowledge well and the auditor wasn't very perceptive. Pc stumbles into session, falls in the door, exudes alcohol fumes to the point where if it got as far as the gas stove in the kitchen the whole house would have blown up, you know. And the auditor takes him in session and audits him, you know, never noticing that he's three sheets to the wind with the demon rum, you see?

And the pc gets along fine and then all of a sudden says, "You know, I'm not supposed to be audited while I'm under the influence of alcohol." And then immediately concerned, and says, "You know, that auditor probably didn't notice I was under . . ." so therefore what hasn't been acknowledged is his alcoholism, so therefore that has no chance of blowing and he feels stuck with the alcohol, see.

It's all on the basis of. . . Actually the whole thing is explainable on TR 4. You need no more technical explanation than TR 4. That which is not acknowledged continues to exist. Remember the old, very interesting old processes we had, something like the "Great Okay." You know, that kind of thing? Gee, I bet that about blew some peoples' heads off, man. It must have been fabulous. The "Great Okay."

If you were to look at some girl — if you were to look at some girl and give her a terrific acknowledgment of one kind or another, you know she might vanish. But knowing women, I don't think she would. She'd have other withholds that would hold her together.

All right. Eleven: Pc demanding redress of wrongs. Now, that applies to a — pc is saying you ought to audit them 196 more hours free and demanding redress of wrongs — saying they're going to sue somebody over auditing or something like this. Well, you know, anything, it doesn't matter. And it doesn't matter if it happened and it doesn't matter if it's reasonable, and it doesn't matter if it's absolutely scurrilously antisocial — this occurrence — it doesn't matter! The fundamental of it is, and the cure of it is all contained not in court, but in missed withholds. "What withhold did the auditor miss on you?" "What should the organization have found out about you?" You understand? It blows; solves the situation. Simple, once you look at it.

Twelve: Pc critical of organizations or people of Scientology. Just the same that I just said. They say, "Natter-natter-natter. Oh, those people up in Johannesburg they're absolutely no good," and so forth. Well, what did Johannesburg fail to find out about them? That's the only thing. Bang! See? Johannesburg must have failed to find out something about them.

Get this kind of a situation: Now, George, George writes from Cape Town and he says to Johannesburg, he says, "Please send me a book and here is — here are ten rand" or something, and, "apply the rest of it to any research funds that you have." And the book department credits them with this for new books. And you know that person will get very upset and critical of Central Organizations. It won't have anything much to do with this payment they sent in. As a matter of fact trying to locate this will take a moment or two. He obviously has not been acknowledged. He actually was trying to give you some money. And you didn't take it. See, you applied it to his account or you did something else with it, you know? You've missed a withhold of some kind or another, you see.

He's tried to say something and it hasn't been acknowledged. He's tried to communicate something and it has not occurred. When people write you a letter and they say, "Is it true that Ron uses boats for roller skates?" or — and so on and it's that sort of thing. And "Is it true that — uh — do auditors have to wear gumboots while auditing pcs?"

And you look at this long list of questions, you know, and you say, "Oh, for Christ's sakes," you know. What a . . . And you say, "Why don't you come in and see the Registrar?" Oh, no, man. No. Every question you didn't answer becomes a missed withhold. Noooo! Now, these things can be very, very weird. Three years after a lady wrote in and asked for any data we had on processing children, I found the letter in Central Files. It had been answered several times. No second letter had ever come from this lady. But several Letter Registrars had written her letters. And none of them had answered her question do we have a book, you see, on child — on auditing children, you know? So I was — I used — very often every few years I'll be in some organization, I'll pick up a bunch of stuff out of CF and write some letters just to give some examples, you know? And every now and then why the HCO Communicator will up and mail them. This has been known to absolutely send a Letter Registrar into fits because he'll suddenly hear from people enthusiastically that they haven't written to. Because I will invariably sign their name, you see? You know?

The Letter Registrar is Dorothy Jay, you see, and something like this. I'll sign the letter Dorothy Jay, don't you see, and send it out. Just answer the question. "Yes, we have a — yes, we have a book called Child Dianetics that tells all about. . ." No preamble, see. "Yes, we have a book called Child Dianetics that tells about auditing children. We are sending you a copy in return mail and you can pay us for it if you wish." Terrific enthusiastic response from the lady, see. Three years we've been missing a withhold on her, see. So she's never communicated to us. Well, we go back and we say patiently — on some of these letters — we say, "No, auditors do not have to wear gumboots while giving sessions." And all of a sudden we get a vast burst of enthusiasm.

This is so much so that if you were to simply go through a Central Files or your own files and pick out every letter you'd ever received from anybody on the subject of that and checked it over very carefully to make sure that every question in those letters had ever been answered, you would all of a sudden be inundated with mail. It's quite fascinating

This — people all over the place pick up missed withholds very, very easily on organizations and on private auditors — very easily. Now, people critical of Scientology broadly go on the basis of, "They should know what I am thinking." They're usually kind of nutty. They're not going outside the realm of Scientologists and they should know what I'm thinking. And they don't know what I'm thinking because they haven't written to me, and they don't know what I think and we think something else and they haven't found out about it, and therefore they're no good and we ought to mow them all down!" Just as elementary as that. We failed to find out about them.

One of the best ways to knock out a complete entheta campaign against Scientology is just describe everything that you do know about the people who are attacking you. one of the most effective ways of doing this is to send this detective around to investigate them and then they know that you haven't missed a withhold. And you know, they shut up just like that. The most fantastic magic you ever heard of. Detective never finds out a thing.

They've been living an exemplary life, a totally exemplary life working for Russia in the American Foreign Office and there they are, you know. And — but they hear a detective has been around and now they know that you know, see.

If they're still unsure that you know, why, they will still be upset. So if you were to stand in front of one of these Joes and you could say, "Well, now that we know all about you, there's nothing much more we could say is there?" The guy will go away absolutely crushed. He actually would fall for that. Weird. But as long as you really don't know about them you're in trouble with them.

And of course, there isn't anything that substitutes for auditing. But you actually can put up a facade or you can find out the information so that it ceases to be a missed withhold. One of the effective ways is not only find out the information, but publish it. A-r-r-r-g-h. We're talking about somebody way outside; you say immediately that'd be libel suits.

Isn't that interesting that all these years I have never had a real libel suit ever filed against myself or a Scientology organization for publishing the absolute facts learned. Don't go into any fancy monkey business, just publish the facts. Say, "Well, most of the communists in the University of Australia are — amongst the professors — are shacked up with students and they're held under blackmail. And so are the Roman Catholic fathers connected with that particular university and they are held under blackmail for perversion. And that is why communism and Catholicism seem to be hand in glove in Australia — because of the same blackmail racket."

"Well, God" you'd say, "breathing anything like that these people could execute you at dawn, you know! They'll just yank you up in front of court and take billions away from you."

Well, they were going to take all kinds of things away from us up to the time we really put the blocks to them with it. I don't think we've ever heard anything since. The only entheta we've got now is in Brisbane. And that's pretty easy to dispense with — Brisbane. Just go up river a little bit and let them float on out to sea.

But, there's the missed withhold in operation in the society.

Now, fourteen: Lack of auditing results. And we go back actually a cousin to number One. We would say broadly in any organization that is there because we say, "broadly in any organization." If that organization is getting into trouble it's lack of auditing results and that's all, or of practice. That's just lack of auditing results. And those lack of auditing results rest on the cornerstone, not of other technology, but the missed withhold.

You want to clean that up, just clean up missed withholds wherever you can lay hands on a pc and all of a sudden your organization will soar. That is the most magic method of repairing an organization's results, income, public presence, lack of buildings or anything else. It would be right under that heading Quite important.

Joburg have to learn that right now and they haven't learned it too well. Washington is living down some of its sins and crimes. This is what you have to do to set it all back up again. You have to pick up all the missed withholds.

And, number fifteen: Dissemination failures. You're talking to somebody, you're trying to tell him about Scientology and he can't seem to understand about it and he argues about it, and he says, well it — "The I-Will-Arise Holy Rollers to which I belong are far superior and we've had that answer for many years." The answer is, "What have I failed to find out about you?" So he tells you and then he says, "Yeah, I'd like some auditing."

The trouble is it's too pervasive and it's too magic. It's too simple. And for that reason auditors miss it. So this bulletin on which this lecture has been based and which is not at all in — there's a lot more in this bulletin than there is in this lecture — May the 3rd, 1962, HCOB, ARC BREAKS AND MISSED WITHHOLDS and that sort of thing has a certain design. And that's a how-to-use-this-bulletin. And it's a very funny thing that it is headed with, "How to use this bulletin."

Every time you hear any of these things taking place in any branch of a Central Organization or an auditing session or anything else, you hand the person who is at the receiving end of the upset a copy of this. That doesn't matter if he's a student, he's a preclear, he's an organizational executive, anything else.

Pc comes down, he looks all busted up. The auditor comes in and says, "My God that's an ARC breaky pc." Just reach in the drawer, get one of these, and hand it to him. Tell him to read it and tell him to report to the HCO Sec to take an examination on it.

Honest — it's the only answer. There isn't any point in doing anything else. Now, naturally, the person has to know his Model Session, his E-Meter and so forth. And has to be able to handle the tools and weapons of his business in order to even fetch up and get off the missed withholds, don't you see? So it goes without saying that people have some skill in handling meters and Model Sessions and that sort of thing. Beyond that point there is nothing but missed withholds that cause upset.

This is a fantastic principle. And it comes right back to the fourth TR. And it goes right into the communication formula. And it goes right in to not-knowingness, and it goes in at — it finds a birth or a cousin, in almost every factor we have ever handled in Scientology one way or the other. The person with missed withholds has the idea that he can't reach so it goes into havingness, and on and on and on. you got the idea?

So it's very important technology. And listen, you don't need to have, ever, an ARC breaky pc. you never need to make a flub on a list. These things are archaic. They belong to our Stone Age, see. We're into a much higher level of technology today. As well as requiring new auditing precision, we've got this particular tool.

Why should you ever have anything but a session that was smooth as glass?

And if you don't have, it's just you really don't believe this: That ARC breaks are only missed withholds. Okay?

Audience: Yes.

Thank you. Take a break.