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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Demo - Turning on Pictures (1MACC-24) - L591124 | Сравнить
- Universe of a Thetan (1MACC-23) - L591124 | Сравнить

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A lecture and auditing demonstration given on 24 November 1959

Thank you.

Well, here we go, 24th lecture, 1st Melbourne ACC and the basic thing I was talking to you about, I better talk to you some more about and just make you confront a static real good.

All right, I'll stop wandering around now and give you some gen. Who's having a hell of a time?

Audience: Me!

You're having a hell of a time, huh?

Male voice: That's right.

All right, come up here. We'll unhell-of-a-time you.

Male voice: Ah! Yes.

LRH: Okay. Now, sit down. Now, we're just going to do a little auditing job here if it's all right with you?

PC: That's all right.

LRH: Okay? It's all right if we start the session?

PC: Yes, sir.

LRH: Okay, start!

What goal would you like to set for this session?

PC: Well, see nice pictures.

LRH: See a picture?

PC: Yes. Three dimensional.

LRH: Nice three-dimensional picture?

PC: That's right.

LRH: You ever been in space opera?

PC: Yes, sir.

LRH: Good. Okay, well I acknowledge that goal. Let's see what we can do about that, huh?

PC: Yes.

LRH: Okay?

PC: Yeah.

LRH: All right. Now, you realize that the processes I run on you are probably not necessarily therapeutic?

PC: That's quite all right.

LRH: That's quite all right?

PC: Yeah.

LRH: All right. Okay, let's just have this out here for a moment. Now, have you been having any difficulty communicating with your auditor?

PC: Yes, sir.

LRH: You have. As your auditor — you feel that your auditor has not accepted your communications?

PC: Yes, very often I don't find him.

LRH: Oh. Now — you recall any overts against this auditor?

PC: Yes, sir.

LRH: You do?

PC: Yes.

LRH: All right. Well, have you told the auditor about these?

PC: Yes, I did.

LRH: Did it straighten them up?

PC: Ah, most of it, yes.

LRH: Most of it, but not all of it? Maybe there are earlier overts against earlier auditors?

PC: That might be possible.

LRH: Well, has your auditor looked for them?

PC: I didn't get that.

LRH: Has your auditor looked for these earlier overts against other auditors.

PC: No, he didn't.

LRH: He didn't?

PC: He didn't look for nothing, that's the bloody trouble.

LRH: Yeah, yeah. That's it. All right.

[to Instructor] Do you hear that, Instructor?

[to pc] I'll break out of the session here a moment.

[to Instructor] You hear that, Instructor? You hear that? All right. Grrrrr.

I don't expect you to be brilliant. Just do the obvious, huh?

[to pc] That's all right. I'm not trying to ARC break your auditor ...

PC: No.

LRH: ... or call your auditor down.

PC: No, no.

LRH: What I'm trying to do right now is just give a little demonstration here and give you some auditing in the run and show you that something or other could happen. That's what I'd like to do. That's my goal for the session. Whatever it's interested in. Now, you say you'd like to see a picture?

PC: Yeah.

LRH: Is that right?

PC: Yeah.

LRH: All right, well can you get and hold ideas?

PC: Yes.

LRH: Hm?

PC: I do that.

LRH: All right. Now, we're going to run something called Rising Scale Processing.

PC: Very good.

LRH: Okay?

PC: Yeah.

LRH: All right. Now the first — the way this is going to go is I'm going to ask you to get an idea.

PC: Yeah.

LRH: See, just — just think of this idea and then change the idea as much as you can to another idea. Okay?

PC: Mm-hm.

LRH: You understand that?

PC: I understand that.

LRH: All right. Now, by the way, you don't — you don't feel too comfortable sitting there being audited by me. Am I going too fast for you?

PC: No, it's a bit, I'm not quite — a bit uncom — uncomfortable, that's right.

LRH: You are, huh? All right — has something to do with the — with the people there?

PC: Probably so.

LRH: All right. Okay. Well, what's it have to do with?

PC: I think a bit of restimulation from the last process.

LRH: Yeah. Well, tell me this, do you think that I suddenly will look into your mind and see something you don't want me to see?

PC: No. You can look at everything. That's all right.

LRH: I can?

PC: Sure.

LRH: That's all right. Do you think there's something that you should tell me that you haven't told me or mentioned it — you shouldn't?

PC: No, I just thought I met you before.

LRH: You think you've got it? You think that's right?

PC: Yeah.

LRH: You sure there's something you shouldn't have told me?

PC: No, that's all right.

LRH: You're sure there isn't anything else you want to tell me before we start this?

PC: No.

LRH: You sure?

PC: Yeah.

LRH: Well, you know what it is that you could tell me?

PC: No. I think that's — I would tell you everything — what's there.

LRH: You would?

PC: Sure.

LRH: You're sure of that?

PC: I'm pretty sure.

LRH: All right. You're pretty sure or real sure?

PC: Real sure, sir.

LRH: You're real sure?

PC: Yeah.

LRH: Okay. Now how do you feel about it? Any different?

PC: Yes, I feel better.

LRH: Feel a little better?

PC: Yeah.

LRH: Do you realize you could tell me most anything?

PC: Yeah.

LRH: Is that right?

PC: Sure.

LRH: All right. Okay. Now, I'm just going to ask you to get one idea, and then ask you to get another idea — old Rising Scale Processing. Okay?

PC: Yeah.

LRH: Still a good weapon. All right. Here we go. Now, the first idea I'm going to ask you is to get an idea that you couldn't ever possibly ever get a picture. Let's get that idea.

PC: Mm-hm.

LRH: Got that?

PC: Mm-hm.

LRH: Never!

PC: Yes, that's fine.

LRH: All right. Good. Now change that idea to "I can get beautiful, three-dimensional pictures."

PC: Yeah.

LRH: You didn't find that too easy to believe, did you?

PC: Well, I just had the concept of that.

LRH: Yeah.

PC: I could do it but not 100 percent sure.

LRH: Well, that first idea you got, was — that was pretty factual, wasn't it?

PC: Yes! Oh, that was real good.

LRH: Now, all right now. Let's get the second idea as factual as the first idea. Okay?

All right. All right. Here we go.

PC: Yeah.

LRH: All right, now you get the idea you couldn't possibly ever get a picture or see one.

PC: Mm-hm. Yes. That makes sense.

LRH: Got that? All right. Now, change that idea — that you could get beautiful three-dimensional pictures.

PC: Yeah.

LRH: Was that a little easier?

PC: Bit easier but not as good as the first one.

LRH: Ah, that's right. That's right. All right, we got that one. All right. Here we go again. All right. Now, just get the idea: never, never, never under any circumstances would you ever be able to get a three-dimensional picture.

PC: Yeah.

LRH: All right. Good. Now, change that to, you can get beautiful three-dimensional pictures.

PC: Mm-hm.

LRH: All right. Now, could you get that idea better now?

PC: A bit better.

LRH: A little bit better?

PC: Yeah.

LRH: A tiny bit, all right.

PC: Yes, but still not as good as the back — first one.

LRH: Good enough. Good enough. All right. Now, let's get that first one again.

PC: Yeah.

LRH: Just, boy, could I — never, just rrrrr — fog you know and ... Under no circumstances.

PC: Mm-hm. Okay.

LRH: All right. All right.

Very good. Now, let's get the idea that you can get beautiful three-dimensional pictures any time you want.

PC: Yeah.

LRH: Good. All right. Now, is that idea just a little stronger that time?

PC: This first one is a bit weaker now.

LRH: Oh, it's weaker! Oh, all right. All right. Here we go. Here we go. Here we go again. Now get the idea that you'd never be able to get a three-dimensional picture.

PC: Yes!

LRH: All right.

Very good. All right. Now, let's get change on that now.

PC: Yeah.

LRH: Get your next idea which is: very easy to get three-dimensional pictures.

PC: Yeah.

LRH: All right. Now, is that weaker still or stronger again?

PC: Well, the first one, it's now getting weaker.

LRH: Uh-huh.

PC: And the second one is getting a bit stronger.

LRH: That's-a-boy. That's-a-boy. Good. Now here we go again. Now, get the idea you'll just never be able, not in your whole life, not if you lived to be billions of years old, would you ever be able to get a three-dimensional picture.

PC: Yeah.

LRH: Good. All right. Now get the idea: three-dimensional pictures, poof!

PC: Yeah.

LRH: All right. Now, is it still working thatthe first one's getting weaker?

PC: Yes, the first is pretty weak.

LRH: All right. And the second one is getting stronger?

PC: Yes.

LRH: All right. Good enough. Now, let's take another crack at it? Now, let's once more get the idea: never any first — three­dimensional pictures, never, never, never — never be able to get any.

PC: Yeah.

LRH: All right. Now, get the idea that you'll always be able to get three-dimensional pictures, that's the easiest thing you do.

PC: Yeah.

LRH: All right. How's that? Getting better now?

PC: Yes, I realize I got already a three-dimensional picture when I look at the environment.

LRH: Oh yes!

PC: Yeah.

LRH: You mean the environment is a three-dimensional picture?

PC: Sure.

LRH: Oh, all right, okay, yeah. Here we go again. All right. Now just get the idea that you'll just never be able to get a three-dimensional picture.

PC: Yeah.

LRH: Good. Now get the idea that you — always able to get three-dimensional pictures, that's the one thing you can do.

PC: Mm-hm.

LRH: All right. Now how is it now?

PC: Half and half

LRH: Half and half. All right. Here we go. On some more. All right. Now get the idea that you'll never, never, never, no matter what I do ...

PC: Yeah.

LRH: ... you'll never be able to get three-dimensional pictures.

PC: Yeah.

LRH: Good. All right. Now get the idea that not even I could stop you from getting a three-dimensional picture.

PC: Yes.

LRH: All right. Now how you doing?

PC: Well, it's still about half and half The first idea that — now that weak.

LRH: Mm-hm.

PC: And the second idea, that's stronger. It's about half and half

LRH: All right. Now, has it just been staying that way? Or is it getting better?

PC: The last two commands it seems pretty even.

LRH: Uh-huh. All right. Now, here we go again. Now, let's get the idea you'll just never, just never be able to get a three-dimensional picture.

PC: Yes.

LRH: Good. Now, get the idea — just always able to get three-dimensional pictures.

PC: Yeah.

LRH: All right. Now how was that one? Still even?

PC: No, the second one takes over now a bit.

LRH: Ah.

PC: Now a bit, a little bit stronger.

LRH: Ah! That-a-boy. That-a-boy. All right.

PC: A tiny bit.

LRH: Here we go. All right. Now get the idea now, you just never and have never been able to get three-dimensional pictures.

PC: Yep.

LRH: Good. Now, let's get the second idea: three-dimensional pictures, poof, they're the easiest things you do.

PC: Yes.

LRH: Good. Good. All right. Now, how was that one?

PC: The second one seems easier now.

LRH: Seems easier?

PC: More real ...

LRH: All right.

PC: ... than the first one.

LRH: Good enough. We're going to do this just two more times.

PC: Sure.

LRH: All right. Okay. Now, that all right with you just two more times?

PC: Yeah.

LRH: All right. Now, get the idea that you just have never been able to get three-dimensional pictures, it's utterly impossible.

PC: Yeah.

LRH: Good. Now get the idea you can just always get them any time you want.

PC: That's fine.

LRH: All right. Very good. Now how you doing now?

PC: The first idea, it's very, very weak now.

LRH: Mm-hm.

PC: And the second idea is much more real to me.

LRH: All right. Very good. And we're going to do this one more time, okay?

PC: Yeah.

LRH: All right. Now, get the idea that you'll never be able to get three-dimensional pictures.

PC: Yeah.

LRH: Good. All right. Now, get the idea that you can just always get three-dimensional pictures, you just don't know what anybody's talking about, of course you can get three-dimensional pictures.

PC: Yeah.

LRH: All right, how is that?

PC: Well, I think I can get one-dimensional pictures.

LRH: You think you can get one-dimensional pictures, huh?

PC: Yeah.

LRH: Well, all right. That's real good. That's the end of that particular process.

PC: Thanks. Yeah.

LRH: All right.

PC: Yeah.

LRH: All right. Now, we're going to run another process.

PC: Yeah.

LRH: Is that all right with you?

PC: Sure.

LRH: All right. Now, I'm just giving you ideas now. All right. Now, we're going to take a look at that wall over there, see?

PC: Yeah.

LRH: And I'm going to ask you to get the idea — don't do this until I tell you to do it.

PC: Mm-hm.

LRH: I'm going to ask you to get the idea that you're going to put up a picture as big as that whole wall, beautiful and three-dimensional.

PC: Yeah.

LRH: And then I'm going to ask you to get the idea that if you did it, it'd spoil the game, so you're not going to do it. Okay?

PC: Yes.

LRH: All right. Here we go. All right. Now, get the idea that you could — you're going to put up a picture as big as that whole wall! See?

PC: Mm-hm.

LRH: Beautiful, three-dimensional. Get the idea of it.

PC: Yes.

LRH: All right. Now get the idea that would spoil the game if you did it, and don't do it.

PC: Yes.

LRH: All right, now what happened as you did that?

PC: That the idea to get a picture was very strong.

LRH: Mm-hm.

PC: I nearly had it — had — had it there.

LRH: All right. That's good. That's good. All right. Now let's do it again. Now get the idea that you're going to put up a picture the size of that whole wall there in three-dimensional.

PC: Yeah.

LRH: All right, now get the idea that would spoil the game if you did it, and don't do it.

PC: Yeah.

LRH: All right. What happened?

PC: Well, I — start already to see something.

LRH: Oh, all right. All right. Here we go. All right. Now, get the idea now you're going to put up a picture the size of that whole wall, three-dimensional, beautiful.

PC: Yeah.

LRH: All right. Now just say, "Well, that'd spoil the game," and stop it.

PC: Yes, that's right.

LRH: All right. Very good. Okay. Here we go again. Now get the idea you're going to put up a picture as big as that whole wall.

PC: Yes.

LRH: All right. Now say, "Oh! Oh! Oh! That would spoil the game," and don't do it.

PC: Yes.

LRH: All right. Now what did you get that time?

PC: Well, I got — got some forms there in the center.

LRH: Mm-hm. All right. Good. Let's go at it some more times, okay?

PC: Yeah.

LRH: All right. Now, you — get an idea that you just had this idea, you know ...

PC: Mm-hm.

LRH: ... that you just had the idea that you're going to put up a picture the size of that whole wall.

PC: Mm-hm.

LRH: All right. Just stop yourself now almost physically, stop yourself ...

PC: Yeah.

LRH: ... that would spoil the game.

PC: Yeah.

LRH: Yeah, okay, that's right. Now, here we're going to do it about two more times, okay?

PC: Mm.

LRH: All right. Now get the idea there, you're going to put up a picture the size of that whole wall.

PC: Yes.

LRH: All right. Now get the idea: mm-hm, that would spoil the game, don't do it.

PC: Yeah.

LRH: All right. What did you get that last time?

PC: Well, a few green pictures, in the middle some — something — round thing there.

LRH: Yeah? All right. And we're going to try that one more time here. All right. Now get an idea that you're going to put up a picture the size of that whole wall.

PC: Yeah.

LRH: All right. Now get the idea: boy, that would spoil the game. I'm not going to do that.

PC: Yeah.

LRH: Okay. All right. What did you see that time?

PC: Not much more, just about as the last time.

LRH: Just about the same?

PC: Yeah.

LRH: All right. That's good. Now, have you had any kind of a picture up there?

PC: Mm, yes.

LRH: You think your pictures are going to be any better?

PC: It would improve.

LRH: You think they could — there's some improvement possible? Huh?

PC: Yes, I think so.

LRH: You think so? All right. Well, that's the end of that particular process. All right?

PC: Yeah.

LRH: All right. Now, how do you feel right this minute?

PC: Oh, a very nice experiment. I liked it.

LRH: You liked that?

PC: Yeah.

LRH: All right. Now, here's the main thing that we're bucking right this minute, is you've got an emotional charge on something here that I want you to tell me about.

PC: Yeah.

LRH: Yeah. What is it?

PC: ARC breaks.

LRH: Mm-hm. Where?

PC: The auditor.

LRH: Mm-hm.

PC: Overt acts?

LRH: Hm.

PC: Overt acts against the auditor.

LRH: Mm-hm. All right. Are you guilty of another one because you told me?

PC: No, I have a feeling it was the first ones.

LRH: All right. Okay. Is that what the charge is on?

PC: I don't think so, must be something else. LRH: All right. What is it on?

PC: Must be some kind of restimulation from the last process, some kind of plus randomity after running through a long stretch of minus randomity.

LRH: Mm-hm. Well, can you tell me more about it?

PC: Yes. While running Create on a terminal — a receiver ...

LRH: Mm-hm.

PC: ... while I have been wireless operator...

LRH: Mm-hm.

PC: ... and had pictures there of minus randomity of some dead planets there and nothing happening at all. Every ten years a bloody spaceship come by and was hitting the area .

LRH: Mm-hm.

PC: ... and after running through that one, suddenly start some plus randomity.

LRH: Mm-hm.

PC: But that did happen on Confronting.

LRH: Mm-hm.

PC: You know, Confronting.

LRH: Mm-hm.

PC: Nothing did actually happen on Create.

LRH: Right. Well, now, has anything been happening to your case on Confront?

PC: Yes, it did.

LRH: It did. Are you — were you running Confront today?

PC: Today, yes that's right.

LRH: You were. And was the thing starting to go back together again?

PC: Yes.

LRH: Mm-hm. And what auditing commands were you being run on?

PC: "What could you confront?"

LRH: Mm-hm.

PC: "What would you dislike confronting?"

LRH: That's right. And how was that working?

PC: It's worked very well.

LRH: It was working?

PC: I'm all over the place.

LRH: You just get all over the place ...

PC: Yes.

LRH: ... on this thing? All right. Now, you're talking about a three-dim — . Thank you.

PC: Yeah.

LRH: Good. How do you feel about it now? Anything else you want to say about it?

PC: Nah.

LRH: Hm?

PC: I don't think so.

LRH: How do you feel about it now?

PC: I feel all right about it.

LRH: All right. Now, here's — here's a very interesting thing. I'm going to do another little experiment here with you, all right?

PC: Very good.

LRH: Okay. It works like this.

PC: Yeah.

LRH: You say you're all over the place.

PC: Yeah.

LRH: You evidently had something to do with space opera, huh?

PC: Yes, it looks like it.

LRH: Looks like it. Well, how do you think a space jockey feels about space?

PC: Hm! Bloody awful!

LRH: Pretty bad, huh?

PC: Mm-hm.

LRH: Well, how — how would you think if he — if he saw some space?

PC: I didn't get that.

LRH: What would you think if he saw some space?

PC: Well, he gets mad.

LRH: He'll get mad if he saw some space, huh? Well, good. What would be about the right amount of space?

PC: Well, from here to the E — to the moon.

LRH: That would be about the right amount, huh?

PC: Yes.

LRH: All right. Good. Tell me again now, what would be the right amount of space?

PC: Yes. Mm, well, from here to the moon.

LRH: All right. That's about the right amount.

PC: Yes!

LRH: All right. Okay. And once more, what would be about the right amount of space?

PC: Here to the next planet.

LRH: Go from here to the next planet?

PC: Yeah.

LRH: All right. Good. That would be the right amount of space?

PC: Yes, it would.

LRH: Yeah. Would that be better than the space in this room?

PC: Mm, actually, that where I would start counting space.

LRH: Mm-hm. Where would you? Out? Or in the room?

PC: Out.

LRH: Out?

PC: Yeah.

LRH: But not in the room?

PC: Well, you're losing the concept of space after looking at this amount of space. If you confront a little space ...

LRH: Not — not enough — we're not ...

PC: ... there is not much space there, that's right.

LRH: There's not very much space.

PC: That's what I say. That's right.

LRH: Well, let's take a look at it here. Let's just look around, just look around at the space here, just as space.

PC: Yes, it's space.

LRH: It is space.

PC: Yes, but very little.

LRH: Well, how about this much?

PC: Less.

LRH: Well, that's — that's ... Now is there a lot of danger in that little space? Not — not in the room, this little space? That much space, little cube of space?

PC: There's no danger in it, no.

LRH: It's not dangerous. What is it, uncomfortable?

PC: Not enough.

LRH: Can't go anyplace in it?

PC: That's right.

LRH: Is that what's the matter with it?

PC: Yes, not — not enough. You can't do anything with it.

LRH: You can't do anything with it. I get it. What's about the range of a good space gun?

PC: Seventy miles.

LRH: Well is that space?

PC: Yes, that's about space.

LRH: Yeah. Well, would safe space be more than seventy miles?

PC: Yes, this would.

LRH: Is that right?

PC: Yeah.

LRH: It's a fact, isn't it, huh? All right.

PC: Yes, it would.

LRH: Yeah, all right. Okay. Well, what would happen in that much space then?

PC: It's not safe, isn't it?

LRH: That's right. Okay. Now, I'm going to ask you this same question I was asking you.

PC: Yeah.

LRH: Now, all right, what's a right amount of space?

PC: Well, I've got it mixed up with time now.

LRH: Mm-hm.

PC: It's the amount you can go in one year.

LRH: Ah-ha! All right. Very good. Very good. That would be safe, too, wouldn't it?

PC: Yeah.

LRH: All right. Okay. All right. And let's answer it again. What would be an all-right amount of space?

PC: Yes. Well, a circle around the su — around the Earth, up — around the moon.

LRH: Mm-hm. That would be the right amount?

PC: Yes.

LRH: All right, very good. But it would be safe?

PC: That's pretty safe.

LRH: Pretty safe?

PC: Yes.

LRH: Not really very though?

PC: No, but fairly safe.

LRH: Where would the gun be placed if it's not safe?

PC: Just in the center of that space.

LRH: Yeah, right in the center of it, huh? Well, what would that do, put you on the perimeter of the gun range?

PC: Ah, not in that amount of space, no.

LRH: No, that wouldn't.

PC: It's fairly safe.

LRH: Fairly safe.

PC: Yes.

LRH: All right, very good. All right. Now, I'm just going to ask you one more time here. What's an all-right amount of space?

PC: Ah, I don't mind if it's more. Up to Mars.

LRH: Up to Mars?

PC: Yeah.

LRH: All right. Very good. All right. That's a very satisfactory answer. How do you feel about this now? Feeling different?

PC: Yes, my tolerance with space did improve. The tolerance did increase.

LRH: It did improve, huh?

PC: Yes.

LRH: All right, now we're going to ask you another — that's the end of that process.

PC: Yes.

LRH: We're going to ask you an entirely different process here, for just a few questions if it's all right with you.

PC: Mm-hm.

LRH: All right. Now, how much space would be okay in a picture?

PC: I didn't quite get that.

LRH: Yeah. Now, how much space would be okay in a picture?

PC: Don't understand that.

LRH: Hm. I'm talking about a mental image picture ...

PC: Yeah.

LRH: ... a facsimile ...

PC: Hmm.

LRH: ... how much space would it be all right for it to have in it?

PC: Mm, it would be a fairly big picture.

LRH: That would be pretty big, wouldn't it? Huh? Would be pretty big. All right. All right. Do you have an invisible field usually? No pictures or something?

PC: I think so.

LRH: You think so?

PC: Yeah.

LRH: Close your eyes. All right, what are you looking at?

PC: Black with white.

LRH: Black with white. Where's the black?

PC: Oh, I think it's more or less a picture.

LRH: Yeah, of what?

PC: Of the sky with stars and ...

LRH: Oh, it is?

PC: Yes.

LRH: You think so? Oh, yeah. Now, can you see some stars in it?

PC: Yes.

LRH: Huh? All right, now just sort of pick some out and tell me their names.

PC: The picture dims down now.

LRH: Gone!

PC: Yeah.

LRH: Oh, come on. Well now — what — what are you looking at now?

PC: Getting more black.

LRH: It's getting more black? Is there a star at the other end of that space? You're just not looking out there far enough. Now, go on, look out the other end of that space there, and tell me the names of some of those stars in lingua spacia or whatever it is.

You see them?

PC: Centaura Marc, I think Centaura — I don't know ...

LRH: That's good. That's good. Fine. Give me another one.

PC: Jupiter.

LRH: All right. Very good. Very good. Give me another one.

PC: Vidio.

LRH: Very good. All right. All right. Now how are you doing now?

PC: I see a picture — a picture did come back.

LRH: Oh, it did, huh?

PC: Yeah.

LRH: Well, all right. All right. How do you feel about that? Did that scare you?

PC: Didn't get that.

LRH: Did it scare you? Frighten you?

PC: No. No. But, it wasn't very real.

LRH: It wasn't very real?

PC: Not too real.

LRH: No, not too real. All right, okay. Anybody telling you to make it real?

PC: No.

LRH: All right. Okay.

All right. Now let's look around this room and spot some spots in this room.

PC: Yes.

LRH: Good. Spot another one.

PC: Yes.

LRH: Good. Spot another one.

PC: Yeah.

LRH: Good. Spot another one.

PC: Yes.

LRH: Good. Shut your eyes. All right, tell me the names of some of those stars.

PC: Leo.

LRH: Very good.

PC: Centaur.

LRH: Very good.

PC: Jupiter.

LRH: Very good. All right. Fine. Now, open up your eyes. Now spot some spots in this room.

PC: Yes.

LRH: Good. Another one.

PC: Yeah.

LRH: Good. Another one.

PC: Yes.

LRH: Good. All right. That's fine. Now, how's — how's that make you feel?

PC: I feel easier now.

LRH: Easier?

PC: Yeah.

LRH: All right. Well, shut your eyes again. All right, now, have you still got that picture? Can you get it back? Still got it?

PC: Yes.

LRH: All right, now let's spot those stars again.

PC: Yes.

LRH: Good. Spot another one.

PC: Yes.

LRH: Good. Spot another one.

PC: Yes.

LRH: Good. All right, that's fine. All right now. Spot some spots in this room.

PC: Yes.

LRH: Good. Another one.

PC: Yeah.

LRH: Good. Another one.

PC: Yes.

LRH: Good. All right, that's fine. Does that give you a different sensation?

PC: The spots?

LRH: You have a different feeling about this now?

PC: Much easier. Much more comfortable. Not as restimulated as before.

LRH: Yeah. What do you suppose that's all about? Did you ever have a nightmare?

PC: Didn't get that?

LRH: Did you ever have a nightmare?

PC: Not very often. Sometime, yes.

LRH: How's it feel?

PC: Ah, I'm pretty well in control of this nightmare, sometimes I just turn around, just look at it, just enjoy them.

LRH: You do?

PC: Yes.

LRH: Did you ever have a nightmare you felt uncomfortable in, just like that?

PC: But that's a very, very long while ago.

LRH: A very long time ago?

PC: Yes.

LRH: But was it the same discomfort that you were sitting in right here?

PC: Yes.

LRH: Yeah. How long ago was that?

PC: Ah, it was before I know about Scientology.

LRH: Yeah, that was quite a while ago?

PC: Yes, years ago.

LRH: Years ago?

PC: Mm-hm.

LRH: All right. Did you decide you never wanted that one back again?

PC: Mm. No, I don't think so.

LRH: Well, what was your reaction to that nightmare?

PC: It didn't affect me very much.

LRH: You made sure of that?

PC: Yes.

LRH: All right. Is there any similarity between that nightmare you had and the way you felt when you came into this session?

PC: I would say yes.

LRH: You would say yes?

PC: That's — that's the way you feel.

LRH: All right. All right.

PC: Just a bit nervous and a bit out of control.

LRH: Hm. Hm. All right. All right. Now, what do you ordinarily do to people in space?

PC: Kill them.

LRH: You kill them. Yeah. All right. All right. How many do you suppose you killed?

PC: Mmm. Must be the thousands.

LRH: All right.

PC: Seventeen thousand seventy-nine, something like that.

LRH: Yeah? All right. And how many times did you refuse to get killed?

PC: Hm. Hm. I can't recall any.

LRH: You can't recall ever refusing to get killed?

PC: Might be one.

LRH: Maybe once, huh?

PC: I'm not too sure about if I have been killed then.

LRH: Yeah. All right. Okay. All right. Now what do you make this out — what do you think about all this now?

PC: Well, I feel much easier about it. I did have a look at a few things ...

LRH: Mm-hm.

PC: ... which make sense.

LRH: Mm-hm. Made some sense?

PC: Yes, did clear up a lot of things.

LRH: Mm-hm. What do you suppose it did to the pictures these guys had, the 17,000 people you killed there at least? What do you suppose it did to their pictures?

PC: Well, we'll fix that. LRH: Good. Fix that. Suppose they ever had two-dimensional pictures afterwards or ... ?

PC: It's very unlikely.

LRH: What do you think — what do you think they would have had afterwards?

PC: Just wouldn't get any pictures. LRH: They wouldn't!

PC: No.

LRH: Why not?

PC: Because you did use his picture to destroy such things.

LRH: Yeah, well how did you do that?

PC: Well, by just giving them a nice implant.

LRH: Mm-hm. All right. And what would that do to their pictures?

PC: Just wouldn't get any.

LRH: They just wouldn't, huh?

PC: No.

LRH: All right.

PC: Or, this fear.

LRH: All right. Have you been able to get pictures?

PC: How you mean this question?

LRH: Oh, you came up with the goal of the session, you said you'd like to get better pictures.

PC: Yes. I get better pictures.

LRH: Yeah, but does fixing up other people's pictures have anything to do with your pictures?

PC: Hm. Never looked at that one.

LRH: Never did?

PC: No.

LRH: All right. You look at it right now.

PC: Yes, I think so. Might be possible.

LRH: Might be possible?

PC: Yes.

LRH: Mm-hm. All right. Well, you understand, I'm not telling you it's necessarily wrong or you've done anything wrong, I'm not being cen — .

PC: No. That's all right.

LRH: All right. Now, that made you feel uncomfortable again, didn't it?

PC: Yes, a bit.

LRH: Just a little bit?

PC: Yeah.

LRH: Do you realize I'm not accusing you?

PC: Oh, that's quite all right. That's — I know what's ...

LRH: You say it's quite all right. Well do you know I'm not accusing you of anything?

PC: I know that.

LRH: All right. Okay. Now let's take a look at all this again of fixing up people's pictures and that sort of thing, and then let's just take a look at it.

PC: Mm-hm.

LRH: Did you?

PC: Yes.

LRH: All right. Now, get a look at refusing to have your pictures fixed up the same way.

PC: Yes.

LRH: Good. Now get a — something there? All right. Get the idea of fixing up their pictures.

PC: Yes.

LRH: All right. Get your own refusal to have yours fixed up that way.

PC: Yes.

LRH: Good. Get the idea of fixing up their pictures.

PC: Yes.

LRH: Good. Get your own refusal to have yours fixed up that way.

PC: Yes.

LRH: Good. Now get the idea of fixing up their pictures.

PC: Yes.

LRH: All right. Get your own refusal to have yours messed up.

PC: Yeah.

LRH: All right. How do you feel about that?

PC: Well, they did fix me up, too.

LRH: Oh, they fixed you up, too?

PC: Yeah.

LRH: Is there any change going on as I ask you to do that?

PC: Yes. I realize that I did do most of this, fixing other people's pictures.

LRH: Mm-hm. All right.

PC: But later on, they do the same with me.

LRH: All right. All right. Overt — motivator sequence, is that what this is?

PC: Yes. Looks like it.

LRH: Looks like it?

PC: Yes.

LRH: What do you think about this now?

PC: It might be the trouble with my pictures, I reckon.

LRH: Hm? You think so?

PC: Yes.

LRH: All right. Now, what's an auditor doing with your pictures?

PC: Doesn't pay much attention to it.

LRH: Yeah, but what does an auditor do with pictures?

PC: What he does do with pictures? Hm. What an auditor do with pictures?

LRH: Yeah, what does an auditor do with pictures?

PC: Tries to turn them on.

LRH: Yeah. Yeah. Does he ever try to turn them off?

PC: No.

LRH: No?

PC: No.

LRH: All right. Now, what do you as an auditor try to do with pictures?

PC: Turn them on.

LRH: Good. And what do you usually do with them?

PC: I just turn them on more and more.

LRH: Is that so?

PC: Yes.

LRH: As an auditor you turn on the pictures more and more?

PC: Yes.

LRH: Is that right?

PC: Yes, that's right.

LRH: All right. How about turning them off?

PC: Well, I bring them more or less under the control of the preclear.

LRH: Yeah.

PC: Instead of turning them on.

LRH: Ah, yeah, yeah — that's — that's a textbook answer. Come on.

PC: No! Looks that's what I'm doing.

LRH: Is that right?

PC: That's right! Right.

LRH: All right. Okay. All right. I'll stop invalidating the pc ...

PC: No, that's ...

LRH: That's — that's ... All right. Now, I want you to get the idea of just tearing up somebody's pictures — here's another process. Okay?

PC: Yeah.

LRH: Just get the idea of tearing up somebody's pictures and throwing them away.

PC: Yeah.

LRH: Good. Now, get the idea of turning them on — somebody else's pictures.

PC: Yes.

LRH: Good. Now get the idea of tearing up somebody's pictures and throwing them away.

PC: Yes.

LRH: Good. Now get the idea of just turning somebody's pictures on, just, wham!

PC: Mm-hm.

LRH: Good. Now get the idea of tearing up somebody's pictures and throwing them away.

PC: Mm-hm.

LRH: All right. Very good. What you got?

PC: It's very hard the second command.

LRH: All right. What's the command you just did there?

PC: Turn on somebody's pictures and then throw them away.

LRH: All right. Okay. That's all right. Now, you listen to my auditing command.

PC: Yeah.

LRH: You hear me now?

PC: Yeah.

LRH: Listen to my auditing command now and don't start blinking. I'm not going to beat you, not right now. Okay, now you listen.

PC: Yeah.

LRH: Completely aside from anybody or anything in the world ...

PC: Yeah.

LRH: ... you just get one idea.

PC: Yeah.

LRH: And that is taking somebody's pictures and tearing them all up and throwing them away.

PC: Yes.

LRH: Got that?

PC: Yeah.

LRH: All right. Now, completely aside from that, and forgetting all about that one, just skip that one.

PC: Mm-hm.

LRH: Get this idea.

PC: Mm-hm.

LRH: Entirely different idea.

PC: Mm-hm.

LRH: Okay?

PC: Yeah.

LRH: And that is turning somebody's pictures on just so they're walking around all the time in solid walls of pictures.

PC: Yes.

LRH: All right. Good. Now what do you think about those two?

PC: The last one was easier to do.

LRH: That was easier?

PC: Yes.

LRH: All right. Very good. Very good. Here we go again now. Get the idea of taking somebody's pictures and tearing them all up and throwing them away.

PC: Mm-hm.

LRH: Good. All right. Got that now?

PC: Yes.

LRH: Do you feel I scolded you?

PC: No.

LRH: You sure?

PC: Yeah, I'm sure.

LRH: All right. You just telling me that defensively?

PC: No.

LRH: You can tell me anything you want.

PC: Yes, that's — that's all right.

LRH: Okay. All right. Now give me the other one. Get the idea of making somebody

walk around in pictures that are practically solid walls.

PC: Yes.

LRH: Good. All right. Now, of those two ideas which is easiest?

PC: The last one.

LRH: The last one?

PC: Yes.

LRH: All right. Now, here we go again. Get the idea — well, maybe if tearing them up isn't quite the right command, maybe it's gun them down or something?

PC: Ah, that — that would be easier, might be.

LRH: That would be easier?

PC: Yeah.

LRH: All right. Let's get the idea of going, rrrrrr, smearing everybody's pictures all up so they won't have pictures.

PC: Mm-hm.

LRH: Did you do that?

PC: Yeah.

LRH: Well, that was real easy. Well, let's do that one again.

PC: Yeah.

LRH: Now get the idea of going, rrrrrr, with something and knocking everybody's pictures out.

PC: Yes, that's much easier.

LRH: Oh, that's much easier. All right. Get the idea of doing it again.

PC: Yes.

LRH: Good. Get the idea of doing it again.

PC: Mm-hm.

LRH: Good. Get the idea of doing it again.

PC: Mm-hm.

LRH: Good. What happened that time?

PC: Bloody gun didn't go off

LRH: All right. Well, let's do it again. Allright. Let's do it again now.

PC: Yes.

LRH: Good. Let's do it again.

PC: Yes.

LRH: All right. Let's just get an idea of just gunning them in such a way that their pictures all go boom! Come on, do it again.

PC: Yes.

LRH: Good. Was that easy?

PC: Yes.

LRH: Has it gotten easy again, now, huh?

PC: Yes.

LRH: Huh? Ah.

PC: I did have — I did have this other gun which didn't work, you see, then I had to find some other gun.

LRH: Oh, you did, huh?

PC: Yes.

LRH: All right.

PC: Because it doesn't work.

LRH: It doesn't work worth a nickel.

PC: No.

LRH: All right.

PC: A failure there.

LRH: Yeah, all right. All right. Now, let's get the reverse idea ...

PC: Mm-hm.

LRH: ... now, of making somebody walk around in pictures that are just feet thick, just tremendous heavy pictures.

PC: Yes.

LRH: All right. Is that the same as it was before or has that gotten different?

PC: That's fairly easy, too.

LRH: That's fairly easy, too?

PC: Yes.

LRH: Both of these are fairly easy?

PC: Yes.

LRH: All right, now which is the best action between these two actions?

PC: Best action for the people concerned or...?

LRH: Yeah. The people concerned.

PC: Rather no pictures than too solid ones.

LRH: Better no pictures than solid ones?

PC: Yes, yes.

LRH: All right. Fine. Good. All right. You feel I'll be critical of your answer?

PC: No, that's all right.

LRH: All right. Is that all right?

PC: Sure.

LRH: Okay. All right. Now how do you feel about this?

PC: I feel more confident in getting pictures.

LRH: You do?

PC: Yes.

LRH: All right. Do you think we have in any way accomplished the goal of this session?

PC: Fifty percent.

LRH: You think we did something ...

PC: Yes, I think so, sure.

LRH: ... about it?

PC: Sure.

LRH: We have a win?

PC: Yes, we have.

LRH: It wasn't a total loss?

PC: No. It wasn't a total loss.

LRH: All right. You feel a little bit better about it now?

PC: Yes. I feel much better about it.

LRH: All right. Just one more time then, we're going to do one more auditing command. Okay? Before we close this session.

PC: Yeah.

LRH: All right. Refuse to put a picture on that wall over there.

PC: Yes.

LRH: What happened?

PC: I didn't put one there.

LRH: All right. Good. Put a picture over on the wall over there!

PC: Yes.

LRH: All right. That work a little better, huh?

PC: Yes.

LRH: What was it a picture of?

PC: I did see kind of a sun.

LRH: Yeah.

PC: And about half of a planet.

LRH: Yeah. That wasn't too bad then?

PC: No.

LRH. Was that better?

PC: Yes.

LRH: Was there any space in it?

PC: Yes, was space in it, plenty.

LRH: Ah, there was?

PC: Plenty of space.

LRH: Plenty of space. All right, now how do you feel about this, now?

PC: Well, I'm more easy about getting pictures.

LRH: You think you're easier about it?

PC: Yes.

LRH: Now, have I just beaten you into it, or did you ... ?

PC: Oh, no, no, no, you could have pushed harder.

LRH: I could have, huh?

PC: Yes, you could have.11E LRH: All right. Okay. You're okay then?

PC: I'm very all right.

LRH: You have anything you'd care to say before we end this session.

PC: Yes. Thank you.

LRH: All right. Very good. End of session.

PC: Thank you.

LRH: You betcha.

[to audience] Okay, any technical errors that you see and imitate are imitated at your peril.

Okay, that's it, see you tomorrow night.

Audience: Thank you, Ron.