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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Evaluation and Handling Personnel, Part II (ESTO-04) - L720302b | Сравнить
- Evaluation and Handling of Personell, Part 1 (ESTO-3 Notes) - L720302a | Сравнить
- Evaluation and Handling of Personell, Part 2 (ESTO-4 Notes) - L720302b | Сравнить
- Evaluation and Handling of Personnel, Part I (ESTO-03) - L720302a | Сравнить

ESTO SERIES - 4, 7203CO2SO, 02 Mar 72



1.) Normally, you don't offload or fire anyone unless the terms of his staff application form or contract have been falsified.

2.) The "bad off" cases will normally falsify it anyhow.

3.) Ex: They say they are "free from debts" and they owe 10,000!

4.) The time comes when you can only "hold up and support" someone for only so long. So, HANDLE staff so they CAN perform.

5.) But if they produce enormous amounts of Dev-T, you are better off putting them on a direct, simple job under direct, constant supervision.

6.) The "bad off" person used to be called "insane" about 100 years ago.

7.) There is another category of person by the way: (See # 11, ESTO 3)

D.) The guy who lives an oddball life, you know? He doesn't eat or sleep much, burns his candle at both ends, etc. You just handle these with good 8C. "You get some sleep. I want you "bright-eyed and bushy-tailed" tomorrow. And EAT well."

8.) Your first action usually in HANDLING a goofy area is just to directly handle it with an order, right away. You observe, do a fast on the spot eval and TELL the guy and order the correct action done. This is the "cope" HANDLING.

9.) Here comes the Reality that an ESTO must know. When you tell somebody the TRUTH they get good indicators. (IF you don't relay it "nastilly or 1.1" or in an invalidative manner.)

10.) My messengers are trained to run messages and orders back and forth until GIs come in. Why? Because he will get GIs when he hits the TRUTH.

11.) A student who has passed and deserved the pass, when TOLD he has passed, will get GI's. (GIs = good indicators)

12.) A student who has passed and deserved to pass, when TOLD he hasn't passed, will get BI's. (BIs = bad indicators)

13.) Why? It's NOT the TRUTH.

14.) A person who hasn't passed honestly, and is told he hasn't passed honestly, will get GIs.

15.) So the way you get GIs is with the truth.

16.) A person who HASN'T passed and is told he HAS passed will get BIs.

17.) So you TELL THEM the truth. Ex: A staff applicant has 3 girlfriends and promised to marry 2 of them. You tell him "that's a situation" and he "should handle it". He gets GIs because he KNOWS he should.

18.) If you hit the right why, you get GIs. So tell them.

19.) Now if you don't get GIs, you haven't got the right why, so don't go off into accusing the person or other desperate statements. Just recognize you don't have the right why.

20.) The "reasonability" of the humanoid starts coming in in some cases, the "cultural reasonability".

Ex: Person drinks too much. You tell him to stop drinking BIs come in. A "reasonable" person will think the BIs are because he was told to stop drinking. No, it's because DRINKING is NOT the RIGHT WHY for this person. It's NOT what is wrong with him. You have missed.

21.) Actually, people love to have their lives inquired into. It's a great relief to them. If you stick to the TRUTH and don't invalidate them. An ESTO will only feel bad about doing it if he can't find the RIGHT "why".

22.) Psychoanalysists are not liked in this respect because they are always finding and indicating the "wrong why".

23.) They will find the slightest early childhood "lock" and indicate it as the "reason" for all the person's problems and neuroses in life.

24.) They know Dianetics "works". They use it to get the person to recall childhood so they can evaluate their own fixed idea to the patient when anything comes up that seems to fit. Ex: "Aha, you hate your father because he didn't change your diapers when you were a baby!"

25.) So your action with a staff member is to find the information about what is causing the non-optimum performance, tell them what it is and to handle it. If you get GIs, you've got it. If you get BIs, you haven't got it.

26.) If you didn't get GIs, then immediately find the RIGHT WHY.

27.) Now, however, if you have to handle the same person every day, then it's more deep seated and is an AUDITING problem, and requires case handling.

28.) Remember, you are just trying to get the person to do the functions of his post and produce his products without Dev-T. So if he DOES, fine. If he doesn't, find the WHY and tell him to handle. If he DOES produce then, fine. But if it goes on and on, only auditing will handle it. You have a PC as a staff member.

29.) Remember this: IF SOMEONE IS GIVING YOU DEV-T - and you are the expert in handling it - THEN they are raising HELL with every one else in the org, because those people don't know how to defend themselves against Dev-T!


31.) You are only getting a small portion of what he is handing out elsewhere.

32.) Just indicate this datum to executives and they will have a big realization about this - because they have Dev-T sources on their lines, but perhaps didn't realize that when not in view to them, then Dev-T is being caused on the REST OF THE ORG out of sight!

33.) Now, what about this guy you can't handle? Well, you could Comm EV and off-load or have a fitness board, etc. But it is worth-while to SALVAGE personell as long as you don't take it to great lengths. You give them a chance. Always give them a chance.

34.) For example, you can have an "Estates Project Force" to do jobs under Supervision. MEST work.

35.) But watch out, because a remarkable thing can happen. Others will use the Project Force as a PERSONELL POOL and put these Dev-T producers right back on a post BEFORE they are handled!

36.) People just coming into the org could also get their basics in by being put on the Project Force while learning their basics.

37.) So there would be two categories on the Project Force:

Category A: New people learning their basics.

Category B: People who have had a chance and are being rehabilitated so they can produce without Dev-T.

38.) Don't put Category B people back on post until they ARE handled.

39.) Employment, Exercise, and a Change of Enviornment can do wonders for a person.

40.) Before psychairitry, there were practitioners called "Alienists" who used to do this kind of therapy. Back in the 1800's.

41.) Employment, Exercise amnd Change of Enviornment with Supervision will Extrovert people quite remarkably.

42.) If a staff memeber is doing this and getting his basics in better and his staff hat on, why then he can have another chance.

43.) You will find that you can salvage a lot of Dev-T producers that way. So there should be such a unit. But it MUST be run right!

44.) You don't want it to happen that no one ever gets OFF an Estates Project Force. That way no one would ever get another chance. And if it was new staff, they never would get ANY chance.

45.) We have found that if you use a new staff member as an HCO Expeditor, he gets sneaked into a post almost immediately WITHOUT hatting.

46.) Most of your failures here at FLAG were because a new staff recruit came and was put at once onto a post without basics. It was VERY UNeconomical. Ex: Four were put on in Mimeo Files and 8 months later had accomplished NOTHING.

47.) So it is a waste of time to put someone on post with no BASICS in.

48.) The principle these Project Forces work on is: ONE JOB, ONE PLACE, ONE TIME. If you just scatter them around through the org, the whole purpose is defeated.

49.) If that rule is violated, then you will NOT get a result of your order to "assign this person to the Project Force until case and study are handled".

50.) It takes an MAA (Master at Arms) or Ethics Officer to be in charge of such a unit.

51.) They are run on Project Orders to paint, polish, build, renovate, clean, etc. Thus they are doing productive work and are not a drag on the organization.

52.) The MAA muster them, orders them and keeps them working. The MAA is NOT a member of the Project Force. He is Hatted Staff Member.

53.) So it is a valuable, organized, operated, producing unit.

54.) They MUST have study time to get their basics in. When graduated from Basics (or RETRAIN of Basics), they go onto a regular post.

55.) The anxiety of people for posting more staff will defeate the project force unless it is protected very strongly. This anxiety for personell can cause enormous Dev-T in an org by itself.

56.) Ex: Stewards area crashes, plates broken, area filthy, execs frantic. It was found that the steward's project force were all put on POSTS in the area without completing their basic study and hatting.

57.) So there is a way to salvage people. You don't have to comm EV, Fitness Board, or offload them necessairily.

58.) UNLESS they are definitely a "pc2 after all this. They will tell you they are only there to have their "case" handled.

59.) Staff members have to handle the WORLD. They don't have time to handle ALSO cases within their own ranks in the org.

60.) The amount of Dev-T will interiorize it, engulf it, and it won't be able to function.

61.) Now I have given you the methods of establishing whether a staff member or recruit is allright or not, and the methods of handling him when he isn't allright.

62.) It's a sort of a STANDARD TECH for handling staff. It's STANDARD ADMINISTRATIVE TECH. This is what you do, ok?

63.) Now, if or when the staff is OK, you just hat and train and keep improving his post performance and you are away!

64.) Then the division or org will function.

65.) What you as an ESTO will tend to bog down on, is that Category of "NOT OK for post". Don't get FIXATED on this kind of people or you will neglect the org!

66.) Remember, don't "reward a down stat" with your time and attention to the exclusion of other producing staff, or you won't have a division or org.

67.) A C/S can fall into this trap too. He doesn't do the steps to get trained auditors, so sticks trying to keep on handling the same thins over and over.

68.) As an ESTO, you may have to hat the C/Ses too.

69.) You say. "Bit wow! He's a Class 12, What do I know about his post?"

70.) Oh, yeah? He may be a Class 12 Technical Person, but REMEMBER, auditors quite often know NOTHING about administrative tech. It is one of their MAJOR WEAKNESSES.

71.) If you try to put a Class VIII; NON-ADMIN TRAINED person on, say, HCO, you WON'T get a HCO Exec and you have LOST an auditor.


72.) So if that occurs, you know as an ESTO, you have PLENTY of hatting to do.

73.) Now if you have a highly trained technical Person who is ALSO trained as an administrator - WOW! This is great! Teriffic!

74.) But it can get lopsided the other way too. You can have a staff member who doesn't even know the ARC triangle!

75.) You will find both conditions:

- People on ADMIN posts who say "HCOBs have nothing to do with us".

- People on TECH posts who say "HCOPLs have nothing to do with us".

76.) So, if you as an ESTO are handling a C/S who can't get his auditors delivering successfully, you will normally find he has not completed the cycle of:

1) Instruct

2) Cram

3) Retread

4) Retrain

but has become stuck in 1) and 2).

77.) Now a "RETREAD" is Method 4 Wordclearing on ALL the materials of the area of tech the auditor is goofing up on. So after a few Instructs and Crams, you order a "Retread".

78.) You as an ESTO should know how to do M4 on a meter to find misunderstoods in people's hats.

79.) M4 does not interupt auditing or "ruin his case". It can be done anytime. It's just spotting and handling specific MUs.

Tip: Don't ask too broad a question or you won't get anything.


"Is there an MU word in your hat?" - WRONG.

"Is there a MU word in this PL?" (as he looks it over; READ!) - CORRECT.

80.) A RETREAD can also be done in a cycle of:

- EXAM on materials.

- M4 on areas of not-know or wrong answers.

- RE-STUDY those areas after MUs handled.

- EXAM on materials to a pass.

81.) After this he goes back to auditing. Now we Instruct and Cram again a few times. But if he goofs up continually now - we send him to 4) RETRAIN.

82.) A RETRAIN is a whole re-do of the course as if he was a brand new student.

83.) Then back to auditing. Now, if he doesn't make it, that's it. An auditor is allowed only one RETREAD and one RETRAIN.

84.) That's all you are willing to spend. It's EXPENSIVE to the org to retrain its auditors, in terms of the "coins of the org".

85.) You are always spending the "coins" of the org when you are handling personell. It's expensive. So don't always spend them on the same guy.

86.) I hope you never run into it, but sometimes a person will not send auditors to cram or retread because it "might ARC Break them". Wow! How about all the pcs THEY are ARC Breaking?


87.) So, if you find auditors goofing after many crams, Courts, chits, etc., it's because the RETREAD was never done. It is a missing gradient in study. Somewhere the guy missed it.

88.) They can't LEARN or they can't DO. The missing step or MU must be found so they can LEARN and APPLY.

89.) If a person like this is sent to a project force, he can learn to DO things, CONFRONT Mest, to BE there in the Universe instead of just "figger-figgering" all the time. He can EXTROVERT, REACH outward, EXTERIORIZE, LOOK outward. Nobody ever made them do this.

90.) The Instruct, Cram, Retread, Retrain cycle applies to ADMIN Posts as well. As an ESTO you may have to send 3/4 of an area or division to Retread their hats. Or to Retrain while on the Project Force. Just like that you don't have a division. The Product Officer is screaming!

91.) So how do you handle? You DO it. You may do it on a "one or two" at a time basis, or make the remaining staff cope like mad until the retread & retrains are back. You hold it there by "forte main". (Main Force).

92.) Here is the real test of an ESTO. Because he will find people who have been there a "long time" but who have never done basics. And those who are overdue for retread or retrain.

93.) People don't know "why they are there" or have "orientation" without the basics.

94.) The WRONG thing to do is to just conclude they are malicious or insane and just "shoot them".

95.) So you do as I've told you. Find the why. Put on the hats. Demonstrate a product producing ability. If needs basics, get them in.

96.) You may have to do several evaluations during a day's work to find "whys". A very LIGHT day might be 4 or so.

97.) It may be more like 20! But these are not the kind of Evals you do by writing it all up and doing a program. You do it from Observations, Questions & Answers to get Data. Evaluate and analyze the data to find outpoints, investigate more thoroughly that area with the most outpoints, find the WHY. Indicate it, and issue the order and get it complied with NOW! It can be all done in your head and the orders given verbally. But you better know the ideal scenes and policy for the area so you don't cross it and cause Dev-T yourself. Got it?

98.) Now you are handling human beings, and they have feelings, so HE&R is definitely a commodity here.

99.) The HE&R is handled by

1.) Finding Right Whys.

2.) Issuing the Correct Orders to Handle (Indicating the correct action).

3.) Never being reasonable about it, but being direct and forthright.

100.) Now when you get somebody this DOESN'T work on, you have a pc there, a case.

101.) This is an auditing situation and requires "handling in depth" of a being who is way off the rails. This is best done while he is on a Project Force getting in his basics.

102.) You DON'T want to keep them on post in the org because they are basically:

103.) Ex: After lots of auditing, he finds he has always had a problem with his mother, but she has been dead for 20 years.

104.) Aberration is NOT the same as Insanity.

Aberration is the basis of OUTPOINTS in thinking.

105.) There are the:


2.) PTS


106.) These are the 3 categories of being or states of being that produce NON-OPTIMUM behaviour.

107.) They are 3 ENTIRELY different things.

108.) The INSANE you detect by graphs and behaviour. (SP Characteristics, Ev. Purps.)

The PTS "roller-coaster" - grief, anatago, 1.1 "nice", propitiation, up and down.

The merely ABERRATED has outpoints in his thinking and doing.

109.) I made a list to handle these "aberrated" ones. It's called an "HC list". (Because at one time there was going to be a "Hubbard Counsellor") (or "Consultant".)

110.) The HC list is simply an OUTPOINT LIST. And it's assessed.

111.) It's to find where the guy has outpoints crossing up his thinking.

112.) Having "outpoints in thinking" makes a person look very stupid. But it can be handled.

113.) I will outline these 3 for you more exactly:

- The INSANE person will make destructive "mistakes" and "errors". But they are NOT mistakes and errors to him. He knows all the time how to do it right and is DELIBERATELY trying to harm or destroy the organization. He is doing it KNOWINGLY. He will try to "cover it up", pretend they were "mistakes", etc.

- The PTS will get on everybody's lines, cause a lot of Dev-T, and be observed to go up and down the tone scale like a "yo-yo".

- The ABERRATED will appear stupid in some areas, make mistakes, etc. but will handle when the outpoints are handled. He can improve.

114.) Now these are the 3 lowest categories pf personell. (A totally untrained person may ALSO apper "stupid" and make "mistakes" BUT in the course of normal hatting improves at a rate exactly proportional to the knowledge & application he receives by getting hatted or trained.

115.) So there is the ABERRATED one with outpoints who has trouble learning and applying.

And the MISSING DATA one who just needs hatting and then all is well.

116.) The guy who is NOT trained or hatted has missed his gradients and just DOES NOT KNOW. This is the "MISSING DATA" staff member.

117.) You, as an ESTO, are dealing with the field of OMITTED TECHNOLOGY.

118.) Where a staff are unhatted, the technology has been OMITTED.

119.) It's not that it doesn't exist. They just didn't study it or read it.

120.) Now, the ABERRATED one, who has OUTPOINTS in his thinking, don't believe they are just to do with Scientology or Tech or Policy. No, he's got them there all the time. If he's an "altered sequence" outpoint case, his time track will be all mixed up and he will talk and explain things also OUT OF SEQUENCE. Ex: " I came to the Sea Org then I left home before I was born."

121.) The simple outpoint of "OMITTED TECH" bridges from the aberrated one to the usual qualified staff member who CAN be trained and hatted. (And usually looks for the tech and data HIMSELF to learn more about his job.)

122.) So the 3 types of UNQUALIFIED STAFF are: INSANE, PTS (simply connected to somebody who IS insane), to the ABERRATED (outpoints), then to the OMITTED DATA (who just needs to be trained) and this bridges right into the QUALIFIED STAFF MEMBER.

123.) If you are very lucky, you will be dealing with these second types (QUALIFIED) who just need to be hatted or told what to do.

124.) From here on, your usual hatting and ESTO tech works very easily and well. If not, you have skipped a gradient or passed a MU or failed to detect the guy was really in a lower category.



INSANE = PrPr 6 or Expanded Dianetics, etc.

125.) And when hiring, you will save yourself enormous amount of trouble by just NOT taking on a "pc".

126.) You are dealing with PERSONELL.




127.) You are dealing with people, and at a different level than an AUDITOR deals with them.

128.) The Jesuits, I was told once, are taught to accept the world as it is and begin there. This is what an ESTO does. The staff he has are the staff that is THERE and that's where he begins.

129.) So when you go back to your org, we start with what you've got and start hatting them. Then if it doesn't work on a few, they are in these lower categories, so you find which, and handle.

130.) So you are dealing with people as they ARE and as what you HOPE they will be.

131.) So how LONG can you deal with people on a "HOPE THEY WIL BE GOOD STAFF" basis?

132.) Well, with an auditor it may be several MONTHS. Therefor, the recruitment of auditors should take place far ahead of anyone else, and no matter how soon you start, it will be too late. There's ALWAYS a need for auditors.

133.) So you do work on a HOPE basis. But when you walk in to a division, you start with what you have RIGHT THERE, RIGHT NOW.

134.) Then your HOPE factor comes in - What you HOPE to do with the personell and what do you have to do to make that HOPE come true?

135.) And that is your up-grade toward the IDEAL SCENE.

136.) And many are the losses which one must be willing to experience in this line of country.

137.) So realize that you are still making progress when you do three steps forward and only 2 back ( a way they tech the school children in Russia). You will eventually get there.

138.) If you expect success with EVERY human being, you are an optimist the like of which is not seen much anymore, because there are other STRESSES operating on people in the culture of society today.

139.) And other STRESSES in the org itself. Ex: A high exec wants a key staff member to go onto a network job or to Flag, or they want them offloaded.

140.) How do you handle this? Well, don't just sit there and try to "defend" the staff from Execs. That won't help. But do make a sound recommendation on what to do to either SALVAGE or REPLACE the person.

141.) The only way you will get in trouble as an ESTO is if the staff are not getting MORE EFFECTIVE ON POST as you go along.

142.) If they stay the same or get LESS effective, execs and staff both will be colliding with you, AND them. The Dev-T will get enormous. (Ex: You fail to handle the Treasury Division Hats, so the staff don't get paid after waiting in line and the check for payroll can't be cashed till Monday. Now you have HE&R from staff, execs, everybody! All over Treasury AND you.)

143.) So you had better give a "hope factor" to the guys you are hatting too! So they will feel the future will be better, less noise and confusion, stable orderly working conditions, regular pay, etc.

144.) Get them to envision a little more of the "ideal scene" that they CAN envision.

145.) If they finally get to where they ARE producing and wearing their hats - their MORALE will go right on up and they will WIN.

146.) If you guide them well and do the standard things to handle them, these guys will WIN.

147.) It would be great if it all went 1, 2, 3. You get a hat compiled, get it in his hands, check him out, get him producing and then you find it isn't working out - he's OFF post every time you come around. Why? - Well, THAT'S your first EVALUATION.

148.) Now, be prepared to find out anything. And when you do find it out, handle it.

149.) So expect these "bumps" in the road. But you have the tools to handle it. And when you have the "Right Why" handled, it will all straighten out - bongo!

150.) And the beautiful part is that you will find that the "malice" or "bad intention" under it was so slight, in most cases, as to be nearly negligible.

151.) (Gives example of an area where all staff were ridgy, B.I.s, antago, sullen, etc. Finally investigation discovered the "Right Why" that even the staff didn't realize until indicated. Then VGIs and cooperation all over the place. The staff had been driven by outpoints and "wrong whys" into almost a "quiet mutiny". Now, it all blew and VGIs came in - and there was NOT malice or bad intention in the whole area!)

152.) So I just wish that some of these birds who used to run Slave Plantations, and guys like Napoleon who used to run armies and the heads of some of these totalitarian States, would do a little study on the Data Series.

153.) Because they would find out that man was not an "evil beast".

154.) The INABILITY of the Catholic Church, Angelican, Methodist, and other faiths, to unravel the "WHY" that lay behind Human Emotion & Reaction (HE&R), that conceived them utterly that man was a "sinful" being convinced in sin, born in sin, and would die in sin. He was "EVIL". You can see them now shaking their fingers at their congregations and preaching that they were all "evil sinners". No, they just never had the RIGHT WHY.

155.) So, your own future MORALE as an EESTO, ist greatly dependent on your ability to penetrate a situation and discover a correct "WHY".

156.) The definition of a WHY is: "something that will move something higher toward an ideal scene".

157.) And your REWARD will be the total CERTAINTY that you are NOT handling MALICIOUS OR EVIL BEINGS.

158.) Thank you very much!

*** END - ESTO - 4 ***