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- Group Processing, Part 1 (UNI-12) - L541230d | Сравнить
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CONTENTS GROUP PROCESSING, PART 1 Cохранить документ себе Скачать


A Group Processing session given on 30 December 1954


Put out the cat, oil up your thetan and find the floor. (shuffling noises)

Is that a floor?

Audience: Yes.

Good. You sure it's a floor?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. You sure it's a floor?

Audience: Yes.

All right. Is it a floor?

Audience: Yes.

All right. Is it a floor?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Have you got a floor under you?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Now I'm going to put into action some of the principles which I was talking to you about today. I'm going to ask you to take your right index finger and make contact with your nose.

And now I'm going to ask you with your right index finger to break contact with your nose.

Make contact with your nose. Okay.

Break contact with your nose. All right.

Make contact with your nose.

Whose nose is it?

Audience: Mine.

Okay. You got a nose there?

Audience: Yes.

Well, fine.

Let's break contact with your nose. All right.

Let's make contact with your nose. All right.

Let's break contact with your nose. Okay.

Let's make contact. All right.

Let's break contact.

Let's make it. Let's break it. Let's make it. Got a nose there?

Audience: Yes.

Well, let's make sure. Roll it around. You got a nose there? Really?

Audience: Yeah.

You really got a nose there?

Audience: Yes.

All right. Let's break contact with the nose. All right.

Have you broken contact with your nose?

Audience: Yes.

All right. Let's make contact with it. See if it's really there. Okay.

Now let's break contact with your nose. All right.

Let's make contact with it.

Let's break contact with it.

Let's make contact with it.

Let's break contact with it.

Let's make contact with your nose. Good.

Let's break contact. Good.

Let's make contact. Good.

Let's break contact. Good.

Let's make contact. Good.

Let's break contact. Good.

Let's make contact. Good.

Let's break contact.

Have you broken contact with your nose?

Audience: Yes.

All right. You sure you have?

Audience: Yes.

All right. Have you still got a nose?

Audience: Yes.

Oh, you just made contact with it, didn't you? (audience laughter) All right. Now without that finger, let's make contact with our nose.

Now let's break contact with the nose.

Come on now, let's try again. And let's make contact with the nose.

And at least to some degree break contact with the nose.

Now let's make contact with the nose. Okay.

Now let's break contact with the nose. Okay.

Let's make contact with the nose.

Got it?

Audience: Mm-hm.

Good. You got it?

Audience: Yes.

You got contact with your nose there?

Audience: Yes.

Well, fine. Now let's break contact with the nose.

Did you?

Audience: Yes.

All right. Now let's make contact with the nose.

Got it?

Audience: Yes.

You know it's there?

Audience: Yes.

All right. Let's break contact with it. Now how's that?

Audience: Fine.

Fine. All right. Now you may have to close one eye to do this but let's take your right index finger and let's make contact with the right eyeball. You feel it?

Audience: Yes.

You sure?

Audience: Yes.

You sure? All right. Let's break contact with the right eyeball. Now let's make contact with it.

Now let's break contact with it.

Now let's make contact with it.

Now let's break contact with it. Good.

Now let's make contact with it. Good.

Now let's break contact with it. Good.

Now let's make contact with it. Good.

Now let's break contact with it. Good.

Now let's make contact with it. Good.

Now let's break contact with it. Good.

Now let's make contact with it. Good.

Let's break contact with it. Good.

Let's make contact with it and find out if it's still there and you're really there and so forth. Feel it. Really got contact with it?

Audience. Yes.

Well, good. Let's break contact with it. All right.

Now let's take the left index finger and you may have to close the left eye a bit to do this but let's see if we can't make contact with that left index finger and the left eye. Got it now?

Audience: Yes.

All right. Let's break contact.

Now let's make contact with that eye.

Now let's break contact with it. Okay.

Let's make contact. Okay.

Let's break contact.

Now did you break contact with the eye?

Audience: Yes.

You sure of that?

Audience: Yes.

Good. Now let's make contact with the eye. Good.

Now let's break contact with the eye. Good.

Let's make contact with it. Good.

Let's break contact with it. Good.

Let's make contact with that eye. Good.

Let's break contact with it. All right.

Now let's take our right and left index fingers and now we're going to make contact with both eyes and you may have to close both eyes to do this. Some people do. And let's take these two index fingers and make contact with the right and left eyes. Are they there?

Audience: Yes.

Good. You sure you got eyes there under your fingers?

Audience: Yes.

Good. Let's kind of rub them around a little bit and make sure. You really got eyes there?

Audience: Yes.

Good. You sure you got eyes there?

Audience: Yes.


Audience: Yes.

All right. Let's break contact with the eyes.

Let's make contact with the eyes. Now let's break contact with the eyes. Let's make contact with the eyes. Let's break contact with the eyes. Let's make contact with the eyes. Let's break contact with the eyes. Let's make contact with the eyes.

Let's break contact with the eyes. Okay. Let's make contact. Okay.

Let's break contact. All right. Now let's make contact. All right. Now let's break contact. All right.

Let's make contact and make sure it's been made. You sure you got eyes there?

Audience: Yes.

You contacting your eyeballs?

Audience: Yes.

Good. Let's break contact. Good. Now let's make contact. Good. Now let's break contact.

Now let's make contact.

Now let's break contact.

Now let's make contact.

Let's break contact.

Let's make contact.

Let's break contact.

Let's make contact. Okay.

Let's break contact. Okay.

Let's make contact. All right. Let's break contact. All right. Let's make contact. All right. Let's break contact. All right. Let's make contact. Okay.

Let's break contact. All right. Things get blurry?

Audience: Yes.

Things blurry? All right. Now without the fingers let's make contact with our eyes. Okay. Did you?

Audience: Yes.

All right. Now let's break contact with the eyes. Did you, somewhat?

Audience: Yes.

All right. Good. Now again, without the fingers let's make contact with the eyes. Did you?

Audience: Yes.

Well, all right. Let's break contact with them. All right.

Let's make contact with them. All right. Let's break contact with them. Easy to do?

Audience: Yes. No.

No? All right. Now let's just try it some more. Let's make contact with the eyes.

Did you do it?

Audience: Yes.

Have you done it?

Audience: Yes.

All right. Let's break contact with the eyes. Okay.

Did you do it?

Audience: Yes.

Little bit difficult?

Audience: Yes.

Getting easier?

Audience: No. Yes.

Well, all right. Let's make contact with the eyes.

Did you do it?

Audience: Yes.

You sure?

Audience: Yes.

Well, good. Let's break contact with them. All right.

Let's make contact with the eyes.

You do it?

Audience: Yes.

Good. Let's break contact with the eyes. Okay.

Let's make contact with the eyes.

You do it?

Audience: Yes.

Is it easy?

Audience: Yes.

Getting easier?

Audience: Yes.

Well, good. Let's break contact with the eyes now. All right.

Now let's make contact with them. Okay.

Let's break contact with them.

Now let's make contact with them.

Did you?

Audience: Yes.

Good. Let's break contact with them. All right.

Let's make contact with the eyes. All right.

Let's break contact with the eyes. Okay.

Let's make contact with them. All right.

Let's break contact with them. All right.

Let's make contact with the eyes. Okay.

Let's break contact with the eyes. Okay.

Let's make contact with the eyes.

Did you?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Let's break contact with the eyes.

All right. Now let's look around.

How you doing?

Audience: Fine.

Things get all misty or do anything peculiar?

Audience: No.

Hm? Your eyes hurt or anything now?

Audience: No.

Anybody's eyes hurt?

Audience: Yes. No.

Good. Let's make contact with the eyes. Female voice: Open or closed?

Your choice. Open them, close them, it's your choice.

Now let's break contact with the eyes. Let's make contact with the eyes. Let's break contact with the eyes.

Let's make contact with the eyes. Okay. Let's break contact with the eyes. Okay. They still stinging?

Audience: Yes.


Audience: Yes.

They stinging a little bit? Oh, we can't have this. You mean they're not perfect yet? All right.

Let's make contact with the eyes. Did you?

Audience: Yes.

Let's break contact with the eyes.

Let's make contact with the eyes. Okay. Let's break contact with the eyes. All right. Let's make contact with the eyes. Okay. Let's break contact with the eyes. Okay. Let's make contact with the eyes. Okay. Let's break contact with the eyes. Okay. Let's make contact with the eyes. All right. Let's break contact with the eyes. Okay. Let's make contact with the eyes. Okay. Let's break contact with the eyes. Okay. Now let's look around.

Bad as it was?

Audience: No.

Hm? Had any change?

Audience: Yes.

You have?

Audience: Yes.

All right. Do a variation of the same process. Let's look at the right wall. Okay.

Let's look away from the right wall. Let's look at the left wall.

Let's look away from the left wall. Okay. Let's look at the right wall.

Let's look away from the right wall. Let's look at the left wall. Okay.

Let's look away from the left wall. Okay. Let's look at the right wall. All right. Let's look at the left wall.

Let's look away from both walls All right Let's look at the right wall. Okay.

Look away from the right wall.

Let's look at the left wall. Okay.

Let's look away from the left wall. Okay.

Let's look at the right wall. Okay.

Let's look away from the right wall. Okay.

Let's look at the left wall. Okay.

Let's look away from the left wall. All right.

Let's look at the right wall. Okay.

Let's look away from the right wall. All right.

Let's look at the left wall. All right.

Let's look away from the left wall. Okay.

Make you feel better?

Audience: Yes.

Good. Eyes still burning someplace?

Audience: No. Yes.

We've got to be careful of that, you know. We've got to be careful here and in view of the fact that we don't want to make any upset here, I want you to tell your eyes "Hello."

Audience: Hello. Hello, eyes.

Now remember it's your eyes you're telling "Hello." You can say it aloud if you want to.

Audience: Hello, eyes. (repeated responses)

Go on, tell your eyes "Hello."

Audience: Hello, eyes. (repeated responses)

Good. Good. Tell your eyes "Hello."

Audience: Hello, eyes. (repeated responses)


Audience: Hello, eyes. (repeated responses)

All right. Now, has anybody's eyeballs fallen out on the floor or anything like that?

Audience: (various responses).

Nobody has? Well, I'm going to ask you to tell somebody else's eyes "Hello" now. Look around and tell somebody else's eyes "Hello."

Audience: Hello, eyes.

Remember you're telling their eyes "Hello."

Audience: Hello, eyes. (repeated responses)

Go on, you're telling each other's eyes "Hello."

Audience: Hello, eyes. (repeated responses)

Good. Let's tell somebody else's eyes "Hello." Remember you're telling their eyes "Hello" now. Tell them "Hello" some more. Tell somebody else's eyes "Hello" some more.

Audience: Hello, eyes. (repeated responses)

Okay! Okay. All right. Now how's that? Is that real good? Is that real workable? Huh? Is that okay now?

Audience: Yes.

Anybody got any somatics?

Audience: Yes.

All right. Now we know we had a process earlier whereby we had a spot right in front of the face and we have this spot talking. All right. Now, I'm going to ask you to conceive a spot back of somebody else's head. Conceive a spot back of somebody else's head and start telling it "Hello."

Audience: Hello. (repeated responses)


Audience: Hello. (repeated responses)

Come on, let's conceive that spot.

Audience: Hello. (repeated responses)

Okay. All right. Now how was that?

Audience: Okay. Fine.

That's real easy, isn't it? Huh?

Audience: Yes.

Real easy. Okay. Let's take a spot three feet back of your neighbor's head and have it say "Hello" to you. Over and over.

That's fine. A spot three feet in back of somebody else's head and have it say "Hello" to you. Over and over. All right.

How's that?

Audience: Good.

Good. Now let's find a spot three feet in back of somebody else's head and have it say "Hello" to you. All right.

That's real good. How's it going?

Audience: Good.

Good. Anybody have any energy move around, or anything like that happen?

Audience: Yes.

No, really?

Audience: Yes.

All right. Let's find the floor.

Let's find the right-hand wall. The right-hand wall. Find the right-hand wall. Did you?

Audience: Yes.

Well, all right. Let's find the left-hand wall.

Audience: Okay.

Did you find it?

Audience: Yes.

Well, lose it.

Did you lose it?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Let's find the right-hand wall.

Audience: Okay.

Did you find it?

Audience: Yes.

Well, good. Let's lose it.

Audience: Okay.

All right. Now let's find the left-hand wall.

Audience: Okay.

Find it?

Audience: Yes.

Well, good. Lose it.

Audience: Okay.

All right. Now let's find the right-hand wall.

Audience: Okay.

Did you find it?

Audience: Yes.

Well, okay. Lose it.

Audience: Okay.

Did you?

Audience: Yes.

You sure?

Audience: Yes.

All right. Now having lost it, let's find it again.

Audience: Okay.

You got it?

Audience: Yes.

Well, good. Let's lose it.

Audience: Okay.

Good. Fine. Now let's find it.

Audience: Okay.

Did you find it?

Audience: Yes.

Well, good. Lose it.

Audience: Okay.

Is it lost?

Audience: Yes.

Well, good. Let's find it again.

Audience: Okay. I got it.

Good. Well, now let's lose it.

Audience: Okay.

All right. Let's find it.

Audience: Okay.

Good. Let's lose it.

Audience: Okay.

Okay. Is that getting easier to lose?

Audience: Yes.

Well, fine. Let's find it again.

Audience: Okay.

Did you find it?

Audience: Yes.

Is it there?

Audience: Yes.

All right. Lose it.

Audience: Okay.

All right. Let's find it again.

Audience: Okay.

All right. Let's keep it.

Audience: Okay.

And still keeping it, let's find the left-hand wall.

Audience: Okay.

You sure you got it?

Audience: Yes.

Huh? You got the left-hand wall too?

Audience: Yes.

You got them both?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Let's lose them both.

Audience: Okay.

You lose them both?

Audience: Yes.

Well, let's find both of them again.

Audience: Okay.

You got them?

Audience: Yes.

Make you feel good?

Audience: Yes.

Good. Let's lose them.

Audience: Okay.

All right. You lose them?

Audience: Yes.

Well, fine, let's find them again.

Audience: Okay.

You find them?

Audience: Yes.

Well, fine. Let's lose them.

Audience: Okay.

All right. Did you lose them?

Audience: Yes.

Well, good. Let's find them again.

Audience: Okay.

Now let's find the ceiling.

Audience: Okay.

Let's find the floor.

Audience: Okay.

Let's find the back of the room.

Audience: Okay.

Let's find the front of the room.

Audience: Okay.

Got them all now?

Audience: Yes.

Lose them! Okay.

Let's find them all again.

Audience: Okay.

Did you find them?

Audience: Yes.

You got them?

Audience: Yes.

You got them real good?

Audience: Yes.

Is there any part you got less well?

Audience: Yes. No.

All right. Let's check it over and get them all real good.

Audience: Okay.

You got them for sure now?

Audience: Yes.

All right. Let's keep them.

Audience: Okay.

You decide to keep them?

Audience: Yes.

Well, good. Now let's change your minds and lose them.

Audience: Okay.

You lose them?

Audience: Yes.

Well, good. Let's find them again.

Audience: Okay.

All right. Did you?

Audience: Yes.

Let's lose them.

Audience: Okay.

All right. Let's find them again.

Audience: Okay.

You got them?

Audience: Yes.

Well, fine. Let's lose them.

Audience: Okay.

You lose them real good?

Audience: Yes.

You sure?

Audience: Yes.

Well, good. Let's find them again.

Audience: Okay.

You find them real good?

Audience: Yes.

You sure?

Audience: Yes.

All right. Let's lose them again.

Audience: Okay.

How's that? Real easy?

Audience: Yes.

Well, let's find them again.

Audience: Okay.

Did you?

Audience: Yes.

Well, good. Let's lose them again.

Audience: Okay.

All right. Let's find them again.

Audience: Okay.

Did you?

Audience: Yes.

Well, let's check up on it. Did you really find them again?

Audience: Yes.

Well, get a good feeling of relief about it: "Boy, I found them. Gosh, I sure got them." All right. Let's lose them.

Audience: Okay.

Let's lose the works.

Audience: Okay.

Now say, "Oh boy, I lost them."

Audience: Oh boy, I lost them.

They good and lost?

Audience: Yes.

Well, good. Let's find them again.

Audience: Okay.

All right. Let's lose them again.

Audience: Okay.

All right. Let's find them again.

Audience: Okay.

Okay. Let's lose them again.

Audience: Okay.

All right. Let's find them again.

Audience: Okay.

You got them?

Audience: Yes.

Got them real good?

Audience: Yes.

Well, good. Let's lose them.

Audience: Okay.

All right. Let's find them again.

Audience: Okay.

All right. Let's lose them.

Audience: Okay.

Did you lose them?

Audience: Yes.

Good and proper?

Audience: Yes.

They lost?

Audience: Yes.

Well, good. Let's find them again.

Audience: Okay.

Things looking duller or brighter?

Audience: Duller. Brighter.

Anybody have them look duller?

Audience: Yeah.

All right. Let's find them real good now. All right.

Now let's decide to lose them, and lose them.

Audience: All right.

Got it?

Audience: Yes.

All right. Let's decide to find them, and find them. Okay. Let's decide to lose them, and lose them. All right.

Let's decide to find them, and find them. All right.

Let's decide to lose them, and lose them.

Did you?

Audience: Yes.

All right. Let's decide to find them, and find them.

Did you?

Audience: Yes.

Have you found them?

Audience: Yes.

You got them?

Audience: Yes.

Things looking duller?

Audience: No.

Things looking brighter?

Audience: Yes.

Is that a fact? Let's find them again. All right.

Now let's decide to lose them, and lose them.

Did you?

Audience: Yes.

Well, good. Let's decide to find them, and find them. That nice and easy to do?

Audience: Yes.

Well, good. Let's decide to lose them, and lose them.

Audience: Okay.

All right. Did you?

Audience: Yes.

Well, fine. Let's decide to find them, and find them. Male voice: Okay.

Well, let's decide to lose them, and lose them.

Male voice: Okay. What you losing?

Audience: Walls.

Are you keeping a facsimile of them or anything?

Audience: No.

Well, good. Let's get them lost.

Now decide to find them, and find them again.

You do that?

Audience: Yeah.

Well, fine. Did you find them real good?

Audience: Yes.

Well, decide to lose them, and lose them.

Did you do that?

Audience: Yes.

Well, good. Let's decide to find them, and find them. Did you do that?

Audience: Yes.

Well, fine. Now let's decide to lose them, and lose them. Did you do that?

Audience: Yes.

Well, good. Let's decide to find them, and find them. Did you do that?

Audience: Yes.

Well, good. Let's decide to lose them, and lose them. Did you?

Audience: Yes.

Good. You getting better at it?

Audience: Yes. No.

Getting worse at it?

Audience: Yes. No.

All right. Now let's decide to find them, and find them. Good. Now let's decide to lose them, and lose them.

Did you do that?

Audience: Yes.

All right. Let's decide to find them, and find them.

Did you find them?

Audience: Yes.

Well, check up on it.

Did you do that?

Audience: Yes.

How you feel?

Audience: Fine.

All right. We're going to pull a real mean one now Going to pull a real mean one, now, so don't be too startled.

Let's find somebody in the audience.

You got somebody?

Audience: Yes.

You sure?

Audience: Yes.

All right. Decide to lose them, and lose them.

Did you do that?

Audience: Yes.

Well, decide to find them, and find them.

Did you decide first?

Audience: Yeah.

All right. Did you find them?

Audience: Yes.

Good. Let's decide to lose them, and lose them.

Did you do that?

Audience: Yes.

Good. Now let's decide to find this person, and find them.

Did you do that?

Audience: Yes.

Well, good. Let's decide to lose this person, and lose them.

You do that?

Audience: Yes.

All right. Let's decide to find this person, and find them.

Did you?

Audience: Yes.

You sure?

Audience: Yes.

All right. Decide to lose the person, and lose them.

Decide to find the person, and find them. All right.

Decide to lose the person, and lose them.

Decide to find the person, and find them. All right.

Decide to lose the person, and lose them. All right.

Decide to find the person, and find them. All right.

Now decide to lose the person, and lose them.

Decide to find the person, and find them.

Now decide to lose the person, and lose them.

Now decide to find the person, and find them.

Now decide to lose this person, and lose them.

Now decide to find this person, and find them.

Did you do that?

Audience: Yes.

All right. Decide to lose this person, and lose them.

Now decide to find the person, and find them.

Now decide to lose the person, and lose them.

Now decide to find the person, and find them. All right.

Is that going fairly easy?

Audience: Yes.

Doing it pretty easily? Getting easier to do?

Audience: Yes.

More convincing?

Audience: Yes.

All right. Look at a person. Look away from him. Okay. Look at a person. All right. Look away. All right.

Look at a person. Okay. Look away. All right.

Look at a person. All right. Look away. All right.

Look at a person. Okay. Look away. All right.

Look at a person. All right. Look away. Okay.

Look at a person. All right. Look away. All right.

Look at a person. All right. Look away. Okay.

Look at a person. All right. Look away. All right.

Look at a person. Okay. Look away. All right.

Look at a person. All right. Look away. All right.

Look at a person. All right. Look away. Okay.

Look at a person. All right. Look away. All right.

Look at a person. Okay. Look away. All right.

Look at a person. All right. Look away. All right.

Look at a person. Okay. Look away. All right.

Look at a person. All right. Look away. All right.

Look at a person. Okay. Look away. All right.

How's it doing?

Audience: Good. Okay.

Doing easier? All right. I want you to look at the back of somebody's head. Come on, let's find the back of somebody's head.

Did you find the back of somebody's head?

Audience: Yes.

You sure?

Audience: Yes.

All right. Be the distance from it you are.

Let's be the distance from the back of somebody's head that you are. Now be in your own head.

Now be three feet back of somebody else's head. Or thereabouts.

Now be in your own head.

Now be three feet in back of somebody else's head. Okay.

Be in your own head. All right.

Be three feet back of somebody else's head. Okay.

Be in your own head. Okay.

Be three feet back of somebody else's head. Okay.

Be in your own head. All right.

Be three feet back of somebody else's head. Okay.

Be in your own head. All right.

Be three feet back of somebody else's head.

Now if you can or wish to, be three feet back of your own head. Whatever you're looking at make a copy of it.

Copy it several more times. Whatever you're looking at, in or out, it doesn't matter.

Push all the copies together and pull them in.

Now whatever you're looking at make some copies of it.

Push all the copies together and pull them in.

Now whatever you're looking at make some copies of it.

Push all the copies together and pull them in.

Now whatever you're looking at, black, white, green, purple, or the scenery, make some copies of it.

Push the copies together and pull them in. Okay.

Whatever you're looking at now make some copies of it.

Push all the copies together and pull them in. Okay.

How you doing?

Audience: Good. Fine.

Doing all right?

Audience: Yep.

Anybody bogged down? Anybody wrecked?

Audience: No.

Anybody ruined?

Audience: No.

Oh, what a disappointing evening! (laughter)

Now with your right hand touch the top of your head.

Make contact. Break contact. Make contact. Break contact. Make contact. Break contact. Make contact. Break contact. Make contact. Break contact. Make contact. Break contact. Make contact. Break contact. Make contact. Break contact. Make contact. Break contact. Make contact. Break contact. Make contact. Break contact. Make contact. Break contact.

Put your hand on your lap. Good.

What happened when you did that? Nothing?

Well, look, you're free to move without something horrible happening. Now just let's look this over. You suppose there's a possibility of a greater freedom, huh? Well, let's see if there is. Let's see if there is a greater freedom. Let's think of something you're able to do.

You do that?

Audience: Yes.

All right. You do that for sure?

Audience: Yes.

All right. Now, let's think of something else you're able to do.

You do that?

Audience: Yes.

All right. Now just rapidly one after the other think of a lot of things that you're able to do. (pause) Doing that real well?

Audience: Yes.

Think of a lot of things you're able to do?

Audience: Yes.

How's that make you feel?

Audience: Fine. Good.

Well, good. Let's think of some more things you're able to do. (pause)

Getting some good ones?

Audience: Yep.

Well, fine.

Let's think of some more things you're able to do. (pause) Okay.

How you making out?

Audience: Good. Fine.

Good. Well, let's think of some more things you're able to do. (pause)

Finding some good ones?

Audience: Yes.

Well, good. You finding more than you'd bargained for lately?

Audience: Yes.

Huh? Well, let's find a lot more of them. Give me some more things now that you're able to do. (pause) Okay.

How you making out, huh?

Audience: Good. Fine.

Good. Fine. Now let's think of some more things you're able to do. (pause) Okay.

How you making it?

Audience: Okay.

Well, good. After all this silence turn around and find somebody and say "Hello."

Audience: Hello. (repeated responses)

Okay. Fine.

Now tell me "Hello."

Audience: Hello!


Audience: Hello, Ron!


Audience: Hello, Ron!


Audience: Hello, Ron!


Audience: Hello, Ron!


Audience: Hello, Ron!


Audience: Hello, Ron!


Audience: Hello, Ron!


Audience: Hello, Ron!


Audience: Hello, Ron!


Audience: Hello, Ron!


Audience: Hello, Ron!


Audience: Hello, Ron!


Audience: Hello, Ron!


Audience: Hello, Ron!


Audience: Hello, Ron!


Audience: Hello, Ron!


Audience: Hello, Ron!


Audience: Hello, Ron!


Audience: Hello, Ron!


Audience: Hello, Ron!


Audience: Hello, Ron!


Audience: Hello, Ron!


Audience: Hello, Ron!


Audience: Hello, Ron!


Audience: Hello, Ron!


Audience: Hello, Ron!


Audience: Hello, Ron!


Audience: Hello, Ron!


Audience: Hello, Ron!


Audience: Hello, Ron!


Audience: Hello, Ron!


Audience: Hello, Ron!


Audience: Hello, Ron!


Audience: Hello, Ron!


Audience: Hello, Ron!


Audience: Hello, Ron!


Audience: Hello, Ron!


Audience: Hello, Ron!


Audience: Hello, Ron!


Audience: Hello, Ron!


Audience: Hello, Ron!


Audience: Hello, Ron!


Audience: Hello, Ron!


Audience: Hello, Ron!


Audience: Hello, Ron!


Audience: Hello, Ron!


Audience: Hello, Ron!


Audience: Hello, Ron!


Audience: Hello, Ron!


Audience: Hello, Ron!


Audience: Hello, Ron!


Audience: Hello, Ron!


Audience: Hello, Ron!


Audience: Hello, Ron!


Audience: Hello, Ron!


Audience: Hello, Ron!


Audience: Hello, Ron!


Audience: Hello, Ron!


Audience: Hello, Ron!


Audience: Hello, Ron!


Audience: Hello, Ron!


Audience: Hello, Ron!


Audience: Hello, Ron!


Audience: Hello, Ron!


Audience: Hello, Ron! Hello, Ron! Hello, Ron! Hello, Ron! Hello, Ron! Hello, Ron! Hello, Ron!


Audience: Hello, Ron!


Audience: Hello, Ron!


Audience: Hello, Ron!


Audience: Hello, Ron!


Audience: Hello, Ron!


Audience: Hello, Ron!


Audience: Hello, Ron!


Audience: Hello, Ron!


Audience: Hello, Ron!


Audience: Hello, Ron!


Audience: Hello, Ron!


Audience: Hello, Ron!


Audience: Hello, Ron!


Audience: Hello, Ron!


Audience: Hello, Ron!

How are you?

Audience: Fine! How are you?

Okay. Now ask me how I am.

Audience: How are you?

I'm okay. How are you?

Audience: Fine. How are you?

Okay. How are you?

Audience: Fine. How are you?

I'm fine. How are you?

Audience: Fine. How are you?


Audience: Hello.

How are you?

Audience: Fine. How are you?

I'm okay. How are you?

Audience: Fine. How are you?

I'm okay. How are you?

Audience: Fine. How are you?

I'm okay. How are you?

Audience: Fine. How are you?

Okay. How are you?

Audience: Fine. How are you?

Good. How are you?

Audience: Fine. How are you?

I'm fine. How are you?

Audience: Fine. How are you?

Okay. How are you?

Audience: Fine. How are you?

Okay. How are you?

Audience: Fine. How are you?


Audience: Okay.

How do you feel?

Audience: Fine.

Good! All right.

We're running way back of schedule this evening, so let us have a coffee break and get back on the job again. Okay.