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- Group Processing, Part 1 (UNI-12) - L541230d | Сравнить
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CONTENTS GROUP PROCESSING, PART II Cохранить документ себе Скачать


A Group Processing session given on 30 December 1954

The processes which we have been using are based upon communication. Whether or not you make and break contact with your eyes directly or with the wall, you are making and breaking communication.

There's a singular difference however, between making and breaking contact with your eyes which are alive, and a wall which is dead.

The process known as Opening Procedure of 8 -C makes and breaks contacts with the wall. But the same process could be run on living forms, couldn't it?

Audience: Yes.

All right. Touch the person next to you.

Now, here and there, I suppose somebody is going to shudder and say wh000 — no. All right.

Let go.

Now, come on now, don't touch yourself. Touch the person next to you. Good. Good. You touching somebody next to you?

Audience: Yes.

You know you're touching somebody next to you?

Audience: Yes.

All right. Let go. Okay.

Touch somebody next to you.

Done so?

Audience: Yes.

Well, good. Let go.

Audience: Okay.

All right. Now, touch somebody next to you.

Audience: Okay.

Okay. Let go. All right.

Touch somebody next to you. Good.

Let go. All right.

Touch somebody next to you. Okay.

Let go. All right.

Touch somebody next to you. Good.

Let go. All right.

Touch somebody next to you. Good.

Let go. All right.

Touch somebody next to you.

Shock. But one of the more convincing things is to feel somebody else's pulse. So let's feel the pulse of somebody next to you.

It's right inside the wrist, right there. Did you find it? Hm? Find it? Is that person alive?

Audience: Yes!

Well, all right. Let go.

Now, there's a little stranger and a little more intimate test than that, which is to have somebody breathe on your hand. So put your hand alongside the person next to you, and have them breathe a little bit on your hand.

Now make sure you get your hand breathed on.

Is that person alive?

Audience: Yes!

Well. Well. All right, touch the person next to you. Okay.

Let go. Good.

Let's touch the person next to you. Fine.

Let go.

Now, is that person alive?

Audience: Yes.

Are these people getting more real?

Audience: Yes.

Now, are they? Huh?

Well, they themselves might be getting more real because you're touching them. Let's see if this isn't the case. All right.

Touch the person next to you. All right.

Let go. All right.

Touch the person next to you. Good.

Let go. All right.

Touch the person next to you. Fine.

Let go. All right.

Touch the person next to you. Okay.

Let go.

Are you starting to find somebody alive around here?

Audience: Yes!

Well, what do you know! What do you know!

Now, let's, if possible, take a different person. Another person. Good. Now, touch that person. Okay.

Let go.

Now, did everybody do that?

Audience: Yes!

No you didn't. Now, come on, everybody do this next one.

Find another person and touch them. Okay.

Let go. All right.

Find another person. Okay.

Let go.

Now is this other person real?

Audience: Yes!

Are they alive?

Audience: Yes!

Okay. Take your seats, and touch the person next to you.

Now is this person more alive than before?

Audience: Yes.

You mean there's more than two in the world?

Audience: Yes.

No kidding! Let go. All right.

Touch the person next to you. All right.

Let go. Okay.

Now say hello to the person next to you.

Audience: Hello. Hello. Hello. (repeated responses)

Go ahead, say hello.

Audience: Hello. Hello. Hello. (repeated responses)

All right. Good. Good. Good.

Now tell the person next to you "Okay" many times.

Audience: Okay. Okay. Okay. (repeated responses)

All right. Fine. Fine. Fine. Fine. Now, touch the person next to you. Is this person even more real?

Audience: Yes.

Well, all right. Let go.

Touch the person next to you. That person real real?

Audience: Yes.

All right. Let go.

Touch the person next to you.

Is that person real real?

Audience: Yes.

All right. Let go.

Now touch the person next to you.

Is that person real real?

Audience: Yes.

All right. Let go. Fine.

How do you feel?

Audience: Fine.

Feel pretty good now?

Audience: Yes.

Well, swell.

Now we're going to play a horrible overt act on you. Now I got you feeling real good, this next is not calculated to do so at all. I want you to have a small spot in the space of the room before your face, start saying "Yes?" "What do you want?" sort of a "Yes?" Have this small spot in front of your face start saying "Yes?" to you. You don't say it, the spot says it to you. (pause) That's fine.

Now have that spot say it a lot of times to you. "Yes?" (pause) "Yes? You've got my attention. What do you want?" That sort of a "Yes." (pause) Now, that's fine.

Now have this little spot in front of your face say "Yes?" over and over. You know, sort of a "You've got my attention now, go ahead and talk." "Yes." (pause) All right. That's fine.

Now have that little spot in front of your face, say "Yes? Okay." "Yes?" a little space, then "Okay." Just as though you'd said something (which you didn't). (pause)

Now, that's fine. Have this little spot in the air of the room in front of your face — not in your bank or in 1776, but right now — have that little spot say "Yes?" and then just as though you said something, "Okay." "Yes? Okay." (pause) All right. That's fine.

Now put your finger right where you had the spot. Put your finger right where you had the spot. You got it now? You got it now real good? Huh? You got your finger where you had the spot?

Audience: Yes.

All right. Now, sit down and get, now, the spot some more saying "Yes? Okay." (pause) All right. That's fine.

Has anybody had any energy move around or anything like that?

Audience: Yes. No.

Is everybody going out in front of his face and back through again or anything like that? Hm? All right.

Anybody had the sensation of the little spot as soon as it says "Okay," start to move away?

Audience: No.

Anybody have the sensation of it moving in?

Audience: No. Yeah.

Uh-huh. In other words, there's a little something happens there incidentally, huh? Well, fine.

Now I want your little spot to say "Yes? Okay," to your eyes. (pause) That's good.

Have it say "Yes? Okay," to your eyes. (pause) That's fine.

Now, when energy turns up or anything like that, or you start working energy around, that's not what we want. We want a little spot out there and it says to your eyes "Yes? Okay."

If any horrible coughs or anything like that turns on, just have the little spot say "Yes? Okay." (pause) All right.

That's fine. Now, everything going along all right?

Audience: Yeah.

Any of your eye somatics disappear you picked up earlier?

Audience: Yeah.

Female voice: No, they turned on.

Oh, they've turned on? They're not going? Any of them turned up or turned off?

Audience: Yeah.

Well fine. Now we have a new process. Now we have a new process. Let's have that little spot out there in front of you if you're exteriorized, or in front of your face if you're not, say "Well, well, well, if it isn't X!" Big enthusiastic greeting. An originated communication. "Well, well, well, if it isn't X!" Enthusiastic. (pause) Okay.

That's fine. How's it going?

Audience: Good. Fine. Okay.

Going okay?

Audience: Mm-hm.

All right. Now remember, this little spot says "Well, well, well, well, if it isn't X!"You know. Enthusiasm! Let's get some more enthusiasm in there now. Real glad to see you. He's caught sight of you before you caught sight of him. (pause) That's fine.

Now have that little spot saying "Well, well, well, if it isn't X!" (pause) All right. How you getting that now, huh?

Audience: Fine.

Well, swell. Now, let's have that little spot say now, 'Well, well, well, if it isn't X!" "Okay, X." (pause) All right. How's it going now?

Audience: Good. Fine.

You getting detoured off into some energy masses or anything like that, or chewing on energy or something? Well, just skip the energy and just have this little spot — now it doesn't matter if it's verbal or vocal or anything, it's just got the idea and the enthusiasm in it, and it says 'Well, well, well, if it isn't X!" and then just as though you'd given it an order, 'Well, okay, X!" 'Well, well, well, if it isn't X!" "Okay, X." (pause) All right. How's it going, huh?

Audience: (various responses)

Going easier now?

Audience: Yeah.

Going any easier at all?

Audience: (various responses)

How's the somatics?

Audience: Gone.

Oh, they're gone, huh? Anybody still got any?

Male voice: Yep.

All right. Now let's have that little spot there, and it spotted you before you spotted it, you see, and it swings in there and it looks, and it says, 'Well, well, well, if it isn't X!" "Well, okay X!" More enthusiasm, now. (pause) All right, how's that going?

Audience: Fine.

It going pretty good?

Audience: Yes.

Well, good. Going a lot easier?

Audience: Yes.

Well, fine. Now, let's have it do it a few more times. (pause) All right. Well, now, that's fine.

Now find a person next to you and touch them. All right.

Let go.

Now find a person next to you and touch them. Okay.

Let go. All right.

Find a person next to you and touch them. Fine.

Let go.

Well now, find the person next to you and touch.

Now let go. Good.

Find a person next to you and touch.

Now let go and lose them.

Now find them and touch them. Okay.

Now lose them. All right.

Now find them and touch them. Okay.

Now lose them. All right.

Find them and touch them. All right.

Now lose them.

All right.

Find them and touch them. Got them?

Audience: Yes.

Are they alive?

Audience: Yes.

Well, lose them. Okay.

Find the floor. Got a floor?

Audience: Yes.

You got more floor than you had before? Less floor? All right. Find your chair.

And find the floor, Okay.

Find your chair. Good.

Find the floor. Good.

Find a chair.

And now I want you to have that little spot out in front of your face invent a game for you. (pause) Okay.

Did you do it?

Audience: Yeah.

Well, all right. Now, just have it invent game after game after game after game for you. And each time it invents a game you say "Okay." No matter what kind of a game it is, you say "Okay." (pause) All right. You doing that pretty easy?

Audience: Yes.

Does it invent some strange games?

Audience: Yes.

Well, fine. Let's make it invent some more games for you, and each time it invents one you say "Okay." (pause)

Fine. Now, how you making out there, huh?

Audience: Fine.

Making out pretty good?

Audience: Yes.

Are these games real interesting or real dull?

Audience: Dull. Boring.

Are they real fantastic?

Audience: Yeah.

All right. Now, let's have that spot out in front of your face invent some more games for you to play. (pause)

All right.

Now, just say "Okay," to it. No matter what it says, have it invent some more games and you say "Okay." You agree. That's the game you'll play. (pause)

All right. How's that working out now, huh?

Audience: Good.

Oh, this spot getting more inventive?

Audience: Yes.

Well, fine. You agreeing to it each time?

Audience: Yes.

Well, swell. Now, let's have this spot invent some more games for you to play, and you say "Okay," every time. (pause)

All right.

How's that going, huh?

Audience: Fine.

All right. Working real good?

Audience: Yes.

You being real agreeable?

Audience: Yes.

Well, fine. Does it go against your grain sometimes?

Audience: Yes.

Well, all right. Now, let's have this spot right out there in front of your face invent some games for you to play, and each time you say "Okay." (pause)

All right. Now, how's that going?

Audience: Fine.

That going pretty good?

Audience: Yes.

You sure?

Audience: Yes.

All right. Let's find the floor.

Let's find the chair. All right.

Let's find this little spot out in front of your face, and it rushes up and it invents a game for you to play, and you say "Okay." (pause)

All right. Now, how you doing with that, huh?

Audience: Fine.

Got any energy moving around?

Audience: (various responses)

Hm? You're just doing all right then. Just fine. All right.

Have something come up, invent a game for you to play and you say "Okay." (pause)

All right. Now how you doing?

Audience: All right.

Hm? You're still alive?

Audience: Yeah.

Is this getting more inventive?

Audience: Yeah.

Well, fine. Fine. Let's have this spot, now, suddenly arrive and invent a game for you to play, and you say "Okay." (pause)

Okay. How's that now?

Audience: Fine.

Oh, is this getting a lot easier?

Audience: Yes.

It is? Well, that's fine. All right.

Now, let's have a spot come up and invent a game for you to play, and you say "Okay." (pause) Now, all right. How's that going now, huh?

Audience: Fine. Easier.

Going much better? Getting easier?

Audience: Yeah.

This thing getting more inventive?

Audience: Yeah.

Well, fine.

Now let's have that little spot come up and invent a game for you to play, and you say "Okay." (pause) All right. Now how's that, huh?

Audience: Fine. Good.

Is that getting good? Or you getting dopey?

Audience: Dopey.

You're not getting dopey, are you?

Audience: Yes. No.

Is that a fact?

Audience: No. Yes.

Well, all right. Let's find the person next to you and touch him and let go. And find the person next to you and touch him. Okay.

Now let go.

Now find the person next to you. Touch him. Let go. All right. Find the person next to you. Touch him. Let go. All right.

Let's find the person next to you and touch him, see if any horrible consequence happens, and let go. All right.

Now let's find the person next to you, touch him, let go, and lose him. All right.

Now find the person. Touch the person. All right.

Let go of the person. Okay.

Lose the person. All right.

Find the person. Okay.

Touch the person. All right.

Let go of the person. All right.

Lose the person. Okay.

Let's find the person. Let's touch the person. Let's let go of the person. All right.

Let's lose the person. Okay. Let's find the person. Did you?

Audience: Yes.

All right. Touch the person. All right. Let go of the person. Okay. Lose the person. Fine.

Now find the person. Find the person. Brand-new, now. All right. Touch the person. Okay.

Let go of the person. Okay. Lose the person. All right. Find the person. Okay.

Touch the person. Fine.

Let go of the person. Fine. Lose the person. All right. Find the person. Okay.

Touch the person. Okay.

Let go of the person. All right. Lose the person. Okay.

Find the person. All right. Touch the person. Okay.

Let go of the person. All right. Lose the person. Okay.

Find the person. Okay.

Touch the person. Okay.

Let go of the person. All right. Lose the person.

Did you lose him?

Audience: Yes.

All right. Find the person. Okay. Touch the person. All right. Let go of the person. Okay. Lose the person. All right. Find the person. Okay.

Touch the person. All right. Let go of the person. All right. Lose the person. Okay. All right. Find the person. Okay.

Touch the person. All right. Let go of the person.

Fine. Lose the person. Okay. Find the person. All right. Touch the person. Okay.

Let go of the person. All right. Lose the person. All right. Find the person. Okay.

Touch the person. All right. Let go of the person. All right. Lose the person.

Now let's find the person, and let's say hello.

Audience: Hello.

And again and again and again.

Audience: Hello. Hello. Hello. (repeated responses)

Okay. That's fine. That's fine. That's fine. All right. Okay. Now I want you to say "Hello," and then "Goodbye." And then "Hello," and then "Goodbye," to this person.

Audience: Hello. Goodbye. Hello. Goodbye. (repeated responses)

That's fine. Keep it up. "Hello." "Goodbye." "Hello." "Goodbye."

Audience: Hello. Goodbye. Hello. Goodbye. (repeated responses)

That's fine. Say "Hello." "Goodbye."

Audience: Hello. Goodbye. Hello. Goodbye. (repeated responses)

Hello. Goodbye.

Audience: Hello. Goodbye. Hello. Goodbye. (repeated responses)

Hello. Goodbye.

Audience: Hello. Goodbye. Hello. Goodbye. (repeated responses)

Hello. Goodbye.

Audience: Hello. Goodbye. Hello. Goodbye. (repeated responses)

Hello. Goodbye.

Audience: Hello. Goodbye. Hello. Goodbye. (repeated responses)

Hello. Goodbye.

Audience: Hello. Goodbye. Hello. Goodbye. (repeated responses)

Hello. Goodbye.

Audience: Hello. Goodbye. Hello. Goodbye. (repeated responses)

Hello. Goodbye.

Audience: Hello. Goodbye. Hello. Goodbye. (repeated responses)

Hello. Goodbye.

Audience: Hello. Goodbye. Hello. Goodbye. (repeated responses)

Hello. Goodbye.

Audience: Hello. Goodbye. Hello. Goodbye. (repeated responses)

Hello. Goodbye.

Audience: Hello. Goodbye. Hello. Goodbye. (repeated responses)

Hello. Goodbye.

Audience: Hello. Goodbye. Hello. Goodbye. (repeated responses)

Hello. Goodbye.

Audience: Hello. Goodbye. Hello. Goodbye. (repeated responses)

Hello. Goodbye.

Audience: Hello. Goodbye. Hello. Goodbye. (repeated responses)

Hello. Goodbye.

Audience: Hello. Goodbye. Hello. Goodbye. (repeated responses)

Hello. Goodbye.

Audience: Hello. Goodbye. Hello. Goodbye. (repeated responses)

Hello. Goodbye.

Audience: Hello. Goodbye. Hello. Goodbye. (repeated responses)

Hello. Goodbye.

Audience: Hello. Goodbye. Hello. Goodbye. (repeated responses)

Hello. Goodbye.

Audience: Hello. Goodbye. Hello. Goodbye. (repeated responses)

Hello. Goodbye.

Audience: Hello. Goodbye. Hello. Goodbye. (repeated responses)

Hello. Goodbye.

Audience: Hello. Goodbye. Hello. Goodbye. (repeated responses)

Hello. Goodbye.

Audience: Hello. Goodbye. Hello. Goodbye. (repeated responses)

Hello. Goodbye.

Audience: Hello. Goodbye. Hello. Goodbye. (repeated responses)

Hello. Goodbye.

Audience: Hello. Goodbye. Hello. Goodbye. (repeated responses)

Hello. Goodbye.

Audience: Hello. Goodbye. Hello. Goodbye. (repeated responses)

Hello. Goodbye.

Audience: Hello. Goodbye. Hello. Goodbye. (repeated responses)

Hello. Goodbye.

Audience: Hello. Goodbye. Hello. Goodbye. (repeated responses)

Hello. Goodbye.

Audience: Hello. Goodbye. Hello. Goodbye. (repeated responses)

Hello. Goodbye.

Audience: Hello. Goodbye. Hello.

Goodbye. (repeated responses) Hello. Goodbye.

Audience: Hello. Goodbye. Hello. Goodbye. (repeated responses)

Hello. Goodbye.

Audience: Hello. Goodbye. Hello. Goodbye. (repeated responses)

Hello. Goodbye.

Audience: Hello. Goodbye. Hello. Goodbye. (repeated responses) Female voice: Hello Ron!

Audience: Hello Ron!

Okay. Okay. Well now, how do you feel?

Audience: Fine. Good.

Have you told anybody "Hello" or "Goodbye"?

Audience: Yes.

Do people look any realer?

Audience: Yes.


Audience: Yes.

All right. Well, is there a floor beneath your feet?

Audience: Yes.

Is there a chair?

Audience: Yes.

Is there a right-hand wall?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Is there a left-hand wall?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Is there a right-hand wall?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Is there a left-hand wall?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Is there a floor?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Is there a chair?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Is there a right-hand wall?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Is there a left-hand wall?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Is there a floor?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Is there a chair?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Is there a floor?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Is there a chair?

Audience: Yes.

All right. Is there a right-hand wall?

Audience: Yes.

All right. Is there a left-hand wall?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Is there a right-hand wall?

Audience: Yes.

All right. Is there a left-hand wall?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Is there a left-hand wall?

Audience: Yes.

All right. Is there a right-hand wall?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Is there a chair?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Is there anybody alive in the room?

Audience: Yes!

Is anybody alive?

Audience: Yes!

Well, okay. Is there anybody alive?

Audience: Yes!

Okay. Is there anybody alive?

Audience: Yes!

All right! End of session!

Thank you.

Thank you.