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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Group Processing - Accept and Reject (GD-02) - L541117 | Сравнить
- Wrong Thing to Do is Nothing (GD-01) - L541117 | Сравнить

The Golden Dawn - Phoenix Evening Lectures, 1954


Group Processing 1a
Disc 2
A Group Processing Session
Given on 17 November 1954
58 Minutes

Now, let’s get a little bit of processing in here. And we don’t want to ruin everybody. Lately, I understand there’s a couple of groups have reported and said that-found out that people would stay for six or eight hours of Group Processing, total, you know, and then suddenly vanish or go away. They did not infer out of this that people were getting well-although they also reported this was the case, too.

So let’s see if we can’t brighten up the evening here a little bit by finding where the floor is. Got it there? Got the floor?

Audience: Yeah.

Okay. Well, let’s find out where the right wall is.

Okay. Let’s find out whesre the left wall is.

Now let’s find out where the back wall is.

Okay. Let’s find out where the front wall is.

All right. Now let’s find out where the ceiling is.

Got that now?

All right. Now, if we know this for sure-you know where all these things are now?

Female voice: Um-hm.

All right. Let’s look at the distance between you and the front wall. Look at the distance between you and the front wall now.

And now let’s look at the front wall.

Now let’s look at the distance between you and the front wall.

And let’s look at the front wall.

And the distance between you and the front wall.

And look at the front wall.

And now let’s look at the distance between you and the front wall.

And let’s look at the front wall.

And the distance between you and the front wall.

And let’s look at the front wall.

And let’s look at the distance between you and the front wait

And let’s look at the front wall.

And the distance between you and the front wall

And let’s look at the front wall.

And the distance between you and the front wait

And let’s look at the front wall.

Getting easier or harder?

Female voice: Mm. Harder.

Look at the distance between you and the front wall.

Well, let’s look at the front wall.

Look at the distance between you and the front wall.

Look at the front wall.

Is it getting harder or easier?

Audience: Harder. Easier.

Getting harder?

Male voice: Harder.

Uh-hum? Look at the distance between you and the front wall.

Well, let’s look at the front wall.

Okay. Let’s feel the floor.

Let’s feel our chair.

Good. Now let’s find something about yourself you can accept. Something you can accept about yourself, whatever it may be.

And some more things you can accept about yourself.

You find some more things you can accept about yourself?

And some more things you can accept about yourself.

Okay. Let’s find something you can accept about other people.

And some more things you can accept about other people.

Let’s find some more things you can accept about other people. Find some?

All right. Now for a real tough one, let’s find something about you other people can accept.

Something about you other people can accept.

And some more things about you other people can accept

And some more things about you other people can accept

And some more things about you other people can accept

And some more things about you other people can accept

Finding some real easy?

Male voice: Hmm.


All right Now let’s find some things, let’s find some things now which other people accept about themselves. Some things other people accept about themselves.

Okay. Now let’s find some things you can accept about yourself.

And some more things you can accept about yourself.

Find some more things you can accept about yourself?

Okay. Now let’s find some things, let’s find some things now you can reject about yourself.

Let’s find some more things you can reject about yourself.

Okay. Let’s find some things now you can reject about life. Just anything you can reject about life.

Well, let’s just find something you can reject. With great certainty, you know you could reject this. You know, diamond bracelet-something.

Some more things you could reject.

Really finding some? Really reject some things?

Well, all right. Now, in terms of your person, your possessions, this room or anybody in it-some exterior thing now- let’s take a look at it and find out whether or not you can accept it.

What can you accept here?

Let’s look around. What can you accept?

There’s a little muddy place right there in the aisle. Find that? Somebody might be able to accept that. Come on, what can you accept around here?

What can you accept?

Your body is here too, you know.

What can you accept?

Come on, let’s look around and find some more things you can accept.

There’s some photons coming out of the light out there. There’s a rusty place up on the ventilator. There’s an old piece of wastepaper up here. Find something you can accept for sure. Now, come on.

That make you feel better? Make you feel worse?

Audience: Better. Better. Definitely. Much better.

Well, let’s just phrase the same question the other way to.

Now let’s look around and find what you don’t have to resist.

Possibly something here. Air molecule just went by your nose, small and ineffective.

What don’t you have to resist?

Let’s find some more things you don’t have to resist.

That getting easier? Getting easier, huh?

Female voice: Uh-hm. Um-hm.

Well, let’s look around and find whatever you could that you could agree with. What could you agree with around here?

Let’s find some more things you could agree with.

All right. Now let's look around and find some things you could communicate with-you know, if you had to.

Audience: [laughter]

And find some more things you could communicate with if you had to.

In the room now-in the room, some things you could communicate with in the room if you had to.

Finding lots of them? Well, let’s find out what you can accept then!

Really finding some now? You finding some more? Hm? All right.

Let’s get very introverted now and find out what you can accept about yourself.

Are you still a dog?

Let’s find out what more you can accept about yourself.

Your consideration bettered?

Female voice: Yes.


What can you accept about yourself now?

You accept that about yourself?

Male voice: Yeah.

Some more things you can accept about yourself.

Not with a change now, things you can accept about yourself just exactly as they exist. Found some?

Well, now what could you accept about other people?

Can you find you can accept a few more things about other people now? Hm?

Okay. Let’s look around the room and find some things that you do not this moment have to attack.

Audience: [laughter]

Let’s find some more things you don’t, right this instant, have to attack. You find some?

All right. Let’s find some things other people don’t have to attack.

Can you find some things other people don’t have to attack right now? Let’s find some more.

And let’s find some more things other people don’t have to attack.

Okay. Now what can you accept about yourself? More things?

Let’s find some more things you can accept about yourself.

Okay. Is that getting easier? Or are you running out of things to accept?

Audience: Uh-uh. Uh-uh.

Hm? Is it getting easier?

Audience: Um-hm. Yes. Yes.

It is? Well, good. Good.

Now let’s look around and find some things that are fighting themselves. Some things that are fighting themselves.

Can you find some things that are fighting themselves?

Female voice: Yes.


Audience: Yes. Um-hm.

Okay. Now let’s see what you can accept about yourself. Is that easy? You running out of things to accept about yourself?

Audience: No.

You’re not?

Audience: Uh-uh. Uh-uh.

Gee, you’re complicated people.

Let’s find some more things you can accept about yourself now.

Okay. Okay. Let’s find some things that people could accept about you.

What could people accept about you?

What’s some more things people could accept about you?

Have you found anything yet? Hm?

Male voice: Found one.

Yeah, found one? Good. Okay.

Let’s look around the room and find something that is incomprehensible.

Finding some things that are incomprehensible?

All right. Slight variation: Let’s look around and find some things that are incapable of understanding you.

Some things that couldn’t possibly understand you.

Let’s find some more things that couldn’t possibly understand you.

Let’s find some more things that couldn’t possibly understand you. Did you find some?

Do you know that for sure?

Female voice: Yeah.

Do you know that really for sure?

Audience: Um-hm. Yeah.

Let’s look around and ascertain the complete truth of this now.

The things that couldn’t possibly understand you.

Okay. Okay. Now let’s look around and find out what you could accept in the room.

Are these things more acceptable now?

Audience: Um-hm. Um-hm.

A little more acceptable? Good. Good.

Okay. Now let’s find out what you can accept about yourself.

You find some more now? Huh? Some things you could accept about yourself real well? Hm?

Good. Now, now what can you accept about other people?

What can you accept about other people?

Even your shirt.

Now let’s find some more things you can accept about other people.

Real easy to find some? Hm? Don’t forget their meanness. Don’t forget how ornery everybody else is, now.

Okay. Is that getting a little better now?

Female voice: Yes.

A little easier to do?

Let’s see if there’s a floor in this room still.

You still got a chair under you?

Male voice: Yep.

You sure?

Audience: Yep. Yep.

There still a ceiling up there?

Audience: Yep. Yeah. Yep.

Oh, you think the hour is over. Well, it’s not. {laughter] I want to know something now. One thing, just one thing that if absolutely driven to it, you know you could control. One thing you know you could control. And then some more.

A udience: [laughter]

Got some real good? Huh?

Let’s get some more things you know you could control.

Now, remember to run this in improving your consideration of it. Don’t turn to-doing everything.

Some more things you know you could control. How about a teacup-hm? Give you a little hint.

You know you could control that?

You know you could control these things now? Or are you just guessing at it?

Want some more things you know you could control.

Okay. Now let’s look around the room and find some things in it that are not at this moment trying to control you.

Let’s find some things that are not trying to control you at this moment.

Come on, let’s find some.

Come on, let’s find some. You know that for sure-hm? You know for sure these things aren’t trying to control you? Absolutely for sure?

Well, let’s look over and find some things which you don’t have to control, now. Things you don’t have to control. Let’s find at feast one in the room.

You know that for sure-hm? How does that make you feel? All right? Okay?

All right. Now what can you accept about yourself?

Now what can you accept about yourself?

That a lot easier now? Or have you hit a bad bog on this? Have you run out of things, or what?

Male voice: Keep going over the same thing.

Well, are you more acceptable to you right now?

Female voice: Uh-buh.

Huh? Do you think you’re more acceptable to other people?

Female voice: Um-hm.

Now let’s find out what you’ve got that’s acceptable to other people. Got something?

All right. What can you do that is acceptable to other people?

Let’s find some more things that you can do that are acceptable to other people.

Found something?

All right. What can other people do that’s acceptable to you?

Okay. Now, what could you be that would be acceptable to other people?

Find some more things that you could be that would be acceptable to other people. Find some for sure? Hm? Find some?

All right. Just at random, what’s the most acceptable thing that you could be right now?

And now, now answer this one: What is the most acceptable state of health you could have at this moment?

What state of health on your part would other people accept?

Now, what state of health would your father accept?

What state of health would your mother accept?

What kind of a memory would be acceptable to your father?

What kind of a memory would be acceptable to your mother?

And what kind of a memory is acceptable to you?

Okay. Okay. Okay. Let’s recall the beginning of this session.

Let’s find a wall.

Let’s recall the beginning of the session again.

Let’s find a wall.

Let’s recall any change which took place in you during the session.

Let’s find a wall.

Let’s recall any failure to change in the session.

Let’s find a wall.

Let's recall the beginning of this session.

Let's find a wall.

Let’s recall when you got up this morning. Got it?

Let’s find a wall.

Now let's postulate going to bed some time in the future.

Let’s find a wall.

Now let’s postulate tomorrow.

Let’s find a wall.

Let’s postulate something good for tomorrow.

Now for next week.

Let’s find a wall.

Let’s find the floor.

Find your chair.

The front wall of the room.

Is there a wall there?

Audience: Yes.

You sure there’s a wall there?

Audience: Yes.

Where is the wall?

Audience: Right there.

Where’s there?

Audience: Right there.


What’s there?

A udience: The wall.

Are you sure the wall is there?

Audience: Yes.

What’s there?

Audience: The wall.

Where’s the floor?

Audience: Right here.


Audience: Right here.

Where’s the floor?

Audience: Right here.

Is that the floor?

A udience: That j* the floor.

And where’s the wall?

Audience: Right there. Over there.

Where’s the floor?

A udience: Here.

Where are you?

Audience: Here.

Where’s the wall?

Audience: Right there.

Are you alive?

Audience: У£х Arc you sure? Audience: Yes!

Are you alive?

Audience: Yes!

Are you alive?

Audience: Yes!!

Are you alive?

Audience: Yes!!


End of session. Thank you.