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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Group Processing - Change and No Change (GD-24) - L550420 | Сравнить
- Para-Scientology or Superstition and Things that Go Boomp in the Night (GD-23) - L550420 | Сравнить

RUSSIAN DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Парасаентология или Предрассудки и то, что Ухает по Ночам (КЛ) - Л550420 | Сравнить

The Golden Dawn - Phoenix Evening Lectures, 1954


Group Processing 12a
Disc 24
A Group Processing Session
Given on 20 April 1955
32 Minutes

I do have a feeling like the process I’m going to run on you this evening is probably much too tough. So if there’s anybody that really is upset about his health, you know, mental health or something like that, why, now is the time to leave because this is really pretty tough.

The first command particularly is very, very tough.

What are we doing?

Audience: [various responses, laughter]

Got an answer to that?

Male voice: Yeah.

Right this minute, what are we doing?

Audience: [various responses]

All right. Now right this instant, what are we doing?

Audience: [various responses]

Female voice: I'm waiting for me.

Okay. Now right this moment, what are you doing?

Audience: [various responses]

Female voice: I’m being here.You know what you’re doing right this moment?

Female voice: Yeah. I'm being here.

Male voice: Keep her there waiting.

Okay. Do you know you’re waiting?

Audience: YJx

Well, good. You know you are?

Audience: Yes.

Well, good. That’s fine. Why don’t you tell me "Hello"?

Audience: Hello.

Well, hello.

Audience: Hello.

Well, hello.

Audience: Hello.

Okay. Hello.

Audience: Hello.

Okay. Hello.

Audience: Hello.

Okay. Hello.

Audience: Hello.

Okay. Hello.

Audience: Hello.

Okay. Hello.

Audience: Hello.

Okay. Hello.

Audience: Hello.

Okay. Hello.

Audience: Hello,

Okay. Hello.

Audience: Hello.

Okay. Hello.

Audience: Hello.

All right. Now that we’ve had a little bit of a start there, I’m going to now ask you the - you know, there’s the sixty-four-dollar question. This is not a sixty-four-dollar question, this is ninety-two-fifty question.

I want you to think this over. You don’t have to answer it aloud, but I wish you’d come up with some answers.

Now, what do you want changed?

Audience: [various responses]

Yeah, just think of some things you want changed. Got some? Good.

Well, get some more. Some more things you want changed.

All right. That’s fine. You all got some now, huh?

Audience: [various responses]

Well, good. That's swell. All right.

Now let’s get some things, one particular thing, that you want unchanged. Something you want unchanged, and then some more things.

Female voice: Mm.

Got some things you want unchanged? Female voice: Mmbm.

Well, that’s good. That’s good. Some more things.

Well now, did you have one major one there? Did you have one particular one that you want unchanged, huh?

Female voice: Yes.

Well, just get the idea of the rest of the audience thinking “Okay" at you for wanting that unchanged.

Got that?

Female voice: Mm-hm.

All right. Well, swell. All right. Now let's get some things, no matter how insignificant, no matter how significant, that you want changed.

All right. Let’s get some more things. Things you want changed.

That’s real good. Now let’s get some more things you wane changed.

Well, all right. Thai's fine. That's fine. Now just pick out one of them as being the most important thing of that list Got that? The most important one.

Now get the idea of the rest of the audience saying "Okay" to you on wanting that thing changed.

Got it? All right.

Now let’s get some things that you want unchanged.

All right. Hows that, huh?That pretty good? Hm? Did you find some?

Male voice: Not yet.


Male voice: None.

Oh well, well catch you next time around.

And now let’s get the major one of these that you had, and let's get the idea of the rest of the audience chinking "Okay" at you for wanting that one unchanged. Did you do that? Hm?

Audience: [various responses]

All right. iNow let's run off some things, check them off now. some things that you really should have changed.

Good. You got some now? Hm? Got good ones? Hm? Really should have changed. Got them?

All right. Well, now that’s fine.

Now lets take the major one - got the major one now that you just thought of, got the major one?

Female voice: Yes.

All right. Now let’s have the rest of the audience think "Okay" at you for wanting that changed. Approval.

Well, all right. That’s good. That's real good.

Now, now let’s get some things you really want changed.

Good. You got some good ones now? Let’s find some more. Things you want unchanged.

Well, all right. That’s fine. Now how you doing? Hm? Doing pretty good?

Male voice: Yeah.

Huh? Doing pretty good?

Well, all right. Now let’s get some things you want changed.

All right. How’s that, huh? You finding them more easily?

Audience: Mnt-bm.

Hm? All right Fine. Now let’s get some things you want ////changed.

All right. Fine. Now you got some more things you want unchanged?

All right that’s fine. Now you’ve really found some now, huh? Really found some good ones. Have you found some good ones?

Female voice: Yeah.

Hm? Ok, all right. Now just for variety, some things which you want changed. That you really want changed.

All right. That’s good. That’s good. Now some more things you really want changed.

All right Now let’s get the idea of the rest of the audience giving you an “Okay" for all of these.

Have them give you some more “Okays" for these.

Get a lot of “Okays" out of this?

Female voice: Mm-hm.

All right Now some things you want unchanged.

Male voice: Yeah

Find some? Hm? Find some things you want unchanged?

All right. That's real good. That’s real good. You got a real good one there in that list, huh? Did you find a real good one?

All right Get the rest of the audience giving you an “Okay" for that thing you want changed.

All right Now, now how do you feel about this, hm?

Audience: [various responses]

How do you feel about this?

Female voice: Feel better.

Feel a little bit better?

Audience: [various responses]


Male voice: Yeah.

Female voice: Got to me.

All right. Fed pretty good?

Audience: [various responses]

Female voice: I guess I feet better.

Oh, we can't let that happen.

Now give me some things which your father wanted unchanged about you. Some things which your father wanted unchanged about you. And give each one you think of an "Okay."

You thought of any?

Female voice: No.

Male voice: Got one.

Got one?

Male voice: Yeah.

Got more than one?

Audience: Mm-hm.

Well, good. You really have got some things your father wanted unchanged about you, huh? Well, good for you.

Audience: Mm-hm.

All right, fine, fine. Fine. Now lets get some things that your father wanted changed about you. It’s all right if he's dead. Okay. The things he wanted changed about you. Now say "Okay" to each one.

Well, fine. Well, fine.

All right. That’s real good. That’s real good.

Now let's get some things that he wanted unchanged about you. Your bthcc wanted unchanged. Now you'll find some more I'm sure. Things he really did want unchanged about you.

And say "Okay" to each one.

All right. That’s fine. That’s fine. You found some this time, hm? You found some. Well good.

Now lets get some things Papa wanted changed about you, and he didn’t miss it, now. Things he wanted changed about you.

All right. Say "Okay" to each one of these as you think of them.

Oh, you got them, huh?

All right. Say "Okay" to these real good now. Real good. After all, this is a light subject.

And what did your father want unchanged about himself?

Give each one an "Okay" now.

Well, that’s different than his attitude towards you. Is that different?

Things he wanted unchanged about himself.

Give each one an "Okay."

Well, that’s real good. That’s fine. Now let's find some things he wanted changed about himself.

We find some things he wanted changed about himself?

Find something he wanted changed about himself. Must have been something.

Give each one an "Okay."

All right. How’s that now, huh?

Female voice: Doing good.

That good?

Audience: Mm-hm.

Well, fine now. And you’re real good preclears, you’re real good preclears, that’s real good.

Let’s find the floor.

Find a chair. Good.

Let’s find the floor.

Good. Let’s find a chair.

Good. Let’s find the floor.

Good. Let’s find the chair.

All right. Now lets find, now let’s find some things that you want changed. Some things which you want changed.

Well, all right. Well, all right. That’s good. That's good.

Now some things you want unchanged.

All right. Fine. Fine. That’s real good. That’s real good. You’re real good precicars.

All right. Now Jet’s get some things that your mother wanted changed about you.

Male voice: All right.

There may have been one.

And give each one an “Okay."

All right. Now, now let’s get some things now which your mother wanted utterly unchanged about you.

Give each one an "Okay." Are there a few?

Well, all right. All right. That’s real good. That’s real fine. You did fine.

Now let’s have some things your mother wanted changed about you.

Female voice: Mm-hm.

Give each one an “Okay."

All right. That's just fine. That’s fine. That's very fine.

Now, let’s get some things she wants changed about you or wanted unchanged about you.

Oh, you found some?

Well, all right. That’s just fine. That’s just swell.

Now let’s get some things that she wanted changed about herself.

You find some?

Well, good. You did find some things she wanted changed about herself, huh? You did find some?

All right. Now lee’s get some things that she wanted unchanged about herself.

Say “Okay" to each one.

Give each one an “Okay."

Got it?

Female voice: Mm-hm.

How’s that?

Female voice: It's all right.

Doing better? Doing good?

Audience: [various responses]

Now tell me some things that you want changed.

Got some?

Well, good. That’s fine. Now give me some things now that you want ////changed.

All right. How’s that now, hm?

Audience: [various responses]

Pretty good?

Audience: Sure.

Your first list different than your last list?

Audience: Yes.

Tis. huh? Well, for goodness sakes. All right.

Find the floor.

Well, okay. Find your chair.

Now tell me "Okay."

Audience: Okay.

Well, okay.

Audience: Okay.


Audience: Okay.


Audience: Okay.


Audience: Okay.


Audience: Okay.


Audience: Okay.


Audience: Okay.


Audience: Okay.


Audience: Okay.


Audience: Okay.

All right. Now you receive this next.



Audience: Okay.

Did you?

Audience: Yes.

Well good. Now receive this next one.


Audience: Okay.

All right. Now I’m going to receive your next "Okay." Give it to me.

Audience: Okay.

Well fine. Give me another one.

Audience: Okay.Well all right. Good. Give me another one.

Audience: Okay.

Well all right. That’s fine. Now you receive my next one.


Audience: [various responses]

Did you get it?

Audience: Yes.

Well good. Now receive this one.


Audience: Okay.

All right. Now give me a couple.

Audience: Okay. Okay.

All right. I got both of them, what do you know? All right.

Give me one more.

Audience: Okay.

Got it! All right. Now you take one more for me.


Audience: Okay.

Good night.