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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Eight Dynamics (GD-21) - L550413 | Сравнить
- Group Processing - Find Present Time (GD-22) - L550413 | Сравнить

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The Golden Dawn - Phoenix Evening Lectures, 1954


Group Processing 11a
Disc 22
A Group Processing Session
Given on 13 April 1955
49 Minutes

Now we don’t have much of an orderly process this evening, but we may have an interesting one. The whole idea of the processing this evening is going to be present time.

Now what do we mean by present time?

Many individuals are sort of detained in the past, shall we say? Something in the past, as they went by it, you see, it was then present time, says, “Ta-da-da-da-dat. We mustn’t leave here.” You know, such as a dentist and so forth. These things have said, in the present time then, you see, “You mustn’t go from here.”

And an individual comes into present time to the degree that he shakes loose of these things. You got that very well.

But there is an entirely different aspect to present time. Some people find present time much too real, much too real. And they aren’t in present time, you might say, to the degree that they are afraid to be. They think there’s maybe something in present time they don’t want to associate with. So I’m going to ask you a question right now and snap my fingers, a la 1950.

I’m going to ask you a question. I’m going to snap my fingers and at the moment I snap my fingers, I’m going to ask you to give me the instantaneous answer that occurs to you.You know, the first answer that occurs to you after the finger snap.

How old are you? (snap]

Male voice: Thirty-three.

Got it?

Audience: [various responses]

Wdl, did you get any age different than your own?

Male voice. Yeah.

Got an age a little different than your own?

Female voice: That time

Well now, let's think that over for a moment, let’s think that over for a moment and let’s sec whether or not there is anything in that ycar-you got the year spotted? If it’s today do the same thing. If you gave your right age, why, do the same thing.

But is there anything in the year which you mentioned that you could go into communication with?

You find something in the year which you mentioned you could communicate with?

Do you find something?

Audience: Mm-bm. Yep.

Got something you could communicate with in that year? Well, fine. Well, fine.

Let's now find something you could communicate with in die world as it exists at this moment. Something you could communicate with in the world as it exists at this moment. For sure now. Absolutely sure that you could communicate with this thing in the world at this moment.

We got it? Got something, huh? All right.

Now let’s find again, and if you got your present age, why, find something in the world as of this moment, but let's again find, if you got an earlier age than you really do have, something in/Zw/year that you could communicate with.

You got it, hm? Find something in that year you could communicate with? Well, all right. All right

Now find something in the world as it exists right now that you could communicate with.

Find something you could communicate with, with ease and comfort? Pleasantly? That you'd be very glad to communicate with?

Find something in this modern world you could communicate with easily, no strain. All right, that’s fine.

Do you have it? All right. And you know chat for sure now?

Now let's find some part of your past that you could communicate with. Just at random now, let’s find some part of your past that you could communicate with.

All right. You got it now?

All right. Now let's find some part of our present that we could communicate with. Now we all go through various channels through the world, through the days.

Now lets find something in our living present that we could communicate with, for sure.

AU right. And now something wc could communicate with, withr liking. That we would just спру communicating with in our modem world. Got it? Something we'd really like to communicate with. All right. All right. Good.

Now let’s find something in your past that you would really enjoy communicating with if you could Something in your past you would enjoy communicating with if you could.

All right. And now something you could simply enjoy communicating with in your past. Some part of your past that you would enjoy communicating with.All right. How's that now, hm?

Now let's find something in this modern world now you wouldn't mind communicating with. Something it would be real nice for you to communicate with. Find something? Something it would be real fine to communicate with.

Something else now.

Something else.

All right. Now let’s find something in your future that you wouldn’t mind communicating with. Something in your future you wouldn't mind communicating with.

Something else in your future you wouldn't mind communicating with. Of course this is kind of a dirty trick, I really should have asked you, “Find something in the future.”

But let’s find something there you wouldn't mind communicating with. You can even put on “If it were there.” "If it will be there.” "If you could communicate."

All right. All right. Now let’s find something in the present chat would like to communicate with you, that would enjoy communicating with you. Somebody, something, that would like to communicate with you. right here and now in the present. Find something? How's that?

Well, let's find some more things, one after another, that would like to communicate with you, right here, in this modern world.

Did you find some more things, hm? All right. Well, that's fine, that's fine.

Now let's find something in this room that you wouldn't mind communicating with.

All right. Now, having found something, having found something, have it say "Hello." Just mock it up. Get a mental picture of it saying "Hello."

Now have it say “Hello" again. “Hello.

Hello. Hello."

Now that's too one-sided. Now you say "Okay" to it. Have it say "Hello" and you say "Okay." It says "Hello," you say "Okay" to it. Make it talk.

You making it talk? Hm? How’s that? What did you pick out, huh?

Audience: [various responses]

All right. Okay. All right.

Now, now that we’ve got all of that settled, give me something that wouldn’t happen if you became totally in present time. Totally present timed. Something

that wouldn’t happen if you became totally aware in present time.

And find some more things that wouldn’t happen if you became totally aware of here and now.

Good. Let's find some more things that wouldn't happen if you became totally aware of here and now.

All right. That's real good. That's fine.

Now, let’s get some more things that would not occur if you became totally aware of here and now.

You find some real easy, hm? Did you get some nicely?

All right. Just another statement of the same process: What wouldn't happen if you came totally to present time?

You got that? Hm? Is that real easy?

Well all right Now give me some things that would not disappear if you came to present time. Some things that wouldn’t disappear if you came to present time.

Oh, I think some of you arc getting things that would disappear if you came to present time.

Now let's get some things that wouldn't disappear if you came to present time.

Now how is that, huh? You get some? Get some things that wouldn’t disappear?

All right. Now let’s find some things that would disappear, that would disappear if you came to present time.

Oh. you've got some things that would disappear if you came to present rime? Hm? Is that a fact.

All right. I tell you what you do now. Get some things that would disappear if you came to present time. And if they refuse to, have them say "Hello " or "Goodbye."

How’s that work, hm?

All right. Lets find present time. Just actively now. let’s find present time. Enough of this stalling around. Lets find present time.

This present time?

Audience: Yeab.


Audience: Yeab.

Okay. Is this present time?

Audience: Yes.

Well, ail right. Is this present time?

Audience: Yes.

Well, okay, Is this present time?

Audience: Yes.

Well, all right. Is this present time?

Audience: Ya.

All right. Where is present time?

Audience: HereWell, all right Where is present time?

Audience: Here.

All right. Give me a place where present time isn't allowed.

Male voice: Yesterday.

You got a place where present time isn't?

Female voice: Yeab.

You sure?

Audience: Yes. Yeab.

Just spot some places where present time isn’t.

Audience: [laughter]

Find some?

Female voice No.

Second female voice: I find it.

You got some places now where present time isn’t?

Well, good. Now lets find some places where present time is.

Well, let’s see how far out you can get from this auditorium and still have present time. Let's look. How far out can we get and still have present time? Just take kind of a look.

What happens to present time as you pass by that wall, hm?

Is present time on the other side of that wall too?

Audience: Yes.

All right. Is present time on the city limits?

Audience: Yes.

All right Is present time a mile out into the country?

Audience: Yes.

Is it?

Audience: Yes.

All right. Is present time very deep into the state around here?

Audience: Yes.

Well, all right. Is present time very far from this place around the globe?

Male voice: Yes.

Audience: No.


Male voice: Yes

Well, let’s just spot-spot the thing.

Well, is it present time eight thousand miles directly below you?

Audience: Yes.

Hm? Can you ...

Male voice: Yes.

Now, do you know that analytically or are you sure of it?

Male voice: Sure of it.

Are you sure of that?

Male voice: Yes.

Is it present time on the other side of Earth at this moment?

Audience: Yes

Well, all right. Well, all right. Is it present time on the Moon at this moment?

Audience: Yes

Is it present time where the Sun is?

Audience: Yes.

Can you get an idea where the Sun is?

Audience: Yes.


Female voice: I got to see it.

Well, all right Now, is it present time in this room?

Audience: Yes.

Well, is it more present time in this room than it was?

Audience: Yes.

All right. Now, let's check it over very carefully and find out if there's anything four or five miles from here that you’d care to communicate with. Anything four or five miles from here that you'd care to communicate with.

Find something?

Audience: [various responses]

All right. Is there anything twenty or thirty miles from here that you’d care to communicate with?

Female voice: Ub-bub.

All right. Is there anything a hundred or two hundred miles from here that you'd care to communicate with?

Got it?

Male voice: Mm-hnt.

All right. Is there anything five hundred to a thousand miles from here you'd care to communicate with?

Female voice: Uh-hub.

All right. Is there anything five or ten thousand miles from here you’d care to communicate with?

AH right. Is there anything about yourself you'd care to communicate with?

Got something?

Audience: Mm-hm.

Now is there anything in your pockets you'd care to communicate with?

Audience: [various responses]

Is there? Anything in your pockets or pocketbook?

Male voice: Yeab.

Huh? All right. Is there anything on the back of your body that you'd care to communicate with?

Hm? Why don't you do so?

All right. Is there anything in this room that you’d care to communicate with?

Now is there anything in this room that you could simply ignore?

Good. Is there anything in this room that you could communicate with?

Male voice: Mm-hm.

Well, good. Is there anything in this room you could ignore?

Audience: Mm-bm.

All right. Is there anything in this room you could communicate with?

Audience: The wbok room.

Well, good. Is there anything in this room you could ignore?

Audience: Yes.

All right. Is there anything in this room you could communicate with?

Audience: Yes.

Good. Communicate with it.

Male voice: Hi.

All right. Is there anything in this room that you could ignore?

All right. Ignore it.

All right. Is there anything in this room you could communicate with?

Male voice: Mm-bm.

All right. Communicate with it.

Anything in this room you could ignore?

Male voice: Ashtray.

Ignore it.

All right. Now is there anything in your own past you could communicate with? Anything.

Audience: [various responses]

You know, there must be one incident someplace that you could communicate with.

All right. Good. Now is there any incident in your past anyplace that you are able to ignore?

Audience: [various responses]

All right. Is there any incident in your past that you could communicate with?

Female voice: Ya.

All right. Is there any incident in your past you could ignore?

Female voice: Mm-bm.

Is there?

Male voice: Yeab.

Arc you ignoring it?

Audience: [laughter]

All right. Now let me ask you again. Is there any incident in your past you could communicate with?

Male voice: Yeah.

Well, is it getting easier?

Audience: Mm-bm. Yes.

All right. Now is there any incident in your past you could ignore?

Audience: [various responses]

Well, go ahead and ignore it.

All right. Now is there any incident in the future that you could communicate with?

Male voice: Yeab.

Got one?

Male voice: Mm-bm.

Any incident in the future you could communicate with?

Male voice: Afm-bm.

Could you?

Male voice: Afm-bm.

Well, all right. Now is there any incident in the future you could ignore?

Well, go ahead and ignore it.

All right. Is there any incident in the future you could communicate with?

Audience: Afm-bm.

All right. Is there any incident in the future you could ignore?

Audience: Afm-bm. Yer.

Well, good, good, fine.

All right. Do you have present time?

Male voice: Yer.

Docs it exist?

Audience: Yes

Do you exist?

Audience: Yes.

All right. Now I'm going to ask you very rapidly just to count over several things there are in present time, indisputable existence in present time. Things that really are in present time. Count them over. One, two, three — you know. Check them over. Quantity now. Lots of them. Lots of things that are in present time.

You find any past in present time now? Is there any past in present time?

Audience: Alm-bm.

Hm? Pretty clean?

Audience: [various responses]

Can you speak English?

Audience: Yes.

Well, lets answer this question again. Is there any past in present time?

Audience: No.

None at all, huh?

Audience: No.

Can you speak English?

Audience: Yes.

Well, let me ask you this question again.

Is there any past in present time?

Audience: [various responses]

Do you know how to do anything?

Audience: Yes.

Is there anything you know how to do?

Audience: Yes.

Come on, you must be able to do something. Cheek it over. Is there anything you know how to do?

Audience: Yes.

All right Is that in the past or in present time?

Audience: Present time.

You got it in present time?

Audience: Yes.

Well, does it just sit in present time as knowledge or is it-how is it in present time?

Audience: [various responses]

Is it a gob of stuff or what is it in present time?

Audience: [various responses]


Audience: [various responses]

You got it? What is it?

Audience: [various responses]

What is this knowledge?

Audience: [various responses]

Well, you found something you knew how to do anyway, didn't you?

Audience: [various responses]

Huh? What else do you know how to do?

Male voice: Pains.

Well, do you know how to come to present time?

Audience: Yes.

You know where present time is?

Audience: Yes.

Female voice: Right here.

Arc you in present time?

Audience: Yes.

All right. Now let’s just check over several parts of your body that you know very well are in present time. Several parts of your body that you know are in present time.

If you find any old wooden legs or anything like that, throw them back into the past.

Some parts of your body that you know are in present time- for sure.

How about your right eye?

Audience: Yes.

Is that in present time?

Audience: No. Yes.

All right. You sure?

Audience: Yes.

All right And how about your left eye?

Audience: Yes.

Is that in present time?

Audience: Yes.

Well, how about your right ear?

Audience: Yes.

Check it over.

Is that in present time?

Audience: Yes.

Its not back on some fourth of July or something, huh? Cheek it over. Is it in present time?

Audience: Yes.

All right. How about the other ear, is it in present time?

Audience: [various responses]

All right. Now how about the top of your head? Check it over. Come on. Is the top of your head in present time?

Audience: Yes.

Hm? Is it?

Audience: Yes.

You sure?

Audience: Yes. Absolutely.

That's in present lime.

Male voice: That’s right.

How about the bottom of your right foot? Put it on the floor. Now, is that in present time?

Audience: Yes.

All right. Get the bottom of your left foot now. Is that in present time?

Audience: Yes.

Huh? Hey, what do you know.

Is the floor there in present time?

Audience: Yes.

Check up on it. Is that in present time?

Audience: Yes.

Hm? It's not some other floor?

Audience: No.

Well, that’s good.

All right. Is your right shoulder in present time?

Audience: Ya.

Good. Is your left shoulder in present time?

Audience: Ya.

Good. Is your right hand in present time?

Audience: Ya.

Well, take it out and wiggle it and find out.

What time is it moving in?

Audience: Now.

Is it moving in now?

Audience: Ya.

Oh. what do you know. Well, let's take your other hand now and lets wiggle that. What time is it moving in?

Audience: Now.

It’s moving in now. We do have a nowness here, huh?

Audience: Yeab.

Well, how about your whole right arm?

Audience: Ya.

That in present time?

Audience: Ya.All right. Your whole left arm, is that in present time?

Audience: Yes.

Hm? Is that here?

Audience: Yes.

Well, how about your body in general, is it in present rime?

Audience: Yeab.

Well, just kind of feel it. You know, just sort of feel iu It is in present time, huh?

Audience: Yeab.

All right. Now, now let’s find somebody else who is in present time.

Audience: [various responses]

Is there anybody else in present time?

Audience: [various responses]

All right. Is there any group in present time?

Audience: Yes.

There is?

Audience: Ya.

Hey. what do you know. Is there any group that’s in present time?

Audience: Ya.

Male voice: I don't know is it.

Hey, what do you know.

Now. is there any family that’s in present time?

Audience: [various responses]

Well, let's kind of take a look at it. Is there a family in present time?

Audience: [various responses]

Kind of-let's find one. A family, huh?

All right. Now is there any other group in present time?

Audience: [various responses]

Got that?

Female voice: Yeab.

Is there any nation at all in present time?

Audience: [laughter]

Male voice: No.

Actually or theoretically, either one, do you find any nation that’s in present time?

Audience: No.

Now, is there any species that’s in present time?

Audience: Yeab.

Find any?

Audience: Yeab.

Hm? Find one?

Audience: Yeab.

What species is it?

Audience: Cats. Ants. Fish.

Cacs-prctty good.

Female voice: Little dog.

Dogs, ants.

All right. Now, now let's take a look around and find out if there’s any space that is in present time.

Audience: Yu:

Find some space that’s in present time?

Audience: Yeab. Ys.

You sure?

Audience: Yeab. Sure.

All right. Now let’s find some energy that’s in present time.

Female voice tec

Find some energy that’s in present time?

Audience: Yeah. Sure.

You get the right newness of it?

Audience: Yes.

Not sort of a vague blur there’s some energy, but did you get some right now energy?

Audience: Yes.


Audience: Yeab. Mm-bm.

You got some?

Audience: Yeab.

Well, good, good. Now, is there any object that’s in present time?

Audience: Yes.

Oh, you sure of this? You sure of that...

Audience: Yeah.

and so forth.

Well. Гт not going to ask you if there are any spirits in present time, but you can look it over if you want co.

And Гт certainly not going to ask you if God's in present time, because that's bis business.

But, privately, is he?

Audience, (laughter]

/Male voice: Yeah.

All right. Okay. Do you have a floor?

Audience: Yes.

Good. Do you have a chair?

Audience: Yes.

Good. Do you have a floor?

Good. Do you have a chair?

Audience: Yes.

All right. Do you have a floor?

Audience: Yer.

All right. Do you have a chair?

Audience: Yes.

All right. Do you have a floor really?

Audience: Yes.

All right. Do you have a chair?

Audience: Ya.

All right. Where’s present time now?

Audience: Here.

Okay. Arc you alive?

Audience: Ya.

Okay. Arc vou alive?

Audience: Yes.

All right. Are you alive?

Audience: Yes.

All right. Arc you alive?

Audience: Yes.

All right. Arc you alive?

Audience: Yes.

All right. Arc you alive?

Audience: Yes.

Well, all right. Arc you alive?

Audience: Yes.

Well, all right. Arc you alive?

Audience: Yes.

All right. Arc you alive?

Audience: Yes.

Well, ail right. Arc you alive?

Audience: Yes.

Well, all right. Arc you alive?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Can you play a game?

Audience: Yes.

Well, all right Can you play a game?

Audience: Yes.

All right Can you play a game?

Audience: Yes.

All right Can you play a game?

Audience: Yes.

Well, all right Can you play a game?

Audience: Yes.

Wdl. all right Can you play a game?

Audience: Yes.

Well, all right. Can you play a game?

Audience: Yes.

Well, all right. Can you play a game?

Audience: Yes.

All right. Name it.

Audience: [various responses]

Come on, name a game. Name a game you can play.

Audience: [various responses}

Got one?

Audience: Yeab.

Name it again.

Audience: [various responses]

All right Name the game again that you can play.

Audience: [various responses]

Name the game again that you can play.

Audience: [various responses]

All right. Can you play a game?

Audience: Yes.

Well, okay. Can you play a game?

Audience: Yes.

All right. Do you know you can play a game?

Audience: Yes.

Well, good. Can you play a game?

Audience: ter.

Well, fine. Can you play a game?

Audience: ter.

Well, all right. Can you play a game?

Audience: Ya.

All right. Can you be in present time?

Audience: Yes.

Well, all right. Can you be in present time?

Audience: Yes.

All right. Is there anything dangerous about present time?

Audience: No.

All right. Is there anything dangerous about the past?

Audience: No. /laughter]

All right. Is there anything dangerous about the past?

Audience: No. [laughter]

Come on. Is there anything dangerous about the past?

Audience: No.

Well, all right. Is there anything dangerous about the past?

Audience: No.

Well, all right. Is there anything dangerous about the past?

Audience: No.

Well, all right. Is there anything dangerous about the past?

Audience: No.

Well, all right. Is there anything dangerous about the past?

Audience: No.

All right What's dangerous about the future?

Audience: Nothing

Okay. What is dangerous about the future?

Audience: Nothing

Okay What is dangerous about the future?

Audience: Nothing

Well, okay. All right. Find the floor.

All right. Find your chair.

I'm now going to ask you a process which you needn't announce aloud, but you may if you wish. But I'm going to ask you now. what would happen to you if you became angry? What would happen to you if you became angry?

Audience: [various responses]

All right. Let's get some more things that might happen to you if you became angry. Check them off. Some things that might happen to you if you became angry. Good. good. good. good. Fine.

Can you find some things that might happen to you if you got angry, hm?

What would happen to you if you got angry, huh?

Male voice: Whatever I decided could

Became angry. What would happen to you if somebody else became angry?

Audience: [various responses]

Getting some? Things that would happen to you if somebody else became angry.

Good. Fine. Fine. Fine.

You getting some, hm? And things that would happen to you very definitely if somebody else became angry? Do you know some? You know that for sure?

Okay. Let's find some more.

All right.

A little trick now. Every time you get one of these, you get it and then say “Okay."

Male voice: Okay.

Got some? Some you know for sure now? Does it sound quite as bad now, hm? Is it quite as bad or is it worse, the idea of somebody else getting angry? All right.

Now what would happen to you if you got angry? All right.

What would happen to somebody else if you got angry?

And every time you get one of these, have somebody else say "Okay."

Getting some now? Is somebody else saying "Okay"?

All right. Well, that’s fine. That’s fine.

Now there might be, there just might be a few of these you’ve thought of that you haven’t said "Okay" to us, so let's just all together say "Okay" to all these horrible things you just thought up.


Audience: Okay.

All right. Okay.

Audience: Okay.

All right. Okay.

Audience: Okay.

All right. Okay.

Audience: Okay.

All right. Okay.

Audience: Okay.

All right. Okay.

Audience: Okay.

All right. Okay.

Audience: Okay.

All right. Okay.

Audience: Okay.

All right. Okay.

Audience: Okay.

All right. Okay.

Audience: Okay.

All right. Okay.

Audience: Okay.

All right. Okay.

Audience: Okay.

What you saying "Okay" to?

Audience: [various responses]

All these horrible things, that’s right.

Now let’s say “Okay" again to all these things you’ve been thinking about.

Audience: Okay.

All right. Okay.

Audience: Okay.

All right. Okay.

Audience: Okay.

All right. Okay.

Audience: Okay.

All right. Okay.

Audience: Okay.

All right. Now let’s tell present time "Okay." Just all of present time and everybody in it. the whole world around.


Audience: Okay.


Audience: Okay.


Audience: Okay.


Audience: Okay.


Audience: Okay.


Audience: Okay.


Audience: Okay.


Audience: Okay.


Audience: Okay.


Audience: Okay,


Audience: Okay.

All right. Let’s tell everything in the world “Okay."


Audience: Okay.


Audience: Okay.


Audience: Okay.


Audience: Okay.


Audience: Okay.


Audience: Okay.


Audience: Okay.


Audience: Okay.

All right. Now let's tell every school we’ve ever been to "Okay."


Audience: Okay.


Audience: Okay.


Audience: Okay.


Audience: Okay.


Audience: Okay.


Audience: Okay.


Audience: Okay.


Audience: Okay.


Audience: Okay.

Come on, let’s tell them all “Okay.” Okay.

Audience: Okay.

All right. Okay.

Audience: Okay.

Fine. Now, now let’s tell every difficulty we have in present time "Okay.” Got it?


Audience: Okay.

All right. Okay.

Audience: Okay.

All right. Okay.

Audience: Okay.

All right. Okay.

Audience: Okay.

All right. Okay.

Audience: Okay.

All right. Okay.

Audience: Okay.

All right. Okay.

Audience: Okay.

All right. Okay.

Audience: Okay.

AX right. Okay.

Audience: Okay.

Now just let's do it up real wonderful and let's tell all of our future difficulties "Okay."


Audience: Okay.


Audience: Okay.


Audience: Okay.


Audience: Okay.


Audience: Okay.


Audience: Okay.


Audience: Okay.


Audience: Okay.


Audience: Okay.


Audience: Okay.


Audience: Okay.


Audience: Okay.

Got your future kind of taken care of now?

Audience: Yeab.

Well, good. Now lets tell everybody else’s difficulties "Okay."


Audience: Okay.


Audience: Okay.


Audience: Okay.


Audience: Okay.


Audience: Okay.


Audience: Okay.


Audience: Okay.


Audience: Okay.All right. You got other people’s difficulties taken care of now?

Audience: Yeah.

All right. Now, let’s tell just your private, individual difficulties now “Okay.”

Audience: Okay. Okay.


Audience: Okay.


Audience: Okay.


Audience: Okay.


Audience: Okay.


Audience: Okay.


Audience: Okay.


A udience: Okay.


Audience: Okay.


Audience: Okay.


Audience: Okay.


Audience: Okay.


Audience: Okay.


Audience: Okay.

All right. All right.

Now just because running you this way as a group has made me terribly aberrated, give me a few “Okays.”

A udience: Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay.

All right. Now just so you’ll get along fine the rest of the week, until next Wednesday night when I will see you again, I will give you now:

Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. And good night.