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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Definitions of Dianetics and Scientology, other Philosophies (CoT-01) - L521110 | Сравнить
- Logics 1-7 (LAL-2) - L521110b | Сравнить
- Logics and Axioms - Introduction (LAL-0) - L521110 | Сравнить
- Q List and Beginning of Logics (LAL-1) - L521110a | Сравнить

RUSSIAN DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Введение - Список Q и Начало Обсуждения Логик (ИЖЭ 52) - Л521110 | Сравнить
- Логики 1-7 (ИЖЭ 52) - Л521110 | Сравнить
- Определения Дианетики и Саентологии, Другие Философии (ВТ 52) - Л521110 | Сравнить

CONTENTS CONTENTS INTRODUCTION [by Cof$] Cохранить документ себе Скачать
As promised, we are working harder than ever to post LRH Tech on the internet.

Here's a short but powerful lecture set from November 1952 titled The Perception of Truth. Old name is "Logics and Axioms Lectures" or "L&A".

We scanned the transcripts of the 1988 Clearsound release. We do not have the original version.

To FZBA US: if you have access to the old reels, please check these for any RTC omissions.

We will be back in the next millenium with lots more goodies!

Director, FZBA of Scandinavia

P.S. Don't forget to study the Standard Operating Procedure for Theta Clearing, located in the Appendix.


PART 0: Cof$ Introduction

PART 1: Introduction: The Q List and Beginning of Logics

PART 2: Logics 1-7

PART 3: Precision Knowledge: Necessity to Know Terminology and Law

PART 4: Logics 7-9 and 10-23

PART 5: Appendix and Glossary


The four lectures by L. Ron Hubbard which you are about to hear introduce the forms of thought behavior used in the creation of the MEST universe.

These lectures, given in London on 10 and 12 November 1952, profoundly changed forever the way that we view the subjects of thought, knowledge and, consequently, life.

Ron had arrived in England in September of that year, intent on establishing a firm base for Scientology there and setting up a major central headquarters from which it could be run. He planned to train up scores of new Scientology auditors and to introduce all of the tremendous technical advancements he had recently made in the subject. He wished, generally, to "clean up a front yard for Europe to look at and blink".

Even before his departure from Phoenix, Arizona, he had been working hard to get things in order in the UK in anticipation of his arrival. Operating mainly by letter and cable, and with the assistance of but a single aide on the other side of the Atlantic, Ron established the British branch of the Hubbard Association of Scientologists. He worked on the procurement of the quarters from which he would instruct the London Professional Course, and he arranged for the local printing and wide distribution of Scientology books and training materials.

Within a month of his actual arrival in Great Britain, Scientology was booming. Over that short space of time the headquarters of the Hubbard Association of Scientologists (HAS) had been firmly established at 163 Holland Park Avenue in London, twenty-six of twenty-eight persons had been processed to completion of Theta Clearing with Ron's new techniques and eighteen professional auditors had been trained, with many others still in training. Suddenly the UK had nearly as many members as the U.S. HAS and had caught and passed the U.S. in the total number persons who had completed Theta Clearing!

It was against such a background that Ron delivered these talks on knowledge and the Logics to those fortunate students who personally attended those two days of lectures.

These priceless lectures were nearly lost, due to the unforgivable neglect of the sound engineers who originally recorded them. The quality of the recording job they did was extremely poor. Only by the most meticulous and careful application of Ron's Clearsound(TM) technology were these lectures able to be salvaged, so that you could benefit from this brilliant technology today.

It is our great pleasure to present these lectures to you.

The Editors, 1988