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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Making a Goal Fire (SHSBC-224) - L621004 | Сравнить
- Modern Sec Checking (SHSBC-223) - L621004 | Сравнить

CONTENTS MAKING A GOAL FIRE Cохранить документ себе Скачать


A lecture given on 4 October 1962

Okay. This is - what’s the date? The 4th of October, AD 12, Saint Hill Special Briefing Course, lecture number two.

Okay. Pursuant to what I was just telling you a few minutes ago, we had a little bit of trouble recently in California. Poor Chuck was feeling rather sad, so we chased him into the HCO for a check and sure enough - we slam.

Yeap. He slams on me and the oppterm is someone who wont duplicate me. And Ava slams on „Scientology“ and „Ron.“ The dynamic is „people with a cause,“ and the item is „someone willing to wipe out victims.“ Now you see?

Audience: Oooh. Yes.

All right. Well, that’s nothing particularly discreditable; it’s all within the realm of salvage. You see, it must be well within the realm of salvage with Julia sitting on top of it. Because they already - they already got the dynamics and items. They’re just within a few inches of goal. See, that’s easy to do.

And down in Johannesburg, we’ll have that situation well under control. But undoubtedly there was somebody rock slamming down there madly, and they let the organization go down and down and down and down. And all of a sudden I found out quite by accident that they were facing almost immediate wipeout financially, because the Saint Hillers that were there - there were only two - were doing all outside private pcs for themselves and were doing none for the HGC, so no clearing was taking place. And there was just a little bit of staff clearing going on and clearing was being relegated for the chosen few. So we’re having to remedy this situation.

Right now there are heads flying. And it was very upsetting; it made me late for supper and I couldn’t give the children their movie. But I’m afraid that’s all the damage it will do. When you’re sitting with a fistful of answers you don’t worry much because you can straighten things out. But it looked grim there for a little while, man; it looked grim.

Boy, I walked in there this afternoon and you should have seen my desk - it was stacked high. Somebody has been very busy sending telegrams to practically everybody in the world to send telegrams to me, see, protesting any action I was taking to set the organization back together again. And my action was simply to put the Saint Hill graduates in the HGC and start clearing people for the organization, not privately, just to salvage the organization. And this is the action being protested. There it is. Not a very survival activity, huh? Ve fix. Ve fix. Ve fix.

But life can get trying. And the breakdown at that particular point was no auditor in the vicinity was alert to this Sec Check bulletin. And nobody had suddenly walked in and started putting people on the meter and say, „All right. Consider committing overts against HASI Joburg.“ You know? And they would have picked up two or three slammers in key positions and that would have been that.

Auditors don’t realize that they live by the meter and that their problems are solved by the meter and their problems aren’t solved any other way. There was a member on our staff in there, this afternoon, was telling me about solving problems but said he’d left his meter home! Well now, how could he leave his meter home? That seems adventurous, because he has callers all the time and some of those callers are all ARC broke. The proper action is not to sit there and smooth something out. But this staff member is learning and advancing and I’m very proud of him, because he did some auditing on the person, not argue with him. But he should have had a meter because I know there was another withhold. See?

You have every right to put people on a meter. Don’t get driven off of a meter. And as far as arguments are concerned, there’s no sense in having arguments. I told that adventure I had in Washington. Well, they all work out like that. Well, what’s the idea of talking to somebody for five hours trying to argue into them. Because look, I can tell you by experience you’ll never argue them into anything. You cannot argue them into anything, except auditing. They’ll accept that, bang!

You ever try to educate a pe over the top of his aberrations? Well, why argue with a pc? Now, I don’t mean to give anybody any black eyes, because all we’re trying to do is keep the show on the road and keep things together and keep things rolling and we will, because mostly right is on our side. We’re not trying anything horrible to anybody.

You only start breaking down when right is no longer on your side; when you are no longer a companion of truth. And that is when your light starts to dim. And alter - is sets in and there goes the GPM, and it gets bigger and it gets bigger and it gets bigger, and there you are. And it’s not always true on all planets that I come along at the opportune moment, so I’ll give you a little piece of advice for the future: Live with truth and thy light will always shine bright.

Now, the subject I should be talking to you about is listing and goals finding and all that sort of thing. But the thing I’m going to talk to you about right now is how to make a goals fire. And that is the subject of this lecture, whatever preamble it had: How to make a goal fire; how to find the goal that’s the goal that’s the goal; when is a goal is a goal is a goal? Subject of this lecture.

A goal is a goal when it fires. Well, how do you get a goal to fire?

By finding it and by grooming it up and with good auditing. There is nothing as sacred to a pc as the arrow lodged in his heart. That is a jewel beyond price. It must be handled with a maximum of sacredity. You just make a comment on some pc’s goal sometime and it’ll take the auditor half an hour to clean it off. It’s peculiarly vulnerable to invalidation, suppression and other buttons.

Now, I had a big problem up to the demonstration you saw last night and that was that some pcs are more suppressive than others. And there are some people whose goals are very, very hard to fire and I thought it was a special button and it’s not; it’s a special action. We got the buttons. What we need is a special action. And what you saw last night on the TV demonstration of October the 3rd was a routine Goals Prepcheck on an item and on a goal. That was routine.

And I went off the TV demonstration, turned around to another pc, audited the other pc about an hour and a half, an hour and thirty - five minutes and made a goal fire with the same action as I had used on TV. So that’s that, because both these pcs have been worrying me about not being able to make the goal fire. It’s obvious it was a goal, but I couldn’t make it fire. I was looking for special buttons. It wasn’t a case of special buttons, it was a case of special action and that special action is this Goals Prepcheck.

And I wish to recommend to you highly this Goals Prepcheck.

Now, I will tell you how you do a Goals Prepcheck. You find out when the goal you are prepchecking was found and you go a month earlier. Let us say it was found on the 2nd of September, 1961. Obviously, it only needs August in the auditing command. So you don’t quibble about dates; it’s the month before it was found. Even if it was the 1st of September, you use August. You understand? There’s not any point in putting it earlier. You just want to get before it with the month. Because somebody might have been fooling around with it for several days, you see, before it was actually found or it might have been ticked. It might have been written down on a list. It might have been this, it might have been that. See? So you just try to scoop it in.

Then your actual action that you use on something like this is to put the date of the month before it was found in as a whole date. It’s just the month, you see. And you say: Since (that month), on the goal, (whatever the goal is), has anything been (the seventeen, now eighteen, Prepcheck buttons of October 1st, AD 12, 3GA Listing by Tiger Buttons, 114 New Lines for Listing and it’s the one on the bottom of the page of that bulletin).

These buttons are as follows: Suppress, Invalidate, Be careful of, Suggest things to, Withhold from, Protest about, Hide from, Reveal things to, Make a mistake about, Assert things to, Change (or alter), Damage, Withdraw from, Create, Destroy, Agree with, Ignore, and counter - button. That last one made you look up. Counter - button - what’s the counter - button? It’s the button you put on the counter, of course.

All right. Now, to this you could very easily add Decided. And you would have a - you would have a very complete area for Prepchecking. lf you were to add that as a line button it’d have to be - „would decide“ or something like that would have to be in there, see? Be „Decide.“ „Who or what would decide you know, to be something or other - whatever the goal is. „Who or what would decide to catch catfish?“ See?

The counter - button is the opposite button to the goal and you get this from the pc. The pc’s goal is „to sniff,“ and you’ve got to get the counter-button. What’s the counter - button? Well, you’re not going to get it anyplace but off the pc. So you ask the pc what would be the opposite to his goal and he says, „‘Not breathe,’ of course.“ Well, you never would have dreamed up that it was „not breathe.“ But, of course, it is. So your counter - button is „not breathe.“ It’s just - be that silly, don’t you see. You run it.

You say, „Since August, on the goal to know, has anything not been breathed?“ Makes sense to him. Get the idea?

Supposing his goal was „to fly.“ You say, „All right, what’s opposite ‘to fly’? You know, what’s the other side of ‘to fly’?“

And he says, „to flop.“

So your counter - button on this Prepcheck begins then, it starts in - just goes on down the line - and finally gets to the last one as the counter - button: „Since August, on the goal to know, has anything flopped?“ It’ll make beaucoup sense. That’ll be very sensible to him. See? Got the idea? That’s the counter-button. Because for sure that would be the greatest suppression on his goal.

Now, supposing his goal, or supposing her goal or something like that was „to be a lawyer.“ What’s the counter - button to „be a lawyer“? Well, the pc could tell you. The counter - button is „to be illegal.“ Maybe this is what the pc says, see? So your counter - button would read, in the Prepcheck question, „Since August, on the goal to be a lawyer, has anything been illegal?“

And they will tell you, „Well yes, there were illegalities on the contracture of the goals on session number so - and - so that I had with my auditor. And actually he failed to live up to the contract, because at end of session, why, goal so - and - so had not been attained and therefore that was an illegal session.“

And you’d be surprised. This’ll make big sense - makes big sense to the pc. See? Everyone who has a goal has a counter - goal of some kind or another. But you just don’t - you don’t try to assess this thing; you just ask them what it is and you’ve got the counter - button. Supposing the goal was „to be sane.“ What’s the counter - button? Well, of course, it’s „to be insane,“ the pc says or „to be crazy.“ „Since August, on the goal to be sane, has anything been crazy?“ You see? Got the idea?

And they tell you, „Oh, yes! As a matter of fact the most psychotic actions ever heard of took place on the part - the night of so - and - so and so - and - so when I tried to tell my friend over the telephone that…“ And my God, you never got this off as a Suppress, you never got it off as an Invalidate, you didn’t get it off anywhere, you never heard of this phone call before; and there it is staring you in the face.

Now, the way you run this Prepcheck is elementary, my dear Watson. You saw me run two last night, one on an item, one on a goal. I think you thought that was pretty easy auditing. Didn’t you think that was pretty easy to do? Well, actually it was. It was very easy on the auditor. You just cleaned it as though each question was a rudiment. Fast check - just a fast check rudiment.

You watch this thing and you say, „Since August, on the goal to catch catfish, has anything been suppressed?“ And you say, „That didn’t read. Thank you very much.“ And you go to the next one, „Since August, on the goal to catch catfish, has anything been invalidated?“ And you get a read and you say, „All right. That read. What was that?“

Pc says, „Oh, that was so - and - so.“

And you say, „All right.“ And you’re watching the meter, see, always on the meter. Not your Prepcheck style of looking at the pc, asking it and then re - asking it on the meter. Nothing involved; it’s just a fast check, see? And you say, „Since August, on the goal to catch catfish, has anything been invalidated?“ And you clean that.

And you go to the next one and you go to the next one, just in this sequence here. (You can add Decide if you want.) And you go right on through down the line, include the counter - button toward the end and read the goal. See, this is not Tiger Drilling. Tiger Drilling is a working back and forth. This is more of a Prepcheck or a fast check action. See? Probably technically it should be called a „fast check.“ It’s a goals fast check, but it would be too misleading if you called it that. Now, we’ll call it a Prepcheck.

So, you come on down to the end and you say the goal, „to catch catfish to catch catfish, to catch catfish.“ Now, actually, all the time without nerving up the pc, you have been watching the behavior of that goal because every time you said it, you could see it. You see? And you will see as you run one of these things - if you don’t clean cleans and miss reads; everything applies to this that applies to rudiments - you get right on down to the end of this thing and you will notice that its read is improving, if it’s the right goal. And you start right in at the beginning and you run Suppress again and you run Invalidate and you run the whole sequence all the way over again and you test the goal. And then you go back to the beginning and you clean them all the way over again. lf that goal isn’t firing by that time - phooey.

Now, that is an action which can be undertaken at the beginning of a listing session if a goal is not firing well. You understand that? Yet action will make it fire because if you try to tiger drill it on the pc, forever and hard, the pc gets nervy because you haven’t any finite end. The pc sits in for the long haul. The pc’s perfectly willing to do this with this goal because it’s sort of a long haul. He’s going over these things. And you tell the pc why you’re doing it. And he knows it isn’t going to be tested until you get clear down to the end, so he’s not nervy about it. That’s too far away to make him nervous. He goes on down to it and by the time he gets down to the end, he’s forgotten why you were doing it. And he’ll come back to the beginning of this thing and so forth.

Now, PR give you the next little know - how on this. I’m going to tell you some more about goals here in a minute - how to find goals and what they are all about. But I wanted to tell you this „polishing goals,“ because it’s quite an important piece of know - how.

This doesn’t sound like much of a discovery because it sounds like much of what you’ve been doing. But I want to point out to you it isn’t quite what you’ve been doing.

All right. Now, here’s the next little piece of know - how: You get down to the end of the thing and you run the counter - button, and you come back to the beginning and you say, „On the - since August, on the goal ‘to catch catfish,’ has anything been suppressed?“

And the pc says, „Oh my God, why are you going into that? You went through it once!“

Well now, look, look. The reason the pc sort of blows up at that point is because they consider the answers on Suppress they now have to have been missed withholds throughout the Prepcheck, even though they didn’t know about them. And so you don’t put in your random rudiment, you tiger drill the button the pc objects to. And anytime the pc objects to your going over a button, you tiger drill that button. You got it?

Audience: Yes. Mm - hm.

So they answered Suppress like a lamb on the second run through. They answer Invalidate like a lamb on the second run through. They answer Be careful of And Suggest, „Oh, why are you going into this!“ Heh - heh - heh - heh - heh.

So you say, „On Suggest, has anything been suppressed? On Suggest, has anything been invalidated?“ You treat it just like a goal. You could actually ordinary tiger drill it. You could say, „Suggest“ - it’ll fire. Therefore, it fired, so you go over into the right - hand buttons: „On Suggest, has anything been invalidated? On Suggest, has anything been suggested?“ See? Wrack it back and forth, left - and right - hand button. Pow - pow - pow - pow - pow - pow. It’s a fast drill, see. Just ordinary Tiger Drill. Pow - pow - pow - pow - pow.

It’s clean now. You test it again. You say, „Suggest“ - doesn’t fire; it doesn’t read. You say, „Fine. Thank you very much.“

Don’t go into a lot of preparation. Don’t get a French cooks approach to auditing. They have to have out the pastry, and they have to have the rabbit, and they have to have this, and they have to have a watercress, and they have to have the knives stacked up in exactly diminishing order on the board, you see, before they do anything, you know, and this drives the pc nuts. You know what I’m saying. You know, you don’t go through a lot of ramifications about this thing. It’s just you - so the pc says - you say, „All right, since Aug. 9 99 (he’s been going along like a lamb) - you say, „Since August, on the goal, to catch catfish, has anything been suggested?“

„Yeow, yeow, yeow, yeow, yeow, yeow, yeow, yeow.“

You say, „Thank you, thank you very much. Now, on Suggest, has anything been suggested?“ - or suppressed or whatever it is. The thing’s going to fire, don’t you see? Get what I’m talking about?

Audience: Mm - hm.

Do you know how bad this button Invalidation and Suppression and so forth can get?

A pc, today in HASI London - and some of you are going to laugh (those that have been listed on lines) - refused to run the 114 new lines for listing beyond line twelve. Said it was impossible, you couldn’t do it and it was no good and you couldn’t do anything about it and the auditor went - almost went up in smoke. Why? That pc must have every Tiger Drill button all smoked up.

So you do the same action with this, see. lf they get - their Tiger Drill buttons are all haywire, you’re not going to be able to do a thing. The only reason they object to Tiger Drill buttons is when the button itself has got missed withholds on it. So you just straighten up the button. Don’t pull missed withholds. You pull the missed withhold, but you pull them with the Tiger Drill. See? See how you do that? So that ought to keep you out of more trouble than anything you ever heard of.

So you start down the line, so forth, the pc says, „Oh, I can’t answer this line! I mean, this line is absolutely impossible! ‘Who or what would catch catfish?’ I can answer things like that but ‘Who or what would catching catfish suppress?’ No! You can’t do anything like that! You can’t suppress fish. It’s already under ‘suppressure.’ „

Your answer to that is simply a smile and a pat on the back and you say, „On Suppress, has anything been suppressed?“ Get the idea? You can just ordinary tiger drill it. You can even go in as elementally as saying,

„Suppress“ - fired. „On Suppress, has anything been invalidated?“ See? Bang, bang. Bang, bang, bang, bang. You get the answers that have been missed and away it goes. You got the idea?

See, you could do it on lines. You could do it on the Prepcheck or anything else. And you’ll find, as time goes on, the Tiger Drill buttons will become mushy and invalidated and upset around. People use them kidding around and that sort of thing. You’ll find out one of them will go out this way, you see? You have to know how to put them back together again. Well, you can put them back together again in a minute because you can put them back together with the rest of them.

Now, some pc says, ‘I can’t stand Tiger Drilling because it wipes out all my goals.“

„Tiger Drilling?’ It fired. Has anything been invalidated?“ And it isn’t an invalidative action to do that, because you’ll always find one sitting there.

Now, they can act, of course, ARC broken if they have missed withholds in the session. So you always want to put in your random rudiment now and then when you do this sort of thing. Got it?

There’s the crux of this situation. You can thank your stars that just before the congress party in Washington, DC, I came out of my room at 1827 19th Street, Northwest, Washington 9, DC and saw somebody crying in the hall. And they were very upset. And I was on my way to the party and should have been getting dressed. And Reg, of course, he was already dressed, and he was waiting there impatiently. (But I knew my responsibilities, you see.) And I dragged this person into my room. And I think I did have a pair of pants on, but I was no more formally dressed than that. And I sat this character down and this character had been telling everybody everyplace that she had been PDHed.

So with a blinding flash of inspiration, I took the words pain and the word drug and the word hypnotism and I just tiger drilled them. And this poor character, after I got all the charge off of those she still said, „But if I admit that I haven’t been PDHed, then everything I’ve done to people, thinking I had been PDHed, would be an overt.“

So, I said, „If you have been PDHed, have you committed any overts? If you haven’t been PDHed, have you committed any overts? If you have been PDHed, have you committed any overts?“ and forced her to the final conclusion, which sort of - it wasn’t evaluative, it was processing - but she finally - she finally had to conclude that if she was or was not PDHed she had committed overts and she felt much better after that.

- All right. But that was a - that was a lucky break. Because I was suddenly faced with having to do something rapidly in minimal time and still get to the party and so forth. And so I spent, I don’t know - what? How much was it? Thirty - five, forty - five minutes, something like that. And had all of those - all of those buttons, all of those words tiger drilled. See? And I suddenly sat back afterwards, halfway to the party - Reg had been waiting rather impatiently for some time - I suddenly cognited when I was about halfway to the party: Hey, you can tiger drill any word, you can tiger drill Tiger Drill, you can tiger drill any button; in fact, you can tiger drill almost anything! And it’s darn fast auditing and almost any level of ease can do it provided the words mean something.

And Virginia told me that she’d been auditing somebody and she’d been tiger drilling this girl. But the girl was about - oh, I don’t know - must have been twelve or thirteen or fourteen or seventeen or nineteen, but didn’t have too much education and didn’t know what suppress meant and didn’t know what invalidate meant. So Virginia would make her go to the dictionary and look it up, and then ran it and was getting - was being successful. lf you can imagine such a thing. Well, the situation here, is that Tiger Drilling is very useful and you should know how to do it.

Now, there are two types of Tiger Drilling. There’s Tiger Drilling to cancel out a goals list until you get to the goal, and that’s just ordinary Tiger Drilling and you wind up those. You say, „To catch catfish.“ It fired - ticked a little bit - so you say, „On this goal, has anything been invalidated?“ And that didn’t read. So you say, „On this goal, has anything been suggested?“ And that didn’t read. And you say, „On this goal, has a mistake been made?“ And that’s - that read, so you clean that off and so forth and you say the goal again and it fires again one way or the other.

And you have to conclude then that one of the buttons you just went over has now just been invalidated or something of the sort. So you take a pass over them and then you take off your Suppress button - you can’t find any action on that and it isn’t firing - you can’t find any action on the Suppress button so that’s it. That’s it - that isn’t the goal, see?

All goals have a certain amount of charge in them. And the thing has to be charged up somewhat to have an invalidation register. It isn’t the pc who is - You see, who is making all that read. See? It’s the charge on the goal that makes Invalidate and so forth read.

Now, I give you this as a little test. Take a phony goal, like „to sing songs.“ See? It isn’t the pc’s goal and there’s no charge on it. You say, „‘To sing songs.’ All right, we’re going to - we’re going to take this goal ‘to sing songs. ‘ „

The pc at once thinks, „Well hell, that isn’t my goal.“

You read, „To sing songs,“ and you get no reaction. You read, „To sing songs, has anything been suppressed?“ You get no action. You say, „To sing songs, has anything on this goal been protested?“ See?

What happened? Well, for the goal to read you had to have a charge. The subject has to be charged in order to read. You should learn that about an E - Meter. Pcs don’t just make everything read. You got that? The read comes from the bank. You’ll appreciate that more when you see a free needle and the pc is cussing and swearing like mad and the needle just goes on floating. All right. So naturally you strike a goal and you give it an ordinary

Tiger Drill, just coming down the list. And this goal is „to mend pants.“ „To mend pants“ - it’s got a tick on it. You say, „On this goal, has anything been invalidated?“

The pc, „Yeah, I saw it on the list before you came to it. Read it upside down. And I saw it on the list and I thought, gee, that couldn’t be my goal. Because it sort of amused me, you know. ‘To mend pants’ - that’s to use artificial respiration I thought.“

And you get that off. Of course, it had a little, tiny bit of charge in it.

See? So you say - to even fire that way it had a little bit of charge in it. So you say then, „All right, to mend pants,“ or you can say almost either „to mend pants,“ or „Has anything been invalidated?“ Don’t you see? Because if it’s still got an invalidation on it then „to mend pants“ is going to read again. Don’t you see? You understand that?

So it’s almost up to the auditor whether he double - cleans everything he gets or reads the goal again. He saves a little time sometimes when he just reads the goal again. You understand that about Tiger Drilling?

Well anyhow, so he reads „to mend pants,“ and it doesn’t read. And „On the goal, to mend pants, has anything been suppressed?“ And no, not pants - haven’t been suppressed, so that’s the end of that, see? Nothing reads. It’s gone. Well, there’s no sense in doing anything more than an ordinary Tiger Drill with this thing.

All right. Now, let’s get to a different situation entirely. We say, „To catch catfish,“ and it goes tick - same tick as you saw before. „On this goal, has anything been invalidated?“ - tick. You clean it. „On this goal, has anything been invalidated?“ - no tick. You say, „To catch catfish“ - tick. „On this goal, has anything been suggested?“ You clean that. „To catch catfish“ - tick. „On this goal, has anything been suggested?“ That’s clean. „On this goal, has a mistake been made?“ - tick. You clean that. All right. „To catch catfish“ tick. „On this goal, has anything been invalidated?.“

Now, you’ll run into this sometimes when the goal is charged and the pc knows it isn’t his goal and wishes to God he never put it on the list. You some - sometimes it takes you twelve, fifteen commands to clean one of those confounded things up. He unfortunately puts on the list: „to never have anything more to do with Tweetie Candies.“ He’s thinking all this time, „My God, this can’t be my goal.“ See? And you have to keep cleaning that off as invalidation. And you do - you better clean it off, man. You clean it up; maybe you’re twelve or fifteen commands deep. You see? Well, that’s still by ordinary Tiger Drill because it’s obviously what the source of it is.

Well, let’s say at the end of about twelve commands you’re still doing this kind of thing: „To catch catfish.“ „On this goal, has anything been suppressed?“ - tick. „What was the suppression?“

„So - and - so and so - and - so.“

„All right. Good. To catch catfish,“ - no read. You say, „Aaah!“ „On this goal, has anything been suppressed?“ - tick.

Well, look, you’re now in for the only zone where you use Big Tiger. You shift your gears at this point because ordinary Tiger is going to take you a long time. So you just shift into Big Tiger on this thing. Anything that you consider Big Tiger is at the moment, it is. But it’s at least three buttons on the left and three buttons on the right and any other button that seems to apply. Don’t you see? You say, „Now…“ You’re not going to leave this thing until Careful of is clean. See? Big Tiger could be distinguished as multiple buttons. And you’re not going to leave the goal until both Suppress and Careful of are clean. You’re going to make sure Careful of is clean before you leave the goal; Suppress is clean before you leave the goal.

In other words, this thing is firing hard enough to warrant some attention, so you just shift into this a little bit upper gear. You make sure now, that you get this thing tiger drilled well. It fires and it doesn’t fire, and it doesn’t do this and it doesn’t do that. And maybe you’re going to go about a half an hour or so on this confounded goal to get the thing cleaned up and get out of there. Well, you’ll get there much faster if you’re doing a Big Tiger rather than ordinary Tiger; that’s leaving too many things by the boards. You understand?

You could almost - you’ve almost got all the buttons. There’s probably more buttons here than should be in Big Tiger, don’t you see. But you could use just those buttons at the bottom of the October 1st bulletin and you wouldn’t go astray.

You can clean this thing and you’ll get charge of it off and you’ll wipe it up and it’ll come back in and you’ll get it out and it’ll come back in. Well, you’d better use quite a few buttons to clean it up. But they’re all played back and forth.

You’re going to leave this thing - was, „To catch catfish“ - didn’t read. „On this goal, has anything been suppressed?“ - didn’t read. „On this goal, is there anything you’ve been careful off’ - didn’t read. You say, „Well, all right. We’ll leave it.“ Get the idea? Now, it’s perfectly safe. If you wonder, why read the goal again - it’ll probably be all right. You understand the use of this?

So you shift from an ordinary Tiger Drill to a more potent drill and it’ll speed up the length of time it takes to clean up some of these rough, tough goals that go above a few commands. You see? Just shift your gears because there’s more of a chance that is the goal and therefore you want to give it the treatment; you want to give it special treatment. Otherwise you can sweep these goals off at one every ten seconds. You know? They’re going off of that list at a mad rate.

You say, „To mend pants“ - no read. „On this goal, has anything been suppressed?“ You see? „‘To be a cowboy.’ On this goal, has anything been suppressed?“ See? Nothing, nothing, nothing, nothing, nothing. Tick. „On this goal, has anything been invalidated?“ - tells you, you know, „to be a cowgirl“ - no read. „On this goal, has anything been suppressed?“ Out of it.

You can get rid of a lot of goals. And then all of a sudden you hit „to catch catfish.“ You know? And it goes… See, they look so innocent at first and you tie into them and they go like mad. Well, you just shift into Big Tiger. Thing looks like it’s full of beans and so forth, give it the business.

Otherwise you’re liable to clean it up carelessly and leave the pc’s goal behind you. So that’s a prevention from leaving the pc’s goal behind you.

Now I will tell you a few minor things - a little heart to heart talk.

By the way, the treatment of an old goal, or the Prepcheck of a goal ensues after you have found the goal by Big Tiger. See? You know, this goal was staying in so you shifted into Big Tiger and you drilled it and it fires and it doesn’t fire and so forth.

Your next logical action for that goal is the Prepcheck which I described at the beginning of the lecture, not endless Big Tiger. You understand?

You finally got this goal so you can say, „To catch catfish“ - fire. „To catch catfish“ - tick. „To catch catfish“ - no tick. „To catch catfish“ - tick. See? You finally got it so it’s saying that. „On this goal, has anything been invalidated?“ No. „On this goal, has anything been suggested?“ No. „On this goal, is there anything - any mistake been made?“ No, nothing, nothing, no firing pin is firing. „To catch catfish“ - tick. Oh, man — must be! You see, you’ve drilled it for a half an hour or so.

But it drives the pc out through the roof to have endless Tiger Drilling. Pcs don’t like endless Tiger Drilling. Best thing to do is to shift, then, over to a Prepcheck. But that’s when you’ve decided that it’s pretty probable that that’s the goal. It’s pretty probable that that thing’s the goal. It sure stayed with the pc. The pc sure is interested in it. Gave the pc some somatics and so forth. Ah, well, this looks interesting. Now, let’s go over into the Prepcheck.

So there are three degrees of treatment of the goal: ordinary Tiger Drill, Big Tiger, and a Goals Prepcheck such as I just described to you. See? Those are the ordinary - that’s routine on a goal.

Now, I’ll let you in on some of the facts of life. These facts of life have been troubling you. Pc has goal found in upper south Amboy. Auditor somehow or another can’t be identified. Nothing can be identified. But the pc floats into your vicinity and this goal has been found on the pc. You’ve already been auditing the pc four days before this fact was suddenly revealed: that they had a Goals Assessment in upper south Amboy and the goal found was „to wrap around the flagpole and spit.“ Now, you think that is a very silly goal, and so forth.

Well, it doesn’t matter what you think of the goal. This is one of the goals found on the pc. This is something found on the pc. It doesn’t matter what it is, how silly you think it is or how unlikely or how likely or anything else. The likeliness of the goal has very little to do with it, with this simple proviso: that on some of these goals, such as second dynamic goals which have been misassessed, you have to work harder than you ordinarily would otherwise. You just know, that if a second dynamic goal has been found on this pc of which they would normally be ashamed, that the thing is probably just reading on a „Failed to reveal.“ And my experience with those, see - „to go - to bed with eight girls at once,“ or something, you know - my experience with these things is there’s simply a „Failed to reveal“ is the only thing that’s making them read. Even those fall under this same heading.

Your first action with this pc - now, we’re talking about finding or proving out old goals or finding new goals or what do you do at the end of a Dynamic Assessment? See? This is actually all mentioned in the bulletin of October 1st - what I’m talking to you about here, right now.

Your first action on this is to corral (1) every goal found on the pc, and (2) every goal that went out hard.

You make a list of those goals in chronological order, against the time found, not the goal’s occurrence on the track. That you couldn’t find. You make your „goals found“ in the order of their finding or their order of their giving the pc trouble. Pc suddenly remembers that they tiger drilled on a goal for nine and a half hours, called „to prove things.“ Nine and a half hours and it finally went out, see? All right. It was never announced as the pc’s goal, see? Nothing like that. You put it down at the chronological order of its having been found.

Now, you just take those goals right from the beginning scratch and you don’t tiger drill them - you don’t tiger drill them - you just prepcheck every one of them, just like I’ve given you in the beginning of this lecture.

And if one is still firing when you’ve run through the first Prepcheck list, you go through it a second time.

And if it’s still firing the second time, you better find out somebody goofed. Somebody’s bypassed the goal. Because the probability is that in cases that have been assessed, that is what happens.

The test is this: If every now and then a goal goes out hard on a pc, the probability is the pc’s goal has been found and abandoned. You get that little rule?

We have this pc - and we’ve got one right here. Every third goal found on this pc goes out. You practically have to shoot her down with a cannon barrage. It’s „to mend pants.“ They go down the list, they get four goals below the last one that was tough and now they start tiger drilling „to mend pants.“ And it goes on, and it goes on, and it goes on, and it goes on, and it goes on. And finally the auditor just gets all worn out because it’s taking - it takes two sessions to get rid of every fifth goal on this pc. Now, that is a sign that the pc’s goal - I’ve learned this, just for you - that the pc’s goal has been found and discarded. That is a sign of that.

Another sign of it is the pc was very ARC breaky while finding chronologically listed goals three, four, five, six, seven and eight. They haven’t had smooth sessions. The very probable thing is that it was goal one or goal two. You got that?

But very often they smooth out and are perfectly happy, and they tell you they will surrender the goal and you’ve made them cheerful about it all - very often that’s their mood. But every fifth or sixth goal, they stop you by requiring the next three or four hours of auditing to drill this goal out - the next goal. You get down the line; it’s „to keep store.“ Here we go, see, at the end of an hour we will be prepchecking. And then for the next thr e hours we will be trying to do something with this goal „to keep store.“ And it finally disappears.

And we go down the list four more goals and we have another goal which is „to take a trip to the moon.“ And that takes three and a half hours to grind out. Got the idea?

No, that’s a symptom of the goal is already behind you. The goal has been found; the goal is behind you. Get that? Just take that as an indicator. It’s not necessarily always true, I don’t think, because I haven’t seen it on too many cases. But every case I have seen that on or have heard of that on, the goal has already been behind. They’ve already gone by the goal.

Now, you take this chronological list. What do you do with this chronological list? What do you do with it? That’s interesting, because it has to have a Prepcheck. Each one of them have to have a Prepcheck. You’ll find out a normal Prepcheck on these things will take you from one to two hours, and you’re better off doing a Prepcheck than you are doing a Tiger Drill because it’ll take you less time to do a Prepcheck than it will to do a Tiger Drill, and it’s more likely that the goal will finish up firing having done this Goals Prepcheck, see? And you go over those things very carefully; you go over them very carefully.

Now, we’re talking about somebody, of course, that you’ve found sitting on the front doorstep and they’ve turned up and so forth.

Now, you could go over these goals, each one of them, with a Prepcheck and find the right goal. You could do this. But do you know it might be more economical in terms of auditing to do a Dynamic Assessment on this pc. Do you see that?

Because if you didn’t find the goal, there it is. And the goal has been unburdened and so it’s more likely to fire. You see? And if you’re good at doing Dynamic Assessments at all, it might be more economical to do a Dynamic Assessment on the pc and carry the pc through to the bitter end, because you’ll probably have to do one anyhow because they best understand their goals when a - Dynamic Assessment has been done. But I’m not making this mandatory, don’t you see, because that would be silly.

Here’s the way you test - and this is just a test - here’s the way you test an old goal:

The pc says, “Well, there was a goal found on me in upper south Amboy at one time by somebody there and so forth, and the goal was ‘to catch catfish.’”

And so you say, „Well, all right.“ And they want you to take a look at it. Well, of course you’d be wasting a lot of your time and their time and everybody else’s time if you didn’t take just a cursory look at the thing - just give it an Instructor’s check. See?

But that it didn’t fire means nothing! Got it? Even though somebody has checked this thing out with an Instructor’s check - you know, just done that Instructor’s check and gotten all the buttons rattled off and called the goals three times… You’d be surprised how often that will discover that the old goal was the right goal, see. Well, go ahead and list it - you know, checked out.

But if it didn’t fire that doesn’t mean anything. You don’t discard that old goal just because it didn’t fire.

Now, you’re going to audit this pc for blood, see? You’re going to get right in there and pitch. You’re this pc’s auditor. You had better collect all of these goals that went out hard and goals that have been found on the pc and you better make a chronological list of these things, see? And if this pc has had quite a bit of auditing on the subject of, and going up the track a ways, you’re going to find a lot of pcs like this. Maybe this pc’s even had a Dynamic Assessment, something like that, see? You had better go over this list and prepcheck each one of those goals in rotation and see if you can’t get one to show.

Now, what if some other auditor has already prepchecked them all? Well, your action is to prepcheck them all.

Now, it isn’t because the other auditor was no good but because these things dive out and recharge and do various things. It isn’t that goals can change or anything of that sort. It’s just that this is an interesting fact about it is, I have seen goals missed and then somebody - and last night was straightening out four or five eases that have been in the soup around here for some time. And I went down and the answers were there plain to see. They were contained in it. But in actual fact, one of these eases had several earlier - found goals.

Now, let me tell you something a pc will do. We can’t get the old goal to fire. We’re not going to waste a lot of time trying to get the old goal to fire let’s go ahead and do a Dynamic Assessment on the pc. You’re not going to spend fifteen hours trying to get an old goal to fire, you understand? Let’s do some auditing. This comes under the rule of giving the pc auditing, see? Let’s say you checked it out; it didn’t seem to check out. Instructor’s type check, see - it didn’t seem to check out. Don’t spend too much time on it because you may be grooming up this dead horse and polishing his shad - his saddle, you know, and wiping out his mouth and combing his mane and so forth. But he’s still dead, man. No matter what you do to him, he’s still dead.

No, your proper action in this particular thing is you check out the goal the pc had, you check out - or goals; maybe there’s one or two - and you don’t get anything out of them: Let’s do a Dynamic Assessment.

Now, that’s going to make this pc shine. Because by doing a Dynamic Assessment, you tend to pull them out of the horrors and ARC breaks of having had their goal knocked in the head. You give them new hope. That old goal will now fire better because they can understand it - they never did before - it didn’t have any item to fire against. Don’t you see?

But you watch for this - watch your pc like a hawk: When pc do List 1, when pc do List 6 or List 5 or any other list after a Dynamic Assessment and if pc slide old goal into list anyplace, you take old goal and you prepcheck and you find that pc’s goal.

Got into an ARC break with a pc the other day. The pc - oh, this was quite - quite rowr - rowr, see. I did an assessment as to which list. I do things like this once in a while - read off all the goal list lines and see which one assesses and do that one first. You know? That’s only if List 6 didn’t have the goal on it. List 6 didn’t contain the goal so, I assessed - found out it was List 2. Naah! Pc - pc say List 5. Didn’t say List 5 on that little assessment. Of course, that isn’t a very valid assessment. Pc didn’t say List 5. I get assessment for List 2. I try do List 2. Pc ARC break; PE very upset. You think this is something intuitive, something deeply buried, something that was hidden from even the pc. Like hell it was!

Then it materializes that pc has slipped; old goal has been passed over onto List 5. That’s why pc want List 5 done. You get that? A thetan may look agreeable, but they never quit!

So, I just took the old goal and tried to make it live again and it did and that was that. All right. So that should be very fascinating to you, that there are symptoms and signs here. Pc keeps trying to shove this goal at you; you may think, „Well, this person’s just trying to sell this goal.“ That’s right!

But now, I tell you what makes some goals stay out. And this you must remember because there’s a double Prepcheck on all likely goals.

There is another Prepcheck on likely goals, that is: „In self - auditing on the goal, to catch catfish, has anything been (listing buttons)?“ That’s the Prepcheck that has to precede your date Prepcheck, because any goal that’s been around, for let us say, six months, five months, two months, something like that, and the pc has known that goal - they self - audit it. Now, they may not just sit down and try to run all the buttons on it and run a full Prepcheck, but they do that too.

But they might self - audit it this way (and this is self - auditing although they don’t recognize it as such): They’re sitting out at a car stop. They’re looking at all the people go by, you see. And the goal is „to catch catfish.“ And they say, „No wonder I’m always so bored sitting at a car stop, because naturally there are no catfish around here; there are just people. Oh, that explains, then…“ (This is busy, busy, busy, you know?) „… that explains, then, why I’ve always been bored at sitting around car stops and why I’ve always thought there should be ponds on all properties.“ (Busy, busy, busy, busy, busy, busy, busy, busy.) „Well then, I mustn’t think about that anymore because I’m liable to suppress it - Now, I’d better not suppress the goal. Now, there you are. Well, there I’ve probably suppressed it. I wonder what the suppression was.“ (Busy, busy, busy, busy, busy.)

And sometimes they just simply knuckleheadedly sit down and try to prepcheck their own goal. And you can’t ever tell it is, because the pc has tremendous interest on this channel - in fact, on no other channel. And they can’t keep their attention off of it. And so you get this: „In self - auditing

Now, if you want to keep polishing goals up you can add other things. „In listing, on the goal to catch catfish,“ is another heading.

In other words, you’ve got several headings and approaches.

But the two that are absolutely vital to trim up an old goal and get the thing going well is „In self - auditing, on the goal ________“ and the other is „Since________ (month before goal was found), has anything - on the goal (so-and - so), has anything been suppressed?“ You have to run those two Prepchecks. You got it?

Now, there’s the essence of old goal finding. And you may beat your brains out - you may spend six, eight, ten hours trying to get some old goal to read, before you turn around and start doing a Dynamic Assessment. And then you do the Dynamic Assessment and then the old goal comes back in and reads. And you say, „Well, all I did was waste eight to ten hours of auditing.“ And I have now got through doing this now, often enough, that I don’t think it pays. I look back on the backtrack now and it’s getting kind of strewn with dead horses. I’ve had to learn what are the effective actions with regard to a goal. See?

The actualities of existence with regard to goals is the goals are tricky, Dynamic Assessments are tricky, the auditor first and foremost has to be a good auditor, he has to be lucky and he has to be clever. But we’ve got ways and means of making goals read that we never had before. There’s no excuse if you listing a goal right at the beginning of a listing session that is going one tick out of six calls - there’s no sense in that; you should know enough about auditing.

And just to do a formal check is sometimes not enough; you have to steer the pc’s attention, which after all is the action of an auditor.

You say, „When was this goal found?“ This is before you get it prepchecked, and so forth. „When was this goal found?“

„Oh, this goal was found in July - July of 1961.“

„All right. All right, that goal was found then. Now, what session was it found in?“

„Gee, you know, I can’t recall.“

Oh - oh - oh - oh - oh - oh - oh! Right there, right there - there’s a clue. That’s why this goal doesn’t - the principal reason why this goal doesn’t read. There’s something wrong with that session.

Let’s go back and find that session. Well, how do we find that session? We can steer the pc´s attention to it overtly and say, „In that session that found the goal, was anything suppressed?“ See? And tiger drill it with that wording. Got it?

In other words, you can do almost anything with a Tiger Drill. You’re only culpable and you’re only in the soup if the goal isn’t reading. And you’re only ruining a pc if you utterly bury and lose his goal so it can never be found. So anything that recovers the goal is quite legal. Do you recognize that?

But I’ve been working for quite a while here, working on these drills. And I’ve given you the result of that work in tonight’s lecture and it should give you a very good show.

One of the things I must tell you is, you must never, never, never leave a goal lying around, that has been found or the pc thought was their goal, on and on and on and on through auditing. Because it’s like dragging buckets behind you when you’re trying to go to sea.

Supposing, now, you had - the pc had six goals that were found on him or stayed in hard, see. And you found out it was goal number two that was the goal and you got it firing beautifully. Even though it’s a little bit distractive to the pc - you’ve explained to the pc why you’re doing this - you should also give a fast knockout to goal three, goal four, goal five and goal six. You understand? You should at least check those things out and get the principal dash and smash off of them. Because they’re going to hold you up. The pc’s going to be unable to do them well. Quite interesting.

A goal half - found and butchered up which isn’t the pc’s goal, stops the pc from having that ability. It slows him down.

Supposing the pc didn’t have the goal „to take the air,“ and yet it appeared on his list, see - it was on his list and somebody - it had stayed in hard and somebody tiger drilled it half out and then finally found out that it was „to be an aviator“ that was his goal. And we just utterly neglected this goal „to take the air. „ Well, for quite a while the pc will not be - enjoy going for walks.

You’ll have to get along and you’ll have to give it a couple of cuffs and smashes and because it isn’t his goal - and he knows it isn’t his goal because he’s got his goal - it goes out fairly rapidly, but it should elicit some of your attention. See? You’d say, „Well, let’s get rid of these other goals so they don’t hang up and hang us up.“ See? Just give them a box and - with Tiger Drill and they seem to be quite flat and everything’s fine, just leave them. Got it?

All right. You’re not going to have any trouble getting goals to fire providing you’re willing to take the time to do so. But a one - minute cleanup to make the goal tick once out of five reads - that isn’t good enough. And if you can’t tiger drill this thing (in an ordinary Tiger Drill at the beginning of session) into reading, you can always prepcheck it into reading. And if you can’t prepcheck it well into reading, then by George, you’d better change the wording of your Prepcheck to „In self - auditing on the goal and so forth. And if that goal is reading a bit better then, then let’s move it up into the next category and say, „In listing on the goal ___ (so-and-so).“

And you’ve got many ways that you can handle this particular type of action, depending to a large extent on how the pc has handled the goal and how long the goal’s been found, and so forth.

But getting a goal to read - getting a goal to read - after the goal has been found or getting an old goal to read adequately requires very slippy auditing. In fact, probably requires better auditing than finding a goal in some cases. The refinding of a goal is sometimes much more rugged than just finding one fresh because now you have all the hurdles.

I find out almost uniformly that pcs know what their goal was and knew at some time in the past what their goal was and were very ARC broke when they lost that goal. And if you know how to put that goal back together again - of course with the Prepchecks and the stuff I’ve been giving you in this lecture - you’ll find out your pc is very happy about the thing, and the goal will fire. People do know their own goals. I would never give a pc a goal who didn’t cognite on the fact that it was his goal. A lot of symptoms go along with this. Don’t you see?

I’ve revived now, a lot of old goals. I’m getting to be a specialist in it. I’m getting to be more of a specialist in the revivification of old goals than in the finding of new ones. Because people who come around to me - I busily work my brain to the bone, you see, finding the new goal, see. And I’ve just got my fingers on this new goal and we’ve just started to tiger drill it and boy, is it going out hard, when I look down the list four below it and I see the pc’s old goal has been slipped back onto the list! So I tiger drill out the goal that I’m working on and then I start working on the old goal and now that the Dynamic Assessment has been done, it now fires like crazy.

This seems, in the last month, to have been my lot. - ‘ Pc after pc: Do a masterly job, absolutely clever, lucky, everything - just beautiful, you know. All set up for a brand - new goal. Obviously goal number one on the list. Perfect! It fits the pc utterly and then the pc says to you, „Do you know that that first goal is the exact ending of my old goal?“ Well, that’s fortune.

Well, there it is. There’s a lot to know, about goals and their behavior. This is actually the first time I’ve talked to you about it. I’ll be talking to you more about it but in actual fact I have given you in this lecture the bulk, if not all, the things known about it - this subject.

Thank you very much.