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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- R4M2 Programing (SHSBC-351) - L631031 | Сравнить

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A lecture given on 31 October 1963

Well, you have a day here. Hallow’s Eve. Allhallow’s Eve. Isn’t that the date?

Audience: Yes.

Well, we’ll talk about ghosts. Are you a ghost? Children plague me with this. They get a lot of Scientology around and it gets in conflicts with their children’s textbooks. And-and get quite confused with definitions of what is a ghost, you see, and that sort of thing. We frankly-we need undoubtedly a small textbook on this subject, you see. Scientology One Junior.

A thetan is not necessarily a ghost, you see. But everybody is a thetan. Body-thetan minus body equal ghost.

October 31-that the date?

Audience: Yes.

All right. AD 13 Saint Hill Special Briefing Course. Another lecture on R4. Your morale I can see sinking steadily, steadily, steadily. Small, tiny pennon showing, just the tip of it as the ship sinks beneath the waves, you see. Sort of a feeling of „Good God, how can we possibly climb this hill,“ you see. I mean, it’s all too complicated and too much is being demanded of it. And I can’t possibly do it, I can’t possibly audit.“ You know. This kind of feelings that sweep across one or feelings like „Good heavens, what will I be doing to a pc? Is it-is it really safe?“ „Oh, God,“ you know. „Well, do I dare say anything to the pc at all? Everything I say is wrong, and so forth. And it’s all too complicated,“ and so forth. Well, you’re right except for one thing. It’s not all too complicated. You are. See, you’re too complicated.

For instance, there are certain little things that happen in auditing such as when the needle is moving nicely in blowdowns and the TA is going down the auditor who opens his yap is a fool. See, I mean-you don’t even have to put it elegantly. And when the TA isn’t doing anything and the needle isn’t doing anything and you’re not getting any tone arm action, the auditor who doesn’t do something is a fool. You got the idea?

Now, the auditor who only acts when the TA is moving and who never acts when the TA is motionless, well, he of course is making more trouble for himself than you can shake a stick at. The basic rule, very simple, very simple: When you’ve got TA motion in progress, shut up, be quiet, don’t do anything. Don’t even lift your pencil. Just sit there and watch it move. Take some delight in the smooth sweep of a down moving TA, you see. And keep on taking delight in it until ifs no longer happening, and you’ll be ahead every time. And when the TA isn’t moving and when the needle isn’t moving, do something.

Actually that’s auditing against the TA. It’s simply coordination. You’ve already got the rules in a bulletin. Undoubtedly that’s one of the most important rules there is right now. There probably is no more really important rule than that in handling pcs and meters. Just that, see.

Well, you say, „Well, we move into R4, of course, all that is swept aside.“ Oh no, no, no. Everything you know how to do at lower levels you do at R4. But at R4, of course, you are expected to be in there pitching quicker when you got a motionless TA and a motionless needle. And you’re expected to be in there rapidly. You’re not supposed to sit there for the next half an hour to find out if it’s going to move, don’t you see. Because this is-this is quick stuff. This is auditing by quick step. And when that TA starts to move and that-you get an occasional blowdown on that meter and that TA is moving down and so forth, well, you shouldn’t be doing a thing. You shouldn’t be trying to find a new goal and you shouldn’t be trying to make the pc list. And you say, „Well all right, the pc should be talking.“

Well, that’s a mistake somebody’s been making around the W unit. The pc must talk in order to have the itsa line in. What is an itsa line? It’s the pc talking. No, that’s not the pc talking. That is the pc itsaing. See that, itsaing, a pc who is itsaing is simply looking at and identifying something. And you get a totally motionless pc who is sitting there with his eyeballs swiveled around 180 degrees looking into his skull and you’ll be getting beautiful blowdowns on the needle and so forth. Well, the auditor who gets busy and ambitious at that time ought to have his shins kicked. See?

He can stop all of his TA motion just by getting active at that moment. Well, we don’t care if the pc sits there for twenty minutes without anything being done by the auditor at all and nothing being said by the pc. Perfectly all right. You got TA motion during those twenty minutes-you got TA motion during those twenty minutes, the pc must be itsaing. Must be, because the tone arm is moving.

And you’ll see a tone arm sometime go down and pc’s looking, „Is this my goal? Is this my goal? Let’s see if this is my goal. And so on and so on and so on and then so, so on and so on and if I don’t so on, so on and I have-well, when I was four or five I used to worry a little bit about this, and so forth, yes, and so on and when I was ten I did, and so on.“ Of course, he’s not saying anything, he’s just sitting there. That’s what’s really going on, YOU see, but he’s - to the auditor he’s just sort of going ...

Now, the auditor who cheerily, cheerily at that moment realizes he’s got to be interesting and wake the pc up and that sort of thing, just isn’t paying attention to his meter. You’ll see that tone arm go down and halt and stop for a moment and climb and then go down again. And you’ll see blowdowns, large surges and that sort of thing going on now and then on the meter, and so forth. Well, that’s what you’re supposed to have happening in a session. See, see? You see, it’s just emphasis on what’s supposed to happen in a session. Well, if you think a session is something in which an auditor does something or a session is something in which a pc talks or a session is something in which an auditor and a pc have ARC breaks or if you have any odd definition of a session which throws this out, of course, you won’t grasp this very readily at all. And you actually will miss the boat and there goes your TA. Bang! Then you get to the end of the session and don’t record any TA. Why?

Every time the pc started to get his attention on something and get the itsa maker running on the thing, you know, and looking at it and the thing started to blow the auditor said, „Yap, yap, yap, yap, yap, yap, yap, yap, yap, yap.“ And the pc-the pc says, „What-what? Oh, we-oh, yes, yes.“ And of course did a suppress and that stopped the blowdown and of course you got no TA. That’s it. See, you finished it right there.

Well, what’s supposed to happen in a session is you’re supposed to have a TA moving. You’re supposed to have things happening to the needle and the TA. And if you don’t have to do anything to make things happen to the needle and the TA, well, that hasn’t anything to do with it either. All you’re supposed to do is have something happening to the needle and the TA. And when nothing is happening to the needle and the TA, you of course have to audit like mad. But when something is happening you better not do anything. See, it’s as simple as that.

And if you can get it, it’s as simple a mechanism as when the car is running forward you leave the clutch out. When the car is motionless you put the clutch in. Do you see? I mean it’s that kind of a datum, see. Well, that’s how you drive a session. It is no more complicated than that. Don’t you see?

The only mistake you make is once in a while you’ll fumble it just to this degree. The pc has got ahold of something, isn’t quite seeing it and for a moment or two nothing happens on the meter. It doesn’t start to blowdown yet, don’t you see? And the auditor says, „Well, it’s a motionless meter so therefore I’d better ask a question,“ you see. And he says, „Did . . .“ And just at that moment it starts down, see. And he’s goofed, you see.

Well, he’s got to be a clever enough auditor to adjust the clutch accordingly, you see. Right now, adjust that clutch, see. Why did I open my mouth? It’s as simple as this. This is driving an E-Meter. And there’s really nothing much to it. And you get more complicated about it, why, you’re in grad [bad] trouble.

Now, as long as a meter is moving then, as long as you’re getting down TA divisions and so forth, no great skill is required of the auditor. He just goes through routine activities. For instance, in R4, well, he finds the item and he calls it back to the pc and it fell and then he waits until the tone arm motion is gone out of the thing and then asks the pc the courtesy questions about it, you see. „Is it your item?“ you know, and other things like this. As long as he isn’t getting any motion, he goes on with his job. As soon as he gets motion, he stops going on with his job. Well, that’s all very routine. You don’t run into any trouble, really, with that.

You could memorize and perform-if you-if you know this thing about driving an E-Meter, you could then memorize and perform the other steps necessary to the execution of R4, well perhaps, in a couple of hours. It’s pretty hard to sometimes coordinate all the-write and watch the meter at the same time, and so forth, but that’s just coordination, see. Just coordination. When do you shift gears without stripping out all of the-all of the teeth, see. It’s that kind of a lesson, you know. You’re supposed to say so-and-so and so-and-so, and you’re supposed to write down so-and-so and so-and-so, and you’re supposed to see a meter reaction. When you see that meter reaction you’re supposed to say, „Thank you,“ and call it back to the pc. And then it normally falls and that was the item.

That’s all there is to it, don’t you see. I mean, these are very simple actions-elementary. If you just look at the set of actual actions which you perform based on this driving the meter plus these little other elementary actions which you take. Don’t salt it down with eight thousand seven hundred and sixty-six billion rules, see. You just be there in the session and do those little simple actions which comprise R4. And actually as long as the case is running perfectly, you’ve got it made, see. You got that-that little spook phrase in there. As long as the case is running perfectly, you’ve got it made. And actually, almost any idiot could learn how to do this, see. Anybody could learn how to do this.

Now, if those simple ac-if you’re going to make those simple actions complicated then you better uncomplicate in an awful hurry because those actions are terribly simple. Drive the meter, do something when the meter is motionless and don’t do anything when the meter is moving. Get that coordinated. You know what to list, how to head a list, what to write, how to watch the meter, when to stop the pc, when to read the item back to him, how to do a goals list until you’ve got an absolute smooth flowing needle, you see? And then null the whole goals list back rapidly to the pc and get the one that’s in and put a couple of mid ruds in on it and make it fire like mad, see. Those actions, see. They’re very simple actions. You should know those actions perfectly and so forth. And actually there’s not enough complication in them to actually study very hard, you know. They’re just things you do. Fine.

Now, get that line of simple actions. Now, understand that just as a little parade of very simple actions. There are-they haven’t got any big rules and so forth in connection with them and they’re just there and there they are and so forth, see. Give you such things as you underlist, you normally underlist-the big faults are, is underlisting a goals list and overlisting an item list, then you just know your item lists have got to be pretty darn short and your goals lists have got to be pretty darn long. And-you get this-this is awful easy, terribly easy to assimilate. Very. There’s nothing to it. You can learn how to do that. If you’re putting your big concentration in on learning how to do that, that’s something on the order of learning-it-you get into the swing of this, you get into the swing of this. It took me-took me quite a few hours actually, in actually auditing the stuff to come up with a total confidence on the thing.

For instance, for some months I wasn’t doing any listing on a meter. I wasn’t doing any of that particular type of a-of research work or anything that required me to list against a meter. Don’t you see. Well, I wasn’t doing anything like that and I got a little bit rusty and it took me a very short period of-I got so that I didn’t quite know whether or not I would see the motions of the needle, don’t you see, the next time I did a list. The next time I did a list I said, „Well, now I’m going to list this thing and I wonder if I’ve got this coordination in.“

For a few minutes there I was sort of queasy. You know, was I seeing al the motions of the needle while I was writing and then all of a sudden it just went back into gear and that was it and I haven’t worried about it since, see.

A meter can’t pip without my seeing the thing. I don’t care what I got my eyes on, see. And these are the kind of things that-they’re little coordinative facts, you see. This is something like the pride with which you rapidly can shift gears in a sports car or something like that. How smoothly can you shift the gears, you know. Never miss. That kind of thing. It’s just-they’re little mechanical coordinative actions and so forth. You learn these with practice and so forth.

And as long as nothing has gone wrong, that is all there is to R4. See? That’s all there is. You needn’t be skilled beyond just these mechanical actions.

Now, now, the still meter, dat meter what just rises up. It gets up there to 5.5. It gets up there to 5.75. Man, it isn’t blowing down. You can’t get anything to read. Your pc is developing lumbosis in a hurry. Politis is normally what they get in running this. It’s the pole they use in implant GPMS that goes up the back of the pc-politis. Actually, the source of lumbosis is actually politis.

Typical medical remark. You take a mythological disease which doesn’t exist, you see, and give it a mythological-not a mythological but give it an explanation and source, you see. Quandam neurosis is caused by kleptomania inverted with arsonism. See. Now, if you memorize that you’ll be a psychiatrist and all that kind of thing. A whole bunch of double talk, a bunch of nonsense.

But there’s that meter and it’s not moving and there’s that pc and that pc’s got creaks. And that list that you did, that didn’t come out to the perfect item. And that meter didn’t blow down and you’ve now got no motion going in any direction. Now, that requires an auditor.

Now, there’s no substitute for an auditor in the chair at that point. Now you got trouble. First trouble of this kind which I ran into in running goals and so forth, my back hair stood up and vibrated. Sparks were flying out of my fingers; my nerves were going zzzzzzzzz, see? I was getting some lumbosis myself trying to sit and look calm in the chair. Cup of coffee after the session or something like that it chatters against the cup like a widow maker tearing up pavement, you know. „Woooohhh! What the hell’s going on here?“ Worry, man. That’s a-that’s an occupational-that’s an occupational illness on this subject. Worry. Did I get enough TA, didn’t I get enough TA?

Somebody in actual fact has lost a whole night’s sleep worrying, because the pc did not get TA in the session just run, you know. What was wrong? Well, add that up to the fact that it wasn’t just not TA, the pc’s TA is stuck at 5.75. The meter is so dirty, the needle is so dirty that you can’t even analyze anything. You can put your fingers on nothing and the pc is ill. You can get nothing to RR or R/S. You can get nothing to read. No list is traceable back. Where are you? What have you run into? And the cup as you try to drink a cup of coffee chatters against the saucer. Man, it sounds like a machine gun.

Whatever little worries you run into in I, II and III are multiplied enormously at Level IV. When I first ran into this sort of thing causing a big blunder of this kind or that kind, RR shutting off and so forth, I didn’t know what the score was to a large degree. I was doing research lines and so on. And I was interested in wrapping a pc around a telegraph pole in the last week but good, and arriving at all the conditions just described, and my emotional reaction to this was a bit of concerned sympathy for the pc for feeling that bad, but my emotional reaction or my puzzlement as to what it was all about and so forth pah! No worry, no concern.

The fact that the RR and falls had shut off on the meter simply indicated to me we must be running a-running items when we didn’t have a goal. So that just said the goal was wrong. So it was just a matter-we got to find the right goal for this and find out why we can’t find the right goal for this. Just untangle this skein of yarn. It untangled fairly rapidly. Pc feeling quite disabled for a couple of days, but so what, see. Brought it all off at the other end, everything going smoothly. Get the idea?

So your nervousness at R4 stems from lack of knowing. All the answers are now there to know-be known, you see, and you just don’t know them. You don’t really need any of them-any of those answers till you run into trouble. Now, in view of the fact that the little run-off techniques of „Well, you do the list, you do the goals list and you get a goal and it fires and you check the goal out and you do an analysis on that and you run it over here and you do items for that and you run down the items and so on.“ All of those little actions-smart, brisk-you should be able to do all of those things. But you should be able to do all of those things actually without knowing what you’re doing. And those little actions even if perfectly done will inevitably run a pc into a brick wall sooner or later someplace, because you’re not dealing-you may be dealing-you may be perfectly auditing but you’re not dealing with a perfect bank. You see that?

It was a dark and stormy night and the pc was standing out in the rain. And they were big, black, oily clouds rolling by. And all this happened in 1936. And it keyed in a GPM, „To never be saddened.“ And this GPM oddly enough has been pulled fully and completely out of its position and yanked up to 1936. And you’re busy doing all of your little actions and these would be perfectly okay if the bank were perfect. But the bank isn’t perfect because there was 1936. You see, don’t you go blaming Scientology and auditing all the time for what’s happened to your pc because life has done a thousand things to him for every tiny little thing that auditing has done to him, see? You see, auditing-it’s easiest to find the auditing goofs because they’ve already been disclosed to some degree. But the livingness goofs, they haven’t been disclosed, so livingness itself can disarrange this bank.

All right. Well, that’s bad enough. But let’s look at another one. Trillions three years ago, see, somewhere around a trillion trillion trillion years ago - you don’t have too much to do with these dates now in R4 - but at that length of time while the pc-you’ve gone down the bank now from present time GPM and you’re going along pocketa-pocketa-pocketa-pocketa-pocketa, just everything fine, everything fine, everything fine. And trillions three years ago the pc got implanted, cross-implanted and upside implanted with a bunch of goals that were reversed to the goal of the GPM the pc was on at that particular time. Everything has been running gorgeously but this put the track in a group.

So you list for the next GPM. And you’re listing into a bunch of wrong goals and implant goals and the pc doesn’t know they’re there and you don’t know they’re there and so everything starts to fire and nothing fires and eventually you come up with an - something that reads to be an actual GPM but it isn’t the actual GPM, it’s merely a goal but is quite like an actual GPM and is so undifferentiated that the sub-itsa, you see, can’t reach. It’s too burdened. This is too chewed up at this particular point.

So-but you do get a goal and it does check out and you run the items for that goal and you run halfway down the bank and you all of a sudden realize that this pc is riding at 5.5 and is getting less and less blowdowns and there’s less and less reads and you say, „Whoa, we’ve got a wrong goal.“ Well, judgment comes and when do you hit the silk?

So, you check it all over now and it’s been unburdened enough to find out, yeah, it sure is, that was-that was a wrongly worded goal, you see’ Something like that. So you go back to your original goals list and you do your original goals list again. And pocketa-pocketa-pocketa-pocketa, you’re doing your original goals list and you’re extending it, you see. You’re extending it and you’re extending it and you finally get one. Oh, it fires and everything is fine and checks out and it’s an actual GPM. Oh, ho, pfffaaaooouuu see. So, you’re going to find the items for it now. You go pocketa-pocketa-pocketa find an item, find an item wo-da-da-da-da-da-da uukk. The RR restored, but all of a sudden you haven’t got any-it isn’t even falling now and your needle’s getting very still and it doesn’t matter what you list and the pc is now coming down with a good case of politis.

And you say, „Well,“-if you know your business-you say „Well, we’ve run into something here that didn’t register right.“ So you analyze the goal you’re now working on and you find out that it was an implant GPM you were busy running without the pattern.

So you haul off then and you come back and you start all over again and you extend this goals list and this goals list won’t move and nothing will move and you’ve nulled the thing all three times and you get in your mid ruds and everything else and then you finally come back to the beginning of them and find out it was the first goal on the list. And it suddenly fires like mad. And you go up to the top of the list and this-now you found what? You have found two separate oppterms for wrong goals-two separate top oppterms-so this particular position of the bank is some-getting somewhat like Times Square, you see. Just getting a little jammy. So you try to list into that and get something to read there.

Well, you finally take refuge in the fact of finding out how far you can go on the list without ARC breaking the pc. You find out how far you can go down the list until the pc ARC breaks. You can’t make anything read, you see. You got the right goal now, but everything is so jammed up that you can’t do anything so the only thing you’ve got left is assessment by ARC break. You know if you go across the item on nulling, that in the next few items the pc will ARC break. So you carefully watch the pc’s ARC break and then backtrack and ask the pc, „Well, which one of these items is your item.“ And the pc picks up the item and all of a sudden it fires and you’re away.

And of course now the top terminal, that is-also looks like Grand Central Station or something like this and you can’t get anything to read on that, you follow out the same system then suddenly you get big blowdowns and lots of charge is blowing off and all of a sudden you get one of the things to read and you’ve got the action going and you just proceed as before.

If you didn’t know your business at the time you reached this trillions three point on the track a pc would be finished. ‘Tisn’t a case of they got a slight cold and recovered. You just finished a pc-finished him. Unless you can untangle that, you’ve finished a being.

Horrible, isn’t it. But let’s look at the elements it required to untangle that. It required a knowledge of what the bank was all about, of the things that could go wrong. You realize that you walk into too thoroughly an overburdened area, that the more overburdened or charged the area is from whatever cause the less accurate your analysis by a Ouija board and this E-Meter is going to be. Is this an actual GPM? Yeah, that flicks and that flashes and so forth, and for the moment is correct. But the area is so thoroughly charged that those errors creep in. And so you take those things and the more charged the area and the more guth-goofed up the whole situation is at that particular point of the track, why, the harder off you’re going to get. The worse off it’s going to be, the more unreliable your analysis is and the more mistakes you’re going to make.

You realize, you learn eventually that the way you handle a mistake is to remove all possible charge before analyzing. That’s the way to cut-minimize such mistakes. Get any charge off that you can get off before you do an analysis. In other words don’t do an analysis and then remove charge. If there’s any opportunity of removing charge before you do the analysis, for heaven’s sakes do so. One of the ways of doing that is to get the pc to itsa what you’ve just found, before you turn to the meter.

„Well, does this-does this add any effect on your life, do you suppose?“ You’ve just found something, you see, that read, „Does it have any effect on your life? What do you-what do you think it might be? Oh, yes. It’s so-and-so and so-and-so. All right. Is there-has this ever come up before? Oh yeah.“ And the pc will spot this and spot that and spot the other thing and get him to itsa a little bit, see.

Give you another one. You’ve found an implant GPM. You know darn well it’s an implant GPM that’s of similar wording to the GPM you’re trying to do, or opposite wording to the GPM you’re trying to run, you See. And you can’t be sure and you’ve gotten into a track j am of some kind or another. And you know, it hasn’t run well, you’ve-pc’s been wrapped around a telegraph pole. And here you are, and so forth. Well look, you’re not sure of the actual GPM but you’re sure sure of the implant GPM. Because the pc actually has a visio on the parking meters, you see. Well, you got a line plot in your kit and run it ‘ Take the charge off, see. Take the charge off the implant GPM before you Check out the actual GPM. Get the idea?

In other words, the rule is, if there’s any opportunity of taking off charge before you do an analysis, at a sticky spot on the track-because I’m talking about now a tough, overburdened area-if there’s any opportunity whatsoever of taking off some charge, take that before you establish what it is you have found on the list. Got it? Then you’ll get your reads more accurately and you’ll make fewer mistakes. Take the charge off first and then analyze what it is.

Well, of course that can only go just so far. If you’re trying to take charge off but aren’t getting any tone arm action then of course you’ve got to find out what it is. See, it’s only whether or not you can get tone arm action on this.

I’ll give you an idea. You’ve gotten into a jam and the pc has a goal „to spit“ and you can get an implant GPM there „to be spat at.“ There sits the implant GPM. You analyze it very carefully and it’s quite recognizable as a Helatrobus Implant. Well, you got the pattern right alongside of you and you’ve got the goal and it’s firing very nicely and actually every time the pc says anything about it, you get rocket reads, but you speak of the actual GPM, you can’t get much and you’re not sure what the actual GPM is. Well, naturally you’re more sure of the implant than you are of the actual and it’s a lighter charge. Well, let’s just take the old Helatrobus Implant GPM and pocketa-pocketa-pocketa-pocketa. Actually, you should be able to get rid of it in a couple of hours. Take the whole thing off if you’re-really can audit. Bong, bong, bong. You take the items two at a time, make the pc call one against the other item and bleed down the rocket reads on the thing, bang, bang, bang, bang. And you got a lot of charge off the thing. You got your tone arm moving, the pc feels a lot easier and so forth.

All right. Let’s move back to this actual-(quote) „actual“ GPM „to spit.“ Let’s move back to this actual GPM „to spit.“ You know, sometimes you won’t even find it exists. You’re saved from a fate worse than death. You had an actual goal which was a lock on the implant that you were busy testing, you see, something like that. What you can get your hands on for sure, in other words, that will get charge off, well, you get charge off with it.

Rules of this particular kind: Never try to find, without-an unrun, further-from-present-time GPM, by listing. These are the things you learn the hard way. We’ve got a present time goal „to spit“ and our next GPM is „to not spit“ or something like that. Well, listing from the present time actual GPM to the second GPM is impossible. Listing from, counting from present time, GPM four to find GPM five when GPM four has not been run, you understand this? I’m talking about unrun. You’re trying to get a chain of goals together, see. You’re not running them. You’re just trying to get this chain of goals. Well, you got the goal for four, now trying to find the goal at five-I don’t know why you’d want it anyway-but trying to find the goal at five is impossible. I don’t-not difficult, you heard me now. It’s impossible. It requires luck of a nature you never heard of You just wont find it, that’s all.

The only way you can goal oppose is toward present time. You can take two full GPMs-let’s say five and four-and you’ve got number five and it’s a full unrun GPM, you see. You can’t run items if you haven’t-there’s only one way to run items on this. Just make up your mind to that. That’s from the present time GPM back. But you’ve got number five and you want to know what number four is. Well, you do a goal oppose, see. What goal would oppose the name of GPM five. Do that list and you’ll always come up with GPM four.

In other words, you can do a goal oppose toward present time but you can’t do a goal oppose back from present time. It just won’t work. It just is impossible. I won’t even go into the ramifications of why. You always wind up with a mistake. Except once in a blue moon you will be very, very lucky and find a goal below. You’ll find a goal below. But you cannot guarantee that you haven’t skipped four or five goals. And you can put no reliance on it and eventual-eventual analysis of the case as it eventually turns out, yeah, you skipped about three GPMS, see? It doesn’t list back but it’ll list forward.

Now, that’s-just let me put this in. You have to list back from a fully run GPM. You’ve run all the items out of a GPM, now you got to list to the earlier GPM back from present time. That’s an ordinary action. I’m talking about you can’t run down the track without running any RRs-any RIs, don’t you see? And you get to GPM four and you’ve completely run GPM four. GPM four is all beautifully run and polished up and you got all the RIs in, it.

Now, you list a goal oppose to find GPM number five from present time and you will come up with a goal every time very beautifully. That’s because GPM four has had all of its RIs run out of it.

Well, you say that’s not even a very important datum. Well, it’s important to this degree, that if you take off-this is modified to this degree-that if you take off four or five RIs from the bottom of a GPM-you know, it’s got four or five RIs left in it at the bottom and for some weird reason you might decide to do this at some time or another-you never find the next goal. And it can look like you must be listing against a wrong goal or something because you can’t find the next goal. Actually, all you find is the next RI. You’ll find the next oppterm or you’ll find something stupid on the thing. But you won’t find the next GPM’s name because you’re listing away from present time and you’re listing over the top of several unrun GP-R/S. Interesting, isn’t it?

All right. I see that that confuses you to some degree. Well, if it confuses you, you just haven’t got the-I gave it to you partially for this reason-you just haven’t got the mental facility. Oh! A GPM, that’s it. Bop pow! And that’s an engram and that’s an implant and so forth and of course, it’s a this and that and naturally they lie in this kind of a situation. And they go plus and minus down this way and bang, bang, and there’s nothing to it and RIs sit in the middle of the package and so on. And all visual and we know what it is.

How the h-how the devil are you going to fix a radio set if you never heard of a valve, a condenser, a knob, a dial, an off-on switch or anything else, see. So, you get-you get my point? If you had any difficulty following my explanation of what you shouldn’t do about listing, don’t you see, then it’s because you don’t have visual acuity on the bank. Otherwise you’d say, „Oh yes, of course.“ Nothing to that, you see. You still must be fumbling around a little bit with nomenclature and so forth. I’m not trying to lay an egg on you because I could make you understand it. You can’t because what I’ve told you is perfectly factual.

It isn’t very important data that I’m giving you because why the devil would anybody ever want to list from-he’s trying to find the present time GPM to go back down the run without finding any RIs, you see. But why would he ever list away from present time? See. Well, he wouldn’t. You also can get hooked occasionally though by leaving four or five RIs in place at the bottom of a bank and say, „Well, we’ll at least find the next GPM before we knock off this intensive so the pc will know about that,“ and you try to find it over the top of these RIs and you cant do it. I’ve tried it several times. You can always find the one closer to present time. And you can run that out very easily.

Facility, nomenclature, what’s the orientation of this stuff? Well, actually if you regard it in the situation that you’re just dealing with a bunch of child’s building blocks and it’s actually no more important than that. There’s no reason to feel any great awe of these things. Because the only thing awful about them is the fact they remained completely unknown for so long. There must be a large vested interest in having everybody weighted down, don’t you see. Somebody’s been enthusiastic.

I’m sure the Ford Foundation, an organization of great ethical standards, would have engaged with some success in this direction if it really had intended to do so. You know, they folded up all their mental research. They said we’d done it. Did you know that? They actually put out a bulletin to that effect. Official bulletin of the Ford Foundation. Ford Foundation no longer engages in mental research because it’s all been done by the Scientologists. They sent a fellow-years ago they sent a fellow down to Phoenix to go through the organization to report on it-a report. And they got a full report where we sat with mental research and they decided it was in good hands and they knocked it out, because they had to have money for other purposes, of course, so this ... But look at the interestingly easy surrender. They never even tried; they never even tried.

But possibly one of the reasons why all of this escaped view is because it is as idiotic as a kid’s set of building blocks. We’re very shortly going to - you’re going to be drilling with this stuff. This is a GPM. Make you model one, hang it together, name goals. You’ll get to a position, I know, where you will eventually walk over to the board with your pc and have the pc arran-the GPMs to show you what his bank-what he thinks is wrong with his bank. Don’t you see? You’ve got-it’s that easy, see? I mean, because everybody thought-everybody was stuck at-everybody was stuck down at think or mystery, probably at mystery on this subject, see. And at mystery there are no masses, so the mind of course was very mysterious and you mustn’t go into the mind. So nobody looked to find a bunch of little kid’s building blocks that had nothing much to do with anything except this.

Now, that’s the magic which you’ve got to put time in on. That’s the magic which you’ve got to put time in on. And you very rapidly will learn this sort of thing. I had my brains creaking last night on one of these problems, because these are problems. These are, you might say, auditing tactical problems. What are-what-what is the misarrangement here that we have run into which makes it impossible for us to get this next goal.

We know, of course, at once that the area is overcharged. That’s an idiot statement. What’s got it overcharged? Why.? Why is everything grouped in here? Why do we keep overcharging it by finding new wrong goals, don’t you see? And I found that the pc had had a goal run „to be happy“ in the Helatrobus Implant series. Only there is no goal „to be happy“ in the Helatrobus Implant series. There is a goal there „to be unhappy.“ And the pc had an actual GPM „to be happy,“ which of course made this implant goal very easy to mistake - made it easy to make a mistake on this, don’t you see. And of course you get „nix absolutably unhappy“ and it sounds like happy after you’ve pulled all the reverses out of it. So of course it tends to read very easily as a lock.

Now, let your brains creak over this one. An implant GPM „to be unhappy“ had been run as „to be happy“ which was the pc’s own actual GPM. Got that? So the implant GPM „to be unhappy“ very easily collapsed on a positive-negative basis on the pc’s actual GPM. So that the moment we started into that area, we’d already, you see-it wasn’t the auditing that had made the mistake, it was the fact that because this Condition already existed in the bank that mistakes could now be made. You see, you wouldn’t get nice clean reads and that sort of thing. Everything is kind of muddy. Easy to make mistakes.

Now, look at this. The goal „to be happy“ appeared on the goal oppose list from the bank just before, but wouldn’t fire, because the pc kept saying it was an implant GPM. Pc knew this, that it was an implant GPM. So therefore every time it’d come up it might tick a little bit but then go splat! So of course then it just wouldn’t read. Two wrong goals in addition to the „to be unhappy“ wrongly run goal were then stacked up at this point on the track after that. One error plus these two other errors.

In other words, three wrong GPMS. One right after the other came out of that mix-up. It looks like one of these pileups on the highway. See. Somebody wrecks a small car and then a couple of other ears run into it and then a Greyhound bus hits the lot, do you see. A block on the road. In other words, because this Condition existed of overcharge on the bank anyway, then mistakes could be made in that area, don’t you see?

Now, the auditor eventually had to be smart enough to sit there calmly and undo and guess at the lot and figure it all out as to what was and all of a sudden the pc comes up with broad cognitions because enough attention has been directed into the area and enough charge has been brought out of it to straighten it out. Got the idea?

But here’s-the genius in the auditing is that goal even then wouldn’t read. The goal-the actual GPM „to be happy“ never had been run-wouldn’t read on the list, wouldn’t read until the pc finally started cogniting and then cognited more and more and then cognited more and more and more and then cognited more and-oh, you’re getting blowdowns on this, you see. And he started to get blowdowns and blowdowns and blowdowns and blowdowns and blowdowns, and only then-was never found by nulling then, it was found by pc recognition of what it must be, after the thing was all disentangled by the auditor. Get the idea? Well, that was very smart auditing. But what kind of auditing is this? This is simply the auditing that when you hold up a poker, the name of it is a poker, and you hold up a shovel, the name of it is a shovel and so forth. You aren’t wondering if the shovel is a poker. Don’t you see. There’s no confusion there.

How many-how many things could be wrong? Well, that’s a real brain creak, man. That’s a misrun, wrongly worded implant GPM run as the pc’s actual GPM on the implant ... You let your brains creak over this thing. That’s a wild jam, see, on the track. You run into these things, you see. You run into these things and it’s rough getting through those points.

So as I told you yesterday, in yesterday’s lecture, there are two zones and areas of R4. One is the key in the side and wind up the auditor and as long as the TA moves the auditor has solenoids connected, you see, so that they forbid him from saying anything. And the moment the TA stops moving then the auditor goes on with the remaining action, like you run washing machines, you know. It’s just as - just as stupid and automatic and crisp and precise as that.

And then there’s this other field of knowing what you’re doing. And that’s a great, big, broad field and that requires knowing all the parts and knowing how they belong and knowing how they can be scrambled. There aren’t many of these parts and they aren’t very complicated. But there’s no substitute for knowing these parts.

Now, by knowing both of those zones and areas, you’ll get through R4 like a breeze, given the basic ability to sit there and audit, see. You’ll get through R4 just like a breeze. Pc will catch hell every once in a while. After your first two or three mad collisions and pileups on the roadway you’ll suddenly realize-you’ll have seen it with your own eyes, that when you run a wrong goal, why, the RR shuts off, eventually shuts off. Tone arm goes high. Doesn’t require an Ouija board of saying, „Is this an incorrectly worded goal?“ and tick, and that doesn’t require-well, how much sign board do you need, see?

You were finding items for which you had no goal and that’s the only thing that shut off an RR and the only thing that would shut off an RR, so it must be a wrong goal. We don’t care what the pc is saying about it. We don’t care about anything else. That means that then we had an incomplete goals list and we’d found a wrong goal on it. So we got to extend the goals list and find the right goal on the list, see. Elementary. You’ll find it one way or t other, hunt, punch and sweat. And the quicker you get the situation in hand, the easier it is to remedy. The longer you let one of these situations go wrong, the harder it is to remedy in the long run.

So it’s these two zones in which you’re operating. And there’s no substitute for expertness. You should be able to sit there and, big key in the side, and wind yourself up and pocketa-pocketa-pocketa. See?

„Who or what would solve a psychiatrist?“ You see.

„Saa-sa sa-sa.“

„Thank you.“ See?

„A shot gun. A shot gun.“

„All right. That reads. Is that your item?“ Silence from the auditor. Blow, blow, blow, blow. Pretty soon, why, no more action left in the thing. Looks quiet. Two or three minutes later it’s very quiet, the meter and everything. The pc’s talking a little bit and itsas a little bit.

„Very good. Thank you. Now, would a psychiatrist-would a shot gun solve a psychiatrist? All right. Thank you.“ That bled you another rocket read and a dial wide. It’s fine. You see. All right. „How does the item, ‘a shot gun,’ relate to ‘to be crazy. ‘ „ Fall. „Thank you.“ Now, you’ll notice that your TA is now up. You’re not going to get any more motion out of this. You bled it.

You say, „All right. Here is your next question. Who or what would a shot gun solve?“

„Da-da-da da-da-da.“

Thank you. Read you back ... Just-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha, you see. Little man, little wound up thing and nothing to it, see. It’s all just zazazazaza. All perfectly patterned actions and so forth.

It all goes along this way. And you’re doing this-you’re doing this list and you say, „Who or what would solve a psychiatrist?“

‘Ah-bla-bla-bla-bla-bla and ah-bla-bla-bla-bla-bla and ah-bla-bla-blabla-bla.“

„Thank you. A shot gun, a shot gun, a shot gun, gun. All right. Could you give me a few more items please? Who or what would solve a psychiatrist?“

„Da-da-da-da-da and da-da-da-da-da and da-da-da-da-da and da-dada-da-da and da-da-da-da-da and da-da-da-da-da. Arsenic.“

„All right. Arsenic. Thank you. Thank you. All right. I’ll read you this item. Arsenic. Arsenic. Arsenic. Arsenic. All right. I’m sorry that didn’t read. A shot gun. A shot gun. All right. I’m going to null this whole list now. „Da-da-da-da-da da-da-da-da-da a shot gun, da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da arsenic. All right. We’ll have to continue this list. Very good. Who or what would solve a psychiatrist?“

„Da-da-da-da-da da-da-da-da-da da-da-da-da-da-da. Ah! Brickbats.“

„Okay. Thank you. Thank you. I’ll read you the item. Brickbats. Brickbats. Brickbats. Brickbats. Arsenic. Arsenic. All right, I’ll read you these - these interim things. A shot gun. Da-da-da-da-da and a da-da-da.“

X, x, x, x, x. Something is wrong.

Now, at this moment, at this moment, rules will not save you. You could be given now a brand-new pattern with a key on the other side and it wouldn’t do you a bit of good, because you’re running into Variation. How many things can be wrong here? Maybe a lot of things can be wrong here. You might be-have all of a sudden run out of-maybe you’re running an incorrect goal. Maybe you’re running an implant GPM. Maybe you’re running with an actual GPMs type of pattern, don’t you see. Horror of horrors. Maybe your analysis in the first place is right. Maybe it’s so simple, the first thing you would choose is the fact that a psychiatrist is a wrong item. So you continue that list and adjust it from that point because your list is unduly long that came from it, so your first assumption is that a psychiatrist list must be wrong. And the first assumption on that list is the psychiatrist is late on the list and there is an item earlier on the list that should have read in the first place. So you go back and pound that list to pieces trying to find out some earlier item on that list than psychiatrists.

And if you can’t get anything on that list to read now, you got to start assuming other things, that something is wrong with the GPM, that you’re running implant GPMS, something-awwsomsomsomaww what has happened here! Ahhhh! I should have gotten up this morning, don’t you See.

You generally find it’s something simple. But of great moment to the pc. Small matter, like you’re running the opposite wording to the actual GPM or you’re running an actual goal that has no GPM, neither an implant nor an otherwise. Or you’ve gotten a little bit of charge off the thing now and it reads up more truly what it is, don’t you see. And you go back and analyze this thing and your hair stands on end.

Now, fortunately it’s only wrong goals or mix-ups between implants and actuals and things like that which cause the pc to get ill. If your pc is getting ill, it isn’t because you missed an item or something like that. It’s because you really put both feet straight into it, see. You’re running something real goofy, see. You’re running a GPM where there is none. You’ve skipped a couple of GPMS. You’ve done something, but good.

All right. Now, the only thing you can do at a point like this is shift gears and go over to the other zone of the thing and know your business, know your business. What are these parts? What is an implant GPM? What is an actual GPM? How the-can these things get crossed? What do these things look like? How do they rearrange themselves in the bank? How many mistakes could we possibly make here? Cover all those available mistakes.

You’ll get to be an auditor on this stuff the day you throw away your little-your little pat sheet of case analysis, you can think in terms of these items and entities, you can think in terms of those, throw away your sheet and you’ll be all set. Because there’s probably, probably a hundred different combinations of errors arising out of only these eight or nine elements. See. There can be a hundred different complications of errors, don’t you see.

You can be running an actual GPM with the wording only of the implant GPM, don’t you see, and goofy things like this. You can be running a lock RI, you can have found a lock RI or misworded something or other or something or other or something or other. You can skip some items, you can-oh, it’s on and on and on. But this is just the elements, it’s just these few basic elements in different Arrangement, don’t you see, constitute the error.

All you have to do is know what these few basic elements are and you got to be able to crank your wits up to the point of juggling these things, pangety, pang, and well this might be against that and that might be against that and, oh, I see here. And you look back on the thing and you all of a sudden see here that this is some kind of a figure-figure oppose. I gave you a good figure. Let me see if I can dream up a good figure-figure oppose. „To have a good time opposes to be old.“ Goals always go by oppose, don’t you see? To have a good time is of the sense of to have a bad time when it opposes, don’t you see. But you see the pc figures it out this way. To have a good time opposes to be old because if you are old then you can’t have a good time, see. And actually GPMs never figure out that way. And this suddenly dawns on you that this looks mighty corny.

See, you’ve got-you’ve got „to be rich“ versus „to be tolerant,“ because if you’re tolerant then of course you can’t make enough money so of course you wouldn’t be rich. These are not goal oppose, that’s all. See, that’s figure-figure oppose. Pcs and their anxiety to get the next goal and their hatred of listing will figure themselves around two or three corners, don’t you see, to say how it’s all true. To be old opposes to be young, you see. I mean, it’s bang! bang! And if the auditor can’t understand it, why, it usually is not comprehensible. Pc’s trying to make something out of the thing.

Pcs sometimes all of a sudden alert and say, „Well, an elephant does not oppose cheese crackers.“ You know. You might have noticed-you might have not noticed it. You don’t ever call attention to significance unless the pc gets in trouble. And then you start to examine these types of elements and you say, „Well, that’s certainly a funny looking goal to be opposing that. It’s either a wrong goal or we’ve skipped two or three GPMs obviously because it doesn’t fit. See? You know that it doesn’t fit because you know that goals-“to be black’ opposes „to be white.“ Don’t you see? See, „to be black“ opposes „to be white“ and that doesn’t oppose „to be human.“ „To be black“ does not oppose „to be human,“ no matter how much somebody might figure this out, it doesn’t do it.

You’ll get some oddities like this, you see. You’ll get things like „to be pleasant“ opposing „to be hateful.“ See? It goes that far afield but that’s very comprehensibly an opposite. But you get „to be pleasant“ versus „to be an opera singer“ because they’re so unpleasant. You don’t even have to know much about significance to know that that is in error. The thing adds up to what it adds up. You don’t even have to add in your significance but you get smart enough after a while that you even notice these things. That by the way is the last thing you notice, is the significance of the situation.

Is the thing an implant GPM? Have you gone into a lock RI? Was it only an act-was it only a goal? Didn’t have any GPM connected with it? Have you got an implant GPM mixed up with the other one? Is it really an RI? Is it a lock on an RI? Is it these various things? What are these things? Well, how can these elements be scrambled up? Do you know how to-if you know what they all are and how to put them all together, of course, why, at that stage of the case you’re not found wanting.

So the one division here is the auditing. You’re basically a good auditor, you don’t chop the pc’s itsa and you don’t this and you don’t that and you don’t other thing. You can give commands to the pc and control the pc and you can run Model Session and you can run an E-Meter and so forth. These are the various-just the basic fundamental elements of auditing.

All right. Take this guy. Now, he goes out in two different directions. He learns the wound-up doll mechanisms of simply running the technique, you see. Running the R4M2, pocketa-pocketa-pocketa. And he’s got to have this whole other field over here of instant analysis. And it isn’t good enough to have a Supervisor on the third floor in case you get into trouble. Because you’re going to get into trouble faster than the Supervisor can come down those stairs. That isn’t good enough, see.

If you don’t know these elements, you’re going to let yourself run into some interesting errors. Your meter is sitting in front of you and there is something wrong with that meter. This thing is sinking out of sight. It’s now at 1.25. You’re not getting much tone arm action. Ever since you began on this goal, things have been going wusser and wusser. Well, it’s you that’s got to notice it. And the faster you notice something going wildly wrong and the faster you bail out, the happier your pc’s going to be.

Now, some of you have got case analysis wrapped around a telegraph pole already. Case analysis is an ARC break assessment. It is not! Case analysis is letting the pc itsa for quite a while about his case. It isn’t. Case analysis is pocketa-pocketa-pocketa bang! what it is.

Had any goals found on you? „Yeah, I had a goal to grow old.“ „All right. Now, when was that found? All right. Thank you very much. Is that an actual GPM? Is that an implant GPM? Is that merely an actual goal? Is that an RI? Is that a lock on an RI? Is that an RI in an implant? Is that-good, is it a lock on an RI in an implant? All right. That reads. That reads as a lock on an implant.

„Anything else you care to ev-ask about that? That’s not a goal.“ „Well, what do you know, so-and-so I wint-I wonder what imp-issasasah-so-andso, so-and-so, so-and-so,“-tone arm action, tone arm action-“wha wha wha wha wha wha wha wha wha, wha wha wha wha wha wha“-tone arm action, tone arm action. Then tone arm rising, tone arm rising, tone arm rising, tone arm ... Oh, you got-you bled that out, or you’ve got another mistake on it.

„What do you think that is now? The goal. All right. All right. Implant, implant RI, all right. Actual GPM? Implant GPM? Implant RI? Lock on an implant RI? Lock on an implant RI, that’s right.“ See. You got the tone arm action off. Check it again, see? You got that much charge off the area, and you get a more reliable read, you see?

All right. Tone arm didn’t even budge. Well, that is now a dead issue. That has been parked. That has been straightened out and there is no more tone arm action to be had in it. Why are you standing around the corner of the drugstore? There isn’t another girl going to walk by all day.

No, sir. The thing for you to do - the thing for you to do at that particular point is: „What other goal has been found on you? What other goal you’ve speculated with? Did you ever have a goals list in which you found a goal that you were very interested in? What item has been found on you in 2-12? Oh, all right, what was the first one? What was the one that stuck out in your mind mostly? Oh, all right. That was the one that stuck out in your mind mostly. Oh, oh, good. Good. Good. ‘To caterwaul.’ All right. That was an item in 2-12? Sounds like a goal.“

„No, it was an item. It was a goal.“

„All right. Well, let’s find out. Is it an item? Is it a goal? You know that thing is a goal.“


Tone arm action, tone arm action, tone arm action. Blowdown, blowdown, blowdown, blowdown, blowdown. Yeah-bluuu-oo-uuuuuuuu-ooooo, „I never noticed that before and it was very peculiar and so on and so on and so on and so on and so on, so on, so on, so on, so on.“ Tone arm rising, tone arm rising, tone arm rising, tone arm rising, go-rising. Doesn’t go down again. All right, very good.

„Well, what about this thing? That an actual GPM? Is that one of your actual GPMS? That doesn’t read. All right, one of your-it was an implant GPM? Oh? An implant GPM? Well, that reads. It’s an implant GPM?“

„All right.“

„Well, let’s see where it’s from. Helatrobus? Bear? Gorilla? Where’s it from? How far back on the track? How many years? How many years ago do you suppose this was? Trillions? Trillions of trillions? Trillions of trillions of trillions? Trillions of trillions of trillions of trillions of trillions? It’s trillions of trillions of trillions of trillions of trillions ... It’s long back, to hell with it.“

„It’s a long time ago, implant GPM, that’s it.“

„Oh, is that so? Da-daa-ddaaa-ddaa.“ Tone arm action, tone arm action, tone arm action, tone arm action, tone arm action, tone arm action, tone arm action, tone arm action, tone arm action-stuck.

„All right. Fine. Now, what other 2-12-2-12 item have you had found on you?“ Get the idea?

Now, somebody who hasn’t obligingly had some auditor digging up things for you to work with, you got a little bit harder job. Don’t get the idea it’s because he’s been audited and found these items, that this is all very bad. This is a straighten up, don’t you see, and the auditor’s already done part of the job by finding them. You’ve got the additional job of trying to find something to dig up.

„Have you ever been unhappy in this lifetime? Oh, is that so? Yeah, what period was that? Huh, well, what were you unhappy about particularly?“

„Oh, well I was most unhappy about being married.“

„Good. Let me see. Yes. All right. Very good. Part of a goal? All right. Good. Is it an actual RI?“

See what I’m talking about? „There’s a lock on an implant reliable item? See. Or is it just something you were worried about? Well, unfortunately this has no foundation in fact in your case whatsoever. It’s merely something you were worried about at the time“-implant, implant, tone arm, tone arm, tone arm, bang! bang! gone, gone.

„Ever so ... Is that so? What do you know about that.“

And, „I was all worried about it. I thought it was something fundamentally wrong with me.“

„No, it isn’t anything fundamentally wrong with you. It’s just an idea you had. All right. So...“

Finally there’s no more tone arm action on this thing, you see. „You ever goofed up about anything else?“ I don’t care whether you speak elegantly or not. „Yeah, well, I used to worry all the time-I hate to tell you this, but I used to worry about all the time when I was a little boy-I used to worry about not going to the bathroom.“ „Oh, Freudian analysis. Ever been an-analyzed, you ever had any Freudian analysis? Ever had any Freudian analysis? Oh, you have, ha-ha-ha. Isn’t that interesting. All right. What was found in this Freudian analysis? Oh, keeping girls’ petticoats in your bureau drawer. All right. All right. Good. Keeping girls’ petticoats in your bureau drawer. All right. Now, is that part of an actual goal? Part of an implant goal? Part of a this? Is it an actual RI? Is it ... See. You get the idea. Oh, I’m sorry we’ve just found out that was part of your analyst’s imagination.“

Now, look at what you’re actually doing here. You know the parts of the mind. You’ve educated your pc, or your pc knows the parts of the mind, don’t you see. And you’re not in the dark as to what you’re talking about. And you can straighten these things out and put his bank into some kind of a condition. What’s absolutely fantastic is the bank goes back into Condition again. It doesn’t go back with total totality until it is completely run. But I mean there will be a trace of the stuff, the RI-the GPM that has been pulled out of place very often leaves some frayed edges where it has been pulled out of, don’t you see, and so forth. But you straighten this kind of thing up. This guy’s starting to feel pretty doggone classy. See, everything is starting to feel pretty good. Starting to look pretty good. Lot of fundamental errors and maybe some chronic illness he’s had in this lifetime and other things of that particular character come up.

You start doing a case analysis, the pc’s liable to-you are also liable to hook into this one. You’re saying, „Is that an implant and so on and so on was that so and so on. This came up in your case and so on and so on.“ And you’re going through all this and all of sudden the pc looks kind of round-eyed and says, „You know, I’ve got-I got something sitting in front of me here that says ‘riding.’ You know it’s been there for an awful long time. That’s-that’s the-the pain that I get across the bridge of my nose. Right up here, ‘riding.’ ‘Riding’.?’ It is, it’s ‘riding.’ It’s right here, across the bri-. And you know that’s what I’ve been trying to get audited for. I never realized it but it’s right across the middle of my nose.“

All right. „Riding.“ Just analyze it, see? What is it? Where is it? What is it doing? What’s it part of ? Get the idea? Just as sloppy and as crudely as you can do it, but rapidly and so forth.

Now, because that’s a newly found item, not found by listing, you’re in, of course, a little bit of trouble and your case analysis is suspended. But the test is, do you get tone arm action. Oh, you’re going to get tone arm action like crazy. See, this is the kind of item that might have been found in 2-12 and relieved all kinds of symptoms, don’t you see. But you’re now going to get tone arm action. And you’re just dumb if you do anything while that tone arm action is flying unless you’ve got a deadline on your session or something, because your tone arm will keep moving and your pc keep itsaing this thing and look at it and so forth. And finally say, „Well, there are probably two of these things. See. One is ‘galloping,’ you see. And-and I-I think that’s - I think that’s - I think I’m against galloping. But riding, I’m for riding but against galloping. It’s all very confusing.“

„All right. Well, where does ‘galloping’ belong. Ada-da-da-da-da. Does it belong in an implant GPM, does it belong in da-da, and so on. Is it an RI? Is it a lock on an RI? And so forth. And where does it belong on the track. And about how old is it?“ You don’t even have to date it, you know. But get some kind of an idea.

„Oh, that’s way back on the track.“

„Oh, yeah? That’s right up here in present time. That’s part of the present time GPM. What do you know about that? Very interesting. All right.“

There-one of it in. The pc’s go-saying-he’s saying, „And I so and so on and so on and so on and I-I so on, and well, if that’s an opposition terminal then no wonder it’s locked up and it must be part of two different GPMS. We ought to really find the goal that this thing belongs with.“

Ah-ah-ah-ah-ah-ah-ah-ah-ah-ah. You is being vacuum cleaner sucked in where angels shouldn’t be treading.

You’ve already found something that didn’t exist on his case before you were doing a case analysis. Now, don’t be a dumb fool and find something else, too. One little error like this is permitted. He ran into it head-on, he cognited on the thing, he recognized the thing, he gave you wild tone arm action. He feels much better for having collided with the thing. Fine, let a dog lie. See. Let that dog roll over on his back in front of the fire now and snore. Because the right way to get that dog is to do the proper programing. That’s to go up to the top of the bank and roll on back and you’ll eventually run into „riding“ and „galloping“ and another two or three thousand equally fascinating items. Don’t you see?

This is trying to short cut the auditing. So there’s a point where analysis stops in that. But analysis is not, „Did you have an ARC break with an auditor because your so and so on.“

Now, ARC breaks quite commonly will attend stuff that is out of position. See?

You’re liable to find a pc ARC broken. But that tells you the elements are in error. Some misarrangement of the elements have taken place. An ARC break is symptom-is merely a symptom of misarranged elements. Somebody who doesn’t want auditing now and doesn’t really want to audit now and all of that sort of thing, some-he just-he’s just got his GPMs wrapped up, that’s all. See? Something-he got GPM five-did-not even in an auditing session, don’t you see-he got GPM five moved up to position where the two should be and two shoved out and moved back to where ten should be, don’t you see. And the bank scrambled up. And he’s got stuff pulled out of line and that sort of thing. That’s why he doesn’t want to audit and he doesn’t want to be audited and he doesn’t-then he feels sick and that’s also why he had lumbosis when he was two.

You see, Scientology is so intimate to this material that it’s, of course, easiest to blame it. The thing that gets blamed right before Scientology is something that’s more intimate to the session than Scientology and that’s the auditor. You notice it’s always the auditor that gets blamed. Well, after the auditor gets blamed, why, then they blame the subject, you see. Well, it’s all in the same grade. The guy has got some misarrangement that is causing bypassed charge that’s causing an ARC break and that’s all there is to that.

You let somebody drift off in that kind of a Condition, you’re quite culpable as an auditor. And if you know your zones-this big zone of how you put a bank back together again, it just won’t happen, see. Now, I could give you L4 and you can assess L4 and you can tick it off and you found a misarranged RI and so forth and it’s all very cute and all very mechanical but my contempt, man-you should know where those things are. What are you - what are you-what are you doing with L4? Well, that’s-just can call a few things to your mind. That’s the best it can do, don’t you see? Because there are a lot of other things that can be wrong. You can’t put everything-well, do you realize that thing would have to be two or three hundred lines long to get every possible combination?

I’ll give you an idea. You’re just now-you’re doing items and you seem to be in an ARC break on account of items. Well, why are you worrying about anything else but items for a little while? See, you haven’t been doing goals or goals lists. Everything’s been going along smoothly and you all of a sudden have a-have some kind of a mess-up occurring on the subject of items. Well, there’s only a few things that could have happened. You could have found a wrong item or you could have skipped an item or two or you see, you could have skipped into another bank and found an item from another bank and you could have missed in two or three fashions. All of which you would understand if you knew the arrangements and mechanics of the mind, you see.

So, you just say well, what could happen to items. Well, it’s one, two, three, four, you see, of items. One, two, three, four and we had item one and we opposed it with item four and therefore left items two and three unfound. And the bypassed charge must be there, don’t you see? And it doesn’t require a seven foot thick textbook or lists or something to put this home. It’s just a certain few things can be wrong, you see. Or we found item one, two, three and we never found item four, but we found an item over here in another GPM, to oppose three and therefore this guy’s feeling terrible because we’ve got two GPMs we’re pulling together. See, that’s visual, visual recognition, see? They’re all visuals. They got spatial relationships and designations of this particular character and there’s no sense in not knowing them. Because they’re elementary. They’re only a few of them. There are a lot of errors that can accumulate from these few little elements, you see?

So what you doing with a long-screed ARC break assessment, don’t you see? There’s no substitute for being able to say „Well, so and so on.“ Well, you flunk it yourself Well, go ahead and get a long list and see if you run into something accidentally. What things can happen in a session? Well, you should be able to call a session ARC break stuff out, right this minute, bang, just like that, without looking at a sheet. Just looking at your meter, saying, „Did I cut your communication? Reject some affinity? Reject some reality? What’s happened here? Do you think I’ve falsified something?“ Whatever - whatever could have happened, you see. „Did you think you knew something that I wouldn’t take or . . . „ You could run down any element there is.

The benefit of this is you know what just happened just now in the session. You know what happened in the session. Well, I don’t know, why blind yourself to knowing what just happened in the session, you see. There’s-this might have struck the pc only in two or three different ways and therefore you settle the ARC break just bang! bang! bang! you see. Ask three questions and so on and so on. It’s obviously that. That’s it and bang.

If it doesn’t settle like that, you say it must be something more fundamental-must be something more fundamental. But it’s germane to what you’re doing. Did you kick in another GPM? Did he take a look at another bank? Is there an engram mixed up with all this, he’s run into? Something of this character.

Now, there’s some excuse for running a longer list. Some excuse because the thing is out of your hand. But nine times out of ten, you just know right now on an ARC break. It’s quite obvious to you what it is. So you ask questions-you don’t tell the pc what it is. You ask questions related to what it is and see what reads on the meter. Thing reads on the meter bang! Well, that must be the subject of the ARC break. Let him tell you all about it and that’s the end of the ARC break, see.

Fruitiest source of ARC breaks on lists, of course, is incomplete lists. Or bypassing the character’s item on the list and-while nulling. If you’re nulling and the pc ARC breaks, you know you must have passed his item. It’s as elementary as that. And if you’re listing and the pc ARC breaks and you’re still getting action here of one kind or another it’s obvious that the list is incomplete or the source you’re listing from is wrong. It’s one of the two things. So that’s the only two things you verify when a pc ARC breaks under those conditions. You learn these things quite rapidly. There are only a few things that can go wrong. That’s all I’m trying to teach you. There’s really - there’s so few that there’s really not much excuse not to know what these elements are and what they combine as, see?

Now, as far as running cases are concerned, we haven’t gotten into this very long. I’m just trying to still give you a viewpoint with regard to R4. I want to read you very rapidly here, as an addendum to this lecture and not actually as part of this lecture this, and I’m going to read this very rapidly to you just to give you a good grip on the situation. This is a program, this is a program for a case. This is a standard program for a case.

In one: Do a complete slow case analysis using all ARC break lists and general questions and clean them all up one by one and anything the pc brings up in the way of items and so forth and be very thorough. Get that all cleaned up. Got the idea? The case analysis I’ve been talking to you about, you do on the case extensively. See, before you do anything else.

Number two: Put in the big mid ruds by fast check on listing, items, Routine 3, goals, on your pc. That’s fast check BMRs on listing, items, Routine 3 and goals. Put BMRs in on listing, on items, on Routine 3 and on goals.

Third step: Fast check big mid ruds on any goal the pc has had that he was given or thought was his.

Now, you’ve already done some case analysis on these goals, don’t you see? You’ve already got them padded back into place. Everything is fine. But there still is some residue left there. Now, that pays particular attention to favorite goals or-first priority is wrong goals. Has this person had a wrong goal run on them, see? Well, it was all right to put it back in place in case analysis, but if this person’s ever had a wrong goal run on them that you found in c-in that analysis form. See you make a note of these things on your auditor’s report, particularly a wrong goal. That’s the root, see?

Number three: You uncork the fast check big mid ruds on that wrong goal. Now, you can go with all the eighteen buttons of a Prepcheck, all by fast check, on that wrong goal. You understand? You can go the whole lot. And if you-pc’s getting lots of tone arm action out of it, you’d be very foolish-and you notice now the big mid ruds are the early part of the Prepchecks and that’s so-one of the-one of the values of this is so you don’t have to memorize two lists-but that’s so that if you’re going red-hot on your early part of those Prepcheck buttons, why, you can continue on through the eighteen buttons. But if you’re going slow freight, not much TA, you can unload. In other words, you can just stop this Prepcheck because it’s not getting any tone arm action so it can’t possibly be doing anybody any good, see. All right, that’s to get rid of these big goofs-number three.

Number four: And this is where you really start that-these others are just preparatory steps-you list the question „What is your present time GPM?“ is the auditing question. And you complete it to a smooooth needle with no faintest ticks or flicks or falls seen on listing. Test question, sure it’s clean, get in big mid ruds on list, fast check and then null the list and you’ll probably find the pc’s goal sitting on that list. Or you’ll see the goal next to the PT goal sitting on that list. You probably will see the pc’s present time GPM sitting on that list. You hope. If it isn’t there, extend that list. If you’ve nulled it and can’t find it, extend the list. Pc ARC breaks, you’ve bypassed it. Open-shut case. Got that?

Number five: Check out the goal found. Is it an actual GPM, implant and so on. In other words do a good solid analysis on this thing. Be awful sure of this thing. And do some big mid ruds on it. Get it to read but beautifully, see. And then start in at the top, it’s usually truncated. You find the terminal, the first terminal, on all other banks you find the oppterm but on the first bank you find the terminal on the truncated bank because it’s easier to do. And you just do these little tiny short lists.

And the first thing that you can get to read back to the pc, you see, the first thing that falls you can re-read back to the pc, you read back to the pc and you give him your-those items. And you just run them on down, pocketa-pocketa-pocketa-pocketa-pocketa-pocketa-pocketa. And you get to the bottom of that thing. Do a goal oppose list by the usual rules of listing. Get your next goal and do the same and the next goal and do the same and whenever you run into trouble do a full case analysis to find out wrong items, wrong goals arrarararara.

That’s the way you ought to be tackling this cat right at the present moment. That’s what you ought to be doing in order to get you somewhere. And that for my money is the very best method of doing so. To cut in late and do goal opposes up the channel just because the pc couldn’t do this list, actually is a secondary action. Some pc has had a big goal of some kind or another that has been run that wasn’t his actual GPM and you do have your hands on that goal. You possibly could do a goal oppose up there. But the best method by far is simply list for the present time GPM. That’s the best method by far. Got it?

The other is fraught with many horrors and terrors. I know, I’ve been over the road myself. It’s wild. Trying to list GPMs to GPMs that are all full of RIs. Wild, man, wild. But oddly enough your pc very often will give you the present time GPM, just like that, and it checks out via the actual goal and all is well. What if you checked it out and found an implant GPM? If you can run implants, well, run it as an implant. Anything to get charge off the case.

And there’s programing-there’s programing. The way she is did. There is a good, fast, rapid review of R4M2, the way it sits in its most optimum condition right at this moment. And that is as workable, man, as can be. Man, that really runs. It’s the easiest auditing you ever did in your life until you go over Niagara Falls and put your foot in it and you’ve struck an overcharged area and you find the pc’s actual GPM, only it’s a misworded implant GPM which comes from this, until you really analyze it a little closer and then you find out that it was an actual GPM after all what-misworded, and then you get the miswording of that and turns out to-it really was an implant GPM. You’re in for a picnic at that particular point. So between now and the time when you go to run this, learn all the elements there are in one of these cases. Learn what they look like. Learn how to handle them. Learn how to juggle them and you’ll never really-really you’ve got it made, you got it made.

Now, your morale was very, very bad. I hope your morale is better. I say your morale is bad. It-your morale is actually-that’s a joke-your morale is-holds up pretty well. I sympathize with you on many quarters and so forth. You’re going into the unknown at a high flight and it’s pretty tough sometimes and it looks very nerve racking. You don’t quite know what’s ahead. You don’t quite know what it all consists of Basically you don’t know what you’re doing wrong and so forth. Actually, you’re being far more complicated than it warrants. It breaks down to a rather elementary proposition all the way down the line but then you have to find that out, See.

And what you’re moving toward is not so much a bunch of data which is handed to you on a silver platter, but your own reality on the actual simplicities that have been discovered and found workable. And when you arrive at those one after the other, there will be nobody cockier than you. And when you pick up your coffee cup, why, the Rock of Gibraltar will look nervous compared to it.

Thank you.