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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- ARC Breaks and Missed Withholds (SHSBC-147) - L620501 | Сравнить
- Routine 3G - Experimental Preview of a Clearing Process (SHSBC-148) - L620501 | Сравнить



A lecture given on 1 May 1962

Thank you.

Okay. Here we go. Second lecture of 1st of May.

I suppose after that first lecture some of you will be calling Mayday! Mayday! But remember, if you do, the response will be, "What withhold has been missed on you?"

All right. I'm going to talk to you about HCO Info Letter April 29, AD 12, Routine 3G: Experimental Preview of a Clearing Process.

And the first thing you should know about this is it is complete. And that's your first miss on it. You're going to read this and you're going to be sure that it is incomplete — that there's much more to be known. Because all the comments I've had on this to date — there will be other issues on this material, of course — but all comments I have had is on the basis of additive, additive, what do we do about the additive? You know, somebody says, well, what do you do about all the — you know, we got this — we got this right away and everything's fine and we think this is beautiful and this straightens out everything, but now, what do you do with oppterms of the items which have already been found? Unfortunate, you see, but it happens to be covered here. You don't do anything with them, you see?

It really — if it doesn't say it here . . . This, of course, doesn't cover precisely Model Session. It doesn't give you — it doesn't — it doesn't give you a lot of the procedural actions. But as far as the — as the technology itself is concerned, it is jolly complete. So you in studying this, you see, what you should do is read what's here, not add something and worry about it.

You can do that. you can add something and then worry about it. And if it isn't here, don't worry about it. That's the first message, you know, you got. You say, "Well, what — what — what about a pc, what about a pc who had a goal and — he had a goal all right and they found this terminal, you understand? And the terminal was audited on — what have you done to — what couldn't have happened with or — or something And it was audited that way for 269 hours and so forth. Now what do we do?" You know, you do . . .

That hasn't anything to do with it. It says the way you patch up and go back and backtrack is you check out the goal. It doesn't say a thing about doing anything with a terminal. But we couldn't care less about the terminals. Forget the terminals.

Why? A broad survey of everything done on 3D Criss Cross is it's been done wrong. It's horrible to behold, but it's absolutely my observation. I haven't seen a complete list yet. So I'll tell you if you want to finish off a 3D Criss Cross, your best stunt with this... This — this isn't — this doesn't concern — it gives you the steps of 3D Criss Cross, but it really doesn't concern itself totally with repatching up 3D Criss Cross.

I can tell you how to patch up 3D Criss Cross. It is just, take the source items, you know, what should we disregard, you're trying to get something done the fellow had and he had the Prehav level, "God Almighty" and something like this — it doesn't matter. You just take that line and take the original list and complete it.

You don't do anything with the terminal, see; you can take the list source and complete it. And it's very odd, you know, but you're going to be able to get — apply these tests. But none of these tests would apply to any lists you've done yet — they wouldn't apply. Well, just experimentally, take any list you have done on a pc. I don't care, even if the items checked on 3D Criss Cross. Take the list and just read the first twelve items to the pc and watch the tone arm move. Uuuhhhh. It didn't go down as fundamental as it could have gone. Right? So therefore, even though the terminal checks out very nicely and is sitting there very nicely and everything like that, you can still bleed charge off the list and you can get deeper into the Goals Problem Mass with the same type of list.

See, you can go further every time and the funny part of it is, is all the 3D Criss Cross you have done, of course, has blown charge off the bank. None of it is in vain.

Now, the rationale of 3D Criss Cross that you went on and found items and opptermed items and found items and opptermed items and they eventually come down and you get more and more fundamental items. In other words, we are blowing off charge on a gross basis of taking many items and the charge would eventually bleed off the Goals Problem Mass. See, that was the rationale of 3D Criss Cross. Well, this makes a pc pretty uncomfortable, experience has shown.

Now, we can also get into the Goals Problem Mass more deeply and more fundamentally by getting a goal. In other words, a goal is a better thing to operate with on each one of the line plot lines to find a Goals Problem Mass. It's — it — you know, it's all in the interest of shortening up the auditing You'll always get a more fundamental item by going off from a goal. Always. It goes deeper. Why does it go deeper? Well, the pc isn't being asked to confront any mass. He's only being confront — asked to confront ideas and so he can go into the Goals Problem Mass and he can confront more and more and more ideas. He can rack around — and of course, he's basically confronting the idea in the mass he is stuck in.

So a goals list is only asking him to confront ideas, not asking him to confront any masses. And then you turn around having found that he is trapped on the fourth basement floor — you found this by ideas, you see. Now, you get him to list the items and he'll eventually list the item which surrounds the idea you found. See, it's all on the basis that it's easier to find the idea than it is to find the mass.

Pcs will confront ideas endlessly, but will not very often confront masses, which are painful to them. All the technique of war is based upon this fact. Somebody can confront and snarl and quarrel with the ideas of the enemy. And then he walks out and bares his bosom to some mass — shells, flame throwers, something of that sort — and he loses himself a body.

He could argue about their counter-philosophy, you see, all day and all night, you see and he'd still have a body, you know. So he's accustomed to being able to confront ideas. He can argue with ideas. He can confront ideas. He can do this with ideas and that with ideas and so forth. Do almost anything but change his ideas. And therefore, in the Goals Problem Mass, in racking around the person is, of course, confronting more intimately the idea which is encysted in the terminal which he is actually in. He can confront that and he can tell you what that is without being able to tell you what the mass — terminal — see, what the mass of a terminal is or identify the terminal. He can tell you about the ideas of a terminal before he can tell you about the terminal. You see that?

So therefore, a goals entrance, taking the goal as your departure point each time, reaches more fundamentally and more deeply into the GPM. This is the theory of it. And now, having reached the goal of this mass, why, of course, you go ahead and identify the item. And the item you identify will have that goal. And that's — that's all there is to it. Now, that he's identified it, however, he's got to differentiate it and separate it. He thought many things had this goal, but only one thing had the goal per the list that you did.

And you got down to the bottom of the pot and, of course, there he was and he's mixed up with this particular — this item. It's a mass, you know. He's in the middle of that bowling ball, not in the other five hundred. And the reason the bowling ball is hung up is, of course, it is opposed against another bowling ball and which has exactly opposite ideas. Now, by oppterming the item which you have finally found, of course, it is hoped — and this is theoretical and experimental, of course — it is hoped that these two bowling balls will just go whumphh and that will be the end of that.

Because it's fantastic that they could be suspended in space and time and be so timeless because they happened so long ago. How are they still there? It's a freak. It's a freak. The GPM is composed of these accidentals and there are not very many of them that are poised. It's something like how do you — how do you take a boulder as big as a two-story house and balance it upon the exact pinnacle of a windblown mountain peak, you know. It — you could stand there for a long time and study this and say, "How the hell is that thing balanced there?" you know? It couldn't happen! See?

Well, down basically in the Goals Problem Mass, how could — how could you get such an exact balance between a terminal and an oppterm that they hang up in equal force and perpetuate themselves for trillennia. Man! That takes some doing

You mean you found a waterbuck who is just as strong as a tiger and a tiger who is just as strong as a waterbuck. And a waterbuck who has just exactly these antagonistic ideas to a tiger that make the tiger's antagonistic ideas to a waterbuck hang up. And now that hangs up in time and the pc is still creating it. It's still persevering. It is still hung If he was — just had an identity and he was still creating this identity, he long since would have ceased to create it. See, there just isn't anything — for a reason, for him to go on creating it. He's just saying, "It must survive." Well, that's kind of odd. Well, of course, it survived and now it isn't surviving

Well, why must it survive? Well it must survive because it is opposed. It is always opposed, so it always must survive. How the devil did he arrange that in his reactive bank? That's marvelous, you know. How — you get down to figure out how in the name of God could you have these two cannonballs fired from peak one and peak two directly at each other with the exact balance velocity that they hit each other exactly in midair. You see, that would be an artillery freak to end all artillery freaks.

I think in World War I, in the whole of World War I, they eventually found an unexploded shell that had been hit by another shell. It had a shell in the side of it. And everybody thinks this is marvelous. As a matter of fact, it's in a museum someplace over in France.

I don't know how many billions of bullets and shells were fired in World War I, at what close range and almost never did one shell hit another shell, see.

Well, it's just that kind of thing. And all these — all these billions of lives and identities a person's had, how does he have one that hangs up against another one that exactly, so that afterwards it will accumulate other identities and then accumulate other balances and accumulate and accumulate and he's still, weirdly enough, creating all of these things simultaneously and so forth. You just couldn't do it.

Just get the idea right now of creating simultaneously 585 different identities all at the same minute, each with all of its own particular. . . Well, you're doing it. Well, how do you do it? Well, that's because there's just a couple down at the bottom of it and that's what you're creating. And the rest of these things, of course, just accumulate and accumulate and accumulate and, of course, they don't uncreate. You got the theory back of this?

Well, therefore, it is of interest in terms of (1) shortness of auditing time and (2) pc comfort, to achieve the most fundamental grip that you can get on the Goals Problem Mass as soon as you can get it.

In other words, the earliest grip, the deepest — the deepest grip, the earliest. This is what you're trying to do. You're trying to get there mostest with the firstest and when you got that, why of course, you're that much closer to doing something about it.

Now, there's a couple of phenomena which have been observed and one of them is that later on, after proper terminals have been found and goals and terminals have been found in Routine 3, that later on you get nothing but constant blow of terminals. In other words, you try to find the terminals for that goal and you no more than find them than they blow. And then eventually you'll take a goal and you'll no more than find the goal than it will blow. Some of you have seen this happen. Some of you have experienced it.

Now, I'm trying here with this approach to move that phenomenon right up to the beginning of clearing, see. So we're doing nothing but blowing and we're never auditing, see. We're never auditing a process on these things, see. Just knock out auditing a process and just do it all by assessment. Well, that's the definite theoretical approach to this thing and that's what's hoped for.

All right. We know definitely that these things do blow. Well, all right. Let's move that up to the beginning of the case instead of experiencing it at the end. That's the effort here. And the other one is this: That a pc never feels better than when he has his goal and his first terminal. He just feels marvelous and many of you will agree with that. That's a marvelous sensation to have those two things beautifully and accurately spotted and everything is fine. you feel great.

Well, now the second that you find a modifier and the second that you find an opposition terminal, you really never feel worse. You've had it right there at that point.

Well now, why is this? It's because you were coming away from the Goals Problem Mass in old Routine 3 clearing. You see, we're trying to push Routine 3 clearing straight on through the Goals Problem Mass, then there's no relapse of clearing We're trying to push it through the lot, you see, so that you don't get a Keyed-Out Clear state but you get a Clear state that is absolutely straight through. All right.

Now, the modifier apparently has a lot to do with the oppterm, so why find it? You're going to find the oppterm in due sequence anyhow and it'll have to do with the modifier anyway, so why bother with it, see? It is associated with — I'm not saying that it is — but it's associated with the oppterm.

In other words, you find this terminal, you find this goal, you find this terminal. All right. It's the opposition terminal to the terminal you find that is going to turn up with the modifier. So the second we find the goal, if we then find the modifier, we key in the Goals Problem Mass and key it in hard.

Well, there's theoretically an easier way to key in the Goals Problem Mass and that is simply by finding the oppterm itself without finding any modifier. Because we don't need the modifier in order to find the oppterm. We're going to find the oppterm by complete listing

Now, therefore, we've blown a piece off the GPM of magnitude. Now, if we find a new goal and we find a terminal for this new goal and then we oppterm it, we again snap the pc back in against the GPM, but we do it gently. And what we're doing is consistently chipping chunks off the GPM while clearing the person and theoretically, he shouldn't hit these heavy, steep dives.

Now, these items, when they start disintegrating and so forth, are hot and cold and electrical. And they are quite — quite an experience. And you can get somebody on a hot summer day shivering so his teeth rattle. These things are cold, man. Well, why are they cold? Well, why are they painful, why are they this, why are they that? Well, there's a lot of reasons, but to get an electrical standing wave into that condition takes some doing It's hard to do. And it's got to be intolerably cold and intolerably hot and intolerably electrical and actually has to be all those three things to hang up. That's why they all don't hang up.

A person who's living his present life in southern California at this time is never really too hot and really never too cold, you see? And if they stay away from the mains plugs, why, they're seldom too electrical.

So if you were to go back in the future and find this life in southern California at all, it would simply be because it was hung up and associated with or keyed in, was keyed into a GPM that was too — an item that was too hot and too cold and too electrical, you see? In this lifetime, none of you have frozen to death. You haven't. You've been pretty cold, but none of you have frozen to death. I guarantee that. The best proof is you're here. See?

None of you have ever burned up. Well, you've been singed around the edges here and there, now and then, but the fact that you're sitting here right now shows that in this lifetime you haven't burned up, see?

And you haven't been killed by heavy voltage because in this lifetime you are still alive. But you have lived many lives, I assure you, in which you did freeze to death and in which you did burn up and got shocked in the bargain. It must have been fun.

You take a doll body, for instance, you consider rather precious. It goes 200 centigrade and a minus 175 centigrade. And you thought it was your old pal, Bill, as you walked around the corner and it wasn't. It was a Fourth Invader and at that moment, you got oh, a few megawatts in the brisket. That kind of thing, don't you see?

You were minding your own business in this civilization and everything was fine and somebody dumped an atom bomb on you. See?

That's the kind of thing this sort of thing takes. It takes duresses. Duresses of magnitude. Now, you sit here and you know the limitations of the body you've got. And you know that if the temperature drops to 56, you shiver and if it goes to 82, why, you start getting too warm. Not much of a margin there, don't you see?

And somebody slips you 240 British volts, you say, "Yipe!" And you say that's a lot of jolt — 240 volts a jolt! Nonsense. I was holding onto 240 volts the other day and mostly had muscular kick to the thing. But with this body, I don't think I would take it up as a pastime. But it — you get hit sometime with a — oh, about two or three million volts and you'll see the difference.

Gormley Castle used to be down here. I was riding over to a tourney one day and was half-armed in a rainstorm — I had half steel armor on in a rain storm. The rest of it slung on the back of the horse. Brother with me and a groom and they had the rest of the armor. And so 'elp me, lightning 'it. And you know armor on wet ground makes the most marvelous conductor. Knocked me plumb silly, it did. Plumb silly. It's happened to me several times. But it — it's always you go sit down after a while and say, "Oh, no," you know. You think about it. It preys on your mind. Some — that's something — it upsets you. It makes you absent-minded. It makes you flinch, and so forth.

I remember at that particular instance I rode right on to the castle and the grooms went out and got the bodies and my brother was still alive, but the groom was awful dead and laid the body on the bed. I stood there, you know and thought that was okay and went back over to Europe and walked in and — just shows you a guy goes hnhh! You know, I walked in and I fell over the old mither who was busy scrubbing the floor and of course, wet, you know, wet floor, you know and God! volts were coming up me like that, you know — and I step in her scrub bucket and walked through her and she gets a 'ell of a shock, you know. she says, "Coo, what's that?" you know or words to that effect. And go over to the table and sit down at the table and pick up my fist and look around and there's no mead, you know. Not a bit. It was about 1495, something like that. And so I pick up my fist and I start to say, "Godderdammerung, bring me in some mead," you know. And I go bang, you know and my fist goes straight through the table. And I say, "Wait a minute, boy." "Oh, no, I'm dead." Bright, moonlight night and there's a dog howling outside, so I walk out in the moonlight and decide for the next 55 years I'll have to be a ghost. Well, it was a very shocking experience. But you could get discombobulated and upset and not know what you were doing. I didn't. I went and picked up a baby or two, but . . .

Anyhow, the point is, is it takes a lot more than you're even aware of confronting in order to pick up electronic masses and then keep mocking them up because, you see, they're so dangerous because you have to keep them mocked up, you see, because they're so dangerous, you see?

It's very logical. If you didn't keep them there, they're liable to get away, you see and blow your 'ead off, you know. So therefore you have to keep them created. You figure it out. You're the one that's been doing it mostly. But you see, if you didn't have that mass then some other mass would get you. Well, now, when you figure out that this particular incident I've been telling you about, which I consider rather amusing — I'm going to have to go down and — Gormley Castle one of these days and look and see if the old tilt field is still down there and so forth. I'd better not tell any of the Englishmen about it because they just used to raise hell around there, you know.

I committed enough overts that one day I was riding through there in about 1600, fell off the back of my horse, stone dead. Overt-motivator sequence caught up just like that.

There's no mass connected with that lightning That's free track. You got an idea what I'm talking about? See. Well, look. If that's free track, what the hell is one of these masses? Well, they're that way.

Of course, earlier on the track, you had more horsepower. And you could keep more mocked up. you could stand up to more, so the violence is pretty terrific. And a pc hits these things and he turns ice cold, on the masses and hell keep telling you how cold he is and turn on the fire and you — God, you look at your watch and find out it's 90. And you — pc all of a sudden, he gets roaring red-hot. He is awful hot, terribly warm. But, the odd part of it is he less often gets warm than he gets cold because he's used the warmth of the mass time and time again. He's bled the warmth off of it, don't you see? But the coldness is less motional, so what's left as residue is the most motional mass so he is more likely to be cold. Now, he also gets electric whiz whizzes going around one way or the other. You call these things somatics. And they'll come in odd patches of some kind or another. Well, that's all the GPM and its manifestations.

Now, the more gently you can pick this thing apart, the more comfortable the pc is. you can also drive the pc through it as though you were a Sherman tank leaving El Alamein, but you — it can be done, don't you see? But you get dented fenders. It's — it's one of those things, you know? And it can be sufficiently duressful. It wouldn't do anything drastic to your pc, but he gets very uncomfortable.

Now, 3D Criss Cross short-listed, improperly itemed, opptermed the wrong way to and so forth, turns on such phenomena as ice-cold, red-hot and all you — you can't really bring yourself to go over and touch the light switch because it's liable to leap at you. You're sure of that.

So all of these data add up to the fact that we want a faster gain more comfortably for the pc. Now, you — the more sectionally you pick off the term and oppterm of the GPM, the more comfortable the pc's going to be in the process. Okay?

Elementary — so far. Right?

But there's some more gains that come with it. And that is that you're going straight through to Clear because you'll be picking up the hearts of the masses in which the pc is stuck, most reliably. And you're going straight through and your improved gain will come out at the other end. Whereas that's not true of 3D Criss Cross. 3D Criss Cross is a rolly coaster. Sometimes your lines are right and sometimes your lines are a bit off. And nevertheless you're making it, but at what cost — sometimes, you see. you — and an auditor can be dead wrong in this. He — the auditor can get awful knuckleheaded about this kind of thing.

The funny part of it is and — that apparently — and this has to be born out — that errors in 3D Criss Cross are probably most remediable by rerunning Routine 3 as 3G. Let's say you picked up "Who or what have you liked?" and you got no tone arm action, you list it as a short list and nulled it out with twenty-five repetitions of each item, ARC broke the pc into having only one item left and put that down and then opptermed it. Well, you'll find out that this is less fundamental than the GPM and when you get a goal, theoretically, when you get a goal and you find its terminals, all of a sudden these others will blow off as locks. You'll run into these errors sooner or later and plow them out with a Routine 3G.

Now, what we have needed in doing Routine 3s — let's go into whys. What we have needed is for the auditor to know how to do it before he'd done it. And that has been very nearly impossible — because the weak end, the difficult end, the end he's going to have trouble with, is the end he starts on, i.e., a goals list. Goals lists are hard to do. Because this person's goals have always been invalidated and because the GPM is only hung up because the goal has been invalidated, the invalidations of goals is almost the common denominator. It is one of the common denominators of every item in the Goals Problem Mass. And the common denominator of it, of course, attracts the overt-motivator of it.

And you're sitting there and you dare look cross-eyed while you're reading off "I want to wear hats," you see. you say, "I want to wear hats" and you all of a sudden look a little odd for a second and that invalidates that, you see. And the pc — you've got a missed withhold right there — and there we go, see. Now, you can list hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of goals with the rudiments out and you can null and scrunch and batter and with the rudiments out and rough auditing and so forth — go around just trying to find a goal.

Now, we've had a number of units over in the States and in Australia and so forth which were trying to find goals on one another. And they were making it within about six weeks on some of them. This was an heroic performance. It was rough! But it was only rough because the auditors were rough. We were having to train the auditor to do it on something that can only be done if the auditor's perfect. Well, it gets idiotic, isn't it, you see? It's one of these things — you only get one chance. See, you can bust a pc up eight ways from the middle and it takes a real expert to put the pc back together again.

You string this wire from the Empire State Building to the Chrysler Building. And you hand the person — the auditor — a wobbly-wheeled bicycle. And you see, he's never had any other wire. There's never been any wire on the ground. As a matter of fact, he's never even had a bicycle on the ground, you see. And you say, "Okay, son. Now, just — just ride along that wire over to the Chrysler Building You'll find it's very easy." And, you know, he shakes. He — he does. He — and very often picks himself off of Madison Avenue or somewhere as a spot. I'd say 95 percent of the time he picked himself off the lower avenue as a grease spot.

They just don't do it. you say, "Find the goal." Nyuuh. See, it takes terrifically smooth, letter-perfect auditing. Where has he had a chance to accumulate a Routine 3 perfectly smooth, letter-perfect activity? Well, he hasn't — in the past, but he can now because we can do a Routine 3D Criss Cross and he can make mistakes and makes pcs uncomfortable and find out what complete lists are and how the meter operates and get practice running Model Sessions, getting off missed withholds and invalidations and making everything run at once and he feels less like a one-man band who's had its arms and legs cut off. He can get used to it.

So the pc blows his stack a few times. All right. Let him find out how to patch things up with missed withholds. He's doing a lousy job, the auditor is, but still the pc finds out eventually. "Hey, what do you know, I found the wrong item and opptermed it and so on and picked up the missed withholds and the pc said it was all right. What do you know about this?" you know? And he gets on top of auditing.

Now, Prepchecking is a good school to learn how to do the meter and so forth, but it still doesn't prepare you all the way to go through all of the one-man band actions, of finding a list and nulling it and finding the item and checking it out and all that. It just doesn't. That's a specialized activity. Well, you've got 3D Criss Cross which in itself is quite valid as an activity, if done right. Yeah, just let the — let the person go on.

Now, the best way to get somewhere near the GPM is with the Prehav Scale. The Prehav Scale will get you shallowly near the GPM. A goal will get you much closer in to the GPM, you see, but a goal is not something you're going to let the fellow tamper with till he learns how, see? So we're going to eliminate our little Abe — can't go swimming until he learns how — out of this thing, you see and turn the auditor loose on 3D Criss Cross.

We have a perfectly valid process then which can be used as a training procedure, which I think is wonderful. Because there's really no difference to nulling a goals list than nulling any other list. There is no real difference, except that the goals list is fantastically vulnerable to invalidation and bad auditing. It requires tremendously adroit listing and handling

Well, the toughness of a — of a 3D Criss Cross list will stand up to it. You've only got one chance at the pc's goals list. Of course, you've got lots of chances at 3D Criss Cross masses. You can get item after item, you see?

You understand now, that if you get the right Prehav Scale — that's all these Auxiliary Prehav Scales — you get a right level, if you list that properly. If you get the practice of completing the list and then oppterming it and completing that list and so forth, you're liable to get a blow occasionally. I mean a blow of the two items. It's liable to be all smooth as grease. But if you missed, you're just going to make the pc uncomfortable — total liability. You haven't done any irremediable harm because you could probably either straighten out that, that you did wrong or eventually you take the pc over into Routine 3G type of assessment and it blows the whole thing out. In other words, all those items and everything are all going to be appended to this and that and the other thing and that's all going to blow out anyway. So you got a remedy which is below the level of intermediate remedies.

So you can teach somebody to do 3D Criss Cross and the case will make progress and everything is fine and so forth. And you get a chance to look at them sadly and say, "Well, Betty do you think five items is going to make a complete list?" you know? "See if you can get six." And the auditor is saying, "Four or five hundred items on the list. How could you ever get through that many items? I mean look at the paper, do you know and gosh!"

You know, well, goals list of six or seven hundred goals. Well, so what? The — you get to that point finally where you're used to doing lists and so on. It doesn't matter how long the lists are. you can take a six hundred goal list. So what? See? That's nothing Null it down — not ARC break it out and null it down. And it goes astray, put it back together again, hook it up right and so forth. In other words, he's able to do it, now. He's able to swim after he's learned how. He's able to ride this bicycle from the Empire State Building to the Chrysler Building quite easily since he's been riding it only a couple of feet above the ground for some time, see? That's just the difference of approach.

And we're very rich in having a training process which gets benefits for the pc and which will only make the pc too cold or too hot or too damned electrical. Or it'll sometimes turn on a chronic somatic and the pc will go around with an awful cold — easily explained — because, of course, everybody is having a cold these days. And you get a mass half in-out of his ear or something of the sort and he has a horrendous earache. Well, try to keep him from going and seeing the osteopath or something. He's not suffering from oral lumbosis. He's simply suffering from — he — all — all he's suffering from is the wrong item opptermed, complicated with missed withholds. That's exactly all he's suffering from.

Well, the end product of this is a trained auditor and a working procedure.

Now, you'd be surprised how adroit you have to be to get a goal. Only when you can do listing easily and do a complete list, a nice complete list and get all the items properly off of it and find the final item and oppterm that nicely. Oh, when you can go through all those operations, because it is very easy to take a complete list of goals and go down the line and knock that off. But you will find even then that it requires a little more adroitness. Goals go out like that.

Before you — well, Prepchecking gets you heavy reads. You're very often a quarter-of-a-dial on a fall, you see and sometimes even a dial and I've seen stuff struck on an E-Meter which was 16 consecutive dial drops, see. So there's heavy drops.

All right. Now, on 3D Criss Cross you get used to reading something that's — that may be as little as a quarter of a division. Oh yeah, a tiny little division like that and a goal could very well come out reading a 32nd of a division. We're reading with a microscope. It can read very little and go in and out just bing-bang, bing-bang, bing-bang Just in and out like that. It's reading very nicely. You're saying, "To sell apples. To sell apples. Is there an invalidation on this?" Ping!

"All right. What was that? All right. Thank you very much. Have I missed a withhold on you? Oh, yes. Well, thank you. All right. Thank you. Have I missed a withhold on you? That's clean. Yeah, all right. Fine. To sell apples. To sell apples. To sell — Is there an invalidation?" Man, it's like sorting yourself through — through the labyrinth, you know. You've got to be pretty good.

And before, with any Routine 3 process, you took an auditor totally green and you threw him into the soup and the pc went into the soup right after him — 1350 and they still haven't found the pc's goal. How he ever found any is miraculous.

Now, therefore, Routine 3G is 3G because of goals. It's a Routine 3, employing goals. But it also employs several different principles. And the principle is that listing is auditing and that we're going to do our auditing by listing. So we cut out the impatience of it all. "Well, let's find something so we can audit it." This we're not interested in. The listing is the auditing

When we find the item, we're going to oppterm it. And when we oppterm it, we hope if all is well, that we will get a small ping and perhaps we will. This is still susceptible to a bit of speculation. Perhaps we'll get a bit, perhaps this will become invariable. And, we get ping and the oppterm — we found it and then all of a sudden we can't find it. And there's no charge on the oppterm list and we can't find the terminal and we can't find the goal. And, of course, we turn right back and find a new goal, a new terminal and a new oppterm. Just that repetitive cycle. That's the cycle we hope for. We'll try everything we can to make that come true.

But here's this "listing is auditing" as a principle. Now that's a brand-new principle so you shouldn't really care how long your list is. But that your lists are so long — remember, don't lose your speed and adroitness. You've got to be able to list rapidly and handle the pc rapidly and keep the rudiments in rapidly and all these things have to be done. Otherwise this becomes an activity of months and months and months because you're handling tremendous numbers of items. So its — you have to pick up — and adroitness and facility by which you can sit down and list 300 items, keep the pc talking, keep the missed withholds off, so the — three quarters of the session isn't blown because of the pc's boiling off. you can even knock out a comm lag probably with missed withholds. And you're not stopping the pc all the time, you know and you'll get down to where you developed a knack of making a pc give you a list — staying broad awake and giving you a list and plowing right on down the line. Well, that would make good auditing, see? And then you get the knack of a — of testing How you test this thing — how do you find out if it is complete and so forth. How do you get used to that? And now nulling it ought to be as easy as pie. A list ought to go out bzzzt.

When you're able to do all that and oppterm it and do all that sort of thing, when you're able to do that with 3D Criss Cross, when you get over to 3G, you'll find out that it isn't all that easy to get that goals list. That's all right. The pc can write it out of session and all that sort of thing and you can complete it in session and you can go through those ramifications, but you'll find it's far more susceptible to shift an invalidation — than to — and it's greasier. It's greasier. Now, it's here and now it isn't here. It's more susceptible to sporadic reads and all of that kind of thing And, you spend more time, "Is there an invalidation on this item and thank you. Now, Ill check that again. Is there invalidation on this item? That's clear. Thank you very much."

All right. And now you go ahead with the item and so forth and all of a sudden why, this has gotten a needle pattern. "Have I missed a withhold on you?" You see? You pick up the missed withhold. "Thank you very much." Needle pattern disappears. "I'll ask that again. Have I missed a withhold on you? That's clear. Thank you." And you go on from there. Don't you see? And you work at it and it takes pretty — it's pretty slippery. It requires a pretty slippery auditor in order to get a goal easily and hold it there. This is what I've learned about Routine 3 activities.

Routine 3 was never defeated by its own successfulness or its own potential — its own technology. The technical facts of Routine 3 are still technically accurate. They are — they are there. What defeated Routine 3 was lousy metering, incomplete Model Sessions. We didn't have all of the rudiments necessary. We didn't have missed withholds to hold the thing in-session. We didn't have the Mark IV meter, tremendous item there — all in one piece. We had meters that were reading electronically but were not reading the mind. Marvelous, you know. And we didn't have a lot of things that we have now in order to punch this thing along And basically we hadn't grooved in and insisted on the auditor doing a perfect procedure.

And now today we can say what a perfect procedure is and an auditor can do a perfect procedure, so therefore Routine 3 would be as workable today as it ever had. The Routine 3 did have one technical liability. It is that you could tip into the Goals Problem Mass and then separate one item off the Goals Problem Mass and then blow it out sideways and you'd get a key-out without having approached the remainder of the Goals Problem Mass.

Well, by oppterming, we continually prevent this from happening without caving the pc in. So this thing has become feasible. Auditing this is very simple and all I actually expect an auditor to know how to do perfectly is his TRs, Model Session, his E-Metering and to know exactly what he's supposed to do as he comes down the line with listing and testing and so forth. That — that's all, you see?

That is not very much in actual fact. If he can do these things perfectly, then the — he can read a meter perfectly, he'd soon get used to finding out what an invalidation looks like and what it doesn't look like and what a needle pattern that suddenly turns on looks like and how to turn it off. He'll learn all of these things rather easily. Then learning through Routine 3D Criss Cross, how to handle lists, why, he should then be able to turn over to the Tartar of all Tartars — goals lists. Be able to find a pc's goal and really sail.

That's the approach. We're rich in a tremendous amount of technology. Basically, if we had just used the technology or been able to use the technology, we had when we were doing Routine 3, that would have been quite successful too. But not realizing the amount of flub there was on the existing technology, of course, I went for broke and straightened out all the rudiments and got a little complete Model Session and figured out all the elements and added up anything that could go wrong and what caused ARC breaks and you know, just solved a tremendous number of technical problems in order to make it come out straight. This ought to be like falling off a log, if you — if you learn how to do it.

And it doesn't require any freak solutions. You don't have to get very imaginative about this. But you have to be very precise and you have to audit the pc that's there — right there in front of you. That's the pc you audit. And if you do all of that, why, you'll make a good show of it.

There's no sense in trying to do any of these things if you're still having trouble with a meter — obviously. If you're still gagging on Model Session, if your TRs are wildly out, if you don't know how to conduct a two-way comm, if you — inevitably he says, "Well, I don't know. Yes, I do have a present time problem. I had a fight with my mother this morning."

And you say, "What was the fight about?" And you wonder why you never get anyplace with a case, you see? It's these little things. And it's being able to audit the pc who is sitting right there in front of you. you be very careful and double check everything, you know. You're not quite sure that the — "Yes, is there invalidation on that item?" you know? And "Let me check that again. Is there an invalidation on that item? All right. That's clean." See?

In other words, an auditor first gets terribly obsessed with making an awfully good show of it. you know? When something like the drum majorettes from the University of San Antonio, you know — or something — he's going to make a terribly good show of it. Hasn't anything to do with a pc, you know. But he's going to make an awfully good show of it and he knows he's only supposed to ask once, he thinks, you know and his "Now-I'm-supposed-to's" catch up with him, you see. And he'll actually fake through. You know, he says, "Well, have I missed a withhold on you? Thank you. That's — that's clear."

And he thinks it'd look awfully clumsy on his part or revelatory or something if he — if he said, "Have I missed a withhold on you? I'll repeat that. Have I missed a withhold on you?"

"Oh, well, yeah."

"All right. What's that now?"

See, he didn't catch it the first time. He thinks he'll look — he's so anxious to look good that he stinks. You get somebody coming into session there, man, you can just hear the high tension going through his power lines, you know. Hasn't anything to do with the pc. And all of a sudden then, he starts — he finds out he can ride the bicycle. And after that, why, he audits the pc in front of him. He does it rapidly. He does it well and he knows what he's doing and so on. But we've got the processes necessary by which he can integrate his knowledge without killing the pc. And who knows, he might even someday do the pc some good. So that's quite valuable, quite valuable to have a training routine for a senior routine. And it's what we've needed for some time. And I'm very happy about it.

I don't say that Routine 3G will remain exactly as it is under the gun and under inspection as you've done it because you haven't yet begun to make mistakes. That's always a necessary part of it, you know? You haven't yet begun to make mistakes. There are certain things — will get explained. The only thing I try to have happen is let's not — let's not have to explain so many things that nobody can recognize Routine 3G when we get through, see. That often happens.

I found out that auditors in doing lists, so very often — short lists — so very often pick up a sporadic reading item. That it is the commonplace, not the oddity. It is the commonplace for an item that is finally found to be reading three times out of eight, three times out of five — I'll be kinder. "Well, I've got the item. Yes, it reads, reads every — hauh. Well, it's because of course he has overts on you, Instructor. The reason it didn't check out is actually I didn't really clean his overts off on you. you — it's all clean with me, you see and so it worked out with me all right, you see, but when you checked him out, then, you see, the rudiments were out with you and that's why it was reading sporadically, you know?"

That's all part of the auditor trying to look good. After he ceases — tries so doggone hard to look good, which is symptomatic though of the process of learning, he starts all of a sudden to do a whale of a job. It — all that counts to him — it's not whether he looks good or not. It's whether or not the item is the item. See, that's what's important. It's whether or not the list was complete. It's whether or not the oppterm fitted. It's whether or not the pc wound up at the end of session bright and sassy.

You see, all these things are the important things to him. But he gets out the importances first and of course the first important part of training is to get the, just the standard action of being able to sit there and look at the E-Meter — down, you know? Sit there and look at the E-Meter without putting yourself on the cans instead of the pc or something like that, you know? "I had a wonderful session today. A wonderful session today. It was the pc held the cans, see. And we got — we got the session really started. Eleven o'clock at night and it's still going, but we got the session really started. I really got him in-session, you know." Big game. Big win.

"This pc was willing to talk to me after the session. This is the first time this ever happened to me as an auditor." You know wins, wins of various kinds. Now, I'm not really being sarcastic. Auditing can get that grim. Auditing is terribly simple. There is a response for every situation that you can get into in auditing today that will get you out of that situation. We are not grasping in the dark and we don't require freak solutions. It isn't now that we're trying to wind everybody up like dolls, but we've actually got it there and when the auditor gets certain that he has the answers, he can sit there in a relaxed frame of mind and he really sees things and he really audits and everything whizzes.

Auditing, by the way, around the world is succeeding. It's much better, infinitely better after a year of training here at Saint Hill than it has ever been in the past without any slightest doubts whatsoever. And the Saint Hill graduates who have gone back home and raised hell and for the most part have brought tremendous gains in, in auditing And the stuff coming through on the lines today — the reports coming back from HGCs and so on — are much superior to what they had been in the past. But there is still tremendous room for improvement and of course you're the crew who will bring the next big surge of improvement, so work well on it.

Thank you.