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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Auditing Groups (3ACC-63) - L540209 | Сравнить
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- Short Discussion and Group Processing Demonstration (3ACC-65) - L540209 | Сравнить

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CS Booklet


Lecture 65
Disc 69
A Lecture and Group Processing Demonstration
Given on 9 February 1954
61 Minutes

All right. And this is the afternoon session. You will notice, just as a comment here-February 9, 1954-you’ll notice, just as a side comment that quite often, every once in a while at least, you’ll get somebody in a processing session and they will be upset at the end of the session because nothing happened or because the session spun them in or something of the sort. And rather uniformly, you can trace this to a present time problem originating the day before or some action or activity of the night before or just the general case level.

Now what kind of a process would it take to reach somebody who couldn’t obtain a certainty on anything?

Well let’s take our early morning session, our morning session today. And let’s take a look at it and recognize that it had in it those processes which break neurosis. They were just sort of thrown in, just to level out. And that’s just “something real” and so forth. You know, those processes were in there.

Well now, if that session would not obtain any results on a preclear, what is the communication level of the preclear? And there you will quite often find the Group Auditing breaks down. Their chronic tone or their momentary uncertainty of existence because of a present time problem is such that they are beyond execution of a simple command.

So you want to watch this and when you’re running the type of processing which is 8-C or the processes which we are running here (which is a well-advanced type of process and is one of the eight SOP 8 processes but we’re just extrapolating one way or the other on it), you have a problem there of communication. That’s the problem. And when you’re running that type of process and somebody tells you this, why, you’d better assume that this is extremis, because it is. The person is either momentarily or chronically beyond the end of the life ring that you can throw him unless you simply get him and communicate very carefully with him and pound it on through.

But it’s a careful job of communication that is needed, which is why individual processing is necessary on that case level.

Any case level which can execute a simple command on that is resolvable, actually, in these Group Processes now. And the case which needs the individualized attention is that one which can execute only a very few of your commands or none. And that of course, then, is a problem of communication.

This person is a terminal problem, of course, because he can’t be addressed to the slight impersonal level that he is addressed in the group.

In other words, you have to sort of say, “All right, you’re sitting right there now. Okay. And I’m right here and I am talking to you. And you are ...” so on. Problem of fixed attention and unfixed attention.Now, an Emergency Auditor in Group Processing should recognize this fact. And you as a Group Auditor using somebody as an Emergency Auditor should indoctrinate the Emergency Auditor into the recognition of that fact that he’s running into, rather uniformly, in a case that isn’t getting any benefit out of the processing, a case which is out of communication. And therefore, he should make it just by rote, a very careful job of communication, assuming that the individual to whom he is speaking can’t get 90 percent of what he is saying. He just should assume that, immediately, not reflect it in his attitude, of course, and he’ll find that these cases will break for him rather quickly. But those cases which can’t be reached by this type of Group Processing are, of course, those cases which are way, way out of communication.

Now, we’re running a little bit tougher and tougher processes on you here and this one right now that I’m going to run probably has some very tough aspects. However, don’t worry about it, because you’re going to hear the same process twice more.

If you clean it up all at once, that’s fine. But by playing it twice more, just exactly on that rote, both the surprise element comes out of the processing-you see, we’re doing a little bit different type of Group Processing here. We’re playing the same exact process, intonation and so forth, two more times.

You say, well it’d be more beneficial if you would simply sit there and run it the two more times. No. We’re just running out the process that did the work on the last one and, generally, we’re completing the job that got scared up on the second one. Okay.

You noticed, by the way, yesterday probably, that some of the material which you’d kind of stirred up had less charge on it by the time you got around to it the second time and when you hit it again you said, “Oh hell, nothing to that.” Okay.

Not trying to turn this into a lecture or anything of the sort.

Let’s now be way up, way away.

Take a look at the environment.

Now take a no-look at the environment. Inspect the environment and find nothing anywhere and be comfortable about it.

Get highly artificial about it. Just take a look everywhere and say, “Well, there’s nothing.”

Now if you see something, look right straight at it and through it, say, “Well, isn’t it nice to see nothing there.”

This is a no-look, all directions and find nothing.

If anything peculiar shows up, why, you just look right straight at it with a no-look, which is to say, and say, “Isn’t it nice there’s nothing there?”

Now haul up a big, horrible facsimile. The most horrible facsimile that ever worried you during processing. Take a look at it and say, “Isn’t it nice that there’s nothing there?”

Now get the feeling, “Boy, this sure cheers me up.”

Now mock-up a ferocious lion and sit down on him. Very comfortably, ferocious lion, sitting on this ferocious lion and say, “What a nice furry couch. Isn’t it nice, this couch?”

If he moves out or eats you or anything, why, just put another lion there and say, “Isn’t it nice, this nice couch?” This is called “nonchalance processing.”

Okay. Now throw him away.

And mock-up chaos. Oh, just get anything that you can mock-up that you can call chaos.

And say, “How lovely and orderly that is. Isn’t that nice?” Get how beautiful the order and organization is in all this chaos.

Then mock-up somebody to reassure and you say, “There’s a plan to all this.” Reassure him.

Now, if you’re very good at mock-ups, you can do this. Have a comet come by, knock his head off, pick his head up and put it back on again and say, “There. You see, they can’t hurt you.”

Get more chaos and now get very benign about the wonderful order of things in His world.

Mock-up a pinwheel or something going off under you at the same time now, spitting and flaming in all directions, and sit down on it and say, “I’m just a lamb in His pasture.”

Now mock-up the sound of a steam calliope and say, “Ah, a shepherd’s pipe.”

Now explode yourself.

And back off and explode yourself again.

And back off and explode yourself again.

And back off and explode yourself again.

And comment to yourself, “What a calm life I lead” and explode, [laughter]

Okay. Now throw all that away or stuff it in your hip pocket or do something with it.

And get some places where you’re not.

Now just for variation, get some places where you’re k-n-o-t.

Look at these various places now and get places where you don’t have to know a thing.

Let’s get some more of them. Places where you don’t have to know a thing, [pause] If you can’t find any actually, why, put cloud ninety-nine up there. And get it by definition: A place where you don’t have to know anything.

All right. Now let’s, just for the sake of variety, get some places where you don’t have to n-o anything. N-o anything.

Now some places where you don’t have to k-n-o-w anything.

And some people you don’t have to k-n-o-w anything.

Now vary that and get some people you don’t have to n-o.

And mock-up some skyrockets and pinwheels and colliding planets and so forth and say how orderly that everything is and how it all has a meaning.

Now throw out a few planets, blow them up and say, “All is right in His world.”

Now mock-up yourself on a cross, nailed securely to a cross, and say, “Well, I always knew I’d wind up famous.” [laughter]

Okay. Put some more pinwheels and skyrockets and so forth going off and this time introduce a few big bullets into the thing going by. Sit there and say, ‘‘Isn’t peace wonderful?”

Get the emotion of how peaceful and calm it all is. More bullets, more skyrockets.

Okay. Now let’s check over some houses that you’re not trying to pull perception into.

Some more houses you’re not trying to pull perception into.

Now let’s check off some terminals or masses which are not missing from in front of your body’s chest. Some terminals or masses which are not missing from in front of your body’s chest.

Oh, get one, anyway.

Okay. Got some now? Some that aren’t missing.

Got it? Come on, let’s get one that you’re real certain isn’t missing from in front of your chest. Everything can’t be there. I’m sure there is no General Sherman tank missing from in front of your chest.

Let’s get some more.

Now let’s get some communications which you are not under orders to interrupt at this moment.

And just some communications now that you aren’t interrupting at this moment.

Now let’s get some communications that somebody else isn’t interrupting at this moment.

And now some communications which you don’t have to receive with complete understanding at this moment.

Now let’s get some places where you’re not thinking.

Now mock yourself up on this basis: to think is to live. And then prove it to yourself, [pause] Prove it real good. To think is to live.

Now let’s prove: to live is to think.

Now mock yourself up that way so that you could prove it to somebody if they happened to come along.

All right. Let’s get some places where you are not figuring at this moment.

Now mock yourself up a beautiful sun and call it “home sun.” Get it real hot and shiny. And get lots of it now.

Now duplicate it.

And duplicate it.

And duplicate it.

And duplicate it.

And duplicate it.

And duplicate it.

Duplicate it.

Duplicate it.

And now without doing anything with the Sun, mock-up yourself, home planet.

And duplicate it many times.

Now mock-up something, not like the solar system necessarily but something vaguely on that order of sun-planet and call it home system.

And duplicate it. And duplicate it. And duplicate it. And duplicate it. And duplicate it. And duplicate it. And duplicate it. And duplicate it. And duplicate it. Duplicate it. Duplicate it. Lots of them.

Now duplicate the space in it. And duplicate it. And duplicate it. And duplicate it. And duplicate it.

Okay. Let’s be way up above the environment and take a look at the environment. I don’t care what you do with that mass of stuff you just did. It’s your stuff. And be way up above the environment and now inspect the environment carefully without finding a single thing present.

Look it over carefully without finding a single thing present.

Anything insists on being present, why, you just decide it’s self-determined and then decide it’s not present anyhow.

Get very patronizing now about it. Nothing present, very patronizing about it. Okay. Now let’s check off a number of mythical or hypothetical past lives from which you don’t have to exteriorize yourself, [pause] Got some?

All right. Be way up above the environment now and start picking out masses into which nobody is compelling you to go.

Now get the idea of moving out of yourself as a thetan. [pause] Do it several times.

All right. Now get the idea of moving back out of yourself, just as a sort of a mock-up way, and finding out that there’s an enormous amount of space there and move back in. Continue this as an exercise. The idea of moving out of yourself, finding an enormous amount of space there and then moving back in.

All right. Now get the idea of moving out of yourself, deciding at the moment you get out of yourself, “I will not be defeated” and move back in. And continue to do that as an exercise.

Do that many more times.

Get the idea, out you go, “No, I won’t be licked” and in you go again.

Now sort of fix yourself in one place and say, “I’m going to remain here till the bitter end.”

Now get tremendous determination on “I will not retreat.”

Then get the idea of going forward and being victorious.

Get the idea again of going forward and being victorious.

Just repeat that.

Now mock yourself up now moving backwards and being victorious. Assign some direction as backwards. Move backwards and be victorious.

And again. And again. And again. And again.

Now check off some places where you don’t have to be tomorrow.

And where you are not at present.

Now get the idea of rushing forward on your way to victory and suddenly put your family in front of you and get stopped. Now just continue this as an operation, as a drill, over and over and over, many, many times. Rush forward on your way to victory, put your family in front of you, bang. And stop yourself.

Now instead of a flesh-and-blood family now, start putting up a family of thetans. [pause] Continue the same operation.

And now as you mock them up, go right on through them.

Have yourself rush forward. Get the idea of rushing forward, family or thetans appear, go right on through them.

Okay. Check over some places you’re not, now down to the most microscopic point you can possibly get.

Now take any visio which you have right at this instant and duplicate it. No matter whether it’s there or not there or bad or good, it doesn’t matter, but just duplicate it, exactly what it is. And duplicate it. And duplicate it. And duplicate it. And duplicate it. And duplicate it.

Now duplicate the nothingness of it. And duplicate it. And duplicate it. And duplicate it. And duplicate it. [pause] Lots of duplicates of it?

All right. Do what you please with them and be up above Earth, way up.

Take a look at black space, way up. And duplicate it. And duplicate it. And duplicate it. And duplicate it. And duplicate it.

All right. Now each time now, look at the black space and then duplicate it. And then ignore your duplicate and look at the black space again and duplicate it. Don’t duplicate the duplicate. Let’s duplicate the black space.

More duplicates.

Many more of them.

Now feel a little courage about this now.

Now feel a little enjoyment of it. And continue to duplicate it.

Now continue to duplicate it and feel some courage about it.

Okay. Let’s throw the duplicates away or do what you please about them and mock-up home planet, in tremendous quantities.

Okay. Do what you please with those mock-ups. And now mock-up one home planet and start duplicating the space around it.

Mock-up another home planet and start duplicating the space around it. Okay. Let’s give me some places where you’re not.

And now check off some languages which you are not speaking at present.

Now check off some persons that you do not have to be at this moment.

Now some persons you don’t have to reassure at this moment.

And some persons you don’t have to be at this moment.

Now let’s check over for sure now, some things which you did not do.

Let’s get some more. Some things you know for sure you did not do.

Now let’s get another specific person and get some things this person knows for sure this person did not do.

Okay. Now let’s be way up above the environment, way up, way up, way up. Way up.

Now let’s check over, for sure, some places where you are not exteriorizing something into. Not putting anything into some places. Take a look at this environment, anything you see in your immediate vicinity, wherever you are, and check over these places, making sure that you’re not putting anything into them. You’re not interiorizing something into them.

All right. Now let’s just dash around or spot several things in the immediate vicinity, dash around to, or spot in the immediate vicinity, several things. And point to each one and say, “That’s the cause, the utter cause of all of my woe and that’s what’s holding me here” and get the reasons why. Get very logical about it.

Some more of them.

Now sort of shift what you’re doing and point to objects very directly and say, “That, I know at last, is what has brought me to my lowest state.” Not the total phrase but just the feeling. “That at last has brought me-at last, I know. I have found this, this is the end product.” Then go on to a new one. Decide it all over again.

Find some more things.

Now let’s start checking over nothingnesses on the same basis. A nothingness here and a nothingness there. Indicate that and say, you know, at last that is the cause for all of your difficulty.

Now let’s check over three cities or towns or planets which do not have you under an immediate arrest.

Some more. Some places where you’re absolutely sure you’re not under arrest.

Now change that to some places where you’re not wanted.

Okay. Now mock-up a word and point to this word as the reason for all of your difficulties. And then get another word and decide the same thing about it. And another one and decide about it. Another one and decide about it.

Get some more words. Decide each time, independently, the only reason that you possibly have for anything wrong with you at all is this word.

All right. Now let’s mock-up some foods. And each time you mock-up a new food say, “Now I know exactly what’s wrong with me.” And throw it away and get another food. “Now I know that’s the cause of it.” And get another food.

“Now I know that’s the cause of it.”

Now mock-up a system of sensation. If you’re on this planet, sex. System of sensation. Mock-up this situation and indicate it as the sole reason, each time.

And then throw it away and get another situation. “That’s the sole reason. No, no. That’s the sole reason” and so forth.

Okay. Now duplicate any automaticities that have occurred during your processing today.

And duplicate them. And duplicate them. And duplicate them. And duplicate them.

Duplicate them some more.

Now mock-up a whole bunch of people in front of you. (It’s okay if you haven’t finished duplicating them.) Mock-up a whole bunch of people in front of you, each one willing to accept you if you are in a medium state of illness.

All right. Now mock-up a whole bunch of thetans in front of you, each one of these thetans willing to accept you in a medium state of powerlessness, [pause] If they snap in or do anything strange, okay, still get them willing to accept you.

Okay. Now let’s mock-up your body as a cat’s body, anyplace you want to put it. And get the fact that you’ve just exteriorized from this cat and that you have all the problems of a cat.

All right. Throw that away and get a spider’s body. And get how you’ve just exteriorized from this spider and that you have all the problems now of a spider, [pause] Get how nice this is.

If Mr. Spider snaps in or does anything peculiar, just put another spider there. All this time, we’ve been hitting a little bit on aplomb. Now you want to have aplomb while being processed.

Now mock-up an octopus or get an idea of an octopus and get how you’ve just exteriorized from this octopus. Now you have all the problems of the octopus. And get how nice it is to have that many legs to control.

Now have the appetites of an octopus. You know, they like ice-cream sodas served on quarto volumes.

Now mock-up a time track for yourself that starts you in as an ashtray and gradually evolves you into a dog biscuit, [pause] And get how all is well in this world and how well ordered that is. How natural.

Get how inevitable it is now.

Now contemplate the fact that the dog biscuit is bound to evolve into something else and get how nice this is, too. And that it’s all right for things to be that way.

All right. Now mock-up the they that you follow the orders of. And duplicate them. And duplicate them. And duplicate them. And duplicate them. And duplicate them.

All right. Throw them away. And mock-up that which knows all. And duplicate it. And duplicate it. And duplicate it. And duplicate it. And duplicate it.

Okay. Now either of the two back corners of the room or two pieces of MEST and just hold on to them and don’t think.

Okay. Now mock-up a sound, change it and stop it.

And continue to do that exercise. Mock-up a sound, continue, stop it. Mock-up a sound, continue, stop it. Mock-up a sound, change it and stop it.

Now mock it up as an anvil and change it and stop it. [pause] And get how sequitur it is to do this.

Now mock-up another sound, change it and stop it. Another sound, change it and stop it.

Now mock-up the beam of a death ray and change its direction and stop it.

I don’t care how you change its direction. Deflect it.

Now mock-up all of the armor and protective bulwarks which you need to exist in this universe. Mock them all up.

Now top them off with a butterfly net.

And mock-up a museum to put them in.

And mock yourself up now fully armor-plated, sufficiently to stop anything in this universe.

Now go outside of it and take a look at it to make sure it’s secure.

Now put a duplicate of yourself in it and be way outside of it. All right. Duplicate the great difficulties of this session.

And duplicate them. And duplicate them. And duplicate them. And duplicate them. And duplicate them.

Now check off one thing about this session it won’t be terribly necessary, not vitally necessary, for you to duplicate.

And one thing about the environment which it isn’t necessary for you to duplicate.

And get some people who are not duplicating you at this moment.

And give me two convincing reasons why you could never be any better.

And two, why you’ve got to get well.

And two illnesses you’re not suffering from.

And let’s find two pieces of MEST or the two back corners of the room and hold on and don’t think.

Okay. Now on every side of you get the space being filled with thinkingness.

Now find two pieces of MEST or the two back corners of the room and hold on to them, don’t think.

Okay. Find the floor beneath your feet.

See if you got a body there.

See if you still exist.
