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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- TV Demo - 3GA Dynamic Assessment (SHSBC-204) - L620815 | Сравнить

CONTENTS TV DEMO: 3GA DYNAMIC ASSESSMENT Cохранить документ себе Скачать


An auditing demonstration given on 15 August 1962

LRH: Okay. There you go. A little bit forward please. Thank you. Now, what’s going to happen here is very elementary. I’m going to put in the beginning rudiments, if we can get them in. And going to do a Dynamic Assessment, and you should realize in doing this that there is no standard drill for Dynamic Assessment at this time. It’ll probably get most awfully patterned later on, but now it isn’t.

Pick up the cans, would you, so I can see what this is all about here. Okay. You’re sitting on… Give them a squeeze. Thank you. All right. Thank you.

Now, all we’re going to do is just put in the rudiments, take the body of the session, I’m going to do a Dynamic Assessment…

PC: Yeah.

LRH: … and then I’m going to, if time permits, list…

PC: Yes.

LRH: … the-a few goals. And then if time permits we will tiger drill the goals, okay?

PC: Yes, fine.

LRH: That’s all if time permits.

PC: Yes.

LRH: Okay. All right. Is it all right with you if I begin this session now?

PC: Yes.

LRH: All right, here it is. Start of session.

PC: Okay.

LRH: All right. Session started for you?

PC: Yes.

LRH: All right, very good. What goals would you like to set for this session?

PC: Well, to get the dynamic assessed.

LRH: Right. Another goal?

PC: And to list some goals.

LRH: All right.

PC: To not be shy in this matter.

LRH: Good. All right. Got it.

PC: And to help you all I can, help me.

LRH: All right. Very good. That do?

PC: That will do.

LRH: All right. Any goals you’d like to set for life or livingness?

PC: Yes, to, um - clarify uh - clarify my doingness in the future, for myself

LRH: Right.

PC: That will do.

LRH: All right, very good. Are you-am I missing a withhold right there at that point?

PC: No, no, no, no.

LRH: All right, very good. You’re not holding something back?

PC: No, no, I was just thinking that this is just one session, so that that would do for life or livingness.

LRH: Oh, all right. Thank you very much. Okay. Now, are you willing to talk to me about your difficulties?

PC: Yes.

LRH: All right. I’ll check that on the meter. Are you willing to talk to me about your difficulties? Okay. A bit of a prior read, there. Have any thought on this?

PC: No. I just wondered how the needle would react to this question, just scanning over to see if there’s any difficulties I wouldn’t be prepared to talk to you here and now.

LRH: All right, very good. Let me check it again. Are you willing to talk to me about your difficulties? All right, there’s just the tiniest tick on that.

PC: Well I was hoping that the difficulties of - uh - marital difficulties and so on wouldn’t necessarily have to come up and be flogged out here.

LRH: Oh, all right. Thank you. Very good. Well, what is the answer to that then?

PC: Well, that despite that, I am still willing to talk to you about my difficulties.

LRH: All right. Thank you. Okay. Are you willing to talk to me about your difficulties?

PC: Yes.

LRH: All right, unfortunately, it is still falling slightly. There it is.

PC: Well, that - oh that’s a - um - a nervousness that - uh - sort of stage fright. I…

LRH: Oh really.

PC: experience, but I’m having to talk to you about it, obviously, now.

LRH: All right. Okay. All right. Are you willing to talk to me about your difficulties?

PC: Yep.

LRH: Good enough. I’ll check that on the meter. Are you willing to talk to me about your difficulties? All right. Well-mind if I check it again?

PC: No!

LRH: Are you willing to talk to me about your difficulties? Now, do you have an ARC break on this question? There is what it is.

PC: Well, what immediately comes to mind is there shouldn’t be any doubt on the subject that I’m willing to talk to you about my difficulties.

LRH: Oh, all right. Very good. Very good. All right. Now let me check it. Are you willing to talk to me about your difficulties? All right, do you agree that’s clean?

PC: Yes.

LRH: Very good. Thank you. All right. I audited you so long ago that I’m just going to skip that part of the question.

PC: Okay.

LRH: All right. And I’m going to ask you straightly, do you have a present time problem? And do you?

PC: No. Not as far as I know.

LRH: All right. Thank you. I’ll check it on the meter. Do you have a present time problem? Thank you. Do you agree that’s clean?

PC: Um-hm.

LRH: All right, very good. Well we got over that hump. Well, the reason I say we got over that hump is mostly because on a Dynamic Assessment of this particular character, person knows one’s coming up, if he knows what it is, he’s liable to start getting a dirty needle early.

PC: I see, yea.

LRH: Now, right now I’m not even vaguely upset if you have a dirty needle or if you had any kind of a needle, so don’t worry about that for a second. If the needle doesn’t go dirty, I’ll start worrying!

PC: All right.

LRH: All right. Now, I’m going to take several dynamics here, and I’m just going to run them off in line.

If you’ll excuse me here for rolling this down. I’m rolling it down for you, personal, in particular.

PC: Yep.

LRH: I’m making up a dynamic list.

All right, we got it here. That’s fine. Now, I’m just going to take these dynamics, and I’m going down the line of these dynamics, and I’m going to turn me on a dirty needle if I can.

PC: All right.

LRH: And what I’m going to ask you to do, is just, when I ask you to consider something, why just consider it. In other words, I - I’m not asking you to do anything with it particularly, you-just consider it.

PC: Um-hm.

LRH: All right. And the first one, I’m going to ask you to consider yourself All right, good enough. Thank you.

Now, consider sex. Okay. Consider sex. All right. Thank you. All right. That one’s out.

All right, consider family. All right. Consider family. Okay. There. There. There is our first dirty needle. Thank you very much. So, that one’s an R/S. Thank you.

All right, you feeling at ease?

PC: Yes, quite at ease. May I scratch my face?

LRH: You sure may.

PC: All right.

LRH: All right. Very good. All right. We got one to go on. See if we can get some more here.

All right. Consider groups. Consider groups. Doesn’t-out. That’s out.

All right. Consider people. All right. Consider mankind. Consider mankind. Mankind. Well, it’s almost. Almost. I’m going to put it down as such, anyhow. It won’t do us any harm. If it isn’t it, it’ll fall out.

All right. Now consider living things. Living things. Yup. Thank you. All right, that’s out.

Now, consider the physical universe. The physical universe. All right, thank-ah. What did you think of just then?

PC: Well, first of all I had a - sort of got the idea of the planet, and then I suddenly realized that the stars were also included, and I sort of flipped out to consider them as well.

LRH: Well, we’re going to add that one in, since I got a momentary one.

PC: All right.

LRH: All right. And now, consider forms. Forms. Consider forms. Okay. Consider forms. Well, that’s a little, tiny one and just to make sure, we’ll put that one down, all right?

Now. Consider spirits. That’s my boy! How nice. Thank you. Nice rock slam on that. Okay?

PC: Yes.

LRH: All right. Thank you. Now, consider God. All right. Good. Consider God. Well, there-there’s been enough here to warrant putting it down, but I’m not going to worry about it particularly, I’m going to put it down.

Now, consider religion. Religion. Now, that’s all there is to that. That’s out.

Okay. Now, let’s go over these things again and see what we’ve got here. By the way, you’re very easy to do a Dynamic Assessment on. It’s a-it’s quite interesting. Most of the time you get a little dirty needle and you have to make it bigger and smaller and…

PC: Um-hm.

LRH: and go over it and over it and over it, but yours is right on the button.

PC: Good.

LRH: All right. Now, this is almost textbook! All right. Now, we’re going over this again. Okay?

Consider family. Consider family. Consider family. All right. Once more. Consider family. Man, that is… Well, there’s just a hint of it left. So I’ll say there’s a tiny R/S there. Ah, it’s just a hint, just a little bit dirty at the end. So we’ll leave it in.

All right. Now, consider mankind. Consider mankind. That does a little dance. Tiny little bit, not hardly anything to bother with. A little bit better than family now, so we’ll put down a tiny R/S.

And now, let’s consider the physical universe. All right. Consider the physical universe. All right. Consider the physical universe. Man, that’s the most microscopic…

PC: Yes.

LRH: … momentary one I ever saw. Probably anybody watching this thinks I’m looking for instant reads. I’m not looking for anything but whether or not we get anything, essentially. So you needn’t worry about it here. That’s why I ask you two or three times, just to see if I can keep it going, see? So we’ll put down a tiny R/S there. I’m being much more particular. If you and me were just running an auditing session we would have had it by now. But we’re going by the textbook. Okay?

PC: All right.

LRH: All right, forms. Consider forms. Consider forms. Man, that’s clean as a whistle. All right.

Now, consider spirits. Okay. Consider spirits. All right. I want to put in some middle rudiments here.

PC: All right.

LRH: If it’s all right with you, right at this point. All right. In this session, is there anything you have suppressed? I got a bang.

PC: That was when you said forms have gone out, I suppressed commenting, „Well that’s one up on John,“ because he was running me something on form, when we were at HASI.

LRH: Oh, all right. Thank you. All right. In this session is there anything you have suppressed? Got another one?

PC: I suppressed commenting that - when you said you weren’t going to do the withhold rudiment.

LRH: Oh, all right. Very, very good, thank you. All right. In this session is there anything you have suppressed? All right. Do you agree that’s clean?

PC: Yes.

LRH: Very good. In this session, is there anything you have invalidated? All right. Do you agree that’s clean?

PC: Yes.

LRH: Good. You got any afterthought, there?

PC: No.

LRH: All right, thank you. In this session is there anything you have failed to reveal? Got a little bing there. Is there something you failed to reveal?

PC: Well, I failed to reveal what I was going to reveal had you asked me the withhold question.

LRH: Oh, all right. Very, very good. Now, let’s see what we’ve got here. In this session is there anything you have failed to reveal? Equivocal. In this session is there anything that you have failed to reveal? All right. Do you agree that’s clean enough?

PC: Yes.

LRH: All right. In this session is there anything you have been careful of? I got a read.

PC: Well, I was careful to hold a cough when I wanted to.

LRH: All right, thank you. In this session is there anything you have been careful of? Got another read.

PC: I’ve been careful to listen to you, put my attention onto you.

LRH: Very good, thank you. In this session is there anything you have been careful of? Got another one.

PC: Well, careful to do the - to do the process - questions when you asked me. They seem too glib to me. I cant think of anything else.

LRH: All right, thank you very much. I’ll check that here. In this session is there anything you have been careful of? All right. I’ve still got a bing here, of some kind or another. Well, it’s still acting up.

PC: Um-hm.

LRH: It’s probably different. It’s undoubtedly different than what you have said, but-there it is, right there. What is that? Bing.

PC: Careful to sit still.

LRH: Well, all right. Okay. All right, in this session is there anything you have been careful of? All right, that’s quite equivocal. In this session is there anything you have been careful of? You know, I’m - I’m getting something that looks like a read, here.

PC: All right. Um…

LRH: It’s an anticipated read, but it’s still a read.

PC: Well, Fm being very careful now to try and find out what it is I’ve been careful of it!

LRH: Well, all right. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. In this session is there anything you have been careful of? And we get a read.

PC: Well, I was careful to ask you if I should scratch my face, before I did.

LRH: Hm-hm.

PC: I was overcareful, I think.

LRH: Thank you. All right. In this session is there anything you have been careful of? All right. Check that again. In this session is there anything you have been careful of? All right. Do you agree that’s clean?

PC: Yes.

LRH: Thank you. All right. Now, in this session, have I missed a withhold on you? I got a little bing.

PC: Yes. You missed a withhold then, when you asked me had you missed one on goals.

LRH: Hm-hm.

PC: Um - it was to do - it had something to do with the - the go - it didn’t seem very real to me to ask for goals for life or livingness in this session, just for one session, do you see? I mean, if I was sitting down for an intensive, well that would be fine. But, if one wants to achieve something in life you would set it - I would set it down as a session goal. Do you see? And a protracted period, well, then you probably would set one for life or livingness. So I think the question was a bit unreal.

LRH: Oh, all right. Okay.

PC: All right?

LRH: Thank you. All right. In this session have I missed a withhold on you? I’ll check it again. In this session have I missed a withhold on you? I’ve got a read. Something else now.

PC: Well, this has to do with the dirty needle. Um…

LRH: That was it.

PC: Well, it was to hope that I had a dirty needle. You wanted one, but - no - hope that I still had a dirty needle, in other words, for you.

LRH: All right.

PC: Now, I did withhold commenting when you said it was a nice - it was turning on nicely, that I was very - that was very - I was very pleased about that.

LRH: Oh, all right. Thank you. Very good. All right. In this session, have I missed a withhold on you? And I’ve got a read. What’s that one?

PC: Well, the withhold then that comes to mind now is the fact that - it’s not a withhold from you, but it’s a withhold the fact that Jenny and I are setting up home together.

LRH: Oh, all right.

PC: And that’s something Fm withholding from the world in general, a thousand Scientologists.

LRH: All right. Very good. Thank you. All right, let me check this on the meter now.

PC: All right.

LRH: In this session have I missed a withhold on you? You agree that’s cleaner than a wolf’s tooth?

PC: Good.

LRH: All right. Very good. Now, let’s carry on here, shall we?

PC: Um-hm.

LRH: All right. Consider spirits. Good. Consider spirits. All right. Consider spirits. That’s good enough. All right. I knew there was a rock slam there someplace and I certainly wasn’t going to miss it. All right. It disappeared for a moment.

PC: Uh-huh.

LRH: It was big the first time I went across it on the first run and then it disappeared. So I decided I’d better get these middle rudiments in.

PC: Um-hm.

LRH: Okay? All right. I’m not instructing by putting in the R-factor, I’m just telling you.

PC: Yes.

LRH: Probably mystified why I would do that.

PC: No, I wasn’t, I was - can I tell you what I thought?

LRH: What?

PC: I just thought it was very nice to be told what you were doing. It was…

LRH: Oh, yeah? All right.

PC: Yea.

LRH: Yeah. Well, we had a-we had a wide slam, you see. I actually thought because I suggested it was a wide slam to you, or something like that, why, I might have upset you.

PC: Um-hm.

LRH: All right. Consider God. All right. Consider God. Well, we’ll call it a tiny R/S. See what we can develop out of this.

All right. We have five tiny rock slams, here, now. Microscopic. Now, let’s go over and see if we can really turn these things on, huh?

PC: Yes.

LRH: All right. Consider family. Consider family - Consider family. No, I can’t call any part of that an R/S. So, she’s out. Okay?

PC: Okay.

LRH: Now, consider mankind. Consider mankind. There we are. There’s another R/S. Or are you-were you disturbed by anything, there?

PC: I was a bit.

LRH: What’s that?

PC: I noticed you looked at the screen, outside, and um - over my - or looked at something over my shoulder, and I’d just noticed you’d done that. And I thought, „Oh, he’s reading the meter,“ and then I found it difficult to get - to consider mankind.

LRH: Oh! All right. All right. I’m sorry.

PC: That’s okay!

LRH: I was just wondering how well this camera was set up and I was trying to get the meter on the-on the dial.

PC: Um-hm.

LRH: Because I’m playing it way over here to the right.

PC: Um-hm.

LRH: I’m sorry.

PC: Okay!

LRH: All right, we’ll ask that one again. Consider mankind. Okay. Consider mankind. That tendency toward R/S. We’re going to leave it in there, okay?

PC: All right.

LRH: All right. Now, consider the physical universe. Consider the physical universe. Okay. Consider the physical universe. Trying to find an R/S here. Had one there for a moment, but it-wasn’t sure of it. Consider the physical universe. There. I’m going to leave that one in.

Okay. All right. Now, consider spirits. Consider spirits. Consider spirits. Looks to me like an R/S is incipient here. Consider spirits. There she goes. Very nice.

Okay. Now consider God. Yeah. That’s good enough; we still got one. There we are. We still got one. Very tiny, but we still got one. Okay?

PC: Um-hm.

LRH: All right. Now we’re sitting here, with one, two, three, four still in. Okay?

PC: All right.

LRH: All right. Here we go. All right, consider mankind. Consider mankind. Okay. Consider mankind. Yes, yes. Still with US.

All right. Now, consider the physical universe. Consider the physical universe. That did a little dance, eventually. What were you thinking of just then?

PC: Stars, and so on, I was getting…

LRH: All right.

PC: … slight external view of the - of the planet - this planet, but ah…

LRH: Oh, all right. Okay. Good enough. Consider the physical universe. Consider the physical universe. Consider the physical universe. There we are - onto something here.

PC: Yea, I’ll tell you something.

LRH: What?

PC: Well, I get the feeling, when you say consider the physical universe, I just all of a sudden I got the idea, well, Christ, yes, I’ll consider the physical universe and - and it certainly wasn’t from here!

LRH: Oh, yea?

PC: Uh - way - it seemed to be way back, and sort of, well, we’ll consider this physical universe now!

LRH: All right.

PC: As near as I can put it.

LRH: Okay. Good enough. All right. Consider the physical universe. Yes. We’ve still got an R/S. Thank you.

Okay. Consider spirits. There we are. Consider spirits. All right. Consider spirits. Okay. Consider spirits. Consider spirits. Well, that bit the dust! That’s the end of that one. Okay? All right.

Consider God. Consider God. Consider God. Consider God. Well, there might be some tendency toward that, so we’ll leave it in. Okay?

PC: Yeah.

LRH: All right. We got rid of one that time, we’re left with three.

PC: Can I wipe my nose?

LRH: Hm? You betcha!

Okay. All right. Consider mankind. Okay. Consider mankind. Definitely still a rock slam. Okay?

Consider the physical universe. Okay. Consider the physical universe. That pumped for a minute. Consider the physical universe. There it is. It does a-little tendency toward a dance. Not a real good rock slam, but we’re going to leave it there. Okay?

And-consider God. Consider God. Consider God. Well, we’re going to have to leave that one in, too.

All right. Now let’s see what we’ve got. We’ve still got three. But, a couple of them pretty faint.

PC: Um-hm.

LRH: All right. Consider mankind. Consider mankind. What you thinking of right then? Just considering mankind?

PC: Um-hm.

LRH: Thataboy! She’s still with us. All right.

Consider the physical universe. Okay. Consider the physical universe. Oh, definitely. All right. She is still with us. Okay.

Now, consider God. Okay. Consider God. Very nice. Very nice. It’s developing now. Easier to do this now, isn’t it?

PC: Pardon?

LRH: Is it easier to consider these things, now?

PC: Yes, and Fm also sort of getting - find Fm getting selective on them. I - when I sat down here it didn’t seem to matter, but now I sort of, uh - saying, well, I hope it’s not that one - God, for example, now that we solved that one. That’s the…

LRH: All right. Good enough.

PC: … feeling there.

LRH: All right. Now, consider mankind. Consider mankind. I’m going to have to let that one go. Lost one!

Okay. Consider the physical universe. Okay. Consider the physical universe. Yes, this has got a tiny R/S tendency. There it is, yes. Yes, yes. There’s something about it. Consider the physical universe. Yes, that one went right into a dance. What did you think of just then?

PC: Well, it just - it seems to me that you’re presenting me with a choice, here, do you see. As if you’re almost a salesman, do you see, black bag, and you sort of, „consider this universe, consider that universe, or consider this physical universe, what do you think of that?“

LRH: All right.

PC: A little tally!

LRH: All right. Okay. Good enough. All right. And consider God. Consider God. Well, that’s out.

And that leaves us with the physical universe.

PC: Hm!

LRH: According to that.

PC: All right!

LRH: And now we’re going to do - this isn’t necessary. I’m just going to do a cross-check on this assessment now. Do you want to put your cans down for a moment and rest your hands?

PC: All right. Thank you.

LRH: All right. We will do a confirmatory run down this line, here, and see what we get now.

PC: All right.

LRH: All right. On the other one, as far as we’re concerned here, we’ve got the physical universe.

PC: Um-hm.

LRH: As far as we’re concerned. I won’t monkey with that, any further. Not that there was anything wrong with it.

PC: No.

LRH: But, I just want to make awful sure.

PC: Good enough.

LRH: So we’re going to do this one by overts.

PC: All right.

LRH: First thing we’re going to do here is put in the session mid ruds.

PC: All right.

LRH: All right. In this session is there anything you have suppressed? Equivocal. In this session is there anything you have suppressed? Do you agree that’s clean?

PC: Yes.

LRH: In this session is there anything you have invalidated? All right. Do you agree that’s clean?

PC: Yes.

LRH: In this session is there anything you have failed to reveal? Equivocal. In this session is there anything you have failed to reveal? All right, you think of something there?

PC: I noticed you just stumbled over the word „failed.“

LRH: All right, very good. In this session is there anything you have failed to reveal? All right. I can’t make up my mind on that.

PC: Well, I failed to reveal at one time that my - I felt a bit cramped, here. My legs were cramped. But when you gave me the opportunity to put the cans down I put it right, but before then I sort of hadn’t told you that.

LRH: All right, thank you. In this session is there anything you’ve failed to reveal? Okay, thank you. You haven’t got any afterthought there, have you? That looked like a little bit of a slow.

PC: Oh, there’s one or two comments I hadn’t mentioned when you’ve been - you know, the things I’ve been doing when you’ve asked me to consider. I haven’t-yes, I haven’t revealed to you exactly the way I was considering these things.

LRH: All right, very good. Thank you. In this session is there anything you have failed to reveal? All right, do you agree that’s clean?

PC: Uh-huh.

LRH: Thank you. That by the way, is-it’s - it’s all guesswork, more or less, when you-because your „failed to reveal“ reads, of course, on the Dynamic Assessment.

PC: Yes, yes.

LRH: It’s all muddied up-as far as that’s concerned, particularly.

All right. In this session is there anything you have been careful of? All right, you agree that’s clean?

PC: Yes.

LRH: All right. There was a latent read on that-do you have anything to say, as an afterthought?

PC: No, I didn’t think there’s anything I’ve been careful of, there.

LRH: All right, very good. Just thought maybe there was something you wanted to say.

PC: No.

LRH: All right, very good. Now we’re all set.

Now we’re going to go through this one with another curve.

PC: All right.

LRH: And that is with „overts against.“ I’m going to get you to think of overts against.

PC: Mm-hm.

LRH: Now, I don’t know whether it’d be „consider overts against,“ or „think of overts against,“ or „get the idea of overts against.“ Which one of those things seems right to you?

PC: Well, any of them I-I can do.

LRH: All right, then we’ll use „consider.“

PC: All right.

LRH: Okay. And here’s the first one: Consider overts against self. Thank you, that is out. Okay.

Consider overts against sex. Okay, thank you. That is out.

All right. Consider overts against family. Okay. I’m going to mark it out. Okay.

Consider overts against groups. Well now, that’s showing some tiny, little tendency, so we’re going to leave that in just for fun. All right.

Now, consider overts against mankind. Yeah, that’s got one of these. Thank you. Consider overts against mankind. Yeah, that’s got a tiny, little rising slam, I’m going to take it with us anyhow. All right.

Consider overts against living things. All right. Consider overts against living things. It’s enough little tick there to - I’ll just make a note of it.

All right, now consider overts against the physical universe. All right. Consider overts against the physical universe. All right. Consider overts against the physical universe. Yeah. There’s a-a little R/S turns on with that, very tiny. All right, and consider overts against forms. Okay. Consider overts against forms. Now, we’re definitely going to leave that one in.

Now, consider overts against spirits. All right.

Okay. Consider overts against spirits. Well, there’s enough of an R/S factor here, a shake on that, to keep it in. With a question mark.

Now, consider overts against God. Okay. Consider overts against God. We got one R/S out of it. Yes, yes. That’s tiny, but still there.

All right. Consider overts against religion. Consider overts against religion. There’s something there.

PC: I have to tell you something.

LRH: Yes, what was it?

PC: Form and religion seem to be associated in my mind there.

LRH: Oh, I see.

PC: Two came up.

LRH: All right. Thank you. All right. Now, when you were considering overts, you were considering just the general idea of overts, weren’t you?

PC: Well, I was considering - when you asked me, you see, I was considering what would be an overt against these things.

LRH: You’re considering what would be?

PC: Yes. And to get the idea to consider ones, you see?

LRH: All right. Now listen, here’s what I want you to do this time. And I’m going to change the question here slightly.

PC: Mm-hm.

LRH: I want you to consider you doing overts against. . .

PC: Um-hm. All right.

LRH: All right. Let’s see what else we get here.

PC: Okay.

LRH: All right. I’ll go down the list again. All right.

Consider you doing overts against self Thank you, that’s out.

Consider you doing overts against sex. Thank you, that’s out.

Consider you doing overts against family. That’s out. Okay.

Now, consider you doing overts against groups. Consider you doing overts against groups. There’s an R/S. There’s our R/S. Okay. All right. That’s enough to keep it in. And we got it already marked.

Now, consider you doing overts against mankind. That’s out.

All right. Now, consider you doing overts against living things. Hm, tiny, little R/S, well leave it in there.

All right. Consider you doing overts against the physical universe. Yes. Yeah, yeah-it’s a little dance it does. Consider you doing overts against the physical universe. Yeah.

PC: Get a somatic under the heart on that one, too.

LRH: Oh, really? Pain?

PC: Mm-hmm.

LRH: Okay. Now, consider you doing overts against spirits. Consider you doing overts against spirits. All right, thank you. That is nicely out.

Now, consider you doing overts against God. You doing overts against God. Oh, there’s just the faintest trace of something there. Consider you doing overts against God. I’m going to leave it in.

Consider you doing overts against religion. You doing overts against religion. Well, we’ll leave it in.

All right. Now consider-well go over them again here. We got quite a few in. Consider you doing overts against groups. Consider you doing overts against groups. Okay, that’s out.

Consider you doing overts against living things. Well, there’s enough to leave it in. Okay.

Now, consider you doing overts against the physical universe. Consider you doing overts against the physical universe. Yeah, there it is. Okay, consider you doing overts against the physical universe. Yeah-slightly dirty.

All right. Consider-consider you doing overts against forms. There it is, rock slam. All right.

Consider you doing overts against God. Yep, there it is.

All right. Consider you doing overts against religion. Naw. There’s no rock slam anywhere along there, so that’s out.

All right. We got living things, physical universe and forms and God. Now, let’s see if we can sort this out a little bit further here. All right. Before we do this again, let’s put in the middle rudiments, okay?

PC: Okay.

LRH: In this session is there anything you have suppressed? What was that?

PC: Suppressed? Um - a comment at one stage that uh - that - that’s right, um - you were writing there, I looked there, and I was watching what you were doing, and you started giving me the next question, and I sort of looked up and caught you looking at me, and then I realized that I’d sort of come up there, and I thought, oh, you caught me then, or something. I suppressed pointing that out at the time?

LRH: All right. Thank you. In this session is there anything you have suppressed? Do you agree that’s clean?

PC: Yes.

LRH: Very good. In this session is there anything you have invalidated? Do you agree that’s clean? All right. In this session is there anything you have failed to reveal? Do you agree that’s clean?

PC: Yes.

LRH: All right. In this session is there anything you have been careful of? Yes, what is it? There it is.

PC: Um, it’s careful to - uh - when you get the idea - tell me to consider the - uh my doing an overt to these various dynamics, I-I’d been sort of mocking up something just to get - really get the idea. And then once, I sort of got the command and I didn’t actually get anything - any ideas at all. And, yet it reacted, you see. And I didn’t feel that I hadn’t done the command, somehow, but yet I felt-of course I was overdoing it, so in other words, I was being overcareful, do you see, to do the command.

LRH: All right. Very good. Thank you. All right. Now you don’t have to do anything.

PC: Okay!

LRH: But just consider it.

PC: Fair enough.

LRH: All right, very good. Okay. In this session, is there anything you have been careful of? Do you agree that’s clean?

PC: Yes.

LRH: Very good. Here we go now. Here’s our next one. Consider doing overts to living things. I couldn’t call that a very healthy rock slam. That’s out.

Okay. Consider doing overts to the physical universe. All right, let me check it again. Consider doing overts to the physical universe. All right. As far as I’m concerned that’s now out.

Consider doing overts to forms. Okay. Consider doing overts to forms. All right, that’s out.

Now, consider doing overts to God. Okay. Consider doing overts to God. All right. I’m going to revert to the last one, here.

Consider doing overts to forms. All right, very good.

Now, how are you considering doing overts to these things?

PC: Well, uh, I’ve now no set pattern. I- I’m just, trying to get - get possibly how Id feel if I was doing - doing overts, do you see? That Fm - do it, or sometimes I get a situation where I am doing - actually getting the feeling of doing something, like with the physical universe, bashing up planets, and so on.

LRH: Mm-hm.

PC: Or once or twice, one or two actual overts have sprung into view…

LRH: Mm-hm.

PC: but uh - and sometimes it just leaves me cold, as it were, you know, Fm finding difficulty to even get the idea or to get the feeling of it.

LRH: Hm. Hm. All right. Thank you. All right, in this session is there anything I have failed to find out? In this session is there anything I have failed to find out? I don’t see anything hot. All right, in this session is there anything I have failed to find out? Okay. That looks clean. Now, what I’m going to ask you to do this time is not do anything.

PC: All right.

LRH: I don’t want you to do anything.

PC: Okay.

LRH: You see, I want you to remain calm, cool and collected, and you let me do all the work.

PC: All right.

LRH: Now, just don’t do anything at all, and I’ll grab this off, here, as we go by. All right. All right. Consider committing overts against self Thank you. Consider committing overts against sex. Thank you. Consider committing overts against family. All right, going to leave that in. Consider committing overts against groups. All right, we’re going to take that out. Consider committing overts against mankind. Okay, I’m going to take that out. And consider committing overts against living things. Okay, going to take that out. Now, consider committing-now what are you doing? Nothing?

PC: Absolutely.

LRH: All right. Thank you. That’s all-that’s all - that’s all I want to know. All right.

Consider committing overts against the physical universe. Okay. Consider committing overts against the physical universe. Okay. Consider committing overts against the physical universe. Okay. That’s uneven so we’re going to leave it in. All right. Consider committing overts against forms. All right, we’re going to leave that in. Consider committing overts against spirits. All right, we’re going to leave that in. Consider committing overts against God. Ah! Now, what did you think of when we got down to that point? Did you think of anything?

PC: I noticed that on spirits - I don’t know whether it was between spirits and God - I suddenly got this pain in my heart again.

LRH: It’s moving around, isn’t it?

PC: I hadn’t noticed that. I just noticed that I’ve…

LRH: Just right there in the heart?

PC: Um-hm.

LRH: All right, thank you. Thank you very much. All right. Consider committing overts against religion. All right, thank you.

Now, we’re going over this lineup again. Consider committing overts against groups. Thank you. That is out. I beg your pardon. There, groups was out. Consider committing overts against family. All right, that’s still in. Consider committing overts against the physical universe. Okay, we’re taking that one out. Consider committing overts against forms. All right. Consider committing overts against forms. We’re going to leave it in. This doesn’t matter. And consider committing overts against spirits. Check that again. Consider committing overts against spirits. Consider committing overts against spirits. Yes, there’s an R/S on there. Thank you. Now, consider committing overts against God. Consider committing overts against God. That’s a rocky needle, if I ever saw one. Consider committing overts-it’s not slamming, it’s just uneven. Consider committing overts against God. Well, I can’t find anything there to amount to anything. I’m going to take Him out.

Let’s go back over this again, now. Consider committing overts against family. All right, we’re now taking that out. Consider committing overts against forms. What were you thinking of, there, in the interim?

PC: Just aware of the somatics. Fm getting somatics now in the - in the - right across my shoulders, and the heart one is still there a bit.

LRH: Oh, all right. When did that turn on? After I said „family“?

PC: Family, the back somatic turned on.

LRH: And it’s on, now?

PC: Still there a bit, yeah.

LRH: All right, thank you. Consider overts against family. All right. Thank you. Consider overts against forms. Consider overts against forms. All right. Consider overts against forms. Consider overts against forms. All right, thank you. I got nowhere here on that. All right. I’m going to take that one out. Now consider overts against spirits. Yes, there’s our dirty needle. Consider overts against spirits. All right. Consider overts against spirits. Good. Consider you doing overts against spirits. Thank you.

Now, it might interest you, but I had this, with a large R/S on the first read.

PC: Mm-hmm.

LRH: Do you remember my telling you, well if you were - just you and I were doing this, we would knock off now?

PC: Yes.

LRH: Well, I went ahead, and once you’ve flubbed it then you have to go on and on and on, don’t you see?

PC: Yes.

LRH: Now, I wasn’t satisfied with just the element itself, that we finally got out on the physical universe. I went over the thing again, and again, and we finally flattened down, and we come down to where the only R/S left is on spirits. Everything else is that.

We will proceed to check this out.

PC: Right.

LRH: We’ll see if we can’t turn on a beauty.

PC: Right.

LRH: See, as far as I’m concerned, that was my first conclusion, and then I went ahead and I proved it and proved it, and I was getting different things.

PC: Um-hm.

LRH: Notice? Each time I had-you know, I got the physical universe, I got - came on down to God, here, one time, it came on down to this and came down to that, but it’s come back to the one which the old man by experience knows was…

PC: Yes.

LRH: that. It was a honey. It was a blaaa. Well, we haven’t seen it since, see?

PC: Hm.

LRH: I’m going to ask you this somewhat embarrassing question.

PC: Um-hm.

LRH: If I may.

PC: By all means.

LRH: I’m not going to necessarily ask you to reveal anything because of it.

PC: All right.

LRH: But, I am going to ask you: What have you done to spirits? Have you ever done anything to spirits?

PC: I - they’re very unreal to me. I haven’t much reality and I always am very skeptical of anybody talking about spiritual meetings and anything like that.

LRH: Mm-hm.

PC: When I was a boy, I attended a clairvoyant Demonstration which didn’t impress me at all.

LRH: Mm-hm.

PC: So spirits seems to be stuck in my mind on that basis rather than the Scientology look at the word of „soul,“ and so on.

LRH: All right. Good. How about thetans? How about overts against thetans? Have you ever done anything to thetans?

PC: Well, I must have done a lot, but I cant think of any, particularly on that.

LRH: All right, good.

PC: Not - on - when you say thetans like that, I mean thetan - Fm trying to get the idea of thetans without bodies, do you see? Um…

LRH: Now, nobody asked you to do that.

PC: I know! Um, well I’ve certainly - yes, the best one I can get - I’ve certainly hurt lots of people’s feelings…

LRH: All right.

PC: … by um - well, many ways. But in this, um - thinking it over, this of course is one of the things I do try to avoid doing - hurting anybody’s feelings. Um - at - um - it - it’s a diff - it’s my marital difficulty, what I come down to, is to - don’t want to hurt their feelings, you see, I want to save their face, and so on. In that way it’s the - it’s a big overt with me.

LRH: Mm-hm. That’s it. That’s got a slam, here.

PC: Okay.

LRH: Think of hurting somebody’s feelings. All right. That’s too nebulous. Think of hurting my feelings.

PC: Yes.

LRH: Yeah. All right. All right. Think of hurting a girl’s feelings. All right. Now, let’s see if we can’t turn this up to a nice R/S, here. Hm?

PC: Mm-hm.

LRH: Think of overts on spirits. Think of overts on spirits. Think of doing something to spirits. Think of doing something to spirits.

PC: Bad auditing would be doing…

LRH: All right.

PC: … an overt on…

LRH: Good. All right. Think of doing something to spirits.

PC: Uh - trapping one.

LRH: All right. Good. All right. Think of doing something to spirits. There, you really did think of doing something to one, didn’t you?

PC: Well, no, I missed it. There was something there about doing something. Then I sort of skated off there and was trying to get the idea of something but it’s uh - it evaded me. I know there is something there, but I cant…

LRH: It rock slammed, whatever it was.

PC: It seemed to be like gathering a lot Of them together, or splitting them, like splitting the atom, or something.

LRH: Mm-hm.

PC: Um.

LRH: All right. What represents spirits to you?

PC: Uh - a symbol would be - would be steam.

LRH: Steam?

PC: Steam, yeah.

LRH: Good. Good, that’s fine. All right, what else?

PC: A ghost.

LRH: Thank you. Good. What else?

PC: A light.

LRH: Good. What else would represent spirits?

PC: Um, a star.

LRH: Thank you.

PC: And a sun.

LRH: Good. What else would represent spirits?

PC: Um, Aladdin’s lamp days, a bottle, with a-a bottle with the cork out.

LRH: All right, thank you. Very good. Now, what else would represent spirits to you?

PC: Um - fairies.

LRH: All right. Good. What else would represent spirits to you?

PC: Young children.

LRH: Okay. Good. What else would represent spirits to you?

PC: A haze. H-A-Z-E, a haze.

LRH: Right. What else would represent spirits to you?

PC: A nonsolid object, I want to say, is that I cant quite get… Um - a soul.

LRH: All right, thank you. Good. What else would represent spirits to you?

PC: A white sheet.

LRH: Okay. What else would represent spirits to you?

PC: Fm avoiding alcohol, though - keeps cropping up. That’s uh…

LRH: All right.

PC: A thought.

LRH: Okay. All right. What else would represent spirits to you?

PC: A dream.

LRH: All right, thank you. All right, that’s enough.

PC: Thank you.

LRH: Thank you. All right. Let’s see how we go here, all right? Okay.

Consider committing overts against steam. All right, thank you. Consider committing overts against a ghost. Okay, thank you. Consider committing overts against light. Okay, thank you. Consider committing overts against a star. All right. Thank you. Consider committing overts against a sun. That’s it, thank you. Consider committing overts against a bottle with the cork out. All right. Consider committing overts against a bottle with the cork out. All right, thank you. Consider committing overts against fairies. All right, thank you. Consider committing overts-consider committing overts against young children. Thank you. Consider committing overts against haze. All right. Consider committing overts against haze. All right, thank you. Consider committing overts against a soul. All right. Consider committing overts against a soul. Okay, thank you. Consider committing overts against a white sheet. Consider committing overts against a white sheet. Thank you. Consider committing overts against a thought. Good, thank you. Consider committing overts against a dream. Consider committing overts against a dream. All right, thank you. All right, we’ve got several of them still in here. Let’s go over them again, all right? Feel all right?

PC: Yes.

LRH: Okay. Are you in disagreement with this dynamic that we have dredged up?

PC: No, no, no, no, no.

LRH: You’re not, are you?

PC: No, no, no, no, no.

LRH: All right, that’s fine.

PC: No opinion on it at all.

LRH: Huh?

PC: No opinion.

LRH: All right.

PC: Fm very good…

LRH: Very good.

PC: … at this stage.

LRH: Okay. All right. Consider committing overts against a ghost. Consider committing overts against a ghost. All right, thank you, that’s out. Consider committing overts against a star. All right. Consider committing overts against a star. Consider committing overts against a star. Okay, that’s out. Consider committing overts against a sun. Consider committing overts against a sun. Okay, that’s out. Now, consider committing overts against a bottle with the cork out. Okay, thank you. Consider committing overts against a bottle with the cork out. Thank you, that is out. All right. Consider committing overts, consider commi-. What are you thinking of? All right.

Consider committing overts against fairies. All right, that’s in. Consider committing overts against young children. Okay. Consider committing overts against young children. Okay. Consider committing overts against young children. Okay, that’s out. Consider committing overts against a soul. Consider committing overts against a soul. Consider committing overts against a soul. Okay. Overts against a soul. I think I’ll leave that in. And consider committing overts against a white sheet. Consider committing overts against a white sheet. Okay, we’ll leave that in. All right. Consider committing overts against a thought. That’s it, that’s in. Consider committing overts against a dream. Consider committing overts against a dream. All right, that’s in. Okay.

Now, we just got a few in here, now. Not very many. All right. Consider committing overts against fairies. Consider committing overts against fairies. Consider committing overts against fairies. Okay, that’s out. Now, consider committing overts against a soul. Okay. Consider committing overts-consider committing overts against a soul. Yes, that’s in-with an R/S. All right. Consider committing overts against a white sheet. Okay. Consider committing overts against a white sheet. All right. Consider committing overts against a white sheet. Consider committing overts against a white sheet. I’m taking that out. All right. Consider committing overts against a thought. Okay. And that is in. And consider committing overts against a dream. Okay. Consider committing overts against a dream. Okay, consider committing overts against a dream. Thank you, I’m taking that out.

All right. Now, how are you doing, now? Huh?

PC: Okay.

LRH: All right. Let’s go at it again. There are very few left now. Let’s see where we wound up. All right. Consider committing overts against a soul. Thank you. Consider committing overts against a soul. Okay. Cons-.

PC: Excuse me. Sorry.

LRH: Okay. Consider committing overts against a soul. Consider committing overts against a soul. Okay. Consider committing overts against a soul. You got to cough again? Don’t you dare hold back those.

PC: All right.

LRH: All right. All right, that’s out. That was just coughs. Okay, consider committing overt - an overt against thought. Consider committing overts against thought. Consider committing overts against thought. Consider committing overts against thought.

All right. In this session, is there anything you have suppressed?

PC: Cough.

LRH: Is there-you still got one?

PC: No.

LRH: All right. In this session is there anything you have suppressed? Okay, do you agree that’s clean?

PC: Yes.

LRH: In this session is there anything you have invalidated? Okay, do you agree that’s clean?

PC: Yes.

LRH: In this session, is there anything you have failed to reveal? Do you agree that’s - what do you got? It isn’t clean.

PC: No. Um - I - I failed to reveal to you that uh - the somatic had gone off or - had gone off I didn’t notice when it went. And that uh - there was just a slight suggestion of it turning on again on one of these, I don’t know which one it was.

LRH: Okay. All right. Thank you. In this session is there anything you failed to reveal? Yes, still got one.

PC: Yes, there’s something there. Oh! I failed to reveal to you that for one flash, I - my attention went down. I wondered what they were thinking of this downstairs. But it’s only once, I think, during this session, but I didn’t reveal it to you when it happened.

LRH: Thank you. Good enough. In this session is there anything you’ve failed to reveal? Do you agree that’s clean?

PC: Um-hm.

LRH: Thank you. In this session, is there anything you have been careful of? Do you agree that’s clean?

PC: Um-hm.

LRH: Thank you. All right. I’m going to have to replay the last two or three of these.

PC: All right.

LRH: All right. Now, consider committing an overt against a soul. Thank you. Consider committing an overt against a white sheet. Okay. Good enough. Consider committing an overt against a thought. All right. Okay, what did you just have there?

PC: I just - that I saw you smile, so I guess I thought that it must have been reacting for you.

LRH: All right. Okay. Consider committing an overt against a thought. Consider committing an overt against a thought. All right. Consider committing an overt against a thought. All right. Consider committing an overt against a thought. Okay. There’s still a tiny suspicion of an R/S on there. All right. Consider committing an overt against a dream. Well, all right, thank you. Consider committing an overt against a dream. All right. Consider committing an overt against a dream. Okay. Consider committing an overt against a thought. Yes. Consider committing an overt against a thought. Well, we’ve still got a questionable rock slam here. I’ve come up with it twice now. It’s a thought. The only thing we’ve got left here. Overts against thoughts. What could you do to a thought?

PC: Hm - Could twist it.

LRH: All right.

PC: You could misduplicate it, you could, um - not retransmit it.

LRH: Hm-hm.

PC: Make fun of it, you can ridicule it, you could uh…

LRH: Hm-hm.

PC: You could do lots of things to a thought!

LRH: Oh, you can, huh?

PC: Yes.

LRH: All right, good. Thank you. Well, think of committing overts against a thought. Think of committing overts against a thought. All right. Think of committing overts against a thought. Okay. As far as I’m concerned we’ve missed the boat.

PC: Mmm.

LRH: We’re not trying to look good, here.

PC: Um-hm.

LRH: You have had very few rock slams, they have turned on, and then they have gone off, and this probably is pretty rough being audited under these conditions. But, I wonder if anything’s missing out of this goals list. And let’s you and I go over this. Put your cans down and stretch yourself there for a moment. See if there’s anything missing, on-I said goals list-is there anything missing on this list of dynamics? There’s self, right?

PC: Right.

LRH: Name off the rest of them.

PC: The dynamics?

LRH: Any-not just the eight. Name off what you think the dynamics are.

PC: Yes. Okay. Well on self often get body. Um - sex, family, children.

LRH: All right.

PC: Uh - groups - yes, it describes it very well. You could put tribes, nations, countries.

LRH: All right.

PC: And humans.

LRH: Okay.

PC: Uh - mankind.

LRH: Okay. Very good. Okay, anything else?

PC: No.

LRH: All right. Pick up the cans. We’re going down this list again. All right.

All right. First we’re going to put in our mid ruds.

PC: Mm-hm.

LRH: All right. In this session is there anything you have suppressed? Okay, do you agree that’s clean?

PC: Yes.

LRH: In this session is there anything you have invalidated? What’s that? There it is.

PC: Something to do with matter, energy, space and time. I invalidated, then when um - oh, I was assessed on dynamics once before and I seem to remember, he said, to the fifth and sixth or something, I’ve got mixed up.

LRH: Mm-hm.

PC: And there was just a fleeting invalidation then. What I’ve done, I’ve pulled into this session the invalidation that I don’t think I believed him, do you see that?

LRH: Oh, all right. Thank you. All right. In this session is there anything you have invalidated? Got another one? There it is. There it is.

PC: Invalidated myself for not knowing the uh - always read off the dynamics.

LRH: All right. All right. In this session is there anything you have invalidated? Now that fell on something or other. There it is.

PC: I invalidated a rudiment just then! Because you said is there anything I suppressed, and I had an answer. That I suppressed a curiosity as to the time.

LRH: Oh!

PC: Do you see? And you said it was clean, so I suppose I’d invalidated the rudiment.

LRH: Well, all right!

PC: In fact, this was a suppressed rudiment.

LRH: All right. Good. Thank you. In this session is there anything you have invalidated? There’s still a little click on here. There is another click, I should say. There it is.

PC: Hm, yeah.

LRH: There it is. There it is. Fell. There.

PC: Thought?

LRH: There it is.

PC: Um - Heh! The uh - when you read out „fairies“ I- I thought, well, I hope to God I don’t get landed with having to do overts on fairies, or something!

LRH: All right.

PC: Yes.

LRH: Okay. Thank you. All right. In this session, is there anything you have invalidated? We’ve still got a reaction here. Have you got another one?

PC: Yes.

LRH: What is it, what’s this other one?

PC: Well, this thing - what I was thinking of now, is a noninvalidation - a careful not to invalidate what you’d done.

LRH: Oh, okay.

PC: You were saying-you were saying that you’d missed the boat or something - but I didn’t feel that, and I thought and I was - decided to get over that way.

LRH: All right. Okay. Thank you. In this session is there anything you have invalidated? All right. Do you agree that’s clean?

PC: Mm-hm.

LRH: Thank you. In this session is there anything you have failed to reveal? All right, there’s something there.

PC: I didn’t reveal every time the somatic came on and off

LRH: All right. Good.

PC: That’s all it was.

LRH: Okay. All right. In this session is there anything you have failed to reveal? All right, do you agree that’s clean?

PC: Um-hm.

LRH: All right, very good. In this session is there anything you have been careful of? Do you agree that’s clean?

PC: Hm.

LRH: I better ask it again.

PC: All right.

LRH: In this session-in this session is there anything you have been careful of? Oh, that’s clean. All right. You had a heartbeat, or-or a sneeze or something there.

All right. Now, just for fun we’re going to run down this list…

PC: Um-hm.

LRH: … and then we’re going to do the other list…

PC: Um-hm.

LRH: … and see what we got here. Okay?

PC: All right.

LRH: All right. Think of doing bad things to yourself All right, thank you. Think of doing bad things to sex. Thank you. Think of doing bad things to your family. All right. Think of doing bad things to your family. Yes, that is definitely a little, tiny halt there. All right. Think of doing bad things to groups. Okay. Think of doing bad things to groups. All right. We still got some reaction there. Now, think of doing bad things to people. Think of doing bad things to people. Okay, that’s cool. All right. Think of doing bad things to mankind. All right, we’re just going to forget that one at the moment. Now, think of doing bad things to living things. Okay, and that’s in. And think of doing bad things to the physical universe. All right. Think of doing bad things to the physical universe. Now we have got an R/S-which agreed with our first assessment.

All right. Think of doing bad things to forms. All right, and that is in. And think of doing bad things to spirits. Okay, think of doing bad things to spirits. All right. Think of doing bad things to spirits. All right. Think of doing bad things to spirits. Well. Think of doing bad things to spirits. All right. What did you just think of there?

PC: Um - all I thought of, your - your attention was very much with me here, and that-I-for a minute I wondered how this was going on downstairs, again. And then I thought, well, then were very much here, just you and I together.

LRH: All right. All right. Thank you. Okay. Think of doing bad things to God. Okay. Think of doing bad things to God. Thank you. Okay, now we have a few little R/Ses and I’m going to do it on this same thing again-see if we come up with the same answer we got the first time.

All right. Think of doing bad things to family. All right, thank you. Think of doing bad things to family. Thank you, that is out. All right. Think of doing bad things to groups. Thank you, that is still with us. All right. Think of doing bad things to living things. Okay. Think of doing bad things to living things. Okay. Think of doing bad things to living things. All right, thank you. We’re knocking that out. All right. Think of doing bad things to the physical universe. All right. Think of doing bad things to the physical universe. All right. Think of doing bad things to the physical universe. Okay. Think of doing bad things to the physical universe. Think of doing bad things to the physical universe. Yes, there’s an R/S still there. Okay. Think of doing bad things to forms. Think of doing bad things to forms. Think of doing bad things to forms. All right. Think of doing bad things to forms. I can’t make it do anything so we’re going to take that out. And that leaves us with groups and the physical universe.

All right. Now, do you feel all right?

PC: Yes.

LRH: Good enough. Think of doing bad things to groups. Okay. Think of doing bad things to groups. All right. Think of doing bad things to groups. Okay. Think of doing bad things to groups. Definitely have an Agitation on that, so we’ll leave it in, okay. All right. Think of doing bad things to the physical universe. Okay. Think of doing bad things to the physical universe. Think of doing bad things to the physical universe. Okay.

Think of doing bad things to the physical universe. All right. For my money, that’s just a part of this life.

Okay. Think of doing bad things to groups. All right. Think of doing bad things to groups. Think of doing bad things to groups. All right. Having a hard time turning a dirty needle on this. There’s one. All right. Think of doing bad things to groups. All right. Think of doing bad things to groups. Think of doing bad things to groups. All right. Think of doing bad things to groups. Okay. Think of doing bad things-think of doing bad things to groups. Think of doing bad things to groups. We got an R/S here, what is this?

PC: Well, I’ve got a terrific somatic right around the - right around the chest, the front down here.

LRH: The more we go into this.

PC: The more - been just developing as you’ve been going on this one.

LRH: All right, thank you. All right. What represents groups to you?

PC: People.

LRH: Good. What else?

PC: Scouts.

LRH: Hm?

PC: Scouts.

LRH: Good. What represents groups to you?

PC: School.

LRH: Good.

PC: Business.

LRH: Good.

PC: Scientology.

LRH: Good.

PC: Uh…

LRH: Okay. What else? What represents…

PC: Tribe.

LRH: What?

PC: A tribe. A nation.

LRH: Mansion?

PC: A nation.

LRH: Nation.

PC: Um-hm.

LRH: Sorry. You can put the cans down if you want and stretch yourself.

PC: All right. Thank you. Sports clubs. Armies.

LRH: What?

PC: Armies.

LRH: Right.

PC: Navies.

LRH: Good.

PC: Bands. Bands of people, bands you know.

LRH: Okay.

PC: Gangs.

LRH: All right. Okay, pick up the cans there. All right. What else represents groups?

PC: Clusters.

LRH: Hm?

PC: Clusters.

LRH: Okay. Thank you. What else represents groups?

PC: Battle fleets.

LRH: What?

PC: Battle fleets.

LRH: Okay.

PC: Swarms.

LRH: Forms?

PC: Swarms.

LRH: Swarms. Okay. What else represents groups?

PC: Crowds. Crowds of people.

LRH: Good.

PC: Mobs.

LRH: Okay, good. Thank you.

PC: Um - trades.

LRH: Trades?

PC: Trades, yes.

LRH: Trades.

PC: Um-hm.

LRH: Right. Okay. What else represents…

PC: Professions.

LRH: Okay. What else represents groups?

PC: Um - a badge.

LRH: Okay. What else represents groups?

PC: A hammer.

LRH: Okay.

PC: Oh, I got a withhold from you then, because I was going to say a hammer and sickle, I thought I’d better not! It’s not the right place to say it.

LRH: All right.

PC: Um.

LRH: Want to put it on the list?

PC: It can go on the list. If it’s there,, it’s there.

LRH: Hm?

PC: It can go on the list.

LRH: All right.

PC: If it’s there, it’s there. Um - uh - a flag, of course.

LRH: Okay.

PC: And a banner.

LRH: Okay. All right. What else represents groups?

PC: A leader.

LRH: Okay. What else represents groups?

PC: Well, you’ve got a king.

LRH: Okay. What represents groups to you?

PC: Well, a king represents a group to me.

LRH: All right.

PC: Sorry!

LRH: No, I wasn’t criticizing you!

PC: No, no. Um…

LRH: What else represents groups?

PC: Hm. A circle.

LRH: Okay. What else represents groups? Thought of something there?

PC: Well, I thought of a ring.

LRH: Hm?

PC: A ring.

LRH: Do you want that in there?

PC: Yes. A ring.

LRH: All right. What else represents groups? Something there.

PC: A triangle.

LRH: Okay.

PC: And, um - a set square, like - like a solid thing-I was looking at.

LRH: A set square?

PC: Hmm. I think it’s a set square. I don’t know what it is they use, but something like that.

LRH: All right. Thank you. What else represents groups to you?

PC: A leather apron.

LRH: Okay. Okay. What else represents groups to you? You had a thought there.

PC: Language, I’d thought of just then, and a country.

LRH: What, language is it?

PC: Uh-huh.

LRH: All right, what else represents groups? There.

PC: Country.

LRH: Okay. What else represents groups? There it is.

PC: Prison.

LRH: Prisons?

PC: Um-hm.

LRH: Okay. Thank you. What else represents groups?

PC: A hospital.

LRH: All right. Okay. What else represents groups? There’s something. What is that?

PC: A sword.

LRH: Does that represent a group?

PC: Don’t know why, but uh - yes it does, it does, it represents a - uh . .

LRH: Good.

PC: … could do, I mean I thought of one that did represent a group.

LRH: All right. What else represents a group?

PC: A shield.

LRH: Good. What else represents a group?

PC: Urn…

LRH: There it is, what is it?

PC: Urn-signet ring.

LRH: Okay. What else represents a group to you?

PC: Um-a standard, if I had a-you know.

LRH: A standard?

PC: Yes, I mean a flag sta-type of standard, you see.

LRH: All right. What else would?

PC: A heraldic sign.

LRH: All right.

PC: No particular one.

LRH: Good. What else represents a group? There’s something.

PC: I thought of a firework, then, but I-yes, a fi-a rocket it would be-a rocket.

LRH: All right, very good. What else represents a group? Something there.

PC: Hm, I just felt very sort of-I felt very hot but I don’t - urn, oh yes! Urn - a fire!

LRH: Okay. Okay. Now, what else represents a group?

PC: A town.

LRH: Okay. What else represents a group?

PC: A city

LRH: Hm?

PC: A city.

LRH: All right. Now, how are you coming on this, now? It seem. .

PC: All right.

LRH: …fairly complete as a list?

PC: I’m having to uh-struggle.

LRH: You see it fairly complete as a list.

PC: Um-hm.

LRH: Well, does it seem complete to you as a list? I’ll ask you on the meter. Is this list complete? There’s still something on it.

PC: A navy.

LRH: Okay, thank you.

PC: Had that once before.

LRH: Mm-hm.

PC: Um…

LRH: Something there.

PC: Well, the Marines, Fm thinking of

LRH: Okay. Okay.

PC: A sphere.

LRH: All right. A sphere. Good. Thank you. What else represents a group? Something there.

PC: Well, a butcher.

LRH: A butcher.

PC: Hm.

LRH: Okay, very good. All right, is this list complete? All right, let me ask that again.

PC: Hmm.

LRH: Is this list complete? There’s still possibly a little bit more on it.

PC: Well, the various, um - trades, the masons, a mason, you see, would represent to me a group. An accountant, and um…

LRH: Can I put those down?

PC: Yes. Yes. And then…

LRH: All right. What else would represent a group to you? Something right there, what was that?

PC: A tanner.

LRH: Okay.

PC: Something…

LRH: Okay. Good.

PC: A soldier.

LRH: All right. Thank you. What else would represent a group to you? Got something on it. There we are. What did you just run into?

PC: Well, I’ve got this pain in my heart again.

LRH: Oh, really?

PC: And I seem to be - well, all right, this is what comes up, and I don’t know why it does, an armada.

LRH: A what?

PC: An armada.

LRH: An armada. All right, thank you. What else would represent a group to you? There it is, what is that? There it is.’

PC: Well, a knight, but that’s not quite the - Christ! This - this is painful! Um - a barbarian.

LRH: Did you want a knight on there?

PC: A knight - and a barbarian is - seems to be more to the point.

LRH: All right. What else would represent a group?

PC: A black knight.

LRH: Okay. Okay. What else would represent a group to you?

PC: Um - a dagger.

LRH: Very good. Thank you. What else would represent a group to you?

PC: Cant think of anything else.

LRH: You think that’s about it, huh?

PC: Yes.

LRH: What happened?

PC: I don’t know, I suddenly came very clear, and the room is bright, and I just feel…

LRH: Your heart feel all right?

PC: That’s all right.

LRH: Well, all right. Okay. Here we go, now. Is this list complete? Looks so. Seem so to you?

PC: Yes.

LRH: All right. Very good. Now, that list is ready to be nulled.

PC: Mm-hm.

LRH: That list is ready to be nulled. And we haven’t got time to do that.

PC: All right.

LRH: If it’s all right with you-and so on. Well, how do you feel about group as a Dynamic Assessment?

PC: Well, that’s okay, I think, and-and I’ve only just recalled this, that this is the-this was assessed out on me before when I wa-forget what they were doing with it then, but…

LRH: Oh, all right!

PC: I know I ran through a lot of the trades on that at the time, and it was on 3D Criss Cross, I suppose. Yes.

LRH: Oh, is that so?

PC: Mm-hm.

LRH: The Dynamic Assessment at 3D Criss Cross?

PC: Mmm.

LRH: Oh, and you’ve run…

PC: I’ve run terminals.

LRH: … items and terminals on it.

PC: That’s right, yes.

LRH: Ah! Have you had trouble with the needle since?

PC: Well, it’s the only time I’ve-I mean he was my last auditor-you’re the only person who’s audited me since then, so you tell me.

LRH: Oh, all right. Good enough. Good enough. Here we go. Here we go.

Anything you’d care to say before we end that assessment?

PC: No, it’s been very interesting.

LRH: All right. End that much of that assessment. All right. Okay. Then let’s go into the end rudiments now. All right?

PC: Uh-huh.

LRH: In this session have you told me any half-truth? All right. What was that? There.

PC: Well, it’s a half truth to have told you that the - the somatic had completely gone. It had lessened and it’s going, and it’s going - it’s dispersing, but it hadn’t completely gone. Was being very polite to say it’d gone.

LRH: All right. Thank you. Thank you. Very good. In this session, have you told me any half-truth? Untruth? Said something only to impress me? Or tried to damage anyone? All right, that’s… Said something only to impress me? What was that? There.

PC: Oh, that was asking if I could blow my nose, there, that was impressing you that I was a good preclear.

LRH: Oh, all right. Thank you! All right.

PC: I wanted to blow my nose, but I know the asking if I can put the cans down and doing it was being a good preclear, you see.

LRH: Okay, Beg. All right. In this session have you done anything only to impress me? All right. In this session have you tried to damage anyone? All right, there was a little reaction on that.

PC: Tried not to damage anyone.

LRH: How’s that?

PC: Well, I tried not to damage Jenny.

LRH: Yeah.

PC: I tried to… Oh! No, I - that’s right, it turned on to what might have been a damage because I was quite happy with the assessment that Dick had done, on, whatever had happened on that occasion, and you said, oh, since then have you dirty nee - had a dirty needle, do you see? And which uh - so what I’d said might have damaged his reputation by having left something wrong, you see.

LRH: Oh, all right. All right. Thank you, I got it. In this session have you tried to damage anyone? All right. I’m going to have to read that more carefully - In this session have you tried to damage anyone? Okay. You have a half-fall on „damage“ for some peculiar reason. Thank you very much. You agree that’s clean?

PC: Hmm.

LRH: Hmm? That all right?

PC: Yes.

LRH: All right, very good. In this session have you deliberately tried to influence the E-Meter? What was that?

PC: Id - once during the - during the session, I was aware of moving my finger a bit, and I hoped that it hadn’t influenced the meter, but you weren’t doing anything on the meter at the time, so I thought, well that doesn’t matter.

LRH: All right, very good. In this session, have you deliberately tried to influence the E-Meter? Thank you. Do you agree that’s clean?

PC: Mm-hm.

LRH: Very good. In this session have you failed to answer any question or command I have given you? All right, there’s something on that.

PC: Well, you’ve asked me lots of questions, and some of them I haven’t answered you’ve been relying on the meter - that I personally haven’t answered, I’ve assumed they’d been good on the meter, but apart from that the answer is, I haven’t.

LRH: Very good. All right. In this session have you failed to answer any question or command I have given you? All right, do you agree that’s clean?

PC: Mm-hm.

LRH: Very good. In this session, have you decided anything? What was that? There. There. There.

PC: Decided to cough? Once.

LRH: There. What-what-decided to cough. All right, I’ll check that. In this session, have you decided anything? Okay. Do you agree that’s clean?

PC: Mm-hm.

LRH: Thank you very much. In this session, have you thought, said or done anything I have failed to find out about? Do you agree that’s clean?

PC: Mm-hm.

LRH: Thank you. In this session, is there anything that was misunderstood? In this session, is there anything that was misunderstood? Okay. Do you agree that’s clean?

PC: Mm-hm.

LRH: All right. Did you expect the other rudiment there?

PC: No, I wasn’t expecting anything.

LRH: All right. Thank you very much. In this session, was the room all right? All right, do you agree that’s clean?

PC: Mm-hm.

LRH: Very good. All right. Squeeze the cans. All right, do that again, squeeze the cans. All right. What’s your Havingness command?

PC: I think reach was the last one you ran on me, reach or feel.

LRH: All right.

PC: Uh - feel - uh - feel or touch, I mean.

LRH: Feel or touch?

PC: Um-hm.

LRH: All right, put your cans down. All right. Touch the table. Thank you. Touch that sign. Thank you. Touch that ashtray. Thank you. Touch the can. Thank you. Touch the Telephone. Thank you. Touch your jacket. Thank you. Touch the top of your head. Thank you. Touch the table. Thank you. Pick up the cans. All right. Squeeze the cans. Thank you. That’s much better. That was the last command.

Okay, you can put those cans down now. All right, in this session, have you made any part of your goals?

PC: Uh…

LRH: Did it get dynamic assessed?

PC: Well, we’ve done that.

LRH: Yes. List some goals?

PC: Well, we’ve partly done - we’ve got, made some progress on that, certainly.

LRH: All right. Not be shy?

PC: I don’t think I was very shy.

LRH: All right. And, help you help me?

PC: Yes, well I’ve done my best, perhaps too much at times.

LRH: All right. Thank you very much. Now, any gains you’d care to mention?

PC: Well, yes, I - the uh - I think I’ve blown one or two of these, um - somatics that I get occasionally on across the back.

LRH: Oh, really?

PC: And so on, they seem to have gone.

LRH: All right.

PC: And I certainly feel lots brighter than I did when I sat down to session.

LRH: Okay.

PC: Plus there’s always the gain of being audited by you.

LRH: Hm?

PC: There’s always the gain of having a good session from you.

LRH: Oh, well, all right. Good thing I don’t have to go back past the „impressed,“ but I’ll accept that! All right, very good.

It’s 10:18. Very good.

All right. Is there anything you’d care to ask or say before I end this session?

PC: Well, I want to say thank you very much for a very good session.

LRH: All right, well you are quite welcome.

PC: Okay.

LRH: Here it is: End of session. Has the session ended for you?

PC: Yes.

LRH: All right. Very good. Tell me I’m no longer auditing you.

PC: You’re no longer auditing me.

LRH: All right.