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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- TV Demo - Check on What Question and Havingness Probe (SHSBC-160) - L620523 | Сравнить
- TV Demo - Fish and Fumble - Checking Dirty Needles (L2-13, SHSBC-161) (2) - L620523 | Сравнить
- TV Demo - Fish and Fumble - Checking Dirty Needles (L2-13, SHSBC-161) - L620523 | Сравнить

RUSSIAN DOCS FOR THIS DATE- ТВ Демо - Ловля и Выуживание - Проверка Грязных Стрелок (У2) - Л620523 | Сравнить

CONTENTS TV DEMO: CHECK ON "WHAT" Cохранить документ себе Скачать



An auditing demonstration given on

23 May 1962

We had an auditor given a list of five or six end rudiment-type Zero Questions to clean and every one of them was wildly alive at the end of the so-called session. Of course, the auditor is off auditing until he knows something about this.

We had this trouble last September very bad. And that trouble consisted of people not thinking it was important to clean an E-Meter or people skimping over it or people just not able to read an E-Meter. And we had all this trouble in September, and there are a whole bunch of lectures on that subject as of about that period — having to lay it in with branding irons.

Now, we're going to lay it in with branding irons this time. We're going to start the thing this way: We're going to get rudiments checked by the auditors who are auditing, at the end of pcs' sessions; and then I'm going to ask the Auditing Supervisor to get one or two of those preclears after that auditing period and check their rudiments; and if their rudiments are found out, we put that auditor off auditing. I think that's only fair. I don't think you have a sufficient — that is, some of you, certainly — don't have a sufficient respect for the fact that you have to be able to read an E-Meter, that the E-Meter reads the pc and that it has to be cleaned up on a question.

And frankly, I'm very happy to find out about this. I'm more than delighted, because I've been looking at some of the gray faces that are creeping up and down the hall and let me tell you, I knew there was something awry here. And I've been nattering about it and talking with Mary Sue about it, and your Instructors, for some weeks now. And, finally, we find out what it is: it's one more plague of not being able to read the E-Meter. Now, that's quite what it is. It's just a gross auditing error.

The grossest auditing error there is, is no auditing And next to that in rank is the inability to read the E-Meter. There are auditors which actually will believe the preclear but not the meter; they think the meter is registering something else.

Now, we've got to reverse that thing You never believe the pc; you only believe the meter. We've got to get these things clean, and we'll get some auditing results going.

Now, these results have been very poor in the last few weeks and I have been blowing my brains out trying to figure out why. And now I find out why: you're not reading E-Meters.

So there's a push on. And the demonstration tonight is — well, first and foremost — just so an Instructor in each room can call out the meter reads for you. And I want you to notice that there is some coordination between the question I ask and the pc and the meter. I know it's very hard to connect these, but there actually is a coordination. And you don't leave that pc, you understand, with that acting, and that's it. That's it. That is auditing. I mean, if I could lay it with a branding iron I would. But that is what you are doing That is your gross auditing error. This is why, when you list, you are not blowing people to Clear. This is the whole story. The pcs are not in-session. The listing does no good because the rudiments are out. I mean, the whole chain of evil proceeds from that particular point.

Now, actually, the first thing I'm going to do here is simply check some old What questions. Now, the story of this particular pc is that some Prepchecking was set up and then I noticed the pc wasn't looking so good. So I had another auditor check all the What questions in order to make sure they were flat. Now, it was reported to me that all these What questions that the pc had been asked were flat. And now, I haven't gone over this, but in a nasty, evil, suspicious mood — you know, all Rons have two faces; one is good and the other is horrible; you realize that — in that nasty, suspicious mood, we are simply going to check this. This is not going to take very long.

And then, after that, I'm going to give you a demonstration of fish and fumble. That's not even a technical term, but I'm just going to show you how you fish and fumble around — what you actually can do with an E-Meter. I'm not even going to give you a very stylized demonstration of a session; it's just what you can do with an E-Meter.

E-Meters work! Every once in a while people don't think they work. And when that happens, pcs look grim and gray, and nobody goes Clear. It happened last September. It's happened again here now.

So, okay. Now, I'm in no militant mood, particularly, about this. I simply want to drive it home with cannonballs. Okay?

All right. Here we go. Have you got the right folder here?PC: It's me.

LRH: Yes, yes, yes. This is the right folder. All right. All right. Sit down. Now, don't faint and don't drop through the floor, Smokey, because . . . Push it forward.

PC: How did you guess?

LRH: Pick up the cans. Now don't worry about it, because there's nothing very bad going to happen, it's not going to take very long, and I'm not going to reveal everything

PC: Well, it'd be all right.

LRH: Yes, it would be, wouldn't it?

PC: Yeah. He said the combination of the stairs and uh . . . Gosh! Are you sure you want me?

LRH: Hm?

PC: You know?

LRH: You didn't believe it.

PC: No!

LRH: oh, I see.

PC: I thought you wanted Wing You know, sometimes you get our names mixed up.

LRH: Yeah, I know I do. That's because he's the fire-eater, you know? I mean, he's the guy that goes to fires.

PC: Yeah. Eat 'em up.

LRH: Anyhow, honey, I'm not going to do this in Model Session. All I'm going to do here is simply check these What questions. And they are not very revelatory, but I want to see a few things are . . .

PC: Well, they're funny. There's one on there that's really a ball.

LRH: All right.

PC: Wait till you see it.

LRH: Now, your . . . Well, I'll tell you the history of this.

PC: Hm-hm.

LRH: I looked at you many weeks ago and I said, "She isn't doing so good." you see?

PC: Hm-hm.

LRH: so I said, "Who's been prepchecking her?" and so forth. And then I had an auditor recheck all these What questions . . .

PC: Hm-hm.

LRH: . . . just to make sure they were flat, you see? And then I took a look at you after he'd done so, and he said they were all flat.

PC: Hm.

LRH: See, he said they were all flat. Yeah. I don't believe it.

PC: Well, I didn't.

LRH: See, I just think he wasn't reading the E-Meter.

PC: Hm.

LRH: Now, that's beside the point. But let's get back here. Here's your old CCH sessions — rattlety-bang of paper.

PC: Yeah. They're fun.

LRH: Yeah. You had a lot of CCHs. Now . . .

PC: Wonder if that reads a heartbeat.

LRH: We're just — I'm just examining your folder here, honey.

PC: Okay.

LRH: There we are. And I think here is this horrible one that you probably . . . so forth.

PC: That one.

LRH: Not very bad.

PC: It's not so horrible. It's just funny.

LRH: All right, honey.

PC: Mm-hm.

LRH: Now, all I'm going to do is just check these questions. Okay?

PC: All right.

LRH: All right.

PC: You mean I'm on there?

LRH: Huh?

PC: I'm on there?

LRH: You're on there?

PC: Yeah, I am on the meter over there?

LRH: Oh, yeah. Your meter is functioning fine. Perfect.

PC: That's good.

LRH: Yeah. Working fine.

PC: Terrible? Does it show my heartbeat? It's beating fast.

LRH: Well, I'm not even going to try to put you at ease particularly.

PC: No. I'm fine.

LRH: All right.

PC: Doing all right by my window.

LRH: The question is, "What about undressing every time you went to the bathroom?" All right. Let me check that. What about undressing every time you went to the bathroom? All right. What about catching catfish?

PC: You're reading my mind.

LRH: No, I'm just trying to see what the needle pattern is here. What about catching catfish? What about catching catfish? What about . . . I'm banging on something here, honey; I won't be able to check these things out. Tell me what it is.

PC: Well, I just told you. My heart was beating fast.

LRH: All right.

PC: Oh.

LRH: I didn't get that, huh? Was that it?

PC: Well, I thought you did.

LRH: All right. Now, let me ask this test question again. What about catching catfish? You're getting a little bippity-bop here on the heart all right.

PC: Nm-hm. Well, is it — is it my eyes too?

LRH: But it's also my voice. No, no, no, it's not your eyes. What about your eyes? Go ahead, swing your eyeballs from the left to the right. Swing . . .

PC: Really?

LRH: your eyeballs from the left to the right. All right. Swing them from the left to the right. Getting no significant read here. But there is something reading on this meter.

PC: Oh.

LRH: There is something . . .

PC: It must be me.

LRH: ... reading on here. There must be some kind of a — I don't think it's you. Let's . . .

PC: I think it was checked up all right.

LRH: Let me check this.

PC: Um, um-um.

LRH: Squeeze your cans.

PC: All right.

LRH: Squeeze your cans. No, it's just your havingness is out the bottom.

PC: Yeah, that's true. I know.

LRH: All right. What's your Havingness Process?

PC: Oh saints, I don't know. The last one that was used was "touching things."

LRH: Huh? Touching things.

PC: Touch . . . Yeah. Hm-hm.

LRH: Anybody ever run reach on you?

PC: No.

LRH: Hm? Well, let's see if it works. All right. Squeeze the cans. Thank you. All right. Look around here and find something you could reach.

PC: Oh, I can reach that chair.

LRH: Good. Look around here and find something you could reach.

PC: Oh, I could reach that couch.

LRH: Good. Look around here and find something you could reach.

PC: I could reach that picture.

LRH: Good. Look around here and find something you could reach.

PC: The curtain.

LRH: All right. Squeeze the cans. All right. That's doing exactly nothing

PC: Uh-uh.

LRH: All right. Okay?

PC: Okay.

LRH: Put your cans down.

PC: All right.

LRH: All right. Thank you. Touch the table. Good. Touch the chair. Good. Touch the table. Good. Touch the chair. Good. Touch the table. Good. Touch the chair. All right. Pick up the cans. All right. Squeeze the cans. All right. Just hold them loosely.

PC: Okay.

LRH: That's all right.

PC: They do kind of . . . Oh, I guess I´m big.

LRH: All right.

PC: There, now.

LRH: Squeeze the cans. All right. Apparently — may be doing something

PC: Mm-hm.

LRH: Put the cans down. All right. Touch the table. Good. Touch the chair. Good. Touch the table. Good. Touch the chair. Good. Touch the table. Good. Touch the chair. Good. All right. Pick up the cans. All right. Squeeze them. All right. Hold them down in your lap . . .

PC: Okay.

LRH: . . . just like you were before.

PC: Hm-hm.

LRH: All right. Now, squeeze the cans. Okay. That's not your Havingness Process either.

PC: Well, really, one hasn't been found on me.

LRH: You have never had a Havingness Process found?

PC: No. Sometimes "Point out something' works fairly fine. Sometimes "Look around here and find something you could have."

LRH: Well, what's the variation?

PC: Sometimes they work and sometimes they don't.

LRH: Have you ever invalidated a Havingness Process?

PC: Uh-uh. Oh, I like them.

LRH: Hm? All right.

PC: Oh, there was one I didn't like.

LRH: What one?

PC: Uh — "Something you could confront."

LRH: Hm?

PC: "Something you would rather not confront. Something you could confront."

LRH: All right. Good. Thank you.

PC: I invalidated that one.

LRH: All right. Thank you very much. Squeeze the cans. All right. Thank you. All right. Here's the first command. Look around here and find something you could confront.

PC: That camera.

LRH: Good. Look around here and find something you'd rather not confront.

PC: That thing up there in the corner.

LRH: Okay. Good. Look around here and find something you could confront.

PC: The fireplace.

LRH: Good. Look around here and find something you'd rather not confront.

PC: Uh — the binoculars.

LRH: Good. Look around here and find something you could confront.

PC: That uh — sign on the door.

LRH: Good. Look around here and find something you'd rather not confront.

PC: Those leases.

LRH: All right. Okay. Squeeze the cans. Okay. Now, you've got a trick squeeze here.

PC: Mm.

LRH: Now, you just put them down in your lap . . .

PC: Mm.

LRH: ... the back of your hands in your lap.

PC: Nm-hm.

LRH: All right. Now squeeze them.

PC: Okay?

LRH: Okay. Yeah. But you know, all I want is an even pressure down and up.

PC: Hm-hm.

LRH: You know? Just let them go. Do it again. Mm-hm.

PC: This okay? Hm?

LRH:Now, just hold them naturally.

PC: Hm-hm. My hands are kind of hot.

LRH: That's all right. Doesn't matter.

PC: Okay.

LRH: Now, squeeze the cans. All right. Let them go. All right, that's fine. All right. What do you think about this process?

PC: Well, it's all right.

LRH: Well, are you just saying that? What do you think about this process?

PC: Well, I really could confront any of them, you see, that I see.

LRH: Oh, I see. The whole thing is a bad answer, is that right?

PC: Yeah. It is.

LRH: I get it. All right. In other words, you could confront any of it?

PC: Yeah.

LRH: All right. And yet you're having to answer, so there's some missed auditing commands in that Havingness Process. Is that correct?

PC: It's possible, yeah.

LRH: Huh?

PC: Because, really . . .

LRH: Possible?

PC: ...I could. Yes!

LRH: Well, is . . .

PC: All right, it is.

LRH: ... is it?

PC: Yes!

LRH: All right. Go on.

PC: Because I could confront the things that I say I'd rather not. It's . . .

LRH: So you just had to make up answers for the "rather not"?

PC: Hm-hm. Hm-hm.

LRH: Well, that's very interesting. Very interesting

PC: Mm.

LRH: When was that?

PC: Wow, it must have been in January.

LRH: Quite a while ago?

PC: Yeah. Quite a while ago. When I first got here. About . . .

LRH: All right. Okay.

PC: ... the second or third week, I think.

LRH: Good. All right.

PC: Hm-hm.

LRH: Now, let's proceed with just the one side of it.

PC: All right.

LRH: All right. Look around here and find something you could confront.

PC: That wall.

LRH: Good. Look around here and find something you could confront.

PC: You.

LRH: Good. Look around here and find something you could confront.

PC: Mirror.

LRH: Good. Look around here and find something you could confront.

PC: That chair.

LRH: Good. Look around here and find something you could confront.

PC: That camera.

LRH: Good. Look around here and find something you could confront.

PC: Curtain.

LRH: Good. Look around here and find something you could confront.

PC: The ashtray.

LRH: Good. Look around here and find something you could confront.

PC: That thing.

LRH: All right. Now, squeeze the cans. All right. Now, something very funny happens here . . .

PC: Mm-hm.

LRH: the needle only comes halfway back. So, do you continue to grip the cans afterwards?

PC: Well, now this is . . . My hands kind of stick, you know? They're long and uh — the hands are a little bit wet . . .

LRH: All right.

PC: ... and so they cling.

LRH: All right.

PC: See?

LRH: I see.

PC: And...

LRH: I get it.

PC: And they stay.

LRH: Uh-huh.

PC: You see, they don't uh — uh — be like they were before.

LRH: Mm-hm.

PC: They really don't.

LRH: All right. Put them in your lap. Now, just lay them just lay them down in your lap.

PC: Okay.

LRH: All right. Good enough. Squeeze them. Thank you. All right. Look around here and find something you could confront.

PC: Uh — that thing, whatever it is.

LRH: Good. Look around here and find something you could confront.

PC: Uh — the whole line of shelves there.

LRH: Good. Look around here and find something you could confront.

PC: Uh — the top of that uh — curtain.

LRH: All right. Good enough. Squeeze the cans. All right. That is reducing the amount of squeeze.

PC: Hm. Really?

LRH: Okay?

PC: I feel better.

LRH: Yeah, I know you probably do.

PC: Mm.

LRH: But that's basically because you got an invalidation off, huh? Isn't it? Or is it?

PC: Mm.

LRH: What is it?

PC: Probably.

LRH: Yeah. Do you feel better about that?

PC: Yeah. Because I hadn't said that to anyone.

LRH: All right. Good. Now let's try this other one.

PC: Mm-hm.

LRH: The one I started with originally.

PC: All right.

LRH: All right. Look around here and find something you could reach.

PC: The couch.

LRH: Good. Look around here and find something you could reach.

PC: That door.

LRH: Good. Look around here and find something you could reach.

PC: The venetian blinds.

LRH: Good. Look around here and find something you could reach.

PC: The telephone.

LRH: Good. Look around here and find something you could reach.

PC: Uh — folder.

LRH: Okay. Squeeze the cans. All right. Now, have I missed a withhold on you?

PC: No.

LRH: Ah, what did you just think of though?

PC: I Just thought, my God, could he have?

LRH: All right. Okay.

PC: But I think I've poured out all my . . .

LRH: Think you got all that taped, huh?

PC: Yeah.

LRH: All right. All right. Now, this needle has become quite quiet compared to what it was. But it seems to me just a little sticky.

PC: Oh. My goodness.

LRH: But it's become quite quiet.

PC: Mm-hm.

LRH: Now, have you become upset about anything?

PC: Well, I'm always upset.

LRH: Well, have you become upset about anything in the last minute or two?

PC: Oh, no. Don't think so.

LRH: What do you mean, you're always upset? Go on, finish what you were telling me.

PC: Well — well, you see, this is on TE And I — I feel really upset about it. But I feel better about it now. But, wow!

LRH: It upset you?

PC: Yes!

LRH: All right. All right. Has anything bitten yet? Anything bitten you?

PC: You mean here?

LRH: The TV camera suddenly blown a fuse?

PC: Not a thing. That's — that's what's amazing.

LRH: All right. Okay. Well, go on now. you want to say anything more about that? How about it?

PC: No. It — uh — it just doesn't seem like it was.

LRH: Doesn't seem so bad.

PC: Uh — I seem — uh-uh.

LRH: What did you think might happen?

PC: Well, you know, it looks different from — when you're here than it does down there.

LRH: Doesn't it!

PC: Yes.

LRH: Oh, I see. Maybe you're running out some of the stuff that was . . .

PC: Uh — it's possible.

LRH: . . . left.

PC: Oh, like I would — oh, like I was afraid that you were going to have me up here last week.

LRH: Oh, yeah.

PC: I breathed a sigh of relief I didn't even think of it this week.

LRH: All right. You had a surprise.

PC: Mm-hm.

LRH: All right. Put your cans there in your lap.

PC: In...

LRH: Yeah. Just — don't — just hold them with your . . .

PC: All right.

LRH: . . . backs of your hands down. All right. Now, squeeze the cans. All right. We apparently are . . . Do it again. Squeeze the cans. There's something real fluky here — what's happening I don't quite know what's going on, because this is not a proper can squeeze.

PC: Uh-uh.

LRH: It doesn't release. It simply falls and that's it.

PC: Well, my hands do stick to the cans.

LRH: Well now, are you giving a can squeeze because more skin touches the can? Bring your hands up here on the table. Let's see . . .

PC: Yes, I guess.

LRH: . . . what this is all about. Now, is that can fitted snugly down there?

PC: Yeah.

LRH: Huh?

PC: Mm-hm.

LRH: Now, I don't want more palm against the can. I just want . . .

PC: Oh, it's nice and fitting.

LRH: Why don't you just squeeze it between there and there. Now, we're going — I'm going to squeeze it for you.

PC: Oh, there.

LRH: Oh, there!

PC: All right.

LRH:Yes, there's something going on here. All right. There's no can squeeze there at all. You're just pushing more . . . Yes. You were just pushing more — I suppose that was invisible on the meter, but . . . Go on, squeeze it between there and there like I showed you. Well, how do you like . . .

PC: I didn't feel the can squeeze.

LRH:Yeah, so that's it. But you're — what you were doing before was wrapping more hand around the can.

PC: Hm. Could be.

LRH: Yeah. Well, then, it wasn't releasing

PC: No. It just stayed.

LRH:That's all right. But that's because the only fall we were getting on you was because more skin is touching the can. Not because of . . .

PC: I'm a terrible — uh — I'm a terrible havingness case.

LRH:Hm? Yes. This havingness thing is fascinating here.

PC: Mm! Fascinates me, too.

LRH: Well, what goes on here?

PC: Low havingness perhaps.

LRH: Yes! This I will agree with.

PC: Mm-mm.

LRH: But what's that?

PC: Well, now . . .

LRH: What's your idea of this? Go ahead and tell me. Go on.

PC: Well, you know, I don't have any idea of it at all. I just know that I did have a — a — a havingness thing. You see?

LRH: Mm-hm.

PC: Mm-hm. And I still do.

LRH: Hm! How do you account for this?

PC: I haven't the faintest idea. you know, people are like that.

LRH:You know that . . . All right. All right, honey. Okay. Well, this is an activity I didn't expect to get into here. Squeeze the cans like that again.

PC: That's what I was afraid of too, you see?

LRH: Yeah, but that's all right.

PC: All right.

LRH:Squeeze the cans again. No, I mean it's a darn good thing I started checking up on this.

PC: Why?

LRH:Because if you'd ever had an auditor, he would have straightened it up.

PC: Well, I've had a lot of auditors.

LRH: I don't think so.

PC: I've had six.

LRH:Nobody has straightened up your Havingness Process.

PC: Well, maybe I don't look like a havingness case. I mean, you know, I might not.

LRH:I'm not invalidating your auditor. I wouldn't do that in a normal session. But you're not in a Model Session.

PC: No.

LRH:I was just slapping some people's ears. Put your cans down.

PC: All right.

LRH: All right.

PC: My ears just got red.

LRH:Come on, I wasn't slapping your ears; I was slapping their ears. Now, look-a-here. Touch your ears.

PC: Hm-hm.

LRH: Thank you. Touch the top of your head.

PC: Hm-hm.

LRH: Thank you. Touch your chest.

PC: Ha!

LRH: Good. Touch your stomach.

PC: Yep.

LRH:All right. Touch your shoulders. Good. Touch your stomach. Good. Touch the top of your head.

PC: Hm-hm.

LRH:Thank you. Good. Touch the end of your nose.

PC: Hm-hm.

LRH:Good. Touch your stomach. Good. Touch your shoulders. All right. Thank you. Pick up the cans. All right. Squeeze them.

PC: Better?

LRH:Do it again. That's all right. All right. Mm-hm!

PC: Maybe I'm not very strong.

LRH:Oh, that's all right. I'm not going to worry about this.

PC: Hm.

LRH:All right. Once more we're going to try out this reach thing

PC: All right.

LRH: But we're going to try it out in negative.

PC: All right.

LRH:All right. Look around here and find something you aren't reaching.

PC: That door.

LRH: All right. Good enough. Look around here and find something you aren't reaching

PC: I'm not reaching the window.

LRH:Good. Look around here and find something you aren't reaching

PC: Uh — that light switch.

LRH:Good. Look around here and find something you aren't reaching.

PC: The ceiling.

LRH:Good. Look around here and find something you aren't reaching.

PC: Oh, that weigher.

LRH:All right. Now, how do you feel on this — for a minute?

PC: All right.

LRH: Does that make you feel strange?

PC: Uh — no. I just started feeling here and it's sort of echoish.

LRH:Oh, all right. Good. Squeeze the cans. Oh, I think it's a tiny bit increased.

PC: Oh.

LRH: Has it annoyed you?

PC: My space is kind of small.

LRH: Huh?

PC: My space is kind of small.

LRH:All right. But has it annoyed you that these Havingness Processes were all grab-out-at-something, grab-out-at something, or something like that?

PC: Uh — possibly.

LRH:Well, has it or hasn't it? Don't try to be obliging, just tell me.

PC: Well, it was uh . . . Well, sometimes things would be too far away, yes. Hm-hm.

LRH:And you sort of felt like you couldn't reach it. Well, answer this question: Have you ever failed to answer a Havingness command?

PC: I don't think so.

LRH:All right. I will check that. Have you ever failed to answer a Havingness command? I'm not getting a direct response on that.

PC: Oh, I don't think I have failed to. I might have had difficulty answering them.

LRH: All right. Let me check that . . .

PC: The last uh — time I ran uh — Notice — Notice! That was a good one....

LRH: Yeah.

PC: Uh — the auditor had me notice things that were small and close, you see? And that helped, to me.

LRH: I see. All right. All right. Well, we got this . . .

PC: He started on a gradient scale, you know?

LRH: All right.

PC: It worked.

LRH: Now, just for fun . . .

PC: Mm.

LRH:. . . let's run a few more of these negative commands.

PC: All right.

LRH: Okay?

PC: I like them.

LRH:Squeeze the cans. All right. Thank you. Look around here and find something you aren't reaching.

PC: That nail.

LRH:Good. Look around here and find something you aren't reaching.

PC: That rug.

LRH: Good. Look around here and find something you aren't reaching.

PC: That chair.

LRH:Good. Look around here and find something you aren't reaching

PC: The top of that uh — shelf.

LRH:Good. All right. Squeeze the cans. All right. That's reducing the can swing . . .

PC: Oh. Well . . .

LRH: . . . as you could expect it to. What?

PC: I uh — almost said I wasn't reaching you but I found out I was, so I didn't.

LRH: All right. Okay. You suppressed . . .

PC: Mm.

LRH:All right. Okay. Now, let's now check out this Notice, hm?

PC: All right.

LRH: All right. Notice that ashtray.

PC: Mm-hm.

LRH: Okay. Notice that wood.

PC: Mm-hm.

LRH: Good. Notice that telephone.

PC: Mm-hm.

LRH: Good. Notice that ceiling

PC: Mm-hm.

LRH: Good. Notice that flower.

PC: Yes.

LRH: Good. Notice that necklace.

PC: Mm-hm.

LRH: Good. Notice that E-Meter.

PC: Mm-hm.

LRH: Good. Notice that lamp.

PC: Yes.

LRH: Good. Notice that button.

PC: Mm-hm.

LRH: Good. Notice that pencil.

PC: Yeah.

LRH: Good. Notice that pencil.

PC: Mm-hm.

LRH:Good. Thank you. Squeeze the cans. Well, it's possibly coming up just a little bit more.

PC: Mm. LRSI: Squeeze them again. All right. All right. I don't like the reaction of that . . .

PC: I'm ruining it.

LRH: . . . process particularly. Hm?

PC: I'm ruining the demonstration.

LRH: Are you worried about that? I'm not . . .

PC: A little bit, yeah.

LRH:. . . worried about that. What are you worried about it for? Well, come on, what are you worried about it for?

PC: Well, I just — I did.

LRH:All right. Don't worry about that. No, I'm quite interested here. I'm quite interested here. I'm looking for a bug on the subject of havingness.

PC: Mm.

LRH:I'm looking for a bug of some kind or another . . .

PC: Yeah.

LRH:. . . on the subject of havingness. Here's the way you check into one of those things, for your own information.

PC: Mm-hm.

LRH:Have you ever failed to answer a Havingness command? I got a reaction that time.

PC: Did you?

LRH:You ever fail to answer a Havingness command? I got a reaction that time.

PC: Hm. Um — I did once, but I answered it later, because I told him.

LRH: All right. Okay.

PC: Yeah.

LRH:Thank you. Let me check that on the meter.

PC: Hm-hm.

LRH:Have you ever failed to answer a Havingness command? All right. You got a rather heavily swinging needle here. I'll have to check it again. Okay?

PC: All right.

LRH:Have you ever failed to answer a Havingness command? All right. That's clean.

PC: Yeah. I usually try. I — I — I like that, you see? I like the havingness Processes.

LRH: An right.

PC: And uh . . . I don't think I've failed to answer.

LRH:Okay. Now, have you ever failed to find a Havingness Process on a pc?

PC: I don't think so.

LRH: Ouhh, man, we've got a nice fall here.

PC: It scares me though to think about it.

LRH: Yes. We've got a nice fall here.

PC: Hm-hm.

LRH:I'll ask that again. Have you ever failed to find a Havingness Process on a pc? There's something here.

PC: Hm.

LRH: That was . . .

PC: Let's see now.

LRH: Well, what was that?

PC: Hm.

LRH:What's that? What are you thinking about right there? What's that?

PC: Oh — oh, by-y-y-y golly, I got sidetracked there.

LRH:What were you thinking about? You say you got sidetracked, but what did you think about at that point?

PC: Yeah.

LRH: Come on. That's it.

PC: I´m sure I must have.

LRH: Must have what?

PC: Failed . . . Oh. . .

LRH: Yeah, go on. Have you . . .

PC: And...

LRH: ... ever failed to find a Havingness Process on a pc? There's something in this.

PC: Hm-hm.

LRH: All right. What is it?

PC: Well, I'm sure I did. you found it.

LRH: All right. Thank you. I will check it.

PC: Yeah.

LRH:Have you ever failed to find a Havingness Process on a pc?

PC: Yeah, I must have.

LRH: That's latent now.

PC: Yeah. Well, I'm sure I did.

LRH: You're sure you did.

PC: Yeah.

LRH:Thank you. All right. Let me ask this question: What Havingness Process did you fail to find on a pc?

PC: Goodness' sakes. Oh, it was a "Point out."

LRH: Hm?

PC: It was "Point out something," l think . .

LRH: Hm-hm. All right.

PC: . . . on someone.

LRH: Thank you. Let me check that.

PC: All right.

LRH:What Havingness Process did you fail to find on a pc? Well, I got . . .

PC: It must have been "Point out something."

LRH:I get a wobbly needle on that. What Havingness Process did you fail to find on a pc? I've got a reaction on that still.

PC: Yeah.

LRH:All right. Let me ask you this question . . .

PC: I uh — it was the thirty-six ones, I think.

LRH: Hm?

PC: You know, the thirty-six Presessions.

LRH: Oh, yeah.

PC: Yeah. That was what it was. Hm?

LRH:Hm-hm. All right. Let me check that again. What Havingness Process did you fail to find on a pc? That's still live.

PC: Still.

LRH:What are you thinking about when you hit that?

PC: Well, it — it was one where you have a can between. "Point out something."

LRH: Mm-hm.

PC: That was the one.

LRH: All right. Let me ask you this question.

PC: Mm-hm.

LRH:What pc did you fail to find a Havingness Process on?

PC: I think it was my son. I don't know.

LRH: All right.

PC: Seems like it must have been.

LRH: There's a steep fall here.

PC: Well, it must have been him. you know, undoubtedly.

LRH:Why? Why undoubtedly? You don't remember this . . .

PC: Because that's the one I was thinking of.

LRH: Oh, all right. All right. I´ll check that.

PC: Mm.

LRH:What pc did you fail to find a Havingness Process on? All right, that's still dirty.

PC: Still dirty.

LRH: Not dirty, by the way, just falling

PC: Oh.

LRH: It still reacts, however.

PC: Hm-hm.

LRH:Let me ask you the question again. Now what pc did you fail to find a Havingness Process on?

PC: I guess that was Carl. Probably.

LRH: Who?

PC: Carl.

LRH: Carl.

PC: Hm-hm.

LRH: All right. Okay.

PC: Hm-hm.

LRH:All right. Thank you. Let me check that. What pc did you fail to find a Havingness Process on? All right. That's clean.

PC: No kidding It was Carl. Hm!

LRH: All right. All right.

PC: That's true, too.

LRH: It's true?

PC: Yeah. That's the one.

LRH:Hm? All right. Very good. All right. Squeeze the cans. All right. Now, let me ask something here out of my just out of curiosity here.

PC: Hm-hm.

LRH:You were sort of waiting for the meter to tell you whether that was right or wrong. What was this all about? Didn't you really remember that yourself?

PC: Not until I told it to you.

LRH: Oh, yeah.

PC: Not Carl.

LRH: All right.

PC: I knew there was someone, and the thirty-six Presessions and then this thing between the cans.

LRH:All right. You do remember — you do remember doing this?

PC: Yes.

LRH: Yeah. All right.

PC: Definitely.

LRH:Good. All right. Let me check this once more to make sure we get out from underneath the thing

PC: Mm-hm.

LRH:All right. What pc did you fail to find a Havingness Process on? I get nothing on that now.

PC: Mm, it was Carl.

LRH:All right. Okay. Now let's see what luck we have here.

PC: All right.

LRH:All right. Squeeze the cans. All right. Thank you. Look around here and find something you could reach.

PC: That hanger.

LRH:Good. Look around here and find something you could reach.

PC: Uh — the couch.

LRH:Good. Look around here and find something you could reach.

PC: Uh — that uh — connecting thing.

LRH:Good. Look around here and find something you could reach.

PC: I could reach that camera.

LRH:Good. Look around here and find something you could reach.

PC: The camera holder.

LRH:All right. Thank you. Okay. Squeeze the cans.

PC: Did I do it right?

LRH:Put those backs of your hands on the table here.

PC: Hm-hm.

LRH:Now put the backs of your hands — now, put your hands up to where I can get them here because I don't want to cover up the dial.

PC: All right. There's my fingers.

LRH: All right. Now just hold them relaxedly.

PC: Mm.

LRH:Man, there's certainly very little drop here, let me tell you, man. All right. Now, I'll tell you something

PC: Hm-hm.

LRH:I'll tell you something Is there something that you consistently want that you can't have?

PC: Sure.

LRH: Well, what is it?

PC: Uh — a lot of motion.

LRH: Hm? A lot of . . .

PC: Motion.

LRH: A lot of motion.

PC: Mm-hm.

LRH: And you don't think you can have this?

PC: Uh-uh.

LRH: Well, all right. All right. Okay. I get a little reaction on this.

PC: Yeah.

LRH: All right. Is there anything else you consistently want that you can't have?

PC: No, I don't think so.

LRH: All right.

PC: Well, I'd like to be a — a real excellent auditor.

LRH: All right.

PC: That I would like. But, you know, that — that I can come to in my own slow way.

LRH: All right. Now, let me ask you this question again just to check it on the meter. Okay?

PC: Hm-hm.

LRH: Is there anything you consistently want that you can't have? No, that's quiet now.

PC: Yeah.

LRH: It's sensitivity.

PC: Just those two things.

LRH: All right. I'll check it again. Is there anything you consistently want that you can't have? No, that's clean.

PC: Mm-hm.

LRH: All right. Very good. Okay, honey. Now, we're not going to fool with this anymore . . .

PC: Mm.

LRH: ... as a Havingness Process. But I'm going to recommend that we just do a standard job now of trying to find a Havingness Process on you. Okay?

PC: All right.

LRH: Because I've taken a little bit of charge off this thing. And I've now got — whether we've got havingness or not — I've got now a rather quiet needle.

PC: Mm-hm.

LRH: This thing was going slamity-slam before.

PC: I'm not surprised.

LRH: Okay?

PC: Yes.

LRH: All right. Let me check these What questions now.

PC: All right.

LRH: All right?

PC: Hm-hm.

LRH: All right. What about undressing every time you went to the bathroom? All right. We're just doing a check on this. It's just — this thing is — there's something about this. What about it?

PC: Well, I just think it's silly.

LRH: All right. Okay.

PC: You know, what an effect!

LRH: Thank you. Let me check that again.

PC: Mm-hm.

LRH: What about undressing every time you went to the bathroom? All right. Thank you. That's still a little bit warm.

PC: Is it?

LRH: Mm-hm. All right, honey.

PC: For goodness' sakes.

LRH:Now, here's the next one. What about you acting rowdy? All right. That's an active question. Do you care to say anything there particularly?

PC: No.

LRH:All right. Thank you, honey. Well, what about withdrawing from people? Let me check that again.

PC: All right.

LRH:What about withdrawing from people? All right. That's . . .

PC: That one's all right.

LRH: Apparently nothing on it very much.

PC: Yeah. I think I undid that one real good.

LRH:By the way, what overt was found that caused that to be asked as a What question?

PC: Santa Maria!

LRH:What overt was found? This is the question: What about withdrawing from people? I want to know what overt was found that led to that question being asked.

PC: I haven't the faintest idea at this point.

LRH:What might it have — I get a reaction here.

PC: Yeah, because I'm supposed to know. I mean, I . . .

LRH: Well, do you remember any overt?

PC: No, I don't remember.

LRH: Did you ever have an overt on this?

PC: Oh, yeah, I must have.

LRH: You must have, but did you?

PC: Yeah.

LRH: All right.

PC: Sure.

LRH: Did you ever have an overt on this?

PC: Mm, yeah. But I can't remember it.

LRH:All right. Thank you. Thank you. All right. All right. Nothing wrong with this.

PC: Yeah, I — I had a lot of them, really.

LRH:You went over a lot of them with the auditor?

PC: Yeah.

LRH: Mm. What was the type of overt?

PC: God...

LRH: Go on, what was the type of overt?

PC: Oh, withdrawing my support and stuff like that.

LRH: Hm?

PC: Withdrawing my support and uh . . . Gosh, really, I don't really remember.

LRH: Well, is that so? All right.

PC: Yes, sir.

LRH: Thank you.

PC: Yes, sir.

LRH: Thank you.

PC: You're welcome.

LRH: All right.

PC: But it seemed terrible at the time, I'm sure.

LRH:Mm-hm. All right. Okay, honey. All right, we've got "What about picking up a body?"

PC: That's what I said at the time.

LRH:All right. Very good. I'll check that on the meter again. What about picking up a body? Okay.

PC: I didn't like that one.

LRH: What about putting a body in storage?

PC: Pretty terrible, huh ?

LRH: Hm?

PC: Pretty terrible, huh?

LRH: Oh, pretty grim. Well, what about it?

PC: Yeah! Just think it used to be a good way to put them in, you know?

LRH: All right.

PC: Save them.

LRH: Thank you.

PC: No problem with me right now.

LRH:All right. All right, here's one I find. I'm not going to go over all these.

PC: I think Mary Sue had a list of the whole bunch on the front of it.

LRH: on the front of something here, huh?

PC: on the very first page.

LRH: Hm?

PC: Right on the very first page there. Yes!

LRH:All right. I'll check a couple of more of these. What about invalidating a teachers Anything you'd care to say?

PC: Nm. Well, I only did it a couple of times.

LRH:All right. Good. Now I'll ask that again. What about invalidating a teacher?

I'm not going to check any more: They're all hot, every one of them.

PC: Good heavens.

LRH:All right, honey. Well arrange to get something flattened on here. Okay?

PC: Except me.

LRH: What about except you?

PC: We'll not flatten me.

LRH: Horrible remark.

PC: I know.

LRH:All right, honey. You don't want to be flattened, huh?

PC: Uh-uh.

LRH: That's a bad one, huh?

PC: Yeah.

LRH:All right. All right. Now, the only thing I'm going to put down here is "1. Find this pc's Hav Process and use it." And "2. Flatten all What questions on list." And "3. Withdraw both former auditors from auditing." There we are.

PC: But I had six of them.

LRH: Hm?

PC: I had six of them!

LRH:Good. It's just the last two. Just the last two. Okay?

PC: Mm-hm.

LRH:Because when I tell somebody to get something done, then I expect it to get done.

PC: Yes, sir.

LRH:I found a gross auditing error here in auditing a pc without a Havingness Process. Now, I try not to invalidate your auditors: I'm not interested in invalidating them or not. All I'm interested in is, one day I walk out in the hall and I see a girl I like, called Smokey, and she is looking like she has just been dragged in by the cat, Sambo.

PC: Didn’t, though?

LRH:Yes. And so I says, "Well now, we'll check into this." So I said, "Well, the person has had a lot of What questions run, and we'll get these checked over." They were announced to me as being clear and clean and null: they're all hotter than a pistol.

PC: Mm.

LRH: Great? Furthermore, they're not very intelligent What questions. But that's all right; that's beside the point.

PC: I had fun with some of them.

LRH:Sure, I know you did. But those things can be cleaned.

PC: Mm-hm.

LRH: Okay?

PC: All right.

LRH:so I made up my mind that the cycle of action which I began . . .

PC: Mm-hm.

LRH:. . . on straightening you up would be finished. I found two gross auditing errors here: one of them is auditing a pc without a Hav Process, and the other one is not flattening the questions. That was all I was looking for.

PC: All right.

LRH: All right.

PC: I think I just fool people, you know?

LRH: Hm?

PC: I think I do fool people. You know, I don't usually — you know, it takes a lot to run me down.

LRH:All right, honey. As far as fooling people is concerned, you can't fool a meter.

PC: Oh, I didn't try to.

LRH: I know you don't.

PC: Hm.

LRH: No, it's just technical.

PC: Hm-hm.

LRH:What are you trying to do, take responsibility for this? Perfectly all right with me if you do.

PC: Oh, of course!

LRH:All right. Go ahead and take responsibility for it.

PC: All right.

LRH: That's all right.

PC: That's better.

LRH:All right. Now, have I missed a withhold on you? Thank you. That's clear.

PC: I know.

LRH: What were you thinking about?

PC: Naturally it's clear!

LRH: Huh?

PC: Naturally it's clear.

LRH:All right. Now, is there anything you care to ask or say before I end this?

PC: No.

LRH: Hm?

PC: Not a thing

LRH: Anything you care to ask or say before I end it?

PC: Well, just say "thank you," of course.

LRH:All right, honey. Now, I got a little dirty — instant dirty needle there.

PC: Well — uh — well, that's my secret.

LRH: What's your secret?

PC: You see, I have hot flushes sometimes.

LRH: All right. Okay.

PC: Age, you know.

LRH: Yeah. Yeah.

PC: Mm.

LRH: Yeah.

PC: so it — it gets a little dirty needle at times . . .

LRH: All right, honey.

PC: . . . on that one thing.

LRH:Okay. Let me ask this again. Is there anything you care to ask or say before I end this checkover?

PC: No. Don't think so.

LRH: All right. Think of anything else? Little something there?

PC: Uh — well, I appreciate your finding uh — that the havingness is out, because I do think l need it.

LRH: Mm-hm.

PC: Mm-hm.

LRH: Hm, all right. All right. Good enough.

All right. I'm going to check this one question on the meter here.

PC: Mm-hm.

LRH:Is there anything you care to ask or say before I end this checkover? Thank you. That is clear.

PC: Okay.

LRH: All right, honey. Thank you very much.

PC: All right. Thank you.

LRH:Put down the cans. you can go to — back downstairs and give the Instructor this.

PC: All right.

LRH: Thank you.

PC: Yes.

LRH: Okay.