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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- TV Demo - Patching Up 3D Criss Cross Cases (SHSBC-155) - L620516 | Сравнить



An auditing demonstration given on 16 May 1962

LRH: Now, if you just pull that chair a little bit closer.

Now, what we're going to do here . . . We're not terribly concerned with the auditing just now. I want to know how you're getting on, that's all. Going to check over your 3D Criss Cross, check over this goal, find out what you're doing Okay?

PC: Yes.

LRH: All right. I'm just mainly checking up on the 3GA — getting you well started from this.

PC: we haven't started the 3GA yet, Ron.

LRH: No, I know you haven't.

PC: Yeah.

LRH: I'm just making sure we're — we're okay here. All right. Now, the main thing which I'm interested in . . . Come on, stop looking so scared. What are you upset about? You upset about something? Huh?

PC: Well, the strangeness of it and uh . . .

LRH: oh, well. you let me worry about that, huh?

PC: Okay.

LRH: It's the strangeness of the room, huh?

PC: And the situation.

LRH: What's the situation?

PC: . I've seen all the others up here but I haven't been up here myself yet.

LRH: oh, I see. All right. All right. And, when you saw others up here — have you got any overt acts on seeing anybody . . . Have you?

PC: No, I think I've been very good, actually; I've shushed the others when they've been laughing

LRH: oh, you have? You've suppressed some overt acts.

PC: Yes.

LRH: All right. Okay. How you feel about that now? Ah, you still got a little bit of charge on it. Something might go wrong here some way or the other? Yeah. What?

PC: Well — well, I — I feel not so awfully good about my own auditing actually. Not as a pc but as an auditor.

LRH: Okay.

PC: And I feel that I've got such an awful lot to learn yet.

LRH: Got some overts. Is this because we threw some practical course right in the middle of you?



LRH: Partly.

PC: Yes.

LRH: Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. You were getting all smoothed out and there you went.

PC: Well, I don't know. Last week I had rather a rough — a rough time with my own auditing.

LRH: Yeah.

PC: Everything. I was all thumbs and thumbs and thumbs.

LRH: Yeah. Well, you recognize, don't you, fox the lack of these little parts and pieces that it can go that way.

PC: Yeah.

LRH: Right?

PC: Yes.

LRH: so I think it's a good thing you got an opportunity to straighten those out. I don't know what you think on it.

PC: It is.

LRH: All right.

PC: It is.

LRH: Well, how do you feel about being up here now? Well, there's still a bang on that. What's the matter? Is it me? Is it being checked over by me? No. Students? Kind of latent. This room? This room.

PC: I have wondered where the television camera is. I . . .

LRH: There it is.

PC: Yes, that's it. That's the one.

LRH: There it is. That one is on now.

PC: oh, I can see my own reflection in there yes. That's the one.

LRH: That's it.

PC: Yes.

LRH: And then there's the room.

PC: Yeah.

LRH: Okay.

PC: Where's the room . . . ? Oh, that's the room one.

LRH: Yes.

PC: Ha-ha.

LRH: That gives you the lot there.

PC: Yeah.

LRH: Okay?

PC: That's a bit better now.

LRH: All right. Now, how are you doing on this now? That's fine. That's clear. Okay?

PC: Good. Good.

LRH: All right. Feel better now?

PC: Yes.

LRH: All right. Is it all right with you if I check over your line plots here and goals and other things and stuff?

PC: It is.

LRH: All right. Now, you recognize that sometimes there's a sufficient amount of charge on a line that you can't go into a Goal Assessment . . .

PC: Mm-hm.

LRH: . . . sometimes. I'm just making sure here tonight that is not true or is true, and if so, what one do we have to list. So I'm going to have to do a little bit to you here to get this needle quiet.

All right. Catfish.. Ah, you're not responding to my voice, so that's okay.

PC: oh, good.

LRH: I want to check out these various lines that you've had here. you seem to have done a lot of listing on "hide."

PC: Yes, we have done uh — a lot.

LRH: All right. Hide. That is an instant reaction on that.

PC: Hm.

LRH: Now, did you get many somatics when you were listing that?

PC: Yes.

LRH: You did!

PC: Mm. For — for — for — for weeks. For weeks it — uh — for a number of weeks — two at least — it seemed to be all uh — sensation . . .

LRH: Mm-hm.

PC: ... and then this last week, oh, it's been beautiful, with really good pain. But at least it was some pain I had, you know, I could feel.

LRH: Hmm.

PC: It was something solid.

LRH: Hm. Hm. All right. Okay. Well, you got reaction on that line. All right. That's the main test. That's the only thing I really want to know.

PC: Mm-hm.

LRH: And we get a — still get a reaction on the Prehav level "hide." There's no damage done on this. It's just what was getting near the person.

PC: Yeah. Very near.

LRH: And let's test this next line, shall we? Who or what would be afraid to find out? Who or what would be afraid to find out? That looks awfully cool. I'll check it just once more. who or what would be afraid to find out? I'm afraid I haven't got any charge on that at all.

All right. Let's take this next one. who or what would suppress an identity? That looks very cool. who or what would suppress an identity? I get no reaction on that.

PC: Mm-hm.

LRH: Now, in listing "Who or what would be afraid to find out?" did you pick up a lot more somatics?

PC: Yes.

LRH: You did have quite a few somatics? How heavy?

PC: Yes.

LRH: How heavy were they?

PC: They kept — they were — yes, they were heavy — uh — heavier than any I've had before anywhere in auditing.

LRH: Is that so! Is that so.

PC: Mm-hm. And they moved, strangely enough, from behind, seemingly, out there to the back of the body, to the middle of the body and then they came out in front here. And they appeared as — uh — forget how I described them to my auditor, but sort of mechanical things like dolls.

LRH: Mm-hm.

PC: They were not dolls but they had the mechanical appearance, the deadness of dolls.

LRH: All right. All right. Well, that line doesn't seem to be very charged. But you say you had heavy somatics on it, huh?

PC: On "hide."

LRH: No, no. On "Who or what would be afraid to find out?"

PC: I beg your pardon.

LRH: oh, I see. Oh, yeah.

PC: I was referring to "hide."

LRH: oh, "hide."

PC: Yeah.

LRH: All right. But "Who or what would be afraid to find out?" — did you have somatics listing that? PC: Very, very slight, light ones.

LRH: Yeah, that's what I thought. And "Who or what would suppress an identity?" did you have any somatics listing that?

PC: Hardly at all.

LRH: No. All right. It's all over here on "hide."

PC: Yes.

LRH: You had me going there for a minute. I...

PC: I — I do beg your pardon. Yes. Yes.

LRH: oh, that's quite all right. It's an overt that shall be forgiven. All right. What did you find the elephant on?

PC: Uh — "Who or what would hide2"

LRH: Ahh.

PC: And a cardinal too, before the elephant . . .

LRH: Yes.

PC: . . . and I've never known anything like that happen before. It came to sight and it blew with violence.

LRH: All right. Well, let's straighten out this line. Now, somebody, I think, started you listing on goals (which is perfectly all right; that can be skipped because you didn't go very far on that), and . . . You'll have a good subjective reality on this, as somebody who was run on some earlier line — whether it was a goal or anything of the sort, that produced somatics and reaction and that sort of thing — the line has to be completed.

PC: Yes.

LRH: But, if it were not a true line of some kind or another it wouldn't have to be completed — no somatics on it.

PC: Yeah.

LRH: What were you going to ask me?

PC: There was something I'd like to say, is that uh — towards the end of running "hide" I noticed, or I felt, that the um — question, uh — as a process question, was beginning to, shall I say, skid; it wasn't gripping.

LRH: That's all right. It would. It would. Three sides to the flow are all missing

"Who or what would hide?" Well, that's a nice one. Let me work this out. Okay?

PC: Yes.

LRH: Your listing was "Who or what would hide?"

PC: But, Ron, would it go on and on and on and on and on like this?

LRH: Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. Sure would. Not if listed four ways.

I'm going to take an experimental check of this, if it's all right with you.

PC: Yes.

LRH: I'm just going to take several here at random, and I'm going to read them to you and see what TA action we get out of this. Okay?

PC: Yes.

LRH: All right. Now, give those cans a squeeze, would you? Thank you. Your havingness is down. Give those cans a squeeze. All right, thank you. That's good enough. All right. Just hold on to them now.

A man hunter

A man killer

A man eater

A stalker

Anyone who stalks

A stealthy stalker

A stalker by stealth . . . so forth.

There's still some reaction on this.

A masked man

A highwayman

A pope

A statesman

A subverter.

That particular aspect of it seems pretty cool.

PC: That was the elephant part. The animal part.

LRH: He blew, huh?

PC: Yes, he blew.

LRH: All right. Now, "Who or what would hide?" All right. Now, let's see if we can make a four-way flow out of this, okay?

PC: Hm.

LRH: That was what was listed. Now, the way we get this is we want — it's want, not want, oppose, not oppose. That isn't the order of listing, but that's an easy way to remember it. Okay?

PC: Mm.

LRH: Let's change this into the order of listing: Oppose, not oppose, not want.

All right. Now, which one is "Who or what would hide?" Is it want? It's not certainly . . . Is it want? "Who or what would hide?" "Who or what would want to hide?" Is that right? That translate?

PC: Not quite. Who — would you please give it to me again, Ron?

LRH: Hm?

PC: What it was — what — would you give it to me again — what it was, what you asked me.

LRH: "Who or what would want to hide?" "Who or what would hide?" Is it the same?

PC: Huh. It seems to be "Who or what would hide?"

LRH: All right. So let's change this over to — we've got: "Who or what would hide?" And then we've got, obviously: "Who or what would not hide?"

What's the matter there?

PC: Now I've gotten all uncertain.

LRH: Yeah, I know you would be uncertain at that point. But it'd have to be, to be opposite that, wouldn't it? I think we'll get a kick out of this on the meter. Let's take a sound at this. who or what would not hide? That isn't too close. Who or what would not hide? Who or what would not want to hide?

PC: "Not want to hide."

LRH: Who or what would not want to hide? I'm afraid so. who or what would not want to hide? There's a little better reaction on that.

PC: Yeah. A bit more kick in it.

LRH: All right. "Would not want to hide." Okay.

Now, putting these things together which are oddball lines is sometimes a little bit tricky.

PC: Mm. Hm-hm.

LRH: All right. Now. The next one would be "oppose hiding," wouldn't it?

PC: Yes. Yes.

LRH: Would it be "oppose hiding" or "oppose something that hid"?

PC: "Oppose something that hid."

LRH: It would be: "Who or what would oppose . . ." I'm afraid it'd have to be "something or someone," wouldn't it? "Someone or something . . ."

PC: Mm-hm.

LRH: "... that hid."

PC: Yeah.

LRH: And "Who or what would not oppose someone or something that hid?" Hm?

PC: Yeah.

LRH: Let me try those on the meter now. Who or what would oppose something or someone that hid? I just get a tiny little jolt out of that. who or what would oppose hiding Who or what oppose hiding Who or what would oppose something or someone who hid? Something or someone that hid?

I get a kick out of it. I got a little dirty needle here. Is there a — a missed withhold on something like that?

PC: Uh — yes.

LRH: Yeah, what's the missed withhold?

PC: The third one that you said back, uh — "would oppose," uh — did you say "hiding"?

LRH: Uh-huh.

PC: That one gave me a little just a little jolt, and I didn't tell you about it.

LRH: All right. All right. Thank you. Let me check that. Is there a missed withhold on this? That's it. All right. Clear.

Okay. It's — Who or what would oppose hiding That's tame now. who or what would oppose hiding Who or what would oppose something or someone who hid? Which one of those seems right to you?

PC: The last one.

LRH: Yeah. All right. See if you can wrap your wits around this one: Who or what would not oppose something or someone who hid?

PC: I´m in total apathy on that one.

LRH: Who or what would not oppose something or someone that hid?

PC: I — I — I've wrapped my wit — wits around it, but it just sends me into total apathy about thinking about an answer.

LRH: That's a boy. That's a boy. That's right.

PC: Yeah. Yeah. Oh, Lord knows.

LRH: Well, then that's fine. And that's just exactly correct. Because these "not oppose . . ."

PC: Oh!

LRH: . . . is out there into the nowhere, see?

PC: Whew!

LRH: All right. There is your listing And this one is listed One, and this is Two, this is Three, and that is Four. All right.

Now, let's see how these things are. Okay? See if we get a little knock on these things. Who or what would hide? It seems to be awfully clear that you've listed the living daylights out of it.

PC: Seven hundred, I think.

LRH: Yeah. All right. Now, who or what would not want to hide? All right.

Have I missed a withhold in this session? Yes. What?

PC: I wondered what you were looking at through there.

LRH: oh, all right. Good enough. Let me check this. Have I missed a withhold in this session? That's clear. Thank you. All right. Wild, man.

Who or what would not want to hide? This thing is cool. who or what would oppose something or someone that hid? Who or what would oppose something or someone that hid? Well, there seems to be something on that. Is that the one your attention hung up on?

PC: Yeah.

LRH: Yeah. All right. Yeah, that's a gruesome one, isn't it? Yeah. All right. And who or what would not oppose something or someone that hid? Ah, there's a little tick on that. All right. That seems to be all right.

All right. Now, how are you doing on that?

PC: I feel as if I'd like to get my teeth into that — those two — those two last ones.

LRH: Yeah. Yeah.

PC: Especially the third one. LRH: Well, we haven't got a good checkout here on "Who or what would not want to hide?" or "Who or what would not hide?"

PC: Mm. Mm.

LRH: Is that better?

PC: Mm.

LRH: Who or what would not hide?

PC: Yes.

LRH: Yeah. There we're getting a jolt on it.

PC: Sounds rather like oppterms.

LRH: Yeah, that's good. "Who or what would not hide?"

PC: That lets the floodgates open.

LRH: "Who or what would not hide?" Yeah. You're thinking about that now?

PC: Mm.

LRH: It's going round and round, too. All right. That's the way we will do that then: "Who or what would hide?" "Who or what would not hide?" "Who or what would oppose something or someone that hid?" and "Who or what would not oppose something or someone that hid?" Okay?

All right, Mike. Now, how do you feel about this check over? How do you feel about this check over?

PC: Good.

LRH: Good. All right. Is it all right with you if we bring it to an end?

PC: Yes.

LRH: All right. End of check.

PC: Thank you.

LRH: You bet you. You're welcome, Mike. Put them down. you can go back downstairs. You're all set.

PC: Thank you.

LRH: Okay, Jim. Have a seat.

PC: Thank you.

LRH: We'll see what you're up to here and into.

PC: Yeah, let's do that.

LRH: I was particularly interested in this one, Jim . . .

PC: Mm-hm.

LRH: ... because of the level that was found on it.

PC: Yes, I was . . .

LRH: Seem to me to be quite disastrous if we didn't get that level straight.

PC: Mm.

LRH: All right. So I want to find out how good that is or isn't. All right, pick up the cans, would you? Is it all right with you if I do a check over on this?

PC: Yes, sir.

LRH: All right. Here we go. Give those cans a squeeze. Ah, that's good news. Give them a squeeze. Give them a squeeze. Your havingness is a bit down, isn't it?

PC: Hm, I don't know.

LRH: Why?

PC: I'm shaking like a leaf

LRH: What are you upset about?

PC: Hm.

LRH: I don't get any reaction here at being upset, particularly.

PC: Okay.

LRH: But...

PC: Havingness is down.

LRH: Your havingness seems to be down. What's your Havingness Process?

PC: "What's the condition of that (so-and-so)?"

LRH: I see.

PC: At least that — that was up until today. And Jan said I'd outgrown it. And now we have something like um — yeah, just "Point out something around here you can have," or something like that. Fairly — a straight process.

LRH: oh, yeah?

PC: Have I made this clear?

LRH: Mm. "Point out something you could have?" "Look around here and find something you could have."

PC: "Look around here and find something you can have." That worked this morning. Up until then we have been using "What's the condition of that (so-and - so)?"

LRH: Hm. You don't mind my doing something about this, do you?

PC: No. Be delighted.

LRH: Is it all right if I give you a very short session on this?

PC: Yes, of course.

LRH: Not in Model Session?

PC: Any way you like.

LRH: Is it all right?

PC: Sure.

LRH: All right. Let's check this one over here. Give me another can squeeze. All right. When you squeeze the cans just let them sit there . . .

PC: Yeah.

LRH: ... relaxedly.

PC: Mm-hm.

LRH: All right. Now just press on them. Thataboy. Fine. That's good. All right. Here is the first command.

PC: Okay.

LRH: Look around here and find something you could have.

PC: Your wristwatch.

LRH: Good. Look around here and find something you could have.

PC: This ashtray.

LRH: Good. Look around here and find something you could have.

PC: That camera.

LRH: Good. Look around here and find something you could have.

PC: Um — the balance.

LRH: Good. Look around here and find something you could have.

PC: The jacket on the bed.

LRH: Good. Look around here and find something you could have.

PC: Yes, I like these curtains. I could have those.

LRH: All right. Look around here and find something you could have.

PC: Feels better already. Um — that door.

LRH: All right. Squeeze the cans, would you? All right. Let's try it again. Squeeze them. All right. Look around here and find something you could have.

PC: Your necktie.

LRH: Okay. Look around here and find something you could have.

PC: Your binocular case.

LRH: Good. Look around here and find something you could have.

PC: The frame of that picture.

LRH: All right. Squeeze the cans, would you? Yeah. You're getting a little more extension on this.

PC: Good.

LRH: All right. Look around here and find something you could have.

PC: This lamp.

LRH: Good. Look around here and find something you could have.

PC: Mm — that — uh — wire-rope thing.

LRH: Good.

PC: Pin. Right.

LRH: Good. Look around here and find something you could have.

PC: The telephone.

LRH: Good. Look around here and find something you could have.

PC: The green vase.

LRH: All right. Squeeze the cans, would you? All right. That's fluky.

PC: Mm.

LRH: That's fluky. That contracts and expands your havingness. It loosens it for a moment and then contracts it for a moment. Have you got any invalidations on a Havingness Process? Yeah, what is that?

PC: Well, this has been used and turned down in favor of "the condition of that thing."

LRH: Oh, I see. All right.

PC: You know, when we ran through a couple to see which would work; and the "condition" one loosened up the needle, and those that Jan tried prior to that tightened the needle, and this was one of those that had previously tightened the needle.

LRH: All right. Okay.

PC: But not this morning.

LRH: Good. Let me check that.

PC: Okay.

LRH: Has this been invalidated? Thank you. That is now clear. Have you ever failed to answer Havingness Processes? Thank you.

PC: Well ?

LRH: No reaction. You can answer it if you like.

PC: No, but I thought that I had failed to run them well.

LRH: Mm. Mm. All right. Have you ever failed to run a Havingness Process well?

PC: Yes, indeed.

LRH: Yeah. Thank you. Let me check that now. Have you ever failed to run a Havingness Process well? I still got a tick on that.

PC: Mm-hm.

LRH: Can you shed some more light on that? Can you tell me when and where, and so forth.

PC: Yeah, it was with Mary.

LRH: Hm?

PC: Mary.

LRH: Mary?

PC: It was subjective: "Mock up something Shove it into your body." she couldn't do it.

LRH: oh, I see.

PC: we tried it on the gradient scale.

LRH: Was this an overt?

PC: Well, it was a failure.

LRH: It was a failure. All right.

PC: In the process of trying to do it I was insisting that she did it.

LRH: I see.

PC: It became — uh — I became rather overbearing I suppose. It was way back about seven years ago.

LRH: All right. All right. Okay. Anything else you care to say about that?

PC: Not especially. No.

LRH: All right. Now let's check on this again. What was the first question? I wanted to know if you had . . .

PC: Yeah. The question we were just looking at now was something about invalidated process.

LRH: Mm-hm. All right. Have you ever invalidated a Havingness Process? Thank you. That's clear.

PC: Good.

LRH: All right. Okay. Let's try this just a few more times. Were you running that exact process at that time?

PC: No, it was a subjective one. "Mock up something you can have and shove it into your body" was the failed one.

LRH: I see. That's the failed one.

PC: Mm.

LRH: All right. Were these cousins up till just a moment ago?

PC: Well, they're both Havingness Processes, but one is quite different from the other. I never really cared for Subjective Havingness anyway.

LRH: All right. Good enough. Okay. Let's run a little more of this Havingness now.

PC: Right. LRSI: All right. Look around here and find something you could have.

PC: There's a little baby chest in there I like the look of; I could have that.

LRH: All right. Look around here and find something you could have.

PC: This carpet.

LRH: Okay. Squeeze the cans, will you? Well, for some reason or other that went wider. All right. Look around here and find something you could have.

PC: Hm. The bedspread.

LRH: Good. Look around here and find something you could have.

PC: That camera.

LRH: Good. Look around here and find something you could have.

PC: The lamp.

LRH: Good. Look around here and find something you could have.

PC: Well, I could have the expanse of the ceiling.

LRH: All right. Good enough. Squeeze the cans. All right. Now, that process is still tightening things, and so forth. And I'm now going to shift gears to another process. Okay?

PC: Right. Yes.

LRH: All right. The process I'm going to run on you here is "Look around here and find something you could reach."

PC: All right.

LRH: All right?

PC: Mm-hm.

LRH: Here's the first command.

I don't mean to invalidate that process, and so forth, but it is still going through a cycle of tighten-loosen.

PC: Hm! Okay.

LRH: It's all right. All right. Nothing very catastrophic.

PC: Mm.

LRH: But I think this "reach" thing possibly would do better. Reach. All right. I thought it kicked on it for a moment.

PC: Hm.

LRH: All right. Anything you'd care to say to me there?

PC: Yes, I'm sitting on something here.

LRH: What?

PC: If that process I told you was the one Jan ran this morning, it'll be on the top of this morning's report. If I've made a mistake it'll be some other Havingness Process. That is, if she made a note of which process.

LRH: By George, I don't find that process here.

PC: Hm.

LRH: Maybe yesterday?

PC: You know, I take very scant notice of what she does in session. So I may have been mistaken about this.

LRH: I don't see any notes on the havingness end of it.

PC: Mm-hm.

LRH: so I'll just take a shot in the dark here, and we'll see what we've got.

PC: Right.

LRH: We'll just take a shot in the dark. All right. Let me check something here for a moment. All right. Have I missed a withhold on you? There's a little bit of a throw there.

PC: I thought of the — this being televised. This whole procedure.

LRH: All right. Thank you. Let me check that. Have I missed a withhold on you? Thank you. That's not clear yet.

PC: oh.

LRH: All right. Let me ask you again. Have I missed a withhold on you? Bing, bing.

PC: That was about Jan's auditing. I seem to be talking a great deal about it.

LRH: All right.

PC: But uh — how would this be a mith — uh — a with withhold ?

LRH: Yeah? Yeah?

PC: Um — not since we sat — not since I sat down in this chair can I think of anything that you've missed .

LRH: All right. Okay. Let me check that. Have I missed a withhold on you? All right, that is clean now.

PC: Good.

LRH: Thank you. All right, let me run some of this reach process. All right?

PC: Okay.

LRH: Look around here and find something you could reach.

PC: That lamp.

LRH: Good. Look around here and find something you could reach.

PC: The door to the bookcase.

LRH: Good. Look around here and find something you could reach.

PC: The hook on the back of the door.

LRH: Good. Look around here and find something you could reach.

PC: The light switch.

LRH: Good. Look around here and find something you could reach.

PC: The pen in Fred's pocket.

LRH: Good. Look around here and find something you could reach.

PC: Your tiepin.

LRH: Good. Look around here and find something you could reach.

PC: The receiver of the telephone.

LRH: All right. Look around here and find something you could reach.

PC: This triangular block of wood.

LRH: All right.

PC: That one, yes.

LRH: Right. Right. Look around here and find something you could reach.

PC: Knob on the door — drawer. LRH: All right. Okay. Squeeze the cans, would you? All right. That's broadening I'm going to give you two more of these commands and end this process, if that's . . .

PC: All right.

LRH: ... all right with you. Look around here and find something you could reach.

PC: The lens in the camera.

LRH: Okay. Look around here and find something you could reach.

PC: Mm. The glass in — the glass pane in that door.

LRH: All right. All right, one more test. Squeeze the cans. All right. Thank you. Okay. Now, that's the end of that process.

PC: Good.

LRH: All right. Now, quite interesting We'll get your auditor to go into this havingness proposition with you. I'm not going to at this particular time. That is sort of a broad, shotgun process . . .

PC: Mm-hm.

LRH: ... that generally does these things — because I'd say you needed quite a few — quite a little bit of that.

PC: oh, yeah.

LRH: I would like to see you get quite a little bit of Havingness run.

PC: Good.

LRH: Okay?

PC: Right.

LRH: All right. Now. Let's get over into this scramble here.

PC: Mm-hm.

LRH: And you've been doing some goals.

PC: Yes, sir. For three days we're been doing goals.

LRH: All right. And have you been successful in . . .

PC: we have a list. We're nulled about 35 percent of them.

LRH: Yeah, you seem to be coming along all right. Nothing seems to be upsetting this. Hm?

PC: No. The session is mostly auditing. Very little time is spent now in end — end and — beginning and end rudiments. Which was the case in the beginning with auditing. We were spending a lot of time on rudiments and less time on auditing . . .

LRH: Hm. That's peculiar.

PC: ... than we are these last few days. I mean . . .

LRH: oh, you mean you were before spending more time on rudiments.

PC: Yes.

LRH: But not now?

PC: No. No. We're just whizzing through beautifully.

LRH: oh, all right. All right. All right, well, let me check up and just make sure with you, Jim, that we're not all fire-drilled on the subject of . . . Has nobody ever done a line plot for you? Guess there was no need to, the only level you ever listed was apparently "drive crazy."

PC: Right.

LRH: And what was the question?

PC: "Who or what would drive something or someone crazy?"

LRH: "Who or what would drive something or someone crazy?" That is a nice tough one.

PC: we have a list of something nudging on a thousand items there.

LRH: "Who or what would drive something or someone crazy?" All right. Now, while you were running that, Jim . . .

PC: Mm-hm.

LRH: ... did you get a lot of somatics?

PC: No.

LRH: You got no somatics?

PC: I got two . . .

LRH: D@. What were they?

PC: ... distinct ones, and I've still got them.

LRH: What are they?

PC: One was a pain in the shoulder blade of this side . . .

LRH: Yeah.

PC: ... and the other was a twitching nose. Right at the end. It looked like a rabbit. Like that rabbit we gave the kids.

LRH: Yeah.

PC: His nose twitches. And it goes on twitching in the most uh — I mean, unexpected moments.

LRH: All right. Did you have a lot of big

-cognitions or something of the sort on this?

PC: Not big ones. But quite a lot of cognitions. It got realer to me. It seemed to me I went back to the very core of being, so that any departure from native state was the beginning condition of craziness . . .

LRH: oh, I see.

PC: ... and it was a progression on from there.

LRH: All right. Well, that doesn't sound to me to be very violent. But you say you still got those somatics.

PC: Mm-hm. But they're not worrisome somatics.

LRH: Mm-hm. In doing this goal did you find yourself distracted or anything of the sort?

PC: Not by those. Certainly not.

LRH: Your attention is very nicely on the subject of goals?

PC: Mm-hm.

LRH: All right. Well, let me test the question. Who or what would want to drive something or someone crazy? You've still got a react on it.

PC: Mm, yes. Well, your question was a little different from the one that Jan was asking

LRH: I've got "Who or what would want to drive someone or something crazy?"

PC: we didn't have the "want" in there when we were listing

LRH: Just "Who or what would drive someone or something crazy?"

PC: Mm-mm.

LRH: All right. All right. Let's see. I'll check that. who or what would drive someone or something crazy? Who or what would drive someone or something crazy? This looks awfully quiet, but the needle gets very still when I start talking about that. I'll tell you what we're going to do in your case: we're just going to let you go right on with a Goals Assessment.

PC: Fine.

LRH: And we're not going to be upset about this.

PC: Okay.

LRH: But, if after — what? — a complete 3GA . . . Now, I'm writing here, "But if after a complete 3GA, nose and shoulder somatics continue, do a complete line . . .

PC: Hm.

LRH: ... listing on Prehav level "drive crazy." All right?

PC: Mm. Sure. This shoulder pain is uh — you know, I'd be pleased to be rid of it, but uh — it doesn't seriously interfere with anything

LRH: All right. Well, I think it'll probably blow off . . .

PC: Mm-hm.

LRH: ... or something of the sort. you seem to be getting along all right with your Goals Assessment; everything seems to be fine.

PC: I'm very pleased with it.

LRH: All right. Is there anything you care to say before I wind this up?

PC: Beyond thanking you very much, no.

LRH: All right. Okay. Now, let me check just one thing.

PC: Mm-hm.

LRH: All right. Have I missed a withhold on you? All right. Thank you very much. That's clear.

PC: Good.

LRH: Okay. Put your cans down.

PC: Thank you.

LRH: Thank you very much, Jim.

PC: All right, sir.

LRH: You bet you.

LRH: Come on, Tom. There you go.

PC: Thank you.

LRH: Pick up the cans. Shove it a little closer there and pick up the cans. Okay. Now, let's take a look at where you're sitting here on the meter. Squeeze the cans. All right. That's pretty loose. Now, is it all right with you if I do a check-over of what you're doing here in listing?

PC: Sure.

LRH: All right. Now, we have a Prehav level here, "convince."

PC: Mm-hm.

LRH: And you listed on that and we left the list incomplete and went to 3GA. How long did you list on that one?

PC: Oh, not very long really. Maybe three sessions or less. Very possibly less?

LRH: Hm?

PC: Oh, it weren't too long — about three sessions' worth.

LRH: All right. And what happened during that listing

PC: Um — I did experience some somatics — uh — not very terrible ones — in the ears.

LRH: In the ears?

PC: Yeah. Just uh — they didn't last long. I had a — a jolt in the side. Um — eyes got a bit sticky — one eye. I had a slight somatic in the right eye.

LRH: Mm-hm.

PC: Just minor somatics actually. These are — these were new ones . . .

LRH: Hm.

PC: ... as far as I was concerned. Now, I have a — a chronic head . . .

LRH: Hm-mm.

PC: ... that I've had in since uh - '56 - since we ran solids.

LRH: Mm-hm.

PC: And it's kind of stayed with me on and off.

LRH: Well, did that turn on while you were doing this?

PC: Well, I've had it so long, I mean, it's kind of a cousin of mine now.

LRH: Yeah, but . . .

PC: It — it — it varied a little bit — little bit but it doesn't . . .

LRH: Did that line vary it?

PC: A little bit. I think it did a little bit.

LRH: oh, it did, huh? All right. Let me find out what wording was being used on this.

PC: "Who or what would want to . . ."

LRH: I just wanted to know, mainly, if it turned on something

PC: Well, that — they were. I got a jolt in the side. These were new ones.

LRH: Yeah.

PC: You know ? Ears. Little somatics . . .

LRH: Do you have any — are any of these still on?

PC: No — uh — not — no. I've got the head . It's like uh — like I've got a woolen hat on all the time — pressure.

LRH: But since when has that been?

PC: Oh, I've had that for, oh, years, I guess.

LRH: Now, Tom!

PC: Yes.

LRH: I am talking about a line that you just listed . . .

PC: Yeah.

LRH: . . . for three or four sessions.

PC: Yeah.

LRH: Now, did that line turn on anything new? Now, you be a good boy now.

PC: New. Uh — those somatics I mentioned were new ones.

LRH: Now, this woolen head one?

PC: Ah, this — that varies on processing It eases and increases . . .

LRH: But it has always varied on processing?

PC: Yeah.

LRH: All right. So that is not new.

PC: That's not new, no.

LRH: Now, I'm trying to find out one thing here. Now, it'll make you much easier to answer. And I don't know what your auditor did with the list but it seems to be missing. I find no lists. I got some lists here.

PC: They're already-done-with lists.

LRH: Well, what are these lists?

PC: These are — these are what we did .

LRH: SOP Goals.

PC: Prior to coming. Yeah. Yeah. Last year.

LRH: Did you . . . Oh! What is this?

PC: That's a goals list. I think they came — the two together.

LRH: Ah, yes, here we are! "Who or what would want to convince?" Now we're talking! "Who or what would want to convince?"

All right, Tom. Let me say this one to you. who or what would want to convince? Now, there's still a tick on this. It's still alive. But it's just a tick. But it's a little bit of a double tick so do you mind if I ask you another question?

PC: Yeah. Sure.

LRH: All right. Have I missed a withhold on you? Yes.

PC: Uh — well, I thought then, when you looked at a goals list, this was contrary to your orders. We ran it, and I wanted to see what it did. Those — on running those goals — when we looked at those lists just now. Um — Conner and I had a bang at it.

LRH: we what?

PC: we ran those goals. They weren't touched here; this is something we did in LA.

LRH: Yeah.

PC: And uh — it was uh — contrary to your orders. That's all.

LRH: oh, that you ran them?

PC: Yeah.

LRH: oh, all right. Thank you. Thank you. Let me check that. All right. Have I missed a withhold on you? Seems to be clean.

PC: Very good.

LRH: Thank you. All right.

Now, let me take one more look at this. Who or what would want to convince? Well, it's kind of latent.

You see, now, here's what I'm trying to do, Tom: I'm trying to make up my mind whether or not you should continue this listing.

PC: Mm-hm.

LRH: And you yourself will have to know how to do this. Whether you continue listing something that has been listed in the past or whether you can go on to a current Routine 3 process. See?

PC: Mm-hm. LR§I: There's a possibility, you see, that if a fellow got some somatics — and why I was scolding you a minute ago is, I only want to know if this turned something on which hasn't been turned off.

PC: No, I wouldn't say so.

LRH: I didn't put it right, see? You wouldn't say so.

PC: Well, while you were talking earlier I was looking at these things and they were light somatics, they'd jolt you when they turned on. I wouldn't call them heavy . . .

LRH: Mm.

PC: . . . but they were there . . .

LRH: Mm.

PC: . . . and they turned off

LRH: Well, is this quite new to you to get some kind of a somatic or a sensation?

PC: That type of somatic — the way it turned on and off — I — I would say yes.

LRH: Kind of new.

PC: It was quick. It hit me and turned off.

LRH: All right.

PC: See, when I get into anything, it usually is pretty heavy and it usually stays with me, you know ?

LRH: Yeah. I get you. All right.

PC: But this was short, sharp and sweet.

LRH: Well now, look here, Tom. You have listed — well, there's maybe 150 of these.

All right. Now, let's bring up something here. you obviously have done something here, and there has been a goal found . . .

PC: Yeah.

LRH: . . . and obviously a terminal must have been found.

PC: Well, uh — we did; we found a goal and a terminal. We ran it. It was probably a present time situation. We ran the ter — the goal was "to be wanted . " And the terminal was . . .

LRH: What was the goal?

PC: "To be wanted."

LRH: Right.

PC: And the terminal was "a boy."

LRH: All right.

PC: we couldn't knock it out so we ran it.

LRH: All right. Okay. Then you have listed prior to 3D Criss Cross.

PC: Yeah.

LRH: Yeah. Well, all right. Now, that's all we want to get to.

PC: Now, that goal when it was found it — it — it — it rock slammed for about three quarters of an hour — nearly blew the meter apart. So we guessed it was worth running.

LRH: All right. But I just want to know now: It was on this list here someplace, huh?

PC: Mm-hm. Yeah. Still blitzing me.

LRH: All right. Do you remember the number?

PC: No. I'm afraid I don't remember that.

LRH: Don't mind my looking for it here, do you?

PC: No. Not at all.

LRH: I can't find it on this list. Everything has been nulled.

PC: Well, it uh . . . Well, we ran that goal .

LRH: Well, yeah. I'm trying to find it on the list.

PC: Mm.

LRH: That is the wording of it?

PC: That's it. Mm-hm.

LRH: "To be wanted."

PC: That's it.

LRH: All right. I'm going to check this goal out. Okay? What's your auditor doing right now with it?

PC: We're not touching it, actually We went on and just got those lists through. And uh — we're just um — completing goals lists.

LRH: You're completing a goals list.

PC: Yeah.

LRH: But there was a goal found.

PC: Yeah.

LRH: Well, was it found as a regular goal?

PC: What do you call a regular goal?

LRH: Well, was it found and checked out and it stayed in and . . .

PC: Yeah. We couldn't knock it out. That's why we ran it. And it blew the meter apart. It was a terrific thing

LRH: All right.

PC: so we ran it.

LRH: Okay. All right. Good enough. Sixteen May '62. And the goal was "to be wanted."

You listed a terminal for that thing too, didn't you?

PC: Yeah. "A boy."

LRH: Mm-hm. "To be wanted." All right. Is it all right if I check this goal?

PC: Yeah.

LRH: All right. To be wanted. All right. Okay. To be wanted. Okay. To be wanted. All right. Now, have you invalidated this goal?

PC: oh, sure. Yeah. I sure did.

LRH: All right. How is that?

PC: Well, I doubted it. And I thought when you issued the bulletin about present time problems and things like that . . . Uh — this is a thing in the bank — I've got a whole thing I've been running for years, with women and boys and all sorts of things like that.

LRH: Hmm.

PC: And I figured on that. And when you issued that bulletin, I thought, "Well, this is a present time problem." It came up when we were running problems.

LRH: Mm-hm.

PC: Flashed across, and I said, "Put that down."

LRH: Hm-hm.

PC: And we couldn't knock it out.

LRH: Hm-hm. All right.

PC: That's how we got it.

LRH: All right. Thank you. Let me check this. All right. Has this goal been invalidated? All right, I still get a bang That's it.

PC: Well, actually, it came straight out of an incident, I'm pretty sure. I dramatize it.

LRH: All right.

PC: And I wondered whether it was out of a — a — some kind of an engram . . .

LRH: Mm-hm.

PC: . . . quite like this. But it was very real, and it lasted a long time.

LRH: All right.

PC: I didn't think it was a real . . . There might be a more basic goal, I thought.

LRH: Mm-hm.

PC: But this was so good I thought that we — we — we could run this with advantage.

LRH: All right. Okay. Let me check that now. All right? Has this goal been invalidated? That seems a bit clearer. Okay?

PC: Mm-hm.

LRH: Now, has anybody missed a withhold on this goal? Yes. That's it.

PC: Mother.

LRH: That's it.

PC: Mother.

LRH: What is it?

PC: I thought of Mother.

LRH: Yeah. Bang

PC: Carmen.

LRH: All right. That's it.

PC: Carmen's mother.

LRH: All right. There's one.

PC: Well, I — what I thought then — that all the people that I consider didn't want me . . . I looked — uh — that's what I thought then.

LRH: All right, then. Okay. What's that one?

PC: Well, this is — uh — what I thought then was a kind of a game.

LRH: Hm.

PC: Um — you reject them and they consider they don't want you.

LRH: All right.

PC: That's what I thought.

LRH: All right. All right. Thank you. Thank you. I didn't mean to keep feeding you more and more there.

PC: Nm-hm.

LRH: I just thought maybe I could run this one down. All right. Has anyone missed a withhold on this goal? Yes.

PC: Well, I thought of Father then.

LRH: Okay. All right. Let me check that. Has anyone missed a withhold on this goal? Yes, it's still live. Think of another one? That's it.

PC: Um — well, I thought of the priest — Roman Catholic Church.

LRH: Mm-hm.

PC: Excuse me.

LRH: All right. Thank you. Has anyone missed a withhold on this goal? Yep.

PC: I thought of nuns then.

LRH: Okay. Thank you. Let me check that. Has anyone missed a withhold on this goal? That's getting cleaner. There's just a tiny, little tick left. can you think of that one? That's it.

PC: Well, what I thought of then — um — when I brought up some pictures on birth, they had nuns around the bed praying over me, apparently — by the bed . . .

LRH: The what? What?

PC: Nuns.

LRH: Yeah.

PC: I didn't know about this.

LRH: Yeah.

PC: The priest came in to visit me — we lived next door to the consent, you see . . .

LRH: Right.

PC: ... and I didn't know about this. But apparently I was giving them a kind of a game and probably was expected not to stay. And they were just — they were trying to keep me around, I suppose.

LRH: oh, yeah. All right.

PC: That's all. That's what I thought of.

LRH: All right. Thank you. Let me check that, Has anyone missed a withhold on this goal? Still bangs.

PC: Now, I just . . .

LRH: That's it.

PC: ... thought of a bishop then.

LRH: All right. You got that?

PC: Well, I'm wondering . . .

LRH: You thought of a bishop you said.

PC: Yeah — who the hell the bishop is.

LRH: All right. Okay. Let me check that. Has anyone missed a withhold on this goal? Now, we still get a tick.

PC: Well, there'd be the family.

LRH: There's one. Huh?

PC: Family.

LRH: All right. Okay. It's getting quieter. Let me check it again. Has anyone missed a withhold on this goal? It's clean.

PC: Thank you.

LRH: All right. Okay. Now, let me check this goal again. To be wanted. To be wanted. To be wanted. All right. I get a sort of a dirty needle and a sporadic read here on this thing so there's apparently some more on this thing Now, have you ever — have you ever suppressed this goal? Yeah, there's a tick-tick.

PC: Yeah. Yeah, I've suppressed it with practically everybody.

LRH: Hm-hm.

PC: Anybody that showed me any — uh — any interest in me, I — I used to turn this on.

LRH: All right. Okay. Thank you. Let me check that. Have you suppressed this goal?

PC: Continuously.

LRH: Still a little tick. All right.

PC: Well, this would apply to practically everybody I knew.

LRH: Mm-hm.

PC: I've suppressed it.

LRH: All right. Good. Let me check that. Have you ever suppressed this goal? Get a fall, but it's getting cleaner. That's it.

PC: Well, I thought about the army then. I left the service when I was wanted.

LRH: Hm-mm. Hm. All right. Thank you. Let me check that. Have you ever suppressed this goal? All right. There's nothing but a bit of a latent on there now. But let's see if you can think of that one.

PC: Mm.

LRH: That's it. That's it.

PC: Thought of Mother.

LRH: All right. That's it again.

PC: Mother.

LRH: All right. Thank you. Let me check that Have you ever suppressed this goal? Still get a bang. Not clean yet. That's it. That's it. That's it.

PC: Carmen — I would suppress it with her. And . . .

LRH: That's it.

PC: . . . this — this would apply to everybody I've known, actually.

LRH: All right.

PC: And everybody that has shown any interest in me, to help me, I've kind of taken off.

LRH: Okay. All right. Let me check that. Have you ever suppressed this goal? Still a tick. That's it.

PC: School.

LRH: Okay.

PC: Um — yeah, College of Science, I think I was uh — I think a professor there was trying to help me and I backed off of that too.

LRH: All right. Thank you. Let me check it again. Have you ever suppressed this goal? It's getting cleaner. I'll check it one more time. Have you ever suppressed this goal? I don't think that's this reading; there's something reading here. I'll check it one more time Have you ever suppressed this goal? Still a tick.

PC: Well, I suppressed it as far as you're concerned.

LRH: oh, all right.

PC: When you reached at me I didn't respond.

LRH: All right. Good enough. Good enough. Let me check it again. Have you ever suppressed this goal? Yeah, that's getting clean now. That's getting clean. Let me make sure. Check it one more time. Have you ever suppressed this goal? I got a latent tick that time, just a little bit of a latent. That's the one. That's the one. That's it.

PC: I thought of Iceland then.

LRH: Hm?

PC: Iceland.

LRH: oh, yeah. All right. Okay. Let me check it once more. Have you ever suppressed this goal? I've still got a bang here. There it is. There it is.

PC: Well, I suppressed it in the first job I was in. Uh — when help was offered to me . . .

LRH: Mm-hm.

PC: . . . um — I refused the help there — took off from there . . .

LRH: All right.

PC: . . . without much explaining.

LRH: Okay. Okay. All right. Have you ever suppressed this goal? Still got a tick on it.

PC: Well, there's another family that were very friendly toward me.

LRH: Mm-hm.

PC: I cut adrift from them.

LRH: Mm-hm.

PC: Same way.

LRH: All right. Okay. Let me check on this. Have you ever suppressed this goal? Got a tick. That's it.

PC: Sisters.

LRH: Hm?

PC: Sister.

LRH: All right. Sister. Okay. All right. Let me check it once more. Have you ever suppressed this goal? Still got a fall.

PC: Yeah, that's with uh — uh — Vera — another one that uh — another person trying to help me. LRH: All right. All right. Okay. Good enough. Let me check this again. Have you ever suppressed this goal? Well, I got a swing that time. Let me check it. Now, we're just talking about this goal.

PC: Mm-hm.

LRH: Have you ever suppressed this goal? Still get a little hang here. Getting much cleaner; we're changing this.

PC: Mm-hm. Um — well, this seems to be the — right the way throughout life actually; it's the thing I´ve done apparently.

LRH: Mm-hm.

PC: Uh — soon as anybody showed any interest or wanted to help me I just um — took off That's all.

LRH: Hm. Hm. All right. All right. Let me check this again. Have you ever suppressed this goal? I still get a bang

•on here.

PC: Mm-hm. I thought of an aunt then that tried to help me in the art field. LRE: Mm-hm. All right. All right. Let me check it again. Have you ever suppressed this goal? That's getting clean. All right.

Now, let me check the goal itself. Just let me say the goal a few times. To be wanted. To be wanted. To be wanted. To be wanted. To be wanted. Now, the read is a little more consistent here than it was. But you get a couple of responses and then a no-response, so there's something else on this. All right. In this session have I missed a withhold on you?

PC: No. Well, I thought I didn't — I thought of and didn't tell you was uh — I thought of a singing career that I was offered, that I refused too.

LRH: Yeah.

PC: A singing career.

LRH: Hm-hm.

PC: I thought of that.

LRH: All right.

PC: I thought of that and didn't tell you it.

LRH: All right. Good. Let me check that. In this session have I missed a withhold on you? Still got one. That's it.

PC: Well, I — I seem to be suppressing the goal now, to some extent.

LRH: Suppressing?...

PC: The goal.

LRH: oh, yeah. Yeah? Right now?

PC: Yeah.

LRH: All right. Okay. Let me check this. In this session, have I missed a withhold on you? Clean. Okay.

PC: Thank you.

LRH: All right. Let me check this goal again. To be wanted. To be wanted. To be wanted. All right. We got two slightly latent and one no-read on this particular activity.

Now, is there an invalidation on listing Ah, that's clean. Have you been upset by a Goals Assessment?

PC: Well, we certainly had battles on it um — when we were listing

LRH: oh, you did, huh?

PC: oh, yeah. We fought . . .

LRH: Was that here?

PC: Yeah, we — no, not here, no.

LRH: oh, on the goal?

PC: Yeah.

LRH: Originally.

PC: Yeah, we really fought our way through that.

LRH: Mm-hm. All right. Let me check that. Have you had any upset on a Goals Assessment? All right. Clean. Okay.

To be wanted. To be wanted. To be wanted. Now, frankly, we do get a tick in this. It does tick; slightly, just a split late but it's checking out better. Now, without any recourse to the meter, is there anything you care to say about this?

PC: Uh — no. Well, I felt it was probably uh — something worth running. I didn't particularly feel it was the goal.

LRH: oh, you didn't?

PC: No, I felt it was kind of far down the track a little bit, in the right direction.

LRH: Hmm.

PC: I felt there was something below it.

LRH: Hm. All right. Okay. You remember listing the terminal for it?

PC: Well, uh — uh — yeah, I remember the terminal, yeah — "to be a man." you mean the list?

LRH: Listing on it.

PC: oh, there wasn't many on the list.

LRH: Very few.

PC: Mm-hm. Wasn't many to it.

LRH: All right. Now, I still get a slightly dirty needle here on occasion, from time to time. Now, did the auditor who did this assessment miss a withhold on you?

PC: Well, if she did, um — I didn't know about it.

LRH: All right. What was it?

PC: Well, I — I figured uh — that I wasn't giving her the terminal . . .

LRH: Yeah.

PC: . . . and I figured I wasn't giving her the goal.

LRH: oh, all right. All right. She didn't find that out?

PC: Um — well, I told her that.

LRH: All right.

PC: But the terminal, I felt, I was withholding.

LRH: You did?

PC: Mm-hm.

LRH: All right. All right. Did the auditor who did this Goals Assessment miss a withhold on you? That's cleaner. All right. Was this done in that LA course?

PC: Nuh-uh. No. That was done off bulletins.

LRH: Yeah. Well, was this before the LA course?

PC: Yep. Um — yes.

LRH: Done before the LA course?

PC: Yeah.

LRH: I see.

PC: Before the rudiments were gotten clean.

LRH: All right. Okay. Now, is there an invalidation on this goal? Seems to be clean. Has any auditor missed a withhold on this goal? I have to check that again. Has any auditor missed a withhold on this goal? The word "auditor" seems to start a dirty needle here.

PC: Yeah. Well, it doesn't mean that — it kind of means something else to me.

LRH: What's that?

PC: "Auditor." Well, it kind of um — um — I'm kind of uh — mixed up with auditing — books and papers and accounts and things like that on auditing. It doesn't mean what we consider an auditor is.

LRH: oh, I see. Got it.

PC: I — uh — I have difficulty with these things.

LRH: Okay. All right. Has any auditor missed a withhold on this goal? I'm not getting any read on that particularly. I did get a dirty read on the word "auditor." Let me check this — yeah, I still get it. Auditor. Auditor. There's something going on, on that — on that word still.

PC: Well, I think, myself, it's a — something I´ve never really been fond of as a . . .

LRH: As a word.

PC: ... title, or. . .

LRH: All right. Good. Let me check this now. Has any auditor missed a withhold on this goal? That is clear as far the question is concerned. All right. Let me check it out once more here. To be wanted. To be wanted. To be wanted. All right. All right, in this session, have you suppressed this goal? Yes.

PC: Mm. Kind of.

LRH: Mm-hm.

PC: Yeah.

LRH: Well, all right. Okay. Let me check this again. In this session have you suppressed this goal? Still got one.

PC: Yeah, I was hoping that um — the goals list wouldn't be touched, you know? I kind of thought that uh — maybe we'd get on the — maybe the other list and forget about that.

LRH: oh, all right. Very good. All right. Let me check that now. In this session have you suppressed this goal? Clean. All right. Once more. To be wanted. To be wanted. To be wanted. To be wanted. To be wanted. All right.

How do you feel about this goal?

PC: Well, it means something. It's something I've tried to do.

LRH: Mm-mm.

PC: Um — I got it.

LRH: Mm-hm.

PC: I came up with it.

LRH: Hm.

PC: It made sense to me.

LRH: All right.

PC: Something that I was trying to prove . . .

LRH: All right.

PC: ... in order to take off. It was very real. I've done this all my life.

LRH: Hm-mm.

PC: so it meant something to me.

LRH: All right.

PC: Felt we had to do something with it.

LRH: Okay. Now, let's take another look at this "would want to convince." Hm?

PC: Mm-hm.

LRH: Who or what would want to convince? All right. We get a nice read on that, by the way. Now, how would we four-line this? "Who or what would not want to convince?"

PC: Seems less positive. Um . . .

LRH: "Not want to be convinced?" What would it be?

PC: "Would," I think.

LRH: Hm?

PC: "Who or what would . . ." without the "want" in it.

LRH: Yes, I know. But that's what you've gotten listed here. you listed "Who or what would want to convince?"

PC: Yeah, that seems all right.

LRH: All right. How about the line "Who or what would not want to convince?"

PC: Seems less positive. The other one seems more real.

LRH: Mm-hm. All right. Who or what would oppose being convinced? Who or what would oppose being convinced? Who or what would oppose being convinced? And who or what would not oppose being convinced?

PC: Yeah. Seems right.

LRH: Who or what would not oppose being convinced? Who or what could be convinced?

PC: Seems real.

LRH: Yeah. "Who or what could be convinced?"

PC: Mm-hm.

LRH: All right. And we've already listed "Who or what would want to convince?" And you actually preferred that to be "Who or what would convince?"

PC: That's the way I felt when you read it out.

LRH: Mm-mm. Well, let me check these two. Who or what would convince? Who or what would want to convince? Which of those sounds best?

PC: The first one.

LRH: "Who or what would convince?"

PC: Yeah. Feels more certain.

LRH: Hm-hm. Well, actually, as a person could continue this listing, they could just translate that line already listed to that point over to this other thing, and you'd get the same thing. All right. And we've still got one more. "Who or what would opposed being convinced?" "Who or what . . ."

Now, "Who or what would not want to convince?" Make any sense to you?

PC: Yeah.

LRH: "Who or what would not want to convince?"

PC: Yeah.

LRH: All right. Let me test this out. who or what would not convince?

PC: Seemed like on the other side when you said that. Either of those are over there, you know, kind of separate from me.

LRH: Where are they — oh, yeah, yeah . . .

PC: The opposition.

LRH: ... yeah. Oh, they're definitely in opposition.

PC: At least that's the way it feels.

LRH: "Who or what would not want to convince?" All right. Or "Who or what would not convince?" Which is the best line? "Who or what would not want to convince?" Is that easy to answer?

PC: Yeah.

LRH: All right. "Who or what would not convince?" Is that easy to answer?

PC: Well, that, you have to be more certain. I feel you have to be more certain about those answers than the other one.

LRH: Very good.

PC: More positive.

LRH: Hm-hm.

PC: I think the other one is broader. The other one seems more narrow to me at the moment.

LRH: "Who or what would con — would not convince?"

PC: Mm — that's broader.

LRH: That's broader . . .

PC: Mm-hm.

LRH: ... than "Who or what would not want to convince?" Huh?

PC: Yeah.

LRH: "Who or what would not convince?" Well, what we're going to do — we'll continue — continue existing line with "Who or what would convince?" and then run "Who or what would oppose being convinced?"

PC: Mm-hm.

LRH: And "Who or what could be convinced?" and "Who or what would not convince?" Okay?

PC: Seems fine.

LRH: They're all hot.

PC: Good.

LRH: Okay? And as far as your Goals Assessment is concerned, you can go on and get your goal — perfectly all right. But I sense on the meter here that there's something in between you and this former goal. And so let's list this thing out; it shouldn't take forever to list it out, you know?

PC: Okay.

LRH: Let's list this thing out and then go on and get — with that out of the road, go on and get a goal. Huh?

PC: Mm-hm.

LRH: All right?

PC: Yeah, fine.

LRH: Because you did get somatics. They were changing somatics. You do have some chronic somatics. Okay.

PC: Mm-hm.

LRH: All right. Is there anything you care to say about it?

PC: No. Thank you.

LRH: All right. No other comment? Anything you'd like to say about this? All right. Perfectly fine. All right. That is it, Tom. And thank you very much.

PC: Thank you, Ron.

LRH: That's the end of checkout.

PC: Thank you.

LRH: All right. That's okay. Okay. Push your chair forward there a little bit, Fred.

PC: Mm-hm.

LRH: A little more. A little more. Thanks. Chair! All right. Pick up those cans. Okay. All right here. Now, give the cans a squeeze. All right. Thank you. Is it all right if I do a check-over on this situation?

PC: Yes.

LRH: All right. Okay. Anything wrong with my doing a check-over on it?

PC: No.

LRH: I get a bang there.

PC: Well, I'm just nervous.

LRH: There it is. You're nervous about it, huh?

PC: Mm-hm.

LRH: All right. Is it all right if I check over this situation?

PC: Yes.

LRH: All right. Nervous about the TV?

PC: No.

LRH: No. What is it you're nervous about?

PC: No, the — I feel I'm down to waterbuck/ tiger level on this here, and I´m all mixed up, heading in both directions at once, it seems.

LRH: oh, I see.

PC: Goal and opposition goal, and terminal and opposition terminal, and I seem to have been hanging there for a long time.

LRH: All right. Now, did you ever list a goal earlier?

PC: No.

LRH: Have you ever had a goal found on you?

PC: No.

LRH: Okay. And you've only got one line here — the only line you've listed, apparently.

PC: No, I've had another one. It's a Prehav line also — "civilize." I think it's . . .

LRH: It's right here.

PC: ... it's not — and the suppressor line "Who or what should be disregarded when you want to get something done?"

LRH: Well now, what do you think about all this? Which is the first one that was done?

PC: Well, "Who or what would civilize?" was done and abandoned. And when you brought out the suppressor line, that one was started and "civilize" was not completed . Peter Williams got the oppterm on that first, on the suppressor.

LRH: Hm-mm.

PC: And Dorothy Broaded did the other side of it and got the terminal. And uh . . .

LRH: on what, the "civilize"?

PC: No. On the suppress line.

LRH: oh. Oh, on this Line A that's already here.

PC: Yes.

LRH: All right. Now answer . . .

PC: And then. ..

LRH: Yeah. Go ahead.

PC: And then she assessed — Dorothy Broaded, my present auditor, assessed me on another Prehav level and came up "to make unconscious." And — well, that's one of the things I've been complaining to you about for years that I dope off, dope off, dope off.

LRH: Yeah, I know.

PC: And that didn't run too well. And apparently she got instructions from Mary Sue to finish the line on "Who or what would civilize?" The one that Ellen had started. We did about a thousand on it all together.

LRH: All right.

PC: we did come up with "a reformer" and it didn't quite check out.

LRH: All right. But tell me this . . .

PC: Mm.

LRH: ... the earliest one you did is "civilize."

PC: The earliest one that was started, but not finished. And we . . .

LRH: Yeah. Well, that's "civilize"?

PC: Yes!

LRH: That's the earliest one.

PC: Yes.

LRH: All right. Now, in doing that "civilized" one, whether the first time or the second time, did you get a lot of somatics? Heat, cold, pain, sensation — any of these things happen?

PC: Not the first time. No. But the second time I started to get somatics on it. When we really listed it out to completion. When — until tone arm action was no longer in it.

LRH: Hm.

PC: Then I started to get somatics on the left side of my body; all on the left side, including teeth that were no longer there.

LRH: All right.

PC: And I think that's probably why I lost them — because of whatever was sitting there.

LRH: All right. Now listen, Fred.

PC: Mm.

LRH: You've apparently had "civilize" and then "to make unconscious" and then "Who or what should be disregarded when you're getting something done?"

PC: Well, not in that order. It was . . .

LRH: Let me get this order straight here.

PC: ..."civilize” first. Uh — the first assessment I've ever had in 3D Criss Cross was "Who or what would civilize?" That was run by Ellen Carter, and we got a list of about six hundred.

LRH: «Who or what would civilize?"

PC: That's right. And that was never completed.

LRH: Good. All right. And your next line for listing?

PC: The next line was "Who or what should be disregarded when you're getting something done?" And that came out as — you want the item? No. Okay.

LRH: And your next line?

PC: And the next line was "Who or what would make unconscious?" on the Prehav.

LRH: Mm-hm. And the next?

PC: And that was abandoned and we went back to "Who or what would civilize?" and finished that one.

LRH: Got it. Thank you. Right now are you looking for a goal or . . .

PC: Yes. Right now we're looking for a goal.

LRH: All right. What luck are you having with looking for a goal?

PC: Well, it's tremendous auditing just to list for the goal. I'm again amazed that we're right down in the basic area of — well of — of what I want to achieve and the opposition to it immediately.

LRH: Hm.

PC: I seem to be on both sides of the fence all the time. And uh . . .

LRH: Hm-hm.

PC: . . . it's very, very uncomfortable.

LRH: All right. Answer this now, Fred: If you yourself could choose what was going to happen or were going to choose, what would you do here? Which one of these lines? Or what would you do?

PC: oh, I'd finish the goal listing, by all means.

LRH: You'd finish it off, huh?

PC: oh, definitely.

LRH: Yeah.

PC: Not that the other was not uh — not productive, but I can see where the goals listing is — is definitely right down the . . .

LRH: Mm.

PC: . . . center line. And why, just listing the goals is tremendous auditing for me — cognitions galore.

LRH: Hm. Hm. All right.

PC: And I seem to be exteriorizing from my difficulties, seeing both sides of the problem.

LRH: All right. Good enough. Good enough. All right. Let me check over this list and just read these down the line. Okay?

PC: Yes.

LRH: And let's see what readings we get here. In the first place, let me give you a null word. Just put your cans in your lap there. All right, let me give you a null word. Floor. Floor. Floor. Floor. Floor. Floor. Floor. Floor. Floor. Floor. All right, this is not going to get in our road.

Here we go. who or what would civilize? Okay.

Who should be disregarded when you're getting something done? All right. Thank you.

Who or what would make unconscious? All right. Thank you.

Who or what would civilize? All right.

Goals. Okay. Goals. All right. Thank you very much.

Goals gets a read. The rest of these get a dirty needle.

PC: Hm!

LRH: so, what we're going to do is . . .

PC: There was a lot of — in the first listing of "Who or what would civilize?" — Ellen just said, "Well, anything that comes to your mind," and all sorts of — of the seamier sides of life just came to my mind and sort of boiled off.

LRH: Hm-hm.

PC: I listed down everything and — and there is a circuit of some kind having to do with stuck pictures of birth and sex, and . . .

LRH: Hm-hm.

PC: ... and this, whenever I'm getting audited, auditor gets a dirty needle and then — now I've — I've gotten toward getting them off on missed withholds. But these have been very embarrassing.

LRH: I see.

PC: Yeah. But that — we finally got that off now. We used to — horse wrangling for an hour to get rudiments in.

LRH: Yeah.

PC: Especially with a female auditor.

LRH: Right.

PC: But now we can get them in, in a few minutes.

LRH: All right. Very good. Oh, I feel that there were some missed withholds on that whole subject. You probably didn't say what you wanted to say or about running it or something of the sort?

PC: Mm. No, I don't think I could get away with anything; especially not with Dorothy now.

LRH: Yeah. Yeah. Well, I didn't mean that

PC: Oh, I see.

LRH: I meant on the earliest run on "Who or what would civilize?" Yeah, there it is, but . . .

PC: Well, it's quite possible, because we didn't know about the missed withhold things yet.

LRH: All right. Well, did your first auditor on "Who or what would civilize?" miss any withholds on you? I don't get a reaction on that particularly.

PC: oh, no. No, I — I'm not bashful. I get them off although it may be painful to get them off. you know ?

LRH: Yeah. Yeah.

PC: But I get them off.

LRH: Well, you're getting your bulk of your session going on goals.

PC: Mm-hm.

LRH: Right? And you get a bing-bang here on the subject of goals. Well, you get a reaction on the subject of goals. All right. We're going to go on here with goals, huh?

PC: Mm-hm.

LRH: Good. Fine. And we're just going to complete a Goals Assessment. And sometime clean down all of suppressions, invals on the subject of listing. All right, that's fine. Okay. We got that now. All right. Is there anything you care to say before we end this up?

PC: No. Thank you very much.

LRH: All right. You bet you. End of checkout.

PC: Thank you very much.

LRH: There you go, Fred. See you later.