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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Double Action Cycles - B600727 | Сравнить

SCANS FOR THIS DATE- 600727 - HCO Bulletin - Bulletin Check List (WE July 23, 1960) [B024-171]
- 600727 - HCO Bulletin - Bulletin Check List (WE July 23, 1960) [B036-114]
- 600727 - HCO Bulletin - Double Action Cycles [B024-170]
- 600727 - HCO Bulletin - Double Action Cycles [B027-060]
- 600727 - HCO Bulletin - Double Action Cycles [B036-115]
- 600727 - HCO Bulletin - Double Action Cycles [B140-016]
- 600727 - HCO Bulletin - Double Action Cycles [B141-035]
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
Fran HldrsFran Hldrs





Although no change is anticipated on current processes, Regimen 1, Presession, Model Session, and Help, since these are making clears very easily when well assessed and letter-perfectly run, I still have a research line running and new facts appear. Thus I will continue to present this data even though it is not for immediate use in processes.

Although no change is anticipated on current processes, Regimen 1, Presession, Model Session, and Help, since these are making clears very easily when well assessed and letter-perfectly run, I still have a research line running and new facts appear. Thus I will continue to present this data even though it is not for immediate use in processes.



The oldest cycle of action is of course the early Vedic hymn, probably written by the monk Dharma himself, so far as I recollect. It shows the dawn becoming the day, becoming the night, and out of nothingness a progressive development into a new nothingness. This has been written as, I think, “The Hymn to the Dawn Child”, available probably in most libraries as the Vedic Hymn.

The oldest cycle of action is of course the early Vedic hymn, probably written by the monk Dharma himself, so far as I recollect. It shows the dawn becoming the day, becoming the night, and out of nothingness a progressive development into a new nothingness. This has been written as, I think, “The Hymn to the Dawn Child”, available probably in most libraries as the Vedic Hymn.

The next cycle of action is the Create — Survive — Destroy of early Scientology. The dominant part of this cycle of course appeared in Dianetics as the primary law of Book One — Survive. The Dynamic Principle which motivates most biological life is SURVIVE.

The next cycle of action is the Create — Survive — Destroy of early Scientology. The dominant part of this cycle of course appeared in Dianetics as the primary law of Book One — Survive. The Dynamic Principle which motivates most biological life is SURVIVE.

The more fundamental urge of a thetan, as different from biological existence, is Create. Thus, in Fundamentals of Thought, the cycle of action becomes Create-Create- create-create — No create (or Counter-create).

The more fundamental urge of a thetan, as different from biological existence, is Create. Thus, in Fundamentals of Thought, the cycle of action becomes Create-Create- create-create — No create (or Counter-create).

Survival is the apparency of creating. Creation brings about an effort to continuously create which becomes “Survive”.

Survival is the apparency of creating. Creation brings about an effort to continuously create which becomes “Survive”.



It is interesting now that behaviour, particularly as applied to work, is easier to understand by a closer viewing of the cycle of action.

It is interesting now that behaviour, particularly as applied to work, is easier to understand by a closer viewing of the cycle of action.

There are two “double actions” in the cycle which give a better grasp of the actual value of a worker, as well as other areas of life. These then become valuable, at this time, as an evaluation of human beings.

There are two “double actions” in the cycle which give a better grasp of the actual value of a worker, as well as other areas of life. These then become valuable, at this time, as an evaluation of human beings.

The lowest double action in the cycle is the most difficult to handle when it is present in an organization. This is “destroy in order to survive”.

The lowest double action in the cycle is the most difficult to handle when it is present in an organization. This is “destroy in order to survive”.

We see this most easily to-day on the Fifth Dynamic with Eating. One destroys form in order not to die. One kills to live. Of course this involves some very degrading consequences as it is not a duplication. Out of this we can evolve the overt-motivator sequence.

We see this most easily to-day on the Fifth Dynamic with Eating. One destroys form in order not to die. One kills to live. Of course this involves some very degrading consequences as it is not a duplication. Out of this we can evolve the overt-motivator sequence.

Duplication would be “killing in order to die” or “making survive in order to survive”. As soon as one “Destroys in order to Survive” he is in a mis-communication situation. There is no duplication possible. Individuation results. The intention is double and contrary. One destroys something over there in order not to be destroyed over here. The violation of duplication brings about the upset of feeling bad here when one tries to kill there.

Duplication would be “killing in order to die” or “making survive in order to survive”. As soon as one “Destroys in order to Survive” he is in a mis-communication situation. There is no duplication possible. Individuation results. The intention is double and contrary. One destroys something over there in order not to be destroyed over here. The violation of duplication brings about the upset of feeling bad here when one tries to kill there.

There are too many workmen who enter this upon the whole programme of work.

There are too many workmen who enter this upon the whole programme of work.

Around them machines, structures and people collapse. Such workmen are trying to

Around them machines, structures and people collapse. Such workmen are trying to

survive only by destroying everything around them. And this reaction is not confined to workmen. Anyone in an aberrated state may have some tinge of it.

survive only by destroying everything around them. And this reaction is not confined to workmen. Anyone in an aberrated state may have some tinge of it.

Another double cycle action is to create in order to survive. This is fairly sane. An artist sometimes will not work unless his survival is threatened. Then he creates. This principle of threatening survival is common to most actions in business and the arts.

Another double cycle action is to create in order to survive. This is fairly sane. An artist sometimes will not work unless his survival is threatened. Then he creates. This principle of threatening survival is common to most actions in business and the arts.

The middle ground double is of course making things survive in order to survive. As Survival is translated for processing as Continuous Confront (“What could you continue to confront” + rather not continue, etc) we can find persistences in this category.

The middle ground double is of course making things survive in order to survive. As Survival is translated for processing as Continuous Confront (“What could you continue to confront” + rather not continue, etc) we can find persistences in this category.

We also see “destroy in order to be destroyed” and “create in order to be created” in phases of life.

We also see “destroy in order to be destroyed” and “create in order to be created” in phases of life.

Probably the worst double is “destroying in order to survive” and the most susceptible to psychosis is “creating in order to destroy”. Science, dedicated to the last as weapons people, go quite mad. And even the farmer’s decline is found here.

Probably the worst double is “destroying in order to survive” and the most susceptible to psychosis is “creating in order to destroy”. Science, dedicated to the last as weapons people, go quite mad. And even the farmer’s decline is found here.

Concept running on these doubles is quite interesting. “Destroying in order to survive” is the first concept to be run, being the lowest.

Concept running on these doubles is quite interesting. “Destroying in order to survive” is the first concept to be run, being the lowest.



All this data is of value in the area of theta clear processing to operating thetan.

All this data is of value in the area of theta clear processing to operating thetan.


P.S. I am developing some processes which promise to run out engrams about one thousand an hour for a theta clear while holding havingness up.

P.S. I am developing some processes which promise to run out engrams about one thousand an hour for a theta clear while holding havingness up.

P.P.S. I am getting some intensives and am stabilising along the + theta clear level. It’s wonderful. Standard modern processes are being used.

P.P.S. I am getting some intensives and am stabilising along the + theta clear level. It’s wonderful. Standard modern processes are being used.
