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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Information on Rehabilitation - B651126 | Сравнить

SCANS FOR THIS DATE- 651126 - HCO Bulletin - Information on Rehabilitation [B005-049]
- 651126 - HCO Bulletin - Information on Rehabilitation [B031-037]
- 651126 - HCO Bulletin - Information on Rehabilitation [B040-093]
- 651126 - HCO Bulletin - Information on Rehabilitation [B089-009]
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex



The following despatch was sent to me by Len Small, Legal Officer WW:

The following despatch was sent to me by Len Small, Legal Officer WW:

“After reading SEC ED 212SH, I have realized that in London when I was CERTS & AWARDS, we were doing something grossly wrong which was responsible to some extent for our low income and probably ‘created’ missed withholds and by-passed charge, by false declares.

“After reading SEC ED 212SH, I have realized that in London when I was CERTS & AWARDS, we were doing something grossly wrong which was responsible to some extent for our low income and probably ‘created’ missed withholds and by-passed charge, by false declares.

“The facts are that an old-timer would buy 5 hrs rehab and after having former release check and passed on to TECH, all the levels would be rehabbed at once using a Form 26 June. The auditor would e.g. ‘suggest declare 0-IV’, or ‘0, II-IV’. Most rehabs were done in under two hours. The pc would be declared if TA position OK, good indicators in, and pc agreeing that he had been rehabbed on those levels.

“The facts are that an old-timer would buy 5 hrs rehab and after having former release check and passed on to TECH, all the levels would be rehabbed at once using a Form 26 June. The auditor would e.g. ‘suggest declare 0-IV’, or ‘0, II-IV’. Most rehabs were done in under two hours. The pc would be declared if TA position OK, good indicators in, and pc agreeing that he had been rehabbed on those levels.

“On occasion, a pc would say ‘What about the release point I reached on 3M?’ ‘I went release on whole track processes. What does that make me?’

“On occasion, a pc would say ‘What about the release point I reached on 3M?’ ‘I went release on whole track processes. What does that make me?’

“If they knew how rehabs were done here at SH, and followed procedure, it would be a great boost to their statistic.

“If they knew how rehabs were done here at SH, and followed procedure, it would be a great boost to their statistic.

“I suggest that an HCOB stating explicitly how Rehabs must be done and declared will put stable data on line.

“I suggest that an HCOB stating explicitly how Rehabs must be done and declared will put stable data on line.

“From my own personal experience as a preclear, if a level has been left un-rehabilitated, the mass on that level tends to key in and make life uncomfortable. It was only when the auditor started listing the processes I had been run on that I really felt good and that I was getting somewhere.

“From my own personal experience as a preclear, if a level has been left un-rehabilitated, the mass on that level tends to key in and make life uncomfortable. It was only when the auditor started listing the processes I had been run on that I really felt good and that I was getting somewhere.

“If all release points obtained in past processing were rehabbed, pcs would be a lot happier and less likely to key in subsequently.”

“If all release points obtained in past processing were rehabbed, pcs would be a lot happier and less likely to key in subsequently.”


[SEC ED 212 SH, Rehab Scheduling, which was written by L. Ron Hubbard, stated that a pc was rehabbed on only one level at a time.]

[SEC ED 212 SH, Rehab Scheduling, which was written by L. Ron Hubbard, stated that a pc was rehabbed on only one level at a time.]

[HCO B 30 November 1965, Library Record of Levels, is a 3 l-page mimeo that simply lists training materials divided into the subjects of Levels 0-IV and Instruction Technology. The only text is at the beginning which says:

[HCO B 30 November 1965, Library Record of Levels, is a 3 l-page mimeo that simply lists training materials divided into the subjects of Levels 0-IV and Instruction Technology. The only text is at the beginning which says:

“This is a complete list of all HCO Bulletins and books containing the materials as per The Auditor 10 Gradation Chart applying to each training level.

“This is a complete list of all HCO Bulletins and books containing the materials as per The Auditor 10 Gradation Chart applying to each training level.

“While not all these are to be issued to students, they give the total of available materials.

“While not all these are to be issued to students, they give the total of available materials.

“Tapes will be issued as a separate list.”]

“Tapes will be issued as a separate list.”]