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Recall Processes and Confrontingness

Recall Processes and Confrontingness

(From HCO, London)(From HCO, London)
To Jean Thomason.To Jean Thomason.
From Ron.From Ron.
10 October 195610 October 1956

Dear Jean,

Dear Jean,

Before I set off on air flights I normally give the latest material which I have.

Before I set off on air flights I normally give the latest material which I have.

You have in your possession, on the reel I made to the Staff Auditors, the most recent data with two exceptions —

You have in your possession, on the reel I made to the Staff Auditors, the most recent data with two exceptions —

  1. Recall processes, when not on forgetting, are, on the long haul, for the birds. This does not apply to Over and Under Solids but it does apply to ARC Straight Wire. Process No. 26, then, is Not-know, the way it is run outside and always objectively. Forgettingness, “Tell me something you wouldn't mind forgetting,” is, as far as I know, quite workable on the long haul.
  1. Recall processes, when not on forgetting, are, on the long haul, for the birds. This does not apply to Over and Under Solids but it does apply to ARC Straight Wire. Process No. 26, then, is Not-know, the way it is run outside and always objectively. Forgettingness, “Tell me something you wouldn't mind forgetting,” is, as far as I know, quite workable on the long haul.
  • The other exception is quite startling and this is a development known as Confrontingness. Any conceivable way by which you can make things confront a wall or a dummy or a person is legitimate and works. This is the answer to valences. I knew there was something terrific on this matter of making the valence fight the wall such as “Mock up Mother and make her fight the wall,” but I didn't know the tremendous power contained in this as a valence shifter. Confrontingness does separate valences. The way this is done is very precise. One has the preclear (if he is a black case) remedy havingness objectively and coax him into getting mock-ups until he can get mock-ups, and then has him mock up anybody or anything until he can get something that vaguely resembles the mock-up of a person and then takes some present-time acquaintance and has the preclear mock up this acquaintance confronting the wall. The auditing command is “Mock up __________ and make him confront that wall.” Then one points to another bare wall (he uses two or three places only) and has him “Mock up __________ there and make him confront the wall.” This is all that is done until the preclear can actually make __________ confront the wall. Then one goes through the people the preclear has known in the present lifetime and carefully selects out all of the likely valences. He then runs each one of these similarly. It is probably better to take the earlier valences first but only after the preclear can get some idea of mocking the valence up. It is useless, however, on a very active or psychotic valence to have the preclear try to mock it up in the first place since it will not mock up. The amount of violence which ensues from trying to make the preclear make the mock-up face the wall is the reason why the preclear can't mock up that particular person. Therefore, even a shadow of an idea of mocking up that person and making it face first one wall and then another wall is sufficient. The mocking up of people confronting male and female dummies reveals the oddity that in some cases preclears who are very shy have been animals, wild or domestic, in former lives and have conceived their idea of man on that basis.
  • The other exception is quite startling and this is a development known as Confrontingness. Any conceivable way by which you can make things confront a wall or a dummy or a person is legitimate and works. This is the answer to valences. I knew there was something terrific on this matter of making the valence fight the wall such as “Mock up Mother and make her fight the wall,” but I didn't know the tremendous power contained in this as a valence shifter. Confrontingness does separate valences. The way this is done is very precise. One has the preclear (if he is a black case) remedy havingness objectively and coax him into getting mock-ups until he can get mock-ups, and then has him mock up anybody or anything until he can get something that vaguely resembles the mock-up of a person and then takes some present-time acquaintance and has the preclear mock up this acquaintance confronting the wall. The auditing command is “Mock up __________ and make him confront that wall.” Then one points to another bare wall (he uses two or three places only) and has him “Mock up __________ there and make him confront the wall.” This is all that is done until the preclear can actually make __________ confront the wall. Then one goes through the people the preclear has known in the present lifetime and carefully selects out all of the likely valences. He then runs each one of these similarly. It is probably better to take the earlier valences first but only after the preclear can get some idea of mocking the valence up. It is useless, however, on a very active or psychotic valence to have the preclear try to mock it up in the first place since it will not mock up. The amount of violence which ensues from trying to make the preclear make the mock-up face the wall is the reason why the preclear can't mock up that particular person. Therefore, even a shadow of an idea of mocking up that person and making it face first one wall and then another wall is sufficient. The mocking up of people confronting male and female dummies reveals the oddity that in some cases preclears who are very shy have been animals, wild or domestic, in former lives and have conceived their idea of man on that basis.
  • While the preclear is mocking up somebody and making him face the wall he will tell you other names. The auditor should keep a careful list of these other names mentioned. The auditor must not permit the preclear to diverge from any valence the preclear started to mock up and make confront the wall. He must, however, make careful note of the people mentioned while any one valence is being held and then use these people later.

    While the preclear is mocking up somebody and making him face the wall he will tell you other names. The auditor should keep a careful list of these other names mentioned. The auditor must not permit the preclear to diverge from any valence the preclear started to mock up and make confront the wall. He must, however, make careful note of the people mentioned while any one valence is being held and then use these people later.

    Machinery can be made to confront the wall and is more effective than a remedy of havingness on such machines. Only as a last action does one have the preclear mock up parts of his body facing the wall. This, it will be seen, is not an extendedness. This is very intimate to the body and is very difficult to do. The preclear can do it before he has cleared up the rest of the valences but it doesn't do him any particular good because there is no telling whose kidneys he is mocking up before you clear the valences. Parts of the body also should straighten out while straightening up the valences. There is no trouble of the preclear's, there is only the other fellow's trouble, remember.

    Machinery can be made to confront the wall and is more effective than a remedy of havingness on such machines. Only as a last action does one have the preclear mock up parts of his body facing the wall. This, it will be seen, is not an extendedness. This is very intimate to the body and is very difficult to do. The preclear can do it before he has cleared up the rest of the valences but it doesn't do him any particular good because there is no telling whose kidneys he is mocking up before you clear the valences. Parts of the body also should straighten out while straightening up the valences. There is no trouble of the preclear's, there is only the other fellow's trouble, remember.

    This belongs in the 26 processes at the level of valences and may very well prove to be one of the most valuable processes we have. I have not, at this time, worked it out to its final precautionary state but it is in good enough state, as above, to be used by staff auditors providing they understand they must take easy ones first and then go into the tougher ones and not give preclears failures by forcing them to mock up people when they can't even mock up usually still objects.

    This belongs in the 26 processes at the level of valences and may very well prove to be one of the most valuable processes we have. I have not, at this time, worked it out to its final precautionary state but it is in good enough state, as above, to be used by staff auditors providing they understand they must take easy ones first and then go into the tougher ones and not give preclears failures by forcing them to mock up people when they can't even mock up usually still objects.

    The lowest fundamental of this process is “Look around the room and find something that is still, now make your body confront it.” This, by the way, is not quite as effective as the subjective stripping of valences but it will, as I have already told you, reduce a fever but, on the next preclear it was used to reduce a fever, the fever did not reduce objectively but reduced on a subjective series of mock-ups.

    The lowest fundamental of this process is “Look around the room and find something that is still, now make your body confront it.” This, by the way, is not quite as effective as the subjective stripping of valences but it will, as I have already told you, reduce a fever but, on the next preclear it was used to reduce a fever, the fever did not reduce objectively but reduced on a subjective series of mock-ups.

    One word of warning, do not make the preclear mock up his own body confronting the wall until you are sure that you have each and every person in his entire life under his control and he can make them do it first. Only then could he successfully make his own body confront the wall in mock-up. The reason for this precaution is that making his own body confront the wall in mock-up form takes away too many of his rest points and leaves in a shaky state all his extended valences such as his mother, his father, his aunts, his uncles, his teachers, etc. Therefore, the preclear could be thrown into a confusion very easily by having him mock up and make his only stable datum, his own body, confront the wall.

    One word of warning, do not make the preclear mock up his own body confronting the wall until you are sure that you have each and every person in his entire life under his control and he can make them do it first. Only then could he successfully make his own body confront the wall in mock-up. The reason for this precaution is that making his own body confront the wall in mock-up form takes away too many of his rest points and leaves in a shaky state all his extended valences such as his mother, his father, his aunts, his uncles, his teachers, etc. Therefore, the preclear could be thrown into a confusion very easily by having him mock up and make his only stable datum, his own body, confront the wall.

    The Congress Tape rundown on the latest processes, subdivided, is quite vital. There is probably material on that tape that your auditors do not all of them know. There certainly is a great deal to understand instructionally.

    The Congress Tape rundown on the latest processes, subdivided, is quite vital. There is probably material on that tape that your auditors do not all of them know. There certainly is a great deal to understand instructionally.

    Best regards,
    Best regards,