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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Bad Indicators - B690426 | Сравнить
- Somatics (AESP) - B690426 | Сравнить
- Somatics - B690426 | Сравнить

RUSSIAN DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Соматики (2) - Б690426 | Сравнить
- Соматики - Б690426 | Сравнить

SCANS FOR THIS DATE- 690426 - HCO Bulletin - Bad Indicators [B009-048]
- 690426 - HCO Bulletin - Bad Indicators [B042-039]
- 690426 - HCO Bulletin - Bad Indicators [B075-021]
- 690426 - HCO Bulletin - Bad Indicators [B075-022]
- 690426 - HCO Bulletin - Somatics [B009-049]
- 690426 - HCO Bulletin - Somatics [B042-038]
- 690426 - HCO Bulletin - Somatics [B075-023]
CONTENTS SOMATICS Cохранить документ себе Скачать
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
Dianetic CourseDianetics Checksheet etc.



1. PC not wanting to be audited.

You must run only by somatic, not by narrative. Narrative means “Falls down stairs” “An earlier fight with brother”. By somatic is meant a pain or ache sensation and also misemotion or even unconsciousness. There are a thousand different descriptive words that could add up to a feeling. Pain, aches, dizziness, sadness – these are all feelings. Awareness, pleasant or unpleasant, of a body is what we are trying to run in Dianetics.

2. PC protesting auditing.

All chains are held together by one similar feeling. That is a new discovery. Chains are not held together by narratives or personnel or locations. They are held together by feelings. Thus we ask for and follow down only feelings. Those can be aches, pains, sensations, misemotion – any feeling.

3. PC looking worse after auditing.

This brings to light a further discovery. One never assesses medical terms or symptoms.

4. PC not able to locate incidents easily.

An engram contains pain and unconsciousness. All right. Then its basic would be a physical duress not a symptom resulting from that duress.

5. PC 'not having time for auditing'.

Example: The pc says “headache”. You assess headache, you try to run “headaches” and all you ever get is times a pc had a headache. Well, the headache is a symptom caused by a head injury. The engram must have contained a shot in the head or a crushed skull or some actual injury. The word “headache” would describe only how the head feels later when the engram occasionally goes into restimulation.

6. PC less certain.

So you would get only locks and secondaries to audit and only by chance and an alteration by the pc of the command to find an earlier headache would you ever get to an engram in which the head was crushed or injured. “Headache” is the result of a head injury, and it doesn’t describe the injury which, in engram form, is now giving the pc headaches.

7. PC not doing well in life.

Take the medical term Arthritis. You could ask for arthritis and get only visits to the doctor or times in a wheel chair. The physical injury contained in the engram causing the arthritis is not described.

8. Somatics not blowing or erasing.

Alcoholism would present the same problem. If the pc listed and the auditor assessed “Alcoholism” we would only get times when he was drunk, not the engram causing the symptom which might contain “Feeling very dry”.

9. PC in Ethics trouble after auditing.

Therefore one has more than one column on a Health Form. One would give the physical disability or complaint. The second would be Pc’s Description of the feeling. We would land the real engram every time, not only its locks or secondaries. (It is quite all right to run locks and secondaries as it is necessary to unburden the chain and increase the pc’s confront, but chains always end up in a basic engram at the bottom and if you don’t get and erase that then the chain will key in again.)

10. PC protesting auditor actions.

In asking for list items one puts down only what the pc says. That’s an invariable rule. But when the pc says some mere symptom like “headache” or medical term like “arthritis” the auditor writes it down but also asks, “What is the feeling of that?” or some such question and writes what the pc then says and only assesses the feeling stated.

11. PC wandering all over track.

Example: Pc says a complaint is “Sinusitis”. The auditor writes it down. But asks also for the feeling of it. The pc says, “A burning sensation in the nose.” In assessing the list the auditor does not call out “Sinusitis.” He says, “A burning sensation in the nose.” And marks down its meter read.

12. PC misemotional at session end.

If the auditor took and assessed only “Sinusitis” and then asked for incidents of sinusitis he would get only locks and secondaries – times when the engram was in restimulation. And he would rarely get the real basic and engram that causes the symptom.

13. PC demanding unusual solutions.

This discovery opens the door to swift “cures”. But one is obviously not treating Sinusitis. He is looking for an incident in which there was a”burning sensation in the nose”. And after a few locks and upper engrams he’d find and run the real injury in which the nose was burned.

14. Skin tone dull.


15. Eyes dull.


16. PC trying to self audit in or out of session.

17. PC continuing to complain of old somatics after they have been run.

18. PC dependence on medical treatment not lessening.

19. PC using, or continuing to use other treatments.

20. PC lethargic.

21. PC not becoming more cheerful.

22. PC wanting special auditing.

23. No TA action on running incidents.

24. PC not cogniting.

25. PC dispersed.

26. PC trying to explain condition to auditor or others.

27. PC bored with auditing.

28. PC not available for sessions.

29. PC tired.

30. PC attention on auditor.

31. PC not wanting to run the process or incident.

32. PC overwhelmed.

33. PC taking drugs or excessive alcohol.

34. PC not sure that auditing works for him.

35. PC continuing former practices.

36. PC not handling environment more easily.

37. PC sick between sessions.

38. PC not going on to next grade or level.
