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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Administration Outside Scientology (DIV1.DEP3.ETHICS) - P650402 | Сравнить
- Heed Heavy Traffic Warnings (0.COM) - P650402 | Сравнить
- Urgent Urgent Urgent - False Reports (DIV1.HCO) - P650402 | Сравнить

RUSSIAN DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Ложные Доклады (КРО-1) (ц) - И650402-1 | Сравнить
- Предупреждения об Интенсивном Потоке на Линиях (ц) - И650402-3 | Сравнить
- Фронтальные Проверки по Процессам (КРО-4) (ц) - И650402-4 | Сравнить

SCANS FOR THIS DATE- 650402 - HCO Policy Letter - Administration Outside Scientology [PL008-057]
- 650402 - HCO Policy Letter - False Reports [PL008-056]
- 650402 - HCO Policy Letter - Heed Heavy Traffic Warnings [PL008-053]
- 650402 - HCO Policy Letter - Meter Checks [PL008-054]
- 650402 - HCO Policy Letter - Starrate Checkouts for Process [PL008-055]
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
RemimeoGen Non-Remimeo
Division 1 HCO Hats
Office of L. Ron Hubbard



You will find, oddly and weirdly enough, that if you fail to use Scientology admin and Dev-T policies on the society outside Scientology that trouble will occur.

To all HCO Personnel Hats and to other org staff members for interest.

If you just make it a blind rule to always do so, you will avert much trouble and upset.


Where somebody writes you (say a business firm) an off-line or off-policy (off their policy too) or off-origin despatch and you don’t point it out and send it back to source and say why, endless Dev-T will occur! We have had an actual case of it in the US Government which sent us a letter off their policy. We did not handle it asDev-T and so far it has cost a couple thousand dollars just because we didn’t!

In this fashion you will find quite magically that HCO can succeed in doing what we've been trying to do for 15 years — clear group engrams. The first technology on this was the Elizabeth Dianetic Foundation attempt, when all the staff were gotten together and tried to talk the group engrams out. This has never worked, you will find the above POLICY will work.

Now take the case of the Mar 1, 1965 Amnesty. It was released so that the new Justice Codes could be issued and because we needed a cleared track for new org patterns such as certification changes and classification shifts.

Be wholly relentless in executing this POLICY. Never let an instance go by. Always get the correct report when you detect the faintest discrepancy. Always demand demand demand the report when it's refused.

Well, it was a piece of Scientology Admin. So to hell with whether they think it stupid or wise, just use any Scientology Admin or Policy Letter excerpt to slam people’s hats on in governments or anywhere.

False attestations are death and dynamite. These come in when an Instructor or Auditor, D of T or D of P or Board of Review signs a request for CLASS or GRADE. This request infers and therefore "attests" that the student or pc is qualified for the Class or Grade. If at some later date (barring amnesty intervention) the student or pc is shown to be incompetent in that class or grade, HCO should at once unearth the original class or grade request and call a Committee of Evidence on whoever signed it since it was a false attestation of competence for auditors or state of case for pcs.

Examples: The FDA of Washington DC is really trying to get off the hook on its attack. It may eventually commit further overts unless given an Amnesty. So the HCO Continental Secretary US should mail a copy of the Policy Letter to the head of the FDA and each high official of that area including the Secretary of Health Education and Welfare of the US and the president, with a note on HCO stationery stating “This Amnesty was issued primarily for Scientologists so we could issue new Justice Codes in our organizations but it happens to include you also. Scientologists therefore may not attack you for your former actions, and also if you do not continue to attack us we cannot even sue you. While you may consider it high handed of us to issue a General Amnesty, remember we have a rather enormous population to look after across the world and we probably do a much better job of it than you do since we know our business.” Who knows (or who cares) the result of this. We have at least done our job.

HCO signs all such classes and grades and therefore the CRIME is "putting HCO at risk of reputation by false attestation".

Example: Parliament hi Victoria is really covered by the Amnesty and each should be mailed an exact copy even Galbatty and the R.C. church officials, the head of the state government and even Holy Joe Anderson who headed the “Enquiry”. A note should accompany it “While this Amnesty was issued primarily for Scientologists so that we could then issue new Justice Codes for our organizations, it happens that you are also covered by it. Thus it excuses your erroneous attack on Scientology during the last year and the effort to break our organizations by the cost of it. Thus here is your copy of the General Amnesty of 1 March 1965.1 think you would be wise to accept it.”

Such requests for class or grade need not be notarized or sworn to. The initials of the person or persons attesting that the student or pc has attained that class or grade is enough to become a false attestation if the student or pc weren't that good.

Then we are quite in order sometime in the future, to respond to any further nonsense from these humanoids if we have to label them suppressive.

Certificates for courses we sign not for competence but for time on course, or for check sheet or that the account is paid. This is still false attestation if 1. The student spent less than the required time on course by reason of blow or absence or just not the required number of hours; 2. The student did not enrol properly; 3. The org was not paid for the training by policy letter arrangements; 4. There was no check sheet for the course; 5. The check sheet was not signed routinely as the student passed each requirement on the sheet; 6. The student has enrolled on a higher course with no certificate in hand for the required lower courses.

It would obviously be quite out of order in view of the newness of our codes to slap them for acts which we ourselves have issued an Amnesty on.

On CLASSES there are many sources of false attestation. It is a false attestation if 1. The student was not examined; 2. The student really flunked the exam; 3. The student was really incompetent at the level being classed for; 4. The students falsified something to obtain the request for classification; 5. If the student goofed up at that level later after leaving. There could be others. They would all add up to "falsely saying it was OK for HCO to classify".

If the Internal Revenue Service (off-policy in refusing the FCDC non-profit status though it qualifies) continues to act up or if the FDA does sue we can of course Comm Ev them and if found guilty, label and publish them as a Suppressive Group and fair game. I assure you that this is less hollow than it sounds.

On Grade Certificates it would be false attestation if any request for grade is made, verbal or signed and if 1. The pc had not had the lower grades flattened; 2. The grade certificate of the lower grade was found to be false yet the pc was audited on the higher grade processes; 3. Any other processes were run instead of the grade processes; 4. The grade processes were altered in any way; 5. The student was not audited; 6. An auditor not classed for the grade did the auditing; 7. The pc was left in bad condition; 8. The pc ended up in an ARC Breaky condition yet the Grade was asked for by the HGC or auditor; 9. The pc didn't pay for the auditing in accordance with current policy; 10. The payment, in the org, was not invoiced properly to the org; 11. The auditing of the pc was found to contravene policy as to the org staff auditing outside pcs, or the two year org student or pc rule was broken in the case of an outside auditor; 12. The pc was actually a potential trouble source; 13. The pc had been listed as a Suppressive Person; 14. The pc was found to be a fugitive whose status was not cleared by HCO.

We are bound by two things:—

1. We are not just a group. We are the possessors of very powerful technology and we are still part of this civilization.

In the case of OIC DATA, the whole org relies on these figures. It is easily seen where figures are in discrepancy graph to graph — Example: "10 pcs being audited" on one graph and "no income HGC" on another graph. Or lots of entrances and graduations from the Academy but nobody listed as on course.

2. We owe our progress to the peace we have maintained (strenuous though it was) in our environment.

In such instances HCO must protect its reputation for accuracy and when such discrepancies are seen, a very hard line should be taken with those responsible and if they do not at once tell ALL, a Committee of Evidence must be promptly ordered. If they do tell all, a full report should be sent at once to the senior org and to Saint Hill, whose OIC graphs also may be out because of the false datum, thus hiding an actual condition from senior orgs.

If we continue to let loose on the civilization around us with our powerful technology without giving that civilization a chance to accept us and abide by it we will have chaos very soon.

If an org makes no report or fails to answer up when a report is requested, start burning the wires until the report is forthcoming. Never rest on it. If no report arrives even so, call a Committee of Evidence promptly.

Therefore whether “society” accepts or not we must also extend our “Pax Scientologica” as a spearhead before our direct technical action or nobody will stand still to be audited but run in terror and just a handful of us will go free. The rest of society will simply cave in.

If a person is told to report to HCO or something is supposed to be delivered to HCO and does not arrive, recognize the circumstances as a WITHHOLD and like any auditor finally achieve compliance or call a Committee of Evidence.

So we may as well develop the habit early regardless of whether they accept our admin tech or not. Extend it always. Shrug at any gasps or protests.

And then we’ll have a spread over things that forms no ridge between “them” and “us”.

When writing a SECED ordering a Committee of Evidence always state whether it is for "a false report" or "false attestation" or "no report".

You see, none is fair game until he or she declares against us. And only those who so declare are suppressive. Don’t err in thinking the whole is against us. That’s just an ARC Break. Most are for us. Our files are crammed with applause. Our complaints drawer is a very tiny one. It would do any Scientologist good to see the thousands upon thousands upon thousands of “Hurrah for Scientology” in our files and the little tiny batch of sour grapes. Yet because what’s wrong as cases with the tiny batch is that they use the word “Everybody” continually in their cries and howls so people they talk to find it hard to locate them in their dispersal. They are the ARC Breaks kid in person. “Everybody” and “nobody” and entheta are their stocks in trade. Such cases speak of “the masses” and “the public” as against us and so we sometimes fail to note that the whole complaint is from this puny runt raving from the whirlpool of his own overt acts. Such a person makes a greater effect on the unthinking than he should. He is giving continual false reports.

You will find inevitably that where there is a false report, a false attestation or a no report or a refused report many other offences can suddenly emerge. These were hidden like a group cancer. Pulled to view, the group clears.


HCO has "guards and forces" on the org board. They come in HCO in the last department at the bottom. This is significant.

The generalities of these bank puppets intend to deny the good (nobody, nothing) and generalize (everybody, everything) the bad. And so such people are really just spinners for the local spin bin. Yet you find “society” electing and appointing them since such birds echo the exact reactive bank of each individual in the mob. You can easily form a bad mob. It’s awful hard to form an enthusiastic mob—they have to be sane!

Troubles, commotions and upsets only occur after a series of false reports, false attestations, no reports or withheld reports. Sometimes the report situation has been sour a year or two before the offending group or person causes a blow-up in the area. Had we acted early on the false or no reports we would have prevented an awful mess.

So the individual in “Society” is so far from against us that even White House clerks have sent us copies of government despatches about us. Society is in the grip of a lot of ARC Broken paranoid peewees like Galbatty in Australia or the head of the FDA in Washington. Such men grab such posts because they are men of fear. Such men are just animated banks. If such cannot destroy you, they will destroy themselves. They will confess at the drop of an electrode if told to do so, poor puppets of their banks that they are.

Therefore you can safely say that we will not need "guards or forces" (such as sending an HCO Sec half across her Continent to handle an upset org) unless we have already missed on demanding the data.

So don’t heed who is pretending to be in charge “out there”. There really isn’t any thetan in charge. “Human leadership” is usually just the guy with the most bank. When you want to handle one of these “leaders”, put the guy’s hat on. Hard. With Scientology admin and policy.

Quite magical!

Never fail to use Scientology Admin or Justice to handle the individuals in the society beyond our edges. Sounds adventurous. Well, it is! But effective, too.

We have the tech.

Other Divisions may also use this. They however also get involved with other offences and need Committees of Evidence for them. And we will convene a Committee at their request and say so in the SECED.

It’s designed to handle bank conditions.

In HCO we only originate a Comm Ev when we have evidence of a false report, a false attestation or a no or withheld report and only after we've demanded it and failed to obtain it. Then we pounce. And pounce hard!

Use it.

If we are vigorous and brisk in pursuing this one matter, and if we are alert to detect the falseness or absence of a report and if on every serious technical or admin goof we trace back to who attested the person to be lily white and as skilled as the original "whizz kid" at his business and slap them with a Comm Ev, we'll have peace from Tierra del Fuego to the Mountains of the Moon, and a virgin with a bag of gold could walk through our domain untouched and singing her sweet song.

And use our Dissem Formula ruthlessly at every chance and in any situation.

Get very expert in sniffing out the falsity in a report or the no report. And act!

You will only fail to handle a situation if you don’t handle it with Scientology. The older methods have failed. Hell! That’s why we’re here!

Let other divisions work on other crimes and ask us for Comms Ev for them. Promote the idea now and on and on "if you want to get into real trouble, falsify something to HCO or fail to report; that's the fastest route to suicide known".


And make it stick!


And all will be well for we will then run out the group engrams which would otherwise remain, and so we keep the group clear.

[Note: See HCO Pol Ltr 21 October 1968 CANCELLATION OF FAIR GAME.)
