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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Compliance Reports (0.DUTIES) - P690126 | Сравнить

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SCANS FOR THIS DATE- 690126 - HCO Policy Letter - Compliance Reports [PL014-016]
- 690126R - Board Policy Letter - Compliance Reports [BPL02-033]
- 690126RA - Board Policy Letter - Compliance Reports [BPL03-074]
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
(Reissued from Flag Order No. 1758, same date and title)
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
(Reissued from Flag Order No. 1758, same date and title)



(Note: The Compliance Admin system can be wildly out. Compliance reports can fail to reach LRH or the person ordering such as a Sen executive or officer.)

(Note: The Compliance Admin system can be wildly out. Compliance reports can fail to reach LRH or the person ordering such as a Sen executive or officer.)

This Policy Letter is to set things right.

This Policy Letter is to set things right.

Essentially there is a Command Comm Cycle. HE WHO GIVES THE ORDER GETS AN ANSWER!

Essentially there is a Command Comm Cycle. HE WHO GIVES THE ORDER GETS AN ANSWER!

They are never routed off the lines before they reach the originator of the order. To do so creates an atmosphere of non-compliance. The originator knowing only that he has never heard thinks the order has not been done, or is forced to listen to rumour, or has to use other lines to get the data.

They are never routed off the lines before they reach the originator of the order. To do so creates an atmosphere of non-compliance. The originator knowing only that he has never heard thinks the order has not been done, or is forced to listen to rumour, or has to use other lines to get the data.

And thus no real co-ordination of orders can occur.

And thus no real co-ordination of orders can occur.

And the originator is driven into apathy on getting compliance to even the most simple orders.

And the originator is driven into apathy on getting compliance to even the most simple orders.



Daily reports of aides, Captains, CO’s OTL and juniors are NOT compliance reports but info only.

Daily reports of aides, Captains, CO’s OTL and juniors are NOT compliance reports but info only.

Such daily reports contain

Such daily reports contain

1. The activities of their zone

1. The activities of their zone

2. Particularly any important event that is occurring

2. Particularly any important event that is occurring

3. Any data that would be of interest to the senior.

3. Any data that would be of interest to the senior.

Such reports are very explicit, never generalised and must not rely upon supposed knowledge of the recipient. Give full name rank serial number type data, never Major Jones called today type information. That relies on the recipient remembering who Major Jones is. It’s Major Jones of the American Trade Association. Enough data to clearly identify WHO. And in the same way of course enough data to identify WHAT or WHAT ABOUT.

Such reports are very explicit, never generalised and must not rely upon supposed knowledge of the recipient. Give full name rank serial number type data, never Major Jones called today type information. That relies on the recipient remembering who Major Jones is. It’s Major Jones of the American Trade Association. Enough data to clearly identify WHO. And in the same way of course enough data to identify WHAT or WHAT ABOUT.

And never use confusing type abbreviations. C/S can mean Case Supervisor, or Church of Scientology or even cycles per second!

And never use confusing type abbreviations. C/S can mean Case Supervisor, or Church of Scientology or even cycles per second!

Daily reports are NOT compliance reports but info only summarised for fast assimilation by the recipient.

Daily reports are NOT compliance reports but info only summarised for fast assimilation by the recipient.



A compliance report is exactly that. It is a REPORT OF COMPLIANCE, a completed cycle reported to the originator DONE.

A compliance report is exactly that. It is a REPORT OF COMPLIANCE, a completed cycle reported to the originator DONE.

It is not a cycle begun, it is not a cycle in progress. It is a cycle completed AND REPORTED BACK TO THE ORIGINATOR AS DONE so that the Command Comm Cycle is completed.

It is not a cycle begun, it is not a cycle in progress. It is a cycle completed AND REPORTED BACK TO THE ORIGINATOR AS DONE so that the Command Comm Cycle is completed.

To merely commence a cycle is not to comply. To merely make some progress is not to comply. To drive it through to completion is. And to then report DONE to the originator is to put in a compliance report.

To merely commence a cycle is not to comply. To merely make some progress is not to comply. To drive it through to completion is. And to then report DONE to the originator is to put in a compliance report.

A compliance report has to be answered with the order and get logged and the answer goes to whoever issued the order. Standard TR’s.

A compliance report has to be answered with the order and get logged and the answer goes to whoever issued the order. Standard TR’s.

In practice a compliance report takes the following form:

In practice a compliance report takes the following form:

1. It is in standard despatch form routed through the usual channels.

1. It is in standard despatch form routed through the usual channels.

2. It is headed at the top of the page in the middle COMPLIANCE REPORT.

2. It is headed at the top of the page in the middle COMPLIANCE REPORT.

3. It has a brief concise description of what was done.

3. It has a brief concise description of what was done.

4. It has clipped to it ALL the original orders so that the originator and communicators on the line can see at a glance what was ordered, and comparing this with what was done, see that it is in fact a compliance, a completed cycle.

4. It has clipped to it ALL the original orders so that the originator and communicators on the line can see at a glance what was ordered, and comparing this with what was done, see that it is in fact a compliance, a completed cycle.

5. Any other relevant information is also clipped behind. Such as a carbon of a letter written if that was what was ordered.

5. Any other relevant information is also clipped behind. Such as a carbon of a letter written if that was what was ordered.

6. AND IT IS ADDRESSED AND GOES TO THE PERSON ORIGINATING THE ORDER, via any communicator who logs it as a compliance.

6. AND IT IS ADDRESSED AND GOES TO THE PERSON ORIGINATING THE ORDER, via any communicator who logs it as a compliance.

7. It contains an attestation that what was done has been completed; such as “Order attached completed”.

7. It contains an attestation that what was done has been completed; such as “Order attached completed”.

Now there is such a thing as LONG RANGE and SHORT RANGE targets. And while a long range target is not reported done until in fact complete this does not prevent reports of completions of the short range targets which go to make up the long range target being made.

Now there is such a thing as LONG RANGE and SHORT RANGE targets. And while a long range target is not reported done until in fact complete this does not prevent reports of completions of the short range targets which go to make up the long range target being made.

That is not to say that progress reports are made. They are not. We are interested only in COMPLETIONS. But a short range target DONE is a completion isn’t it.

That is not to say that progress reports are made. They are not. We are interested only in COMPLETIONS. But a short range target DONE is a completion isn’t it.

Compliance reports to LRH orders are not made to LRH Communicators but are routed via them for logging and forwarding to LRH. He who gives the order gets the answer.

Compliance reports to LRH orders are not made to LRH Communicators but are routed via them for logging and forwarding to LRH. He who gives the order gets the answer.

Where an LRH Communicator is getting compliance to the one order from a number of different terminals, he would normally hold the compliance reports until all had reported done, or where some areas are not answering up would forward as one CSW with a covering summary the compliance reports of those areas that had complied and a carbon copy of the condition assignment or other ethics action taken in the areas that didn’t comply. This is never used to unduly hold up reporting compliance, but of course full compliance is when it has been completed by all those ordered.

Where an LRH Communicator is getting compliance to the one order from a number of different terminals, he would normally hold the compliance reports until all had reported done, or where some areas are not answering up would forward as one CSW with a covering summary the compliance reports of those areas that had complied and a carbon copy of the condition assignment or other ethics action taken in the areas that didn’t comply. This is never used to unduly hold up reporting compliance, but of course full compliance is when it has been completed by all those ordered.



It will invariably be found that when an important target is not made that it contains a “bug” in it unknown and undetected.

It will invariably be found that when an important target is not made that it contains a “bug” in it unknown and undetected.

Where an order or target is not done, or no action is occurring or as soon as any bug has appeared the LRH Communicator, having taken all the usual actions of programme checking (see HCO P/L 1 April ’65), nudging and direct questioning (see HCO P/L 31 May ’68), sends a copy of the orders to the Qual Division with the information that he has and a request for Qual to wear its Org Correction hat and locate the “bug”

Where an order or target is not done, or no action is occurring or as soon as any bug has appeared the LRH Communicator, having taken all the usual actions of programme checking (see HCO P/L 1 April ’65), nudging and direct questioning (see HCO P/L 31 May ’68), sends a copy of the orders to the Qual Division with the information that he has and a request for Qual to wear its Org Correction hat and locate the “bug”

This will often be done before using ethics, or while using a lower gradient of ethics. This on the theory that a stop on the flow always means a bug is present (misunderstoods, not knows, etc.) which Qual can straighten out, but which would remain undetected if only ethics was used at that point. This does not eliminate usual ethics actions but gives the LRH Comm another tool with which to get compliance.

This will often be done before using ethics, or while using a lower gradient of ethics. This on the theory that a stop on the flow always means a bug is present (misunderstoods, not knows, etc.) which Qual can straighten out, but which would remain undetected if only ethics was used at that point. This does not eliminate usual ethics actions but gives the LRH Comm another tool with which to get compliance.

Qual locates the “bug” or “bugs” AND THEN TURNS IT BACK TO THE DIVISION OR PERSON RESPONSIBLE FOR THE ACTION. Qual does not itself complete the action, but finds the “bugs” and gets the action back on the rails and turned back over to the person ordered.

Qual locates the “bug” or “bugs” AND THEN TURNS IT BACK TO THE DIVISION OR PERSON RESPONSIBLE FOR THE ACTION. Qual does not itself complete the action, but finds the “bugs” and gets the action back on the rails and turned back over to the person ordered.

And so even stalled or bogged targets get completed and in their turn reported to the originator as done with a compliance report.

And so even stalled or bogged targets get completed and in their turn reported to the originator as done with a compliance report.

Ken Delderfield
LRH Comm Aide CS-7
Ken Delderfield
LRH Comm Aide CS-7

[Added to by HCO P/L 15 September 1972, Additional Data on Compliance Reports, which clarifies exactly evidence needed on Compliance Reports.]

[Added to by HCO P/L 15 September 1972, Additional Data on Compliance Reports, which clarifies exactly evidence needed on Compliance Reports.]