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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Org Reduction or Eradication (DIV1.DEP3.ETHICS) - P690407 | Сравнить

RUSSIAN DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Уменьшение Организации или Ее Уничтожение (КРО-1) - И690407 | Сравнить

SCANS FOR THIS DATE- 690407 - HCO Policy Letter - Division 6 Pins [PL014-048]
- 690407 - HCO Policy Letter - Org Reduction or Eradication [PL014-049]
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex



It is an act of Treason to reduce combine or close an org.

It is an act of Treason to reduce combine or close an org.

We in Scientology are the only ones who have ever been able to reduce or close an org. The enemy has never in actual fact done so.

We in Scientology are the only ones who have ever been able to reduce or close an org. The enemy has never in actual fact done so.

There are several ways an org can be collapsed or closed. While these get a lesser condition they are important. Amongst these are:

There are several ways an org can be collapsed or closed. While these get a lesser condition they are important. Amongst these are:

1. Leave the EC unfilled as posts.

1. Leave the EC unfilled as posts.

2. Assign it or its EC or principals an unreal and vicious condition.

2. Assign it or its EC or principals an unreal and vicious condition.

3. Combine the Day org with its foundation.

3. Combine the Day org with its foundation.

4. Deny it the right to promote.

4. Deny it the right to promote.

5. Involve it in insolvency such as running up huge debts.

5. Involve it in insolvency such as running up huge debts.

6. Use policy to stop.

6. Use policy to stop.

7. Inhibit initiative.

7. Inhibit initiative.

8. Reward downstats and punish upstats.

8. Reward downstats and punish upstats.

9. Give Scientology and Dianetics a hard sell and then let tech go out and fail to deliver so that the org gets attacked.

9. Give Scientology and Dianetics a hard sell and then let tech go out and fail to deliver so that the org gets attacked.

10. Pretend that “we don’t entirely agree with Hubbard” at which, by actual test, the public leaves it alone in droves.

10. Pretend that “we don’t entirely agree with Hubbard” at which, by actual test, the public leaves it alone in droves.

11. Extend heavy credit and leave cash paying pcs to struggle to get service in a tech div overloaded with free loaders.

11. Extend heavy credit and leave cash paying pcs to struggle to get service in a tech div overloaded with free loaders.

12. Change prices on the public.

12. Change prices on the public.

13. Fail to give service in general.

13. Fail to give service in general.

14. Use the org just to get materials and WW service for use by a small clique.

14. Use the org just to get materials and WW service for use by a small clique.

15. Let somebody hang around who is trying to get the staff to engage in some other “remunerative” action.

15. Let somebody hang around who is trying to get the staff to engage in some other “remunerative” action.

16. Fall for the line that it should be run as a business or business methods instead of Scientology policy.

16. Fall for the line that it should be run as a business or business methods instead of Scientology policy.

17. Violate the tech-admin ratio.

17. Violate the tech-admin ratio.

18. Use ethics suppressively.

18. Use ethics suppressively.

19. Use hard ethics on the public.

19. Use hard ethics on the public.

20. Accept false reports on the org or its staff members from the public and act against the org before a thorough investigation is done.

20. Accept false reports on the org or its staff members from the public and act against the org before a thorough investigation is done.

21. Permit wide and general 2D activities by the higher principals of the org.

21. Permit wide and general 2D activities by the higher principals of the org.

22. Accept the insane for processing in the org without institutional facilities.

22. Accept the insane for processing in the org without institutional facilities.

23. Fail to run a precisely scheduled, instructor on time, standard curriculum academy or college.

23. Fail to run a precisely scheduled, instructor on time, standard curriculum academy or college.

24. Fail to clean up staff cases and keep them cleaned up.

24. Fail to clean up staff cases and keep them cleaned up.

25. Fail to get the staff trained by regular and enforcedly attended programmes.

25. Fail to get the staff trained by regular and enforcedly attended programmes.

26. Fail to eject hecklers and enturbulative persons from the PE Course.

26. Fail to eject hecklers and enturbulative persons from the PE Course.

27. Let town auditors haunt the org to get its pcs.

27. Let town auditors haunt the org to get its pcs.

28. Fail to act as a public, helpful responsible public body regardless of attacks, press entheta or field 3rd partying.

28. Fail to act as a public, helpful responsible public body regardless of attacks, press entheta or field 3rd partying.

29. Call Dianetics, Scientology something else “more acceptable”.

29. Call Dianetics, Scientology something else “more acceptable”.

Before assigning treason, or any low condition, for gross offenses of this nature a thorough investigation should be undertaken and a Comm Ev held which obtains evidence beyond any reasonable doubt. One never assigns such conditions without Comm Ev and never assigns them over a long line. It takes personal representation from a higher body and great care should be taken (see How to Find a 3rd Party Pol Ltr 15 March 1969) in locating any 3rd party not to then shoot the only leader there who was trying to straighten it up.

Before assigning treason, or any low condition, for gross offenses of this nature a thorough investigation should be undertaken and a Comm Ev held which obtains evidence beyond any reasonable doubt. One never assigns such conditions without Comm Ev and never assigns them over a long line. It takes personal representation from a higher body and great care should be taken (see How to Find a 3rd Party Pol Ltr 15 March 1969) in locating any 3rd party not to then shoot the only leader there who was trying to straighten it up.

Of these offenses, simply ordering an org closed or to combine Day and Foundation or to drop its status lower are directly treasonable acts as a little work and better planning and attention to policy and service has always been able to lift up stats.

Of these offenses, simply ordering an org closed or to combine Day and Foundation or to drop its status lower are directly treasonable acts as a little work and better planning and attention to policy and service has always been able to lift up stats.

We are the only ones who can actually close or reduce orgs as proven in 19 years of constant battle even with large governments at the behest of older criminal practices. We alone have ordered orgs closed. And even when it occurred they tended to survive or revive.

We are the only ones who can actually close or reduce orgs as proven in 19 years of constant battle even with large governments at the behest of older criminal practices. We alone have ordered orgs closed. And even when it occurred they tended to survive or revive.

Thus we must also take heavy care that our own executives do not do it in any shape or guise as it betrays the whole planet.

Thus we must also take heavy care that our own executives do not do it in any shape or guise as it betrays the whole planet.
