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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Organisation (0.DUTIES) - P690307 | Сравнить

RUSSIAN DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Организация (2) - И690307 | Сравнить
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- Организация - И690307 | Сравнить

SCANS FOR THIS DATE- 690307 - HCO Policy Letter - Organization [PL014-038]
- 690307 - HCO Policy Letter - Organization [PL093-054]
CONTENTS ORGANISATION Cохранить документ себе Скачать
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstcad, Sussex
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstcad, Sussex



It may be that in studying policies and org boards or trying to get something going, the basic of organisation may be missing.

It may be that in studying policies and org boards or trying to get something going, the basic of organisation may be missing.

Organisation is the sub-division of actions and duties into specialized functions.

Organisation is the sub-division of actions and duties into specialized functions.

One can organise a scries of actions to be done by himself or herself. This would consist of seeing what has to be done, doing what one can do first and then the remainder as a feasible scries of events, all to accomplish a final completion of a cycle of action which forwards one’s assigned or postulated purposes.

One can organise a scries of actions to be done by himself or herself. This would consist of seeing what has to be done, doing what one can do first and then the remainder as a feasible scries of events, all to accomplish a final completion of a cycle of action which forwards one’s assigned or postulated purposes.

A group is organised so as to permit flows and accomplish specialized actions which arc completed in themselves and from which small actions or completions, the group purpose, assigned or specialized, is forwarded or accomplished.

A group is organised so as to permit flows and accomplish specialized actions which arc completed in themselves and from which small actions or completions, the group purpose, assigned or specialized, is forwarded or accomplished.

There is a difference between directing and doing which some people have trouble separating apart. A person in charge of an activity is sometimes found deficient in organisational understanding and so tries to do all the actions himself. This if done to excess effectively can break up a group and render it useless since all members but one have no function, having been robbed by this one-man monopoly on action.

There is a difference between directing and doing which some people have trouble separating apart. A person in charge of an activity is sometimes found deficient in organisational understanding and so tries to do all the actions himself. This if done to excess effectively can break up a group and render it useless since all members but one have no function, having been robbed by this one-man monopoly on action.

True, an active and competent person can do things better. But he can really never do more than he can do. Whereas a well organised group, each with specialized functions, coordinated by the in-charge, can accomplish many times the work only one can do.

True, an active and competent person can do things better. But he can really never do more than he can do. Whereas a well organised group, each with specialized functions, coordinated by the in-charge, can accomplish many times the work only one can do.

Because it is organised makes a group harder to defeat than the individual.

Because it is organised makes a group harder to defeat than the individual.

A competent individual who has been let down too often by groups tends to take it all on himself rather than whip the group into shape and get things organised.

A competent individual who has been let down too often by groups tends to take it all on himself rather than whip the group into shape and get things organised.

The correct action when faced by urgent necessity arising from incompetence of a group or other causes, is to

The correct action when faced by urgent necessity arising from incompetence of a group or other causes, is to

1. handle it

1. handle it

2. organise the group to handle such things and do their jobs.

2. organise the group to handle such things and do their jobs.

One can get stuck on (1) and if he or she docs, then will have trouble and overwork front there on out. Because he or she omits also doing (2).

One can get stuck on (1) and if he or she docs, then will have trouble and overwork front there on out. Because he or she omits also doing (2).

The major failure of any group is to fail to organise.

The major failure of any group is to fail to organise.

Workers of the world may arise but if they are not quickly organised before or after the fact, they will promptly be put back down!

Workers of the world may arise but if they are not quickly organised before or after the fact, they will promptly be put back down!

The major cause of not organising is just not understanding what is meant by it.

The major cause of not organising is just not understanding what is meant by it.

For example, an executive is told he is in-charge of seeing that the X project is done. He doesn’t know much about it. He has two men who do know. The incorrect action is to try to do the X project himself or issue a lot of unreal orders about it. The

For example, an executive is told he is in-charge of seeing that the X project is done. He doesn’t know much about it. He has two men who do know. The incorrect action is to try to do the X project himself or issue a lot of unreal orders about it. The

correct action is to call up the man who does know, give him the other as an assistant and tell them to get on with it. Then, without interfering, the executive who received the order should get more knowledgeable about the X project so he can be sure it is done, while still letting the designated people get on with it.

correct action is to call up the man who does know, give him the other as an assistant and tell them to get on with it. Then, without interfering, the executive who received the order should get more knowledgeable about the X project so he can be sure it is done, while still letting the designated people get on with it.

This comprehension of organisation is as simple as this — put somebody on the job and let him get on with it. On a project, make a survey of all the things there are to do, group types of actions into simple posts, assign people to them, provide the comm lines materiel and liaison and let the group get on with it.

This comprehension of organisation is as simple as this — put somebody on the job and let him get on with it. On a project, make a survey of all the things there are to do, group types of actions into simple posts, assign people to them, provide the comm lines materiel and liaison and let the group get on with it.

Any post, no matter how junior, has to be organised.

Any post, no matter how junior, has to be organised.

Anyone in charge of people has to be able to organise functions and work.

Anyone in charge of people has to be able to organise functions and work.

Any executive has to know his target policies and be able to write them up, particularly the primary targets.

Any executive has to know his target policies and be able to write them up, particularly the primary targets.

Failing that, one gets very little done and is badly over-worked. And the rest of the group is wasted.

Failing that, one gets very little done and is badly over-worked. And the rest of the group is wasted.

So, high or low, get a grip on this thing called organisation. It’s gruesomely simple.

So, high or low, get a grip on this thing called organisation. It’s gruesomely simple.


