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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Clarification - Auditing of Org Executives (DIV1.DEP3.JUST-SYS) - P650423 | Сравнить
- Problems (0.DUTIES) - P650423 | Сравнить

RUSSIAN DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Проблемы (2) - И650423-3 | Сравнить
- Проблемы (ц) - И650423-3 | Сравнить
- Проблемы - И650423-3 | Сравнить

SCANS FOR THIS DATE- 650423 - HCO Policy Letter - Cancellation of Mail Lists to Field Auditors [PL008-085]
- 650423 - HCO Policy Letter - Clarification - Auditing of Org Executives [PL008-084]
- 650423 - HCO Policy Letter - Problems [PL008-083]
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
All Staff HatsAll Staff Hats
Exec HatsExec Hats
Use: Executives should keep a stack of these 23 Apr AD 15 Pol Ltrs near their desk and staple one to every despatch or report received which violates it. Circle para violated and return to staff member.Use: Executives should keep a stack of these 23 Apr AD 15 Pol Ltrs near their desk and staple one to every despatch or report received which violates it. Circle para violated and return to staff member.
(Changes HCO Pol Ltr on CSW slightly in that conclusions or solutions are no longer acceptable from a junior to a senior, only data.)(Changes HCO Pol Ltr on CSW slightly in that conclusions or solutions are no longer acceptable from a junior to a senior, only data.)



The most senior organizational policies there are follow:

The most senior organizational policies there are follow:

1. NEVER solve the problem any junior presents to you. NEVER NEVER NEVER NEVER NEVER NEVER.

1. NEVER solve the problem any junior presents to you. NEVER NEVER NEVER NEVER NEVER NEVER.

2. ALWAYS investigate for the true cause of the trouble. ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS.

2. ALWAYS investigate for the true cause of the trouble. ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS.

3. SOLVE only the problem you find after very careful investigation of the whole matter and after you have examined all possible causes of the problem.

3. SOLVE only the problem you find after very careful investigation of the whole matter and after you have examined all possible causes of the problem.

4. NEVER solve a problem that has already been solved in general policy.

4. NEVER solve a problem that has already been solved in general policy.

5. IF someone thinks the policy is wrong or is itself the source of the problem then

5. IF someone thinks the policy is wrong or is itself the source of the problem then

(a) he or she must be made to fully read the policy (b) demonstrate what it is supposed to solve (c) look over the problem he or she thinks the policy is wrong on to find the actual causes of the problem he or she is trying to solve.

(a) he or she must be made to fully read the policy (b) demonstrate what it is supposed to solve (c) look over the problem he or she thinks the policy is wrong on to find the actual causes of the problem he or she is trying to solve.

The primary aberration in situations that are being mishandled is:

The primary aberration in situations that are being mishandled is:



Example: A person A sees another B drop a wall mirror and break it. A puts in a purchase order specifying thicker glass. B next day drops a chair down steps and A puts in a PO for new stair carpeting. B a week later runs a car into a wall and A proposes a different design for the wall. If this kept on and B was never singled out by A or A’s seniors, then dozens of unusual solutions are entered into the org, not just POs but policy changes as well! Why? A is “below source” and doesn’t recognize the causes of his problems. Therefore his solutions are alter-is of existing situations and result in alter-is of tech, policy and orders. Soon the area around A is in a complete confusion. What about B? He probably generalizes with “they said” “everybody knows” etc on entheta and so remains “invisible” behind his generalities. B can be spotted best by damage reports whenever damage occurs. As they are filed as a statistic in B’s file, it soon becomes a visible datum. The cause of confusion in A’s area is not A. It is A’s inability to perceive causes. Thus any system which isolates actual causes disentur- bulates a group and makes unusual solutions unnecessary and only then can policy go in.

Example: A person A sees another B drop a wall mirror and break it. A puts in a purchase order specifying thicker glass. B next day drops a chair down steps and A puts in a PO for new stair carpeting. B a week later runs a car into a wall and A proposes a different design for the wall. If this kept on and B was never singled out by A or A’s seniors, then dozens of unusual solutions are entered into the org, not just POs but policy changes as well! Why? A is “below source” and doesn’t recognize the causes of his problems. Therefore his solutions are alter-is of existing situations and result in alter-is of tech, policy and orders. Soon the area around A is in a complete confusion. What about B? He probably generalizes with “they said” “everybody knows” etc on entheta and so remains “invisible” behind his generalities. B can be spotted best by damage reports whenever damage occurs. As they are filed as a statistic in B’s file, it soon becomes a visible datum. The cause of confusion in A’s area is not A. It is A’s inability to perceive causes. Thus any system which isolates actual causes disentur- bulates a group and makes unusual solutions unnecessary and only then can policy go in.

Therefore we get some other very senior org policies:

Therefore we get some other very senior org policies:

7. NEVER accept a conclusion from a junior. NEVER.

7. NEVER accept a conclusion from a junior. NEVER.

8. ALWAYS demand facts of a junior. Always.

8. ALWAYS demand facts of a junior. Always.

9. NEVER take a generality from a junior.

9. NEVER take a generality from a junior.

10. ALWAYS challenge any conclusion a junior offers.

10. ALWAYS challenge any conclusion a junior offers.

11. NEVER act on a junior’s data until you have fully investigated the situation.

11. NEVER act on a junior’s data until you have fully investigated the situation.

12. ALWAYS investigate until you find the basic policy violation that started the problem in the first place.

12. ALWAYS investigate until you find the basic policy violation that started the problem in the first place.



13. Making Scientology work on pcs and students is the ONLY way you can salvage org situations.

13. Making Scientology work on pcs and students is the ONLY way you can salvage org situations.

14. If Scientology is not applied exactly per HCOBs and tapes technical will “go out” and within a few months the area will be spinning with unusual solutions.

14. If Scientology is not applied exactly per HCOBs and tapes technical will “go out” and within a few months the area will be spinning with unusual solutions.

15. The fastest way for a technical executive to become overworked is to violate the policies in this policy letter.

15. The fastest way for a technical executive to become overworked is to violate the policies in this policy letter.

16. The fastest way for a technical executive to get into trouble and a mess is to accept an auditor’s conclusions and propose a solution.

16. The fastest way for a technical executive to get into trouble and a mess is to accept an auditor’s conclusions and propose a solution.

Example: An instructor says, “Process R00 doesn’t work on certain cases. When these cases come on course could I please order them to Review auditing?” Serious blunder by a senior, “Yes.” Why? Because the instructor isn’t capable of spotting an ARC Broken student — can’t confront ARC Breaks. Therefore quite often the instructor lets R00 be run on an ARC Broken student. The correct technical executive action, and the ONLY correct one on receiving such a report, is to promptly personally investigate. Investigation even of the students’ case folders would disclose that the instructor ignores ARC Breaks from comm cycle blunders by new student auditors, that the instructor won’t give ARC Break assessments (who else could give one on a Zero Level course?) but sometimes runs R6 EW on the students under the guise of “an assist for a misunderstood word”. I think that’s enough trouble to get the instructor’s senior into a hurricane of trouble if only from blown students and no new enrolments! (This is an actual example. The final result was a Comm Ev for the technical executive and the instructor, the first for proposing and alter-ising policy and technology, the second for forcing auditing [rather than doing assessments] on Zero Level students. The Comm Ev had to be ordered at the request of their tech senior because neither would accept orders to remedy the above conditions but just kept on fouling up students.)

Example: An instructor says, “Process R00 doesn’t work on certain cases. When these cases come on course could I please order them to Review auditing?” Serious blunder by a senior, “Yes.” Why? Because the instructor isn’t capable of spotting an ARC Broken student — can’t confront ARC Breaks. Therefore quite often the instructor lets R00 be run on an ARC Broken student. The correct technical executive action, and the ONLY correct one on receiving such a report, is to promptly personally investigate. Investigation even of the students’ case folders would disclose that the instructor ignores ARC Breaks from comm cycle blunders by new student auditors, that the instructor won’t give ARC Break assessments (who else could give one on a Zero Level course?) but sometimes runs R6 EW on the students under the guise of “an assist for a misunderstood word”. I think that’s enough trouble to get the instructor’s senior into a hurricane of trouble if only from blown students and no new enrolments! (This is an actual example. The final result was a Comm Ev for the technical executive and the instructor, the first for proposing and alter-ising policy and technology, the second for forcing auditing [rather than doing assessments] on Zero Level students. The Comm Ev had to be ordered at the request of their tech senior because neither would accept orders to remedy the above conditions but just kept on fouling up students.)



18. If you think for one moment that a staff member who won’t or can’t follow clear, definite policy, will follow your orders either, you dream.

18. If you think for one moment that a staff member who won’t or can’t follow clear, definite policy, will follow your orders either, you dream.

19. The first thing you know about an off-policy type personnel is that none of your instructions are being carried out either, usual or unusual.

19. The first thing you know about an off-policy type personnel is that none of your instructions are being carried out either, usual or unusual.

20. Look, if they can’t apply vividly clear policy, they sure can’t apply a brief order.

20. Look, if they can’t apply vividly clear policy, they sure can’t apply a brief order.



21. You can conclude that where you have a personnel who cannot perceive the causes of things you will have a continual spinning mess.

21. You can conclude that where you have a personnel who cannot perceive the causes of things you will have a continual spinning mess.

None of the problems presented for solution are the actual problems that exist. In A and B above, the problem presented was “How to get more durable things.” This could not be solved because it was the wrong problem and didn’t exist. The right problem was “How to get B to stop breaking everything in sight.” A senior, not seeing B at all (not being around B), accepting a problem and a conclusion from a junior (A) soon is involved in endless discussions over “How to get more durable things.” This never solves. Because it wasn’t the problem. Further, any order the senior gives A is also never put into effect without wild alter-is. Why? A, unable to see sources, can’t see the senior as a source either and really takes his orders from anyone who comes along! Students, pcs, the garbage man.

None of the problems presented for solution are the actual problems that exist. In A and B above, the problem presented was “How to get more durable things.” This could not be solved because it was the wrong problem and didn’t exist. The right problem was “How to get B to stop breaking everything in sight.” A senior, not seeing B at all (not being around B), accepting a problem and a conclusion from a junior (A) soon is involved in endless discussions over “How to get more durable things.” This never solves. Because it wasn’t the problem. Further, any order the senior gives A is also never put into effect without wild alter-is. Why? A, unable to see sources, can’t see the senior as a source either and really takes his orders from anyone who comes along! Students, pcs, the garbage man.

22. The basic problem of management then is the problem of cause blindness. People in the org who cannot see cause cannot solve problems, for to solve a problem one must see what is causing it!

22. The basic problem of management then is the problem of cause blindness. People in the org who cannot see cause cannot solve problems, for to solve a problem one must see what is causing it!

23. And the solution to all this lies in the policies in this policy letter.

23. And the solution to all this lies in the policies in this policy letter.

24. And auditing people up to an ability to perceive and perceive the causes of things is the primary solution to all problems.

24. And auditing people up to an ability to perceive and perceive the causes of things is the primary solution to all problems.

25. Until you get them there you use any mechanism necessary to follow orders. Only in that way will they ever make it.

25. Until you get them there you use any mechanism necessary to follow orders. Only in that way will they ever make it.

26. When tech goes out, when HCOBs aren’t followed or tapes known and used exactly, the Road Out is blocked.

26. When tech goes out, when HCOBs aren’t followed or tapes known and used exactly, the Road Out is blocked.

27. Nobody has any right to a bank.

27. Nobody has any right to a bank.

28. For when they are permitted such a right they block the road for the rest.

28. For when they are permitted such a right they block the road for the rest.

29. The only person you could completely trust is a Clear. And unless the clear is also trained in Scientology tech and admin also you could never accept his vote on org matters.

29. The only person you could completely trust is a Clear. And unless the clear is also trained in Scientology tech and admin also you could never accept his vote on org matters.

That’s the truth.

That’s the truth.

And that’s why we’re going to make it all the way.

And that’s why we’re going to make it all the way.

30. If we’re determined we will make it, we will make it.

30. If we’re determined we will make it, we will make it.


(Note: By Organizational Policy is meant that policy which makes the organization into an organization and keeps its flows fast and its design uncomplicated. In absence of these policies the design becomes altered and flows cease and the org dies.)

(Note: By Organizational Policy is meant that policy which makes the organization into an organization and keeps its flows fast and its design uncomplicated. In absence of these policies the design becomes altered and flows cease and the org dies.)

[Note: The mimeo issue of this Policy Letter and the First Edition of Volume 0 skipped the number 6 in the numerical sequence. The text above and the earlier texts are identical; only the numbering has been altered to include the skipped 6. ]

[Note: The mimeo issue of this Policy Letter and the First Edition of Volume 0 skipped the number 6 in the numerical sequence. The text above and the earlier texts are identical; only the numbering has been altered to include the skipped 6. ]