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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Starrate Outpoints - P811029 | Сравнить

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SCANS FOR THIS DATE- 811029 - HCO Policy Letter - Starrate Outpoints [PL058-008]
CONTENTS STARRATE OUTPOINTS Cохранить документ себе Скачать
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
(Cancels and Replaces BPL 3 Mar 71R STARRATE OUTPOINTS)
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
(Cancels and Replaces BPL 3 Mar 71R STARRATE OUTPOINTS)
All StudentsAll Students
Student HatStudent Hat





  • HCO PI. 24 Sep. 64 Instruction & Examination: Raising The Standard Of
  • HCO PI. 24 Sep. 64 Instruction & Examination: Raising The Standard Of
  • HCO PL 26 Aug 65 Scientology training Twin Checkouts
  • HCO PL 26 Aug 65 Scientology training Twin Checkouts
  • HCO PL 4 Oct 64 Theory Checkouts Data
  • HCO PL 4 Oct 64 Theory Checkouts Data
  • HCO PL 4 Mar 71 II How To Do Theory Checkouts And Examinations
  • HCO PL 4 Mar 71 II How To Do Theory Checkouts And Examinations
  • HCO PL 12 May 64 Theory Testing Expiration Dates
  • HCO PL 12 May 64 Theory Testing Expiration Dates
  • HCO PL 31 Aug. 81 Giving starrate Checkouts
  • HCO PL 31 Aug. 81 Giving starrate Checkouts
  • (The following is a list of the most frequent mistakes made on giving starrate checkouts. This list was originally compiled at my request and is now being reissued to give it the full force of an HCO PL.)

    (The following is a list of the most frequent mistakes made on giving starrate checkouts. This list was originally compiled at my request and is now being reissued to give it the full force of an HCO PL.)

    1. Not flunking immediately on a comm lag but getting reasonable and allowing the student to carry on with the checkout. This stems from not knowing the reason for flunks on comm lags. (See HCO PL 4 Oct 64 Theory Checkouts Data, point number 4.)

    1. Not flunking immediately on a comm lag but getting reasonable and allowing the student to carry on with the checkout. This stems from not knowing the reason for flunks on comm lags. (See HCO PL 4 Oct 64 Theory Checkouts Data, point number 4.)

    2. Not spot-checking a student on the policy or bulletin. This stems from not knowing the purpose of spot checking or why it is okay to spot check a student. (See HCO PL 4 Oct 64, Theory Check-Out Data, paragraph number 1 and point number 3.)

    2. Not spot-checking a student on the policy or bulletin. This stems from not knowing the purpose of spot checking or why it is okay to spot check a student. (See HCO PL 4 Oct 64, Theory Check-Out Data, paragraph number 1 and point number 3.)

    3. Not knowing that Coaching in Theory means getting the student to define all the words and give all the rules. This misunderstanding comes from not knowing the purpose of Coaching in Theory. (See HCO PL 4 Oct 64, Theory Check-Out Data.)

    3. Not knowing that Coaching in Theory means getting the student to define all the words and give all the rules. This misunderstanding comes from not knowing the purpose of Coaching in Theory. (See HCO PL 4 Oct 64, Theory Check-Out Data.)

    4. Not asking the student to use the word in a sentence after asking him to define the word in his own words.You ask for the meaning of the word and the use of the word in a made up sentence. (See HCO PL 24 Sept 64 Instruction & Examination: Raising The Standard Of.)

    4. Not asking the student to use the word in a sentence after asking him to define the word in his own words.You ask for the meaning of the word and the use of the word in a made up sentence. (See HCO PL 24 Sept 64 Instruction & Examination: Raising The Standard Of.)

    5. Not knowing that a dull student is stuck in the blank space right after the misunderstood and that a dull student is handled the same way you would handle a glib student. (See HCO PL 24 Sept 64 Instruction & Examination: Raising The Standard Of.)

    5. Not knowing that a dull student is stuck in the blank space right after the misunderstood and that a dull student is handled the same way you would handle a glib student. (See HCO PL 24 Sept 64 Instruction & Examination: Raising The Standard Of.)

    6. Not asking questions that demand an ability to apply the data, assuming that if you ask a student to demonstrate you have asked him to apply the data. This is the most important point in giving a checkout and is the purpose of giving a checkout. It must never be neglected in giving a checkout. (See HCO PL 24 Sep Instruction & Examination: Raising The Standard Of, and HCO PL 4 Mar 71 II How To Do Theory Checkouts And Examinations, second to last paragraph.)

    6. Not asking questions that demand an ability to apply the data, assuming that if you ask a student to demonstrate you have asked him to apply the data. This is the most important point in giving a checkout and is the purpose of giving a checkout. It must never be neglected in giving a checkout. (See HCO PL 24 Sep Instruction & Examination: Raising The Standard Of, and HCO PL 4 Mar 71 II How To Do Theory Checkouts And Examinations, second to last paragraph.)

    7. Not sending a student back to study when he flunks the policy or bulletin but instead showing it to him and then carry on with the checkout. Also doing this when a student flunks on a word and just having him look the word up and carrying on with the checkout without having him look up the word and restudy the materials. This stems from not knowing what happens when a student goes past a misunderstood word. (See HCO PL 26 Aug 65 Scientology Training Twin Checkouts, paragraph 1 and the sections under the two phenomena of a misunderstood word.)

    7. Not sending a student back to study when he flunks the policy or bulletin but instead showing it to him and then carry on with the checkout. Also doing this when a student flunks on a word and just having him look the word up and carrying on with the checkout without having him look up the word and restudy the materials. This stems from not knowing what happens when a student goes past a misunderstood word. (See HCO PL 26 Aug 65 Scientology Training Twin Checkouts, paragraph 1 and the sections under the two phenomena of a misunderstood word.)

    NOTE: Sending a student back to study means the student gets his MUs found and cleared and re-studies the materials from the earliest misunderstood word found or from the beginning. It means full application of Study Tech.

    NOTE: Sending a student back to study means the student gets his MUs found and cleared and re-studies the materials from the earliest misunderstood word found or from the beginning. It means full application of Study Tech.

    Students who haven't fully grasped the starrate checkout procedures have missed out on one or more of the above points. These points are all covered in the policies referenced at the beginning of this issue and these policies must be known and applied by Supervisors and students alike.

    Students who haven't fully grasped the starrate checkout procedures have missed out on one or more of the above points. These points are all covered in the policies referenced at the beginning of this issue and these policies must be known and applied by Supervisors and students alike.

    It is only when lax, non-standard checkouts (or none at all) are given, that results suffer.

    It is only when lax, non-standard checkouts (or none at all) are given, that results suffer.

    Tough standard checkouts are the way to keep Scientology working.

    Tough standard checkouts are the way to keep Scientology working.

    Assisted by
    Research & Technical
    Compilations Unit
    Accepted by the
    of the
    Assisted by
    Research & Technical
    Compilations Unit
    Accepted by the
    of the