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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- SHSBC Level 0 Checksheet - B671205RD | Сравнить

CONTENTS LEVEL 0 CHECKSHEET GENERAL BULLETINS BOOKS PABS MAGAZINES CHARTS TAPES PRACTICAL (a) Student orientation - crossed out in hand (b) (c.) Practical on a Doll: (d) *Audit a Doll on the following Processes: - added in hand: (word perfect) 5. AUDITING. 6. *Audit on a doll the following processes - added in hand: (word perfect) *CLAY TABLE DEMOS * Sample Aud. Report, Worksheets & Summary Report Cохранить документ себе Скачать
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
5 Dec 67 RD Level 0


STUDENT'S NAME _________ DATE ___________


  1. Saint Hill Special Briefing Course Schedule
  2. Sheet for Practical Student Orientation
  3. Theory Orientation Map Grounds
  4. Theory Orientation Map School Buildings
  5. Theory Orientation Map Saint Hill Manor
  6. Theory Orientation Map Basement
  7. 29-5-63 Pol. "How to Handle Work"
  8. 17-4-64 Pol. "Food, Cleaning Regs for Students"
  9. 11-6-64 Pol. "New Student Data"
  10. 31-1-65 Pol. "Dev-T"
  11. 7-2-65 Pol. "Keeping Scientology Working"
  12. 16-4-65 Pol. "The Hidden Data Line"
  13. 16-4-69 Pol. "Handling the Public Individual"
  14. 19-4-63 Pol. "Ethics - Training & Processing Regulations
  15. 29-4-65 Pol. "Ethics"
  16. 13-5-65 Pol. "SHSBC Unit Gradation"
  17. 51-5-65 Pol. "St Hill Noise"
  18. 18-6-65 Pol. "Grounds Regulations"
  19. 1-7-65 Pol. "Ethics Chits"
  20. 2-8-65 Pol. "Chaplain"
  21. 24-8-65 Pol. "Improve our Image"
  22. 27-8-65 Pol. "Housing - Staff, Students & Pcs"
  23. 14-9-65 Pol. "Class Requirements"
  24. 15-9-65 Ex. Ltr. "Description of Floating Needle"
  25. 21-9-65 Pol. "Cleanliness & Tidiness of Premises"
  26. 21-9-65 Pol. "Issue V E-Meter Drills"
  27. 14-10-65 Pol. "Course Pattern"
  28. 22-10-65 Pol. "Requirements for Student Class"
  29. 23-10-65 Pol. "Dissemination Drill" - handwritten: This is reported as item 8A Starrated.
  30. 20-10-65 Pol. "Student Auditing of Post"
  31. *10-11-65 Pol. "The Cramming Section"
  32. 15-11-64 Pol. "Traffic Regulations - St Hill"
  33. *19-11-65 Pol. "Auditing Reports"
  34. 15-12-65 Pol. "Students Guide to Acceptable Behaviour"
  35. *28-12-65 Pol. "E-Meters Allowed"
  36. 13-1-66 Pol. "Regulations for Auditing Staff & Students"
  37. *11-10-67 HCOB "Clay Table Training."


  1. 18-1-58 HCOB "Controlling the Pc"
  2. 27-3-58 HCOB "Terminals" - Deleted in hand
  3. 2-4-58 HCOB "ARC in Comm Course"
  4. 2-5-58 HCOB "Beingness Again"
  5. 12-1-59 HCOB "Tone of Voice - Acknowledgement"
  6. 3-2-59 HCOB "Flattening a Process"
  7. 22-4-59 HCOB "Old & New Reality Scale"
  8. 7-5-59 HCOB “New Process"
  9. 21-7-59 HCOB "HGC Allowed Processes"
  10. 7-9-59 "The Handling of Communication Processes"
  11. 19-8-59 HCOB "HAS Co-audit - Finding Terminals"
  12. 27-8-59 HCOB "Clear Tests Revised" - in hand: Deleted 24/12/67
  13. 21-9-59 HCOB "Two-Paper Trioke" - in hand: Deleted 24/12/67
  14. *23-9-59 HCOB "How to Write an Auditor's Report"
  15. 25-9-59 HCOB "HAS Co-audit"
  16. 5-10-59 HCOB "Games Condition & Auditing
  17. 5-10-59 HCOB "Universe Processes"
  18. 13-10-59 HCOB "DEI Expanded Scale"
  19. 29-10-59 HCOB "Communication"
  20. 20-5-11-59 HCOB "Rudiments of Formal Auditing"
  21. 12-11-59 HCOB "Acknowledgements in Auditing"
  22. 25-2-60 HCOB "The Model Session"
  23. 17-3-60 HCOB "Standardised Sessions"
  24. 7-4-60 HCOB "A New Summary of Auditing"
  25. 14-4-60 HCOB "New PE-Data" - Deleted in hand
  26. 21-4-60 HCOB "Presession Processes"
  27. 3-2-67 HCOB "Scales" - in hand: Not *Rated on Level 0.
  28. 5-0-60 HCOB "Sticking to the Rundown"
  29. 19-1—61 HCOB "Additional HAS Processes"
  30. 2-3-61 HCOB "New Pre-Have Command"
  31. 20-3-61 POL. "Basic Staff Auditor Hat"
  32. 21-3-61 HCOB "Script of a Model Session"
  33. 12-4-61 HCOB "Training Drills"
  34. *17-4-61 HCOB "Training Drills Modernised"
  35. 11 HCOB "E-Meter Horror" - Deleted in hand
  36. 28-12-61 HCOB "E-Meter Electrodes"
  37. 24-5-62 HCOB "Q & A"
  38. 29-6-62 HCOB "Batteries and the MK IV E-Meter"
  39. 29-6-62 HCOB "How to Acknowledge"
  40. 3-7-62 HCOB "Acknowledgements"
  41. 28-8-62 POL. "How to Write an Auditor's Report"
  42. 6-10-62 HCOB "What an Auditor Is"
  43. 17-10-62 HCOB "Auditor Failure to Understand"
  44. 29-4-63 HCOB "Modernized Training Drilles using Permissive Coaching" - Deleted in hand
  45. 4-8-63 HCOB "Comm Cycle Errors"
  46. 11-6-65 HCOB "ARC Break Assessments"
  47. 14-8-63 HCOB "Lecture Graphs"
  48. 1-10-63 HCOB "How to get TA Action"
  49. 25-11-63 HCOB "Dirty Needle"
  50. 26-11-63 HCOB "A New Triangle"
  51. *7-4-64 HCOB "Q & A"
  52. *24-7-64 HCOB "TA Counters, Use of"
  53. *17-10-64 HCOB "Getting the Pc Sessionable"
  54. 6-11-64 HCOB "Styles of Auditing"
  55. *10-12-64 HCOB "Listen Style Auditing"
  56. 11-12-64 HCOB "Curriculum for Level 0"
  57. *11-12-64 HCOB "Scientology 0 Processes"
  58. *26-12-64 HCOB "Routine0-A (Expanded)"
  59. *4-4-65 HCOB "Levels 0 - Study Materials for HAS
  60. *10-3-65 HCOB "Words, Misunderstood Goofs"
  61. 23-3-65 HCOB "Level 0 Materials"
  62. 3-4-65 POL. "The Basis of Insanity"
  63. 63-7-4-65 HCOB "Premature Acknowledgements"
  64. 10-4-65 HCOB "How to apply Level Processing"
  65. 22-4-65 POL. "Level 0 comm Course"
  66. 16-5-65 POL. "Zero Courses"
  67. *27-5-65 POL. "Processing"
  68. *14-6-65 HCOB "Summary Report"
  69. 17-6-65 POL. "Staff Auditor Advices" par "Comm Cycle & Ethics" & "Case Supervisor Puzzle"
  70. 10-6-65 HCOB "Clear & OT Behaviour"
  71. *1-7-65 POL. "Comm Cycle Additives"
  72. *3-7-65 HCOB "Model Session Revised
  73. 2-8-65 HCOB "Release Goofs"
  74. *3-8-65 HCOB "Blowdown Interruption"
  75. 5-8-65 HCOB "Release Stages"
  76. *19-0-65 HCOB "Model Session Revised
  77. 23-6-65 HCOB "Abbreviations & Symbols of Dianetics and Scientology"
  78. 30-8-65 HCOB "Art"
  79. *21-9-65 HCOB "Out Tech"
  80. 22-9-65 HCOB "Release Gradation - New Levels of Release"
  81. *29-9-65 HCOB "Cyclical & Non Cyclical Process Conclusions'
  82. 1-10-65 HCOB "Mutter TR"
  83. 21-10-65 POL. "Release Checks for Franchise Preclears"
  84. *23-10-65 POL. "Dissemination Drill"
  85. 5-11-65 HCOB "Lecture Graphs"
  86. 7-11-65 HCOB "Release Rehabilitation Erroi;"
  87. *I4-H-65 HCOB "Clearing Commands"
  88. 16-11-65 HCOB "E-Meter Sensitivity Setting"
  89. 5-2-66 HCOB "Letting the Pc Itsa"
  90. 10-2-66 POL. "Tech Recovery"
  91. 10-2-66 POL. "Theory Courses"
  92. 11-2-66 HCOB "Free Needles - How to get them on a Pc"
  93. 12-2-66 HCOB "The Dangerous Auditor"
  94. added in hand
    *9-1-67 HCOB "Examiners Safeguard"
  95. 24-8-68 HCOB "Coaching"
  96. 5-1-68 HCOPL "Dev-T Series - Bad News"
  97. 5-1-68 HCOPL "Conditions Orders, Executive Ethics"
  98. *3-4-66 HCOB "Dianetic Auditing Course"
  99. 3-4-66 POL. "Dianetic Auditing Course"
  100. added in hand: 11-3-67 POL. "Dianetics Requirements" (Note ...)
  101. *10-8-66 HCOB "Errors of Students"
  102. *26-8-65 HCOB "Scientology Training Twin"
  103. 20-9-66 HCOB "Minus Scale Releases"
  104. 10-12-66 HCOB "E-Meter Brill Coaching"
  105. *27-7-66 HCOB "Meter Trim Check"
  106. 25-9-64 I/LTR. "Anatomy of Human Mind Course" .
  107. *15-5-63 HCOB "The Time Track"
  108. *19-1-67 HCOB "Manifestations of Engrama & Secondaries, etc. "
  109. *30-6-62 HCOB "Straight Wire"
  110. *27-1O-64 POL. "Physical Healing & Troublesome Sources"
  111. *21-6-67 POL. "Theory Checkout Data"
  112. added in hand:
    200 word vocabulary made up by student - (to safeguard against "previousely misunderstood words")
  113. *HCOB 16/1/68 "Starting of Preclears"
  114. HCOPL 6/10/67 "Condition of Liability"
  115. HCOPL 23/9/67 "New post formula. The condition formulars."


  1. Advanced Procedure & Axiom B
  2. Self Analysis in Scientology (pages 14-51) - handwritten: in small book, 14-39 - in the big book.
  3. How to Live though an Executive
  4. This is Scientology - The science of certainity (pages 2-26) - crossed out and handwritten: Creation of Human Ability
  5. Scientology - The Fundnmentals of thought
  6. *Auditor's Code *Code of a Scientologist
  7. Scientology - Training Course Manual
    Pages 5, 6, 7, 8 (to TR0) plus Upper Indoc TRs 6, 7, 8, 9
  8. For corrected Commands see HCOB 16 Nov 1965 Issue II Commands for Upper Indoc TR 6, 7, 9
  9. Scientology - Clear Procedure Issue I
  10. E-Meter Essentials
  11. The Book of E-Meter Brills
  12. Scientology - A Hew Slant on Life"
  13. Dianetics '55
  14. Dianetics - MSMH, Books I & II


  1. 16-4-54 No 24 "Certainty of Exteriorization"
  2. 9-7-54 No 30 "Randomity & Automaticity"
  3. 1-10-54 No 36 "The Use of Scientology Materials"
  4. 29-10-54 No 38 "The Auditor's Code 1954"
  5. 12-11-54 No 39 "The Auditor's Code 1954".
  6. 26-11-54 No 40 "The Code of Honour"
  7. 10-12-54 No 41 "The Cede of a Scientologist"
  8. 7-1-55 No 43 "Plotting the Preolear on the Tone Scale"
  9. 21-1-55 No 44 "Two Way Communication in Aotion
  10. 10-6-55 No 54 "Reality Level of Preclear"'
  11. 8-7-55 No 56 "Axiom 51 and Communication Processing"
  12. 23-12-55 No 68 "First & Second Postulate"
  13. 24-4-56 No 91 "Purpose"
  14. 10-7-56 No 92 "A Critique of Psyoho-Analysis"
  15. 24-7-56 No 93 "A Critique of Psycho-Analysi B continued"
  16. 1-11-56 No 99 "Facsimiles and Solids"
  17. 1-9-57 No 119 "The Big Auditing Problem"
  18. 15-11-57 No 124 "Communication and Isness"
  19. 1-12-57 No 125 "The Parts of Man"
  20. 15-7-58 No 140 "Precision in Auditing"
  21. 1-11-58 No 147 "Communication Course"
  22. 1-12-58 No 149 "Dummy Auditing - Step 2"
  23. 15-12-58 No 150 "Dummy Auditing - Step 3"
  24. 1-1-59 No 151 "Dummy Auditing -Step 4"


  1. 1953 Journal of Scientology - Issue 21 G "The Theory of Communication"
  2. 1955 Ability Major 1 "The Scientologist - Manual of Dissemination"
  3. 1955 Ability Major 4"Straight Wire"
  4. 1955 Ability Minor 4"The Scale of Awareness"
  5. 1957 Ability No. 51 "Hie Adventure of Communication"
  6. 1957 Ability No. 54 "Mote Confronting"
  7. *1958 Ability No. 80 "Axioms of Scientology" "Prelogics" "Logics" - handwritten: Verbatim or (Certainty Vol. 5 Number 21)
  8. 1962 Ability No. 139"How to Study Scientology"
  9. 1963 Ability No. 154"Assists in Soientology"
  10. 18 Nov. 1960 White Pc Assessment Form plus Additions


  1. 1951 "The Hubbard Chart of Human Evaluation" (small)
  2. 1951 "The Hubbard Chart of Human Evaluation" (large)
  3. 1951 "The Chart of Attitudes"


  1. 5-7-57 Purpose and Need of TRe
  2. 25-7-63 Comm Cyclef in Auditing
  3. 6-8-63 Aud Comm Cycle
  4. 15-8-63 The Tone Arm
  5. 20-8-63 ITSA Line
  6. 21-8-63 ITSA Line (continued)
  7. 16-10-63 ITSA Maker
  8. 6-2-64 Comm Cycle
  9. *19-3-64 Flattening a Process
  10. 28-4-64 Wisdom of an Auditor
  11. 9-6-64 Cycle of Actions, it's Interpretation on the E-meter
  12. 16-6-64 Communication, Overts and Responsibility
  13. 15-12-64 Comm on a Gradient
  14. 30-3-65 ARC Breaks and Generalities
  15. 21-7-66 Dianetic Auditing
  16. 26-7-66 Classification and Gradation Chart
  17. 28-7—66 Dianetic Auditing and the Mind
  18. 25-8-66 The Anti-Social Personality
  19. 18-8-66 Study and Intention
  20. 4-8-66 Dianetics, Scientology and Society
  21. 9-7-64 Data Assimilation
  22. 4-8-64 Summary of Study
  23. 6-12-66 Scientology Definitions
  24. 3-12-66 Scientology Definitions
  25. 12-6-63 ARC Straightwire
  26. 26-5-65 The Five Conditions


(a) Student orientation - crossed out in hand
  1. *TR 1
  2. *TR 2
  3. *TR 3
  4. *TR 4
  6. *EM 1
  7. *EM 2
  8. *EM 3
  9. *EM 4
  10. EM 5
  11. *EM 6
  12. *EM 7
  13. *EM 8
  14. *EM 9
(c.) Practical on a Doll:
(d) *Audit a Doll on the following Processes: - added in hand: (word perfect)
  1. 0 - 0
  2. 0 - A
  3. 0 - B
  4. Communication Processes - crosses out in hand
  5. *Dissemination Drill

Has produced the result of GRADE 0 RELEASE on one or more of the above processes on a preclear

6. *Audit on a doll the following processes - added in hand: (word perfect)

Added in hand: Demos belong in Teory. (Dem. in clay with labels as HCOB 11/10/67 Clay Table Terms)



  1. The Principle of Level 0
  2. A complete 0-0, 0-A, 0-B session with ...
  3. All five GAES
  4. Getting Pc Sessionable
  5. Def. of Auditing as Scio. Dict. (on principles and mechanics of Level 0)
  6. What is Q&A. What happens when you Q&A?
  7. Purpose of Auditing
  8. How to recognize A.R.C. Br. phenom.
  9. Axiom 28
* Sample Aud. Report, Worksheets & Summary Report