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CONTENTS POLICY LETTERS FOR YEAR 1957 Cохранить документ себе Скачать


  1. All Preclears Are Expected to (HASI PL) - P570905
  2. Bulletin Board (DIV1.DEP2.COM-SYS) - P570409
  3. Bulletin Board - P570409
  4. Bulletin Boards and Information Boards (FCPL) - P570509
  5. Comm Centre Arrangement of (DIV1.DEP2.COM-SYS) - P570501
  6. Communication Centre (DIV1.DEP2.COM-SYS) - P570409
  7. Dismissals and Post Changes (DIV1.DEP1.STAFF-STATUS) - P570409
  8. Emploing and Discharging of Personnel - P570509
  9. Filling Posts (DIV1.DEP1.STAFF-STATUS) - P570926
  10. Funds or Favors Received (DIV1.DEP3.GEN-REG) - P570726
  11. Government Project Stable Data - P570829
  12. Information Boards (DIV1.DEP2.COM-SYS) - P570421
  13. Mail (DIV1.DEP2.MAIL-TEL) - P570509(B)
  14. Method of Opening and Invoicing Mail (DIV1.DEP2.MAIL-TEL) - P570903
  15. New Post Hat Material (DIV1.HATS) - P570624
  16. Phone Bill (FCPL, DIV1.DEP2.MAIL-TEL) - P571219
  17. Qualifications of a Permanent Staff Member (ASD, DIV1.DEP1.STAFF-STATUS) - P570603