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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Admin TRs - B800517 | Сравнить

RUSSIAN DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Админ ТУ - Б800517 | Сравнить

Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
Cancels BTB 7 Feb 71
Reissued 16 Jul 74 same title
Remimeo Survival RD SO Orgs Scn Orgs Staff Training Colleges Tech Qual SSOs FEBC Course


These training drills were originally developed as a training aid for administrators for the purpose of training them to get compliances and complete cycles of action concerning administrative actions and orders.

The Admin TRs (training routines) are designed towards increasing one's causativeness over the everyday confusions, randomities, justifications, excuses, traps and insanities of the physical universe (Matter, Energy, Space and Time) and people (groups). They enable one to comfortably confront such things when encountered.

Needless to say, such abilities, if attained, would greatly increase any individual's survival in this world and since these Admin TRs do produce these abilities they are of extreme value.

These drills start off very gradiently and work up to a high pitch of confront and handling by the individual.

They are done with a twin and they must be coached with full understanding of the need to give the individual doing them wins. He must not be driven out the bottom or into overwhelm due to forcing him to confront too much too quickly.

Each drill is run to a win where the individual is doing the drill comfortably and without effort and is happy about his ability to do it.

Even if an individual feels he will experience little change on some of the beginning drills, he will upon doing them, become aware of an increase in awareness or just a good feeling about doing them.

On the later drills the individual (when coached on a gradient of getting tougher and tougher) will find that he can confront and handle any such activities or randomities he may encounter.

These drills must be coached with positive, knowing, predictable control towards the individual's willingness to be at cause concerning the things and activities being addressed.

Do these drills well and you will witness a tenfold increase in SURVIVAL POTENTIAL for individuals as well as administrators!


Name: Confronting MEST.

Commands: "Confront that _______. " (names object.)

Position: Student and Coach sitting or standing a comfortable distance apart.

Purpose: To accustom Student to confront MEST and to hold a position in relation to it. To be there and not do anything else but be there.

Training Stress: To teach Student to confront exactly what is indicated without vias and without additive gestures or emotional reactions. The Coach chooses a small object connected to the Student's post. Coach points to the object and gives Command, "Confront that _______ (names object)". Student does so. Coach makes no comments. As soon as Student is comfortable confronting the object with no reaction, the Coach acknowledges, chooses a new object and repeats the cycle. The Drill continues using gradiently larger objects for gradiently longer periods of time. Flunks are given for breaks of confront, additive actions and reactions. pass when the Student can confront any object comfortably without reaction and has Good Indicators on the Drill.

Note: Do NOT flunk the Student if sudden GIs come in and he feels good about the Drill. This is a desired change.


Name: MEST Intention.

Commands: "Move that _______ (object)".

Position: Student and Coach sitting or standing a comfortable distance apart.

Purpose: To train Student to deliver an order and intention concerning the control and handling of MEST.

Training Stress: To teach the Student that his own intention has something to do with the handling of MEST in his environment. The Student must deliver the command clearly and with sufficient intention to carry through and accomplish the moving of the MEST object by the Coach. The Coach does NOT Bull-Bait but only carries out the order if it is received clearly and with good intention. A selection of objects from the student's post is used. The Student acks the Coach for carrying out the command. Flunks are given for failure to get the object moved, failure to confront the action or failure to confront the MEST involved. The Drill is passed when the Student can do the Drill easily and comfortably with no back-off from the action of getting the MEST moved by another.


Name: Acknowledging MEST Cycles.

Commands: None. Coach originates handling of MEST. Position: Student and Coach standing or sitting a comfortable distance apart.

Purpose: To train Student to recognize, accept and thoroughly acknowledge the completion of an action in the MEST universe.

Training Stress: To teach the Student that his acknowledgement can end a cycle of action and that his intention to end it is senior to effort. The Coach originates a cycle of action such as giving the Student a small object, moving an object to another location or picking up an object to look at. Student acknowledges the action when it is complete. Student may do anything at first to get his acknowledgement across but gradiently is smoothed out until he can end cycle effortlessly. Coach flunks for failure to recognize when an action is complete, failure to freely accept the action and failure to end the cycle with good intention. Pass when the Student can do the Drill easily and comfortably.


Name: MEST Duplicative Command.

Commands: "Pick up that _______ (named object)".

"Hand it to me please. "

"Put it down there. " (Student indicates place.)

Position: Student and Coach standing or sitting a comfortable distance apart.

Purpose: To train the Student to not give up but to continue his intention to complete a cycle of action in the physical universe. To do each cycle in a new unit time and not as a blur with other cycles.

Training Stress: To teach the Student not to be thrown off and not to Q & A if he doesn't get immediate compliance to his command, and to keep on until he does get the cycle of action completed in the physical universe.

The Coach may stop complying with the cycle of action at any point and hold the cycle frozen at that point. The Student must repeat the last given command until he gets the cycle of action started again and follow it through to completion. No verbal Bull-Baiting or physical originations by Coach.

Flunks are given for poor intentions, failure to repeat the exact command, failure to confront the MEST or confront and get the cycle of action completed in the physical universe.

Pass when the Student can do the drill comfortably and easily.


Name: MEST Cycle Alter-Is.

Commands: Same as MEST 3.

Position: Student and Coach standing or sitting a comfortable distance apart.

Purpose: To train the Student to get his intended cycle of action carried out in the physical universe in spite of counter-intention and alter-is and to distinguish between a genuine attempt to comply and a deliberate non-compliance or alter-is.

Training Stress: To teach Student not to be startled or thrown off and not to give up or Q & A with non-compliance, inaccurate or incompetent attempts to complete cycles of action in the physical universe. The Drill is the same as TR MEST 3 with the addition that the Coach may deliberately perform the wrong action at any time or may attempt to pass the object to the Student when he has not asked for it. The Student repeats the order whenever the Coach freezes the cycle of action or deliberately does a wrong command. The Student acknowledges the Coach and

repeats the order when the Coach does the command almost correctly or attempts to hand the object to the Student when it is not so ordered.

Flunks are given as in MEST TR 3 and also for acknowledging a deliberate non-compliance or alter-is and for failing to acknowledge a genuine attempt at compliance and eventual completion. If the Student accepts the object on the Coach's origination it is also a flunk.

Pass when the Student can do the Drill comfortably and easily with no confusion or non-confront.


Name: Confronting People.

Commands: "Confront that person” or "Confront those people. "

Position: Coach and Student ambulatory.

Purpose: To accustom Student to confronting people and to hold a position in relation to them. To be there and not do anything but be there.

Training Stress: To teach Student to confront people singly and in groups without vias or additive gestures and without reacting or being afraid or embarrassed. The Coach and Student walk round to where various people or groups of people are located at work etc. The Coach indicates a person or group of people to the Student and gives him the appropriate command. The Student complies. The Coach has the Student confront larger and larger groups of people on a gradient. Flunks are given for breaking confront or for being disturbed when people stop what they are doing and become interested in the Student.

Pass when the Student can confront people easily and feels good doing the Drill.


Name: People Intention.

Commands: "Hello. "

Position: Student and Coach both standing and sitting or one standing and the other sitting, at varying distances apart. Coach doing some action such as reading, writing, sorting papers, tying shoelace, etc.

Purpose: To teach the Student that he can get an order and intention across to another person under varying conditions and when they have their attention elsewhere, so that it is received.

Training Stress: To teach the Student that he can get through to others no matter where their attention may be and that his intention to reach them is the senior factor. The Coach takes up a position and occupies himself with another action. The Student approaches and says, "Hello". The hello must be delivered so that it reaches the Coach and gets his full attention. The distance between the Student and Coach is increased on a gradient up to 20 feet away. Stress is on correct intention not on volume or force. The Coach acks when the Student reaches him.

Flunks are given for failure to confront or for failing to reach with good intention.

Pass when the Student can do the Drill easily without effort and can get the Coach's attention from 20 feet away.


Name: People Acknowledgements.

Commands: None. Coach originates.

Position: Various. Student and Coach standing and sitting. The Student may occupy himself with another simple action and Coach approaches Student to give origination.

Purpose: To train a Student to use an acknowledgement as a method of correctly ending a cycle of action for other people.

Training Stress: The Student is trained to acknowledge a report or message given so that the person knows it was heard and understood. The Coach approaches or gives from a distance a sensible report or message concerning the completion of some simple post cycle. The Student acknowledges Coach so that Coach knows he has been heard and that the cycle is ended. The Coach may then employ one or two other people to give reports to the Student in succession. Flunks are given for Student non-confront or for failure to end the cycle with his acknowledgement.

Pass when the Student can comfortably be receipt of a report on a complete cycle of action and can end cycle on the action without under or over acknowledgement.


Name: Group Command.

Commands: "Hello. "

Position: Student and Coach ambulatory.

Purpose: To teach the Student to get an order and intention across to a group of people when their attention is elsewhere, to get an answer and to acknowledge it.

Training Stress: To teach a Student that a group of people can be approached without upsetting them, and that an order can be given, and compliance acknowledged. Coach indicates a group of people chatting or some such activity (not engaged in important cycles of action) and directs Student, "Say 'Hello' to that group. " Student does so without upsetting the group. He repeats the "Hello" if necessary to get a reply from the majority of the group. Student then acknowledges the group.

Flunks are given for failure to confront, failure to get the attention of the group, failure to get an answer from the group (majority) and failure to acknowledge the answer. (If necessary, other students can be used and can pose as a group occupied with other actions.) Pass when Student can do the Drill comfortably and successfully without back-off or strain and without upsetting a group.


Name: Selected Group Command.

Command: "Hello. "

Position: Coach and Student ambulatory, plus selected group of three or more persons standing or sitting.

Purpose: To train Student to get an order and intention across to a group of people, to get an answer and to acknowledge despite counter-intention from the group.

Training Stress: The same as for TR PEOPLE 3 except that a selected group of people are used who are instructed only to look up and answer the Student when his intention really reaches them. (No Bull-Baiting is allowed.) Student repeats the order until he gets compliance and then acknowledges the group.

Flunks are given for back-off, poor intention, failure to get the order complied with and failure to correctly acknowledge the execution of the order. (The reply to the "Hello".)

Pass when the Student is really getting his intention through easily and he is getting compliance and acknowledging.


Name: Confronting MEST with distractions.

Commands: "Confront that _______ (named object). "

Position: Student and Coach standing or sitting at a desk with a stack of papers or objects on the desk.

Purpose: To accustom Student to confronting MEST and to hold a position in relation to it. To be there and not do anything but be there despite attempts to distract him and prevent him from confronting.

Training Stress: Same as TR MEST 0 with the addition that the Coach Bull-Baits and verbally attempts to distract the Student from confronting the paper or objects. When the Student can do this comfortably without breaking his confront of the MEST, the Coach may start moving and changing the MEST, adding other objects and taking them away and shifting them. (Do not get too wild.) Verbal Bull-Baiting is kept in also.

Flunks are given for failure to confront the MEST or the Bull-Baiting.

Pass when the Student can do the Drill comfortably without flunking.


Name: MEST Intention with Distraction.

Commands: "Hand me that book. "

Position: Student and Coach seated a comfortable distance apart. Coach has a book on his knees.

Purpose: To train the Student to deliver an order and intention concerning the control and handling of MEST and get compliance despite distractions and attempts to prevent him doing so.

Training Stress: Student is trained to get his intention concerning the control and handling of MEST across to the Coach and get compliance in spite of Bull-Baiting and resistance by the Coach.

The Coach only gives the Student the book when the intention gets across to him strongly enough that he wants to comply.

Flunks are given for breaks of confront, giving up and poor intention. Pass when Student can do the Drill comfortably, getting his intention across without being affected by the Bull-Baiting and getting compliance to the command.


Name: MEST Cycle Acknowledgement with Distractions.

Commands: None. Coach originates handling of MEST.

Position: Student and Coach standing or sitting a comfortable distance apart.

Purpose: To train Student to recognize, accept and thoroughly acknowledge the completion of an action in the physical universe despite distractions and attempts to prevent him doing so.

Training Stress: To teach the Student to recognize and acknowledge the completion of a cycle of action in the physical universe in spite of distraction and "noise" and attempts to prevent recognition of the fact that the cycle has occurred. And that his acknowledgement can end a cycle of action in spite of noise, and that his intention to do so is senior to effort. The Coach originates a cycle of action such as moving an object from one location to another. Before, during, and after doing so he attempts to distract the Student by Bull-Baiting and chatter so as to prevent the Student realizing that the cycle has occurred or to prevent him from acknowledging it. Student learns to observe the cycle in the MEST universe rather than listen to the Coach. Coach flunks for Student failure to recognize and acknowledge when the cycle is completed, failure to accept the cycle freely and failure to end the cycle with good intention. Also for becoming the effect of Bull-Baiting. Pass when the Student can do the drill easily without flunks.


Name: MEST Duplication Command with Distractions.

Commands: Any orders composed of 2 or 3 separate simple actions such as "Pick up that pen and put it on the chair then place it beside the paper in the middle of the desk. "

Position: Student and Coach standing or sitting a comfortable distance apart.

Purpose: To train the Student to not give up but to continue his intention to complete a cycle of action in the physical universe despite attempts to distract him and prevent him from doing so. To do each cycle in a new unit of time and not as a blur with other cycles.

Training Stress: To teach the Student not to be thrown off and not to Q & A if he doesn't get immediate compliance with his order. To continue to repeat the order with full intention until he gets the cycle completed in the physical universe. The Coach tries to throw the Student off with Bull-Baiting or by not completing the cycle of action.

Flunks are given for earlier TR failures, for poor intention and for failing to get compliance.

Pass when the Student can comfortably do the Drill.


Name: MEST Cycle Alter-Is and Distraction.

Commands: Same as in MEST BB 3.

Position: Student or Coach standing or sitting a comfortable distance apart.

Purpose: To train the Student to get his intended cycle of action carried out in the physical universe despite counter-intentions, alter-is and other distractions and excuses.

Training Stress: Same as in MEST BB 3 with the addition that student must acknowledge originations concerning the cycle being performed by the Coach when necessary to get the order complied with accurately. The Coach may muddle up the sequence of the actions and also do verbal Bull-Baiting, reasons why the cycle is impossible, etc.

Flunks are given for failure in earlier TRs of this series and particularly for poor intention or failure to get the cycle completed.

Pass when Student can successfully do the Drill comfortably, using intention but not effort.


Name: Confronting people with Distractions.

Commands: "Confront that Person. "

Position: Coach and third person standing or sitting a comfortable distance apart. Student a comfortable distance to the side of them.

Purpose: To train the Student to get one person to confront another at his order and not be thrown off or Q & A with reactions, excuses and reasons why this should not be done.

Training Stress: To train the Student to use his confront and intention through the "via" of another person where the one person may not be willing to confront and the other not willing to be confronted. The Student gives the order to the Coach who complies or gives reasons or excuses why he should not. The other person may give the Coach reasons why he should not be confronted but may not speak to the Student. The Student must succeed in getting the Coach to confront the third person despite that person's objections.

The Coach complies when the Student's confront and intention makes him want to do so.

The Coach flunks Student for failure to get the Coach to confront the third person.

Pass when the Student can do Drill without flunks.


Name: People Intention with Distractions.

Commands: "Give that book to _______ (person's name). "

Position: Coach standing or sitting close to the Student, observing him. The Student and a second person are standing or sitting a comfortable distance apart with a third person a little way off. Student has a book.

Purpose: To train the Student to get his intention across on the via of another person and to get the Command through despite distractions.

Training Stress: To teach Student that he can get his intention to carry through to a third person or persons via a relay terminal. Student gives second person the order, ""Give that book to _______. " The second person may give excuses and reasons not to do it and the third person can do the same. The second person may return to the Student with the book and "explain" how the third person won't accept or let him carry out the command. Stress is on getting the Student to improve his intention and get compliance to his orders.

Flunks are given by the Coach for failure to get the second person to comply, for Q & A, for giving up and for an earlier TR outness.

Pass is given by the Coach when the Student can easily get the command complied with by the second person.


Name: Return Compliance and Acknowledgement.

Commands: "Tell _______ (third person's name) to bring me that book. "

Position: Coach standing or sitting close to the Student, observing him. The Student and a second person are standing or sitting a comfortable distance apart with a third person a little way off.

Purpose: To train Student to get a command carried out in the physical universe via another person.

Training Stress: To teach Student that he can get physical actions complied with via another person, regardless of the excuses or reasons why of both persons. The Student hands the second person the book and gives the order, "Tell _______ to bring me that book. " Command with intention is repeated until the third person complies at which time the Student acknowledges him fully. The second person may Q & A with the third person's unwillingness and attempts to alter-is and non-comply.

Flunks are given by the Coach for any failure of earlier TRs and for failing to have enough intention to get the second person to get the third person to comply and for failure to acknowledge the completed cycle of action.

Pass is given by the Coach when the Student can get a command carried out in the physical universe via another person.


Name: Command Relay.

Commands: "Tell _______ to give that book to _______ "(3rd and 4th persons named).

Position: Coach standing or sitting close to the Student, observing him. Student and second person standing or sitting a comfortable distance apart and a 3rd person standing a few steps further off holding a book and a 4th person a few steps further off still.

Purpose: To train Student to get a command complied with on a relay.

Training Stress: To teach Student that his intention can be stepped up to a point where it will carry through terminals on a relay. The Student gives the command to the second person who orders the 3rd person to give the book to the 4th person. The second person may Q & A with the command, with the 3rd person's unwillingness to do it and with the 4th person's inattention or unwillingness to receive the book.

Flunks are given by the Coach for any break up of the Student's TRs or failure to persist and get full compliance.

Pass is given by the Coach when the Student can get all persons on a relay to carry out the command.


Name: Group Compliance.

COMMAND: "Give that paper to those people and tell them to put it on their table. "

Position: Student standing. Coach standing close to the Student, observing him. A second and 3rd or more other people are seated in two groups at two tables a few paces apart.

Purpose: To train the Student to get compliance with his orders and intentions between groups of people and to teach him that intention is senior to effort.

Training Stress: To teach the Student that his persistent intention can overcome the counter-intentions of groups of people and that he can get them to comply with his orders despite group think, counter effort and other distractions. The Student gives the people at one table the command and has them comply and gets the cycle completed. He may order only one group. These may give excuses and argue between themselves and give reasons why it can't be done – so may the second group when the paper is taken to them. The Student repeats the order with full intention to the first group or a person from the first group until it is fully complied with.

Flunks are given by the Coach for Student failure to persist, for breaking-up or any other TR outness.

Pass is given by the Coach when Student has succeeded in getting full compliance with ease and knows he can handle groups intention.


Name: Reach and Withdraw MEST.

Commands: "Reach that _______. " (named object)

"Withdraw from that _______. " (named object)

Coach acknowledging Student for execution of command.

Position: Student and Coach ambulatory.

Purpose: To put the Student at cause over the MEST of his post and area.

Training Stress: The Coach indicates different objects on a gradiently larger scale and sees that the Student executes the commands. The Coach asks from time to time, "How are you doing?" The Coach handles any physical manifestations of the Student by asking "What is happening?"

The TR is run to a win for the Student.


Name: Reach and Withdraw from People.

Commands: "Touch that _______. " (named object)

Position: Student and Coach and third person ambulatory.

Purpose: To familiarize the person with handling people.

Training Stress: Student must get the third person to comply with his command in spite of the Coach's physical attempts to block the person from doing so. The Student may in turn block the Coach so he can't interfere or may move him out of the way so that the third person can comply with the command. Stress should be on intention not on force. The Drill is run until the Student can quite comfortably take whatever action is necessary to get his command complied with and feels easy about the necessary Reach and Withdraw from the Coach and third person in order to do so. The Coach and third person in order to do so. The Coach may use verbal Bull-Baiting also.

The TR is run to a win and Cog for the Student.

Developed and Piloted aboardFlag with the assistance ofTraining & Services Aide
Revision assisted by Tech Project I/C
for the