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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Assessment Data - B610519 | Сравнить

SCANS FOR THIS DATE- 610519 - HCO Bulletin - Assessment Data [B001-041]
- 610519 - HCO Bulletin - Assessment Data [B037-034]
- 610519 - HCO Bulletin - Assessment Data [B135-005]
- 610519 - HCO Bulletin - Assessment Data [B154-008]
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, SussexSaint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex



On SOP Goals assessments the following mistakes are being made:

On SOP Goals assessments the following mistakes are being made:

  1. Auditors are assessing with a high sensitivity knob setting.
  1. Auditors are assessing with a high sensitivity knob setting.
  • Auditors are taking up to an hour and a half to assess on the Pre-Hav Scale.
  • Auditors are taking up to an hour and a half to assess on the Pre-Hav Scale.
  • Auditors are trying to run the whole case on Rudiments only.
  • Auditors are trying to run the whole case on Rudiments only.
  • These rules which follow become very important. They prevent endless assessing for goals and terminals on SOP Goals and save session time.

    These rules which follow become very important. They prevent endless assessing for goals and terminals on SOP Goals and save session time.



    Assess with the sensitivity knob set for one third of a dial drop on the can squeeze, no more. Rule: High sensitivity knob settings for more than a third of a dial drop are for any Joburg Security Check or getting off withholds only. Only increase sensitivity beyond a third of a dial on withholds. Assess with only a third of a dial drop sensitivity setting.

    Assess with the sensitivity knob set for one third of a dial drop on the can squeeze, no more. Rule: High sensitivity knob settings for more than a third of a dial drop are for any Joburg Security Check or getting off withholds only. Only increase sensitivity beyond a third of a dial on withholds. Assess with only a third of a dial drop sensitivity setting.

    If the sensitivity knob setting won’t decrease enough to get only a third of a dial drop get your meter rebuilt.

    If the sensitivity knob setting won’t decrease enough to get only a third of a dial drop get your meter rebuilt.

    If you have a larger setting than above, the SOP Goals assessment by elimination will take ten times as long.

    If you have a larger setting than above, the SOP Goals assessment by elimination will take ten times as long.



    Assessment on Pre-Hav Scale is not by elimination. One assesses with one read up and one read down and takes the largest (not the lowest) read on the needle. The needle read for the proper Pre-Hav level will repeat on the trip up and the trip down. Only say the level once. Don’t keep saying one level over and over. That’s auditing.

    Assessment on Pre-Hav Scale is not by elimination. One assesses with one read up and one read down and takes the largest (not the lowest) read on the needle. The needle read for the proper Pre-Hav level will repeat on the trip up and the trip down. Only say the level once. Don’t keep saying one level over and over. That’s auditing.

    You can get all the Pre-Hav data you want with one coverage upward from scale bottom and one coverage downward to scale bottom.

    You can get all the Pre-Hav data you want with one coverage upward from scale bottom and one coverage downward to scale bottom.

    This rule applies to assessing for a general command and assessing for a terminal.

    This rule applies to assessing for a general command and assessing for a terminal.

    Goals and terminal searches require a repeat over and over of the goal or terminal on the list in order to get them to go nul (as nul as they go with the sensitivity set for a third of a dial drop as above). The Pre-Hav assessment for level does not require a repeat of a level over and over in assessing. In fact you had better not.

    Goals and terminal searches require a repeat over and over of the goal or terminal on the list in order to get them to go nul (as nul as they go with the sensitivity set for a third of a dial drop as above). The Pre-Hav assessment for level does not require a repeat of a level over and over in assessing. In fact you had better not.

    This one time Pre-Hav Rule will also apply to the new Pre-Hav Scale now being compiled. In that one you will read levels once upwards, once downwards on the Primary Scale. Taking the largest reaction of the needle as your level, go over to the Secondary Scale and do the same thing — once up, once down, and then take the resultant greatest needle reaction.

    This one time Pre-Hav Rule will also apply to the new Pre-Hav Scale now being compiled. In that one you will read levels once upwards, once downwards on the Primary Scale. Taking the largest reaction of the needle as your level, go over to the Secondary Scale and do the same thing — once up, once down, and then take the resultant greatest needle reaction.

    For purposes of assessment a RISING NEEDLE has NO meaning. Don’t even remark that it is rising. You don’t know what the pc couldn’t confront that starts the rise so you ignore a rising needle ALWAYS in any modern assessment. Anything that

    For purposes of assessment a RISING NEEDLE has NO meaning. Don’t even remark that it is rising. You don’t know what the pc couldn’t confront that starts the rise so you ignore a rising needle ALWAYS in any modern assessment. Anything that

    Stops a Rise is meaningful. The Rise has no meaning. Don’t even list Rise on an auditor’s report.

    Stops a Rise is meaningful. The Rise has no meaning. Don’t even list Rise on an auditor’s report.

    Further, RISE means nothing as a reaction in Rudiments.

    Further, RISE means nothing as a reaction in Rudiments.



    Don’t ever run a rudiment only because a needle was rising. Only run a rudiment if the needle rock slams, theta bops, or falls. Only run a rudiment as long as a reaction (rock slam, theta bop, fall) remains on that rudiment. A Rise indicates no meaningful data.

    Don’t ever run a rudiment only because a needle was rising. Only run a rudiment if the needle rock slams, theta bops, or falls. Only run a rudiment as long as a reaction (rock slam, theta bop, fall) remains on that rudiment. A Rise indicates no meaningful data.

    The rule about Rudiments is this:

    The rule about Rudiments is this:

    Don’t run a case by rudiments. The reason you use and clean rudiments is to get the pc in session so you can have the pc 1 ) in communication with the auditor and 2) interested in own case. Therefore you run rudiments with the sensitivity set that will give the needle a third of a dial drop with a can squeeze. You can increase sensitivity when asking for withholds in rudiments but if you do, decrease it when finished with withholds back to a third of a dial drop.

    Don’t run a case by rudiments. The reason you use and clean rudiments is to get the pc in session so you can have the pc 1 ) in communication with the auditor and 2) interested in own case. Therefore you run rudiments with the sensitivity set that will give the needle a third of a dial drop with a can squeeze. You can increase sensitivity when asking for withholds in rudiments but if you do, decrease it when finished with withholds back to a third of a dial drop.

    The purpose of rudiments is to set up a case to run, not to run a case.

    The purpose of rudiments is to set up a case to run, not to run a case.



    I developed the above rules to correct various mistakes being made that were taking an assessment as high as thirty-five hours (the auditor was erasing goals by repeater technique with the sensitivity set to a full dial drop), and to help auditors get on with auditing, not trying to solve the whole case with rudiments.

    I developed the above rules to correct various mistakes being made that were taking an assessment as high as thirty-five hours (the auditor was erasing goals by repeater technique with the sensitivity set to a full dial drop), and to help auditors get on with auditing, not trying to solve the whole case with rudiments.