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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Assist Summary Addition - B740106 | Сравнить

RUSSIAN DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Сводка Ассистов - Дополнение - Б740106 | Сравнить

SCANS FOR THIS DATE- 740106 - HCO Bulletin - Assist Summary - Addition [B014-001]
- 740106 - HCO Bulletin - Assist Summary - Addition [B052-001]
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Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex



To List Of References Add:

To List Of References Add:

  • HCOB 11 July 73 Assist Summary
  • HCOB 11 July 73 Assist Summary
  • HCOB 6 Jan 74 Assist Summary Addition
  • HCOB 6 Jan 74 Assist Summary Addition
  • Any Tape Or Materials On “Prior Confusion”
  • Any Tape Or Materials On “Prior Confusion”
  • Any Tape Or Materials On “Postulates And Injuries” (1952 Autumn, London Lectures, etc)
  • Any Tape Or Materials On “Postulates And Injuries” (1952 Autumn, London Lectures, etc)
  • HCOBs On Mistakes Being Made In Presence Of Suppression, 1968.
  • HCOBs On Mistakes Being Made In Presence Of Suppression, 1968.

  • Add to page 4 of HCO B 11 July 73 after Postulate Two-Way Comm:

    Add to page 4 of HCO B 11 July 73 after Postulate Two-Way Comm:

    Prior Confusion: Fixed ideas follow a period of confusion. This is also true of engrams that hang up as physical injury. Slow recovery after an engram has been run can be caused by the Prior Confusion mechanism. The engram of accident or injury can be a stable item in a confusion. By 2-way comm see if a confusion existed prior to the accident, injury or illness. If so, it may be 2WCed earlier similar to F/N.

    Prior Confusion: Fixed ideas follow a period of confusion. This is also true of engrams that hang up as physical injury. Slow recovery after an engram has been run can be caused by the Prior Confusion mechanism. The engram of accident or injury can be a stable item in a confusion. By 2-way comm see if a confusion existed prior to the accident, injury or illness. If so, it may be 2WCed earlier similar to F/N.

    Mystery Point: Often there is some part of an incident which is mysterious to a preclear. The engram itself may hang up on a mystery. A thetan could be called a “mystery sandwich” in that he tends to stick in on mysteries. 2WC any mysterious aspect of the incident. 2WC it earlier similar to F/N Cog VGIs.

    Mystery Point: Often there is some part of an incident which is mysterious to a preclear. The engram itself may hang up on a mystery. A thetan could be called a “mystery sandwich” in that he tends to stick in on mysteries. 2WC any mysterious aspect of the incident. 2WC it earlier similar to F/N Cog VGIs.

    Suppressive Presence: Mistakes or accidents or injuries occur in the presence of suppression. One wants to know if any such suppressive influence or factor existed just prior to the incident being handled. This could be the area it occurred in or persons the preclear had just spoken to. 2WC any suppressive or invalidative presence that may have caused a mistake to be made or the accident to occur. 2WC E/S to F/N Cog VGIs.

    Suppressive Presence: Mistakes or accidents or injuries occur in the presence of suppression. One wants to know if any such suppressive influence or factor existed just prior to the incident being handled. This could be the area it occurred in or persons the preclear had just spoken to. 2WC any suppressive or invalidative presence that may have caused a mistake to be made or the accident to occur. 2WC E/S to F/N Cog VGIs.

    Agreement: Get any agreement the person may have had in or with the incident. There is usually a point where the person agrees with some part of the scene. If this point is found it will tend to unpin the pc from going on agreeing to be sick or injured.

    Agreement: Get any agreement the person may have had in or with the incident. There is usually a point where the person agrees with some part of the scene. If this point is found it will tend to unpin the pc from going on agreeing to be sick or injured.

    Protest: 2WC any protest in the incident.

    Protest: 2WC any protest in the incident.

    Prediction: The person is usually concerned about his recovery. Undue worry about it can extend the effects into the future. 2WC (a) how long he/she expects to take to recover. (b) Get the person to tell you any predictions others have made about it. 2WC it to an F/N Cog VGIs. Note – avoid getting the person to predict it as a very long time by getting him to talk about that further.

    Prediction: The person is usually concerned about his recovery. Undue worry about it can extend the effects into the future. 2WC (a) how long he/she expects to take to recover. (b) Get the person to tell you any predictions others have made about it. 2WC it to an F/N Cog VGIs. Note – avoid getting the person to predict it as a very long time by getting him to talk about that further.

    Losses: A person who has just experienced a loss may become ill. This is particularly true of colds. 2WC anything the pc may have lost to F/N.

    Losses: A person who has just experienced a loss may become ill. This is particularly true of colds. 2WC anything the pc may have lost to F/N.

    Present Time: An injured or sick person is out of present time. Thus running Havingness in every assist session is vital. This not only remedies havingness but also brings the preclear to present time.

    Present Time: An injured or sick person is out of present time. Thus running Havingness in every assist session is vital. This not only remedies havingness but also brings the preclear to present time.

    High or Lo TA: A C/S 53 RF should be used to get the TA under control during assists if it cannot be gotten down. It must be done by an auditor who knows how to meter and can get reads.

    High or Lo TA: A C/S 53 RF should be used to get the TA under control during assists if it cannot be gotten down. It must be done by an auditor who knows how to meter and can get reads.

    Illness Following Auditing: It can occur that a pc gets ill after being audited where the “auditing” is out tech. When this occurs or is suspected, a Green Form should be assessed only by an auditor who can meter and whose TR 1 gets reads. The GF reads are then handled. Out Interiorization, bad lists, missed w/hs, ARC Breaks and incomplete or flubbed engrams are the commonest errors.

    Illness Following Auditing: It can occur that a pc gets ill after being audited where the “auditing” is out tech. When this occurs or is suspected, a Green Form should be assessed only by an auditor who can meter and whose TR 1 gets reads. The GF reads are then handled. Out Interiorization, bad lists, missed w/hs, ARC Breaks and incomplete or flubbed engrams are the commonest errors.

    Before-After: Where an injured or ill pc is so stuck that he has a fixed picture that does not move, one can jar it loose by asking him to recall a time before the incident and then asking him to recall a time after it. This will “jar the engram loose” and change the stuck point.

    Before-After: Where an injured or ill pc is so stuck that he has a fixed picture that does not move, one can jar it loose by asking him to recall a time before the incident and then asking him to recall a time after it. This will “jar the engram loose” and change the stuck point.

    Unconsciousness: A pc can be audited even if in a coma. The processes are objective, not significance processes. One process is to use his hand to reach and withdraw from an object such as a pillow or blanket. One makes the hand do it while giving the commands. One can even arrange a “signal system” where the pc is in a coma and cannot talk by holding his hand and telling him to squeeze one’s hand once for yes, twice for no. It is astonishing that the pc will often respond and he can be questioned this way.

    Unconsciousness: A pc can be audited even if in a coma. The processes are objective, not significance processes. One process is to use his hand to reach and withdraw from an object such as a pillow or blanket. One makes the hand do it while giving the commands. One can even arrange a “signal system” where the pc is in a coma and cannot talk by holding his hand and telling him to squeeze one’s hand once for yes, twice for no. It is astonishing that the pc will often respond and he can be questioned this way.

    Temperature Assists: There is an HCOB on how to do assists that bring down the temperature. Holding objects still repetitively is the basic process.

    Temperature Assists: There is an HCOB on how to do assists that bring down the temperature. Holding objects still repetitively is the basic process.

    Quite often an injury or illness will miraculously clear up before one has run all the steps possible. If this is the case one should end off any further assist.

    Quite often an injury or illness will miraculously clear up before one has run all the steps possible. If this is the case one should end off any further assist.

    All auditing of injured or ill people must be kept fairly light. Errors in TRs (such as a bad TR 4), errors in tech rebound on them very heavily. An ill or injured person can easily be audited into a mess if the processes are too heavy for him to handle and if the auditor is goofing. Very exact in-tech, good TRs, good metering sessions are all that should be tolerated in assists.

    All auditing of injured or ill people must be kept fairly light. Errors in TRs (such as a bad TR 4), errors in tech rebound on them very heavily. An ill or injured person can easily be audited into a mess if the processes are too heavy for him to handle and if the auditor is goofing. Very exact in-tech, good TRs, good metering sessions are all that should be tolerated in assists.

    An auditor has it in his power to make pcs recover spectacularly. That power is in direct proportion to his flawlessness as an auditor. Only the most exact and proper tech will produce the desired result.

    An auditor has it in his power to make pcs recover spectacularly. That power is in direct proportion to his flawlessness as an auditor. Only the most exact and proper tech will produce the desired result.

    If you truly want to help your fellows, that exact skill and those results are very well worth having.

    If you truly want to help your fellows, that exact skill and those results are very well worth having.
