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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Auditing by Lists (Replaced) (S3) - B640423 | Сравнить

SCANS FOR THIS DATE- 640423 - HCO Bulletin - Scientology III - Auditing by Lists [B004-012]
- 640423 - HCO Bulletin - Scientology III - Auditing by Lists [B030-002]
- 640423 - HCO Bulletin - Scientology III - Auditing by Lists [B040-013]
- 640423 - HCO Bulletin - Scientology III - Auditing by Lists [B147-002]
CONTENTS Auditing By Lists AUDITING BY LISTSL. 1 AND L. 4 Cохранить документ себе Скачать
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
Central Orgs Franchise Scientology III

Auditing By Lists

The earlier genus of this process was Sec Checking on the Joburg. With no reference to these, I recently developed for Level III a process called Auditing by Lists. Any list can be used.

As a preview to the process I asked staff member Roger Biddell to use List One and List Four, normally used for ARC Breaks at Level IV. Their questions were generalized. Instead of "Have I _____", "Has there been _____" was used. Otherwise the question remained the same as given in the HCO Bulletin for L. 1 and L. 4. He ran the process for some hours on a preclear with excellent results and summarized my verbal and written instructions as applied.


Use meter at sensitivity 16.

Use ARC Break assessment Lists 1 and 4. The questions asked are generalized and without time limiters.

i.e. Has a withhold been missed?

Have you been given a wrong goal? etc.

Begin with List 1. Ask the first line of this list while watching the meter for an instant read.

If the line does not read, say "That's clean" and move on to the next line of the list and do the same action with this new line.

If the pc has something to say about a line that is clean, let him say it, acknowledge it and then you ask the next line. Don't Q and A.

If the line when asked has an instant read say "That reads" then "What do you consider this could be?" or "What considerations do you have about this?"

Let the pc answer all he wants to. While he is giving his considerations, mark down any blowdowns of the TA and what he was talking of at the moment of the blowdown.

When the pc has given all his considerations say "Thank you. I'll check the line on the meter" and call the line again. If it instant reads say "There's another read here" then again ask for considerations, etc.

Continue these actions until the line goes clean.

When clean say "That's clean" then – "Of what you have told me on this line, what do you consider the main thing to be here?" (A)

When pc has answered say "Thank you. "

Then, "I want to indicate that the meter gave us our biggest blowdown on _____ and that charge had been bypassed on this. " And in the blank, state the subject that gave the biggest blowdown when the pc talked about it.

If no blowdown then "It seems that the main thing here is _____" and give what pc stated in answer to (A).

Then move on to the next line.

When List 1 is completed, do List 4, then List 1, then List 4 and so on.

If running correctly, the TA total should increase from session to session. The pc should get more and more blowdowns on his considerations. Then he should get blowdowns on what he considers the main thing is and finally get blowdowns on your indication of the bypassed charge.

Don't Q and A. Don't take up or do anything with the pc's considerations. Don't ever say "That still reads. " It's always "Another read" as "It still reads" makes the pc feel he has not answered the question.

This process gets charge off the case.


[This HCO B was replaced by HCO B 22 May 1965, Auditing by Lists, Volume VI-41, which was in turn replaced by HCO B 27 July 1965, same title, Volume VI-64. HCO B 3 July 1971, Auditing by Lists, Volume VII-316, replaced this and 22 May 1965 issues, and canceled the 27 July 1965 issue.]