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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- BScn-HCS Course - B581226 | Сравнить

SCANS FOR THIS DATE- 581226 - HCO Bulletin - BScn-HCS Course [B022-099]
- 581226 - HCO Bulletin - BScn-HCS Course [B034-095]
CONTENTS B.SCN/HCS COURSE Cохранить документ себе Скачать


Any fully enfranchised area office may teach a B.Scn/HCS Course if the course is specifically allowed in writing by myself via HCO Worldwide in London.

The standard B.Scn/HCS Course is in actuality the 20th ACC. It is expected that the instructor of a B.Scn/HCS Course will have taken the 18th, 19th or 20th ACC.

The tapes to be used are the 20th ACC tapes. These are available from Washington.

The texts are Scientology Clear Procedure Issue One and ACC Clear Procedure as published in booklet form.

Extension Courses E, F, G & H are also required but may be done after regular schooling. It is preferred that Section E (the E-Meter) be done before the course.

No Comm Course or Upper Indoc or TRs are given in the B.Scn/HCS Course. If these have not been had by the applicant he must take them in the regular Academy Comm Course and Upper Indoc — these weeks to be added to the time in course.

The B.Scn/HCS Course is five weeks in length. If Comm Course and Upper Indoc have not been covered by the student, the course becomes seven weeks in length.

The same schedule, the same tapes as the 20th ACC are employed. However, the exact times of day may be altered to fit an area.

Those areas granted the right to teach a B.Scn Course at this time are HASI London and HASI Melbourne. That area permitted to teach an HCS Course at this time is Washington, D.C.

The examination for this course will be based chiefly on the ACC Clear Procedure Booklet.

HCO Washington, HCO London and HCO Melbourne are the only centers now examining for B.Scn/HCS. These may be assisted by other areas.

When regularized by establishment of an area HCO, Johannesburg, Auckland and Los Angeles may receive B.Scn/HCS rights to train.

It is recommended the B.Scn/HCS Course start every five weeks instead of every Monday as in HCA and the schedule be pre-published for six months, and that people who have not had Comm Course and Upper Indoc be warned to start two weeks earlier in all literature.