1. PC not wanting to be audited.
2. PC protesting auditing.
3. PC looking worse after auditing.
4. PC not able to locate incidents easily.
5. PC 'not having time for auditing'.
6. PC less certain.
7. PC not doing well in life.
8. Somatics not blowing or erasing.
9. PC in Ethics trouble after auditing.
10. PC protesting auditor actions.
11. PC wandering all over track.
12. PC misemotional at session end.
13. PC demanding unusual solutions.
14. Skin tone dull.
15. Eyes dull.
16. PC trying to self audit in or out of session.
17. PC continuing to complain of old somatics after they have been run.
18. PC dependence on medical treatment not lessening.
19. PC using, or continuing to use other treatments.
20. PC lethargic.
21. PC not becoming more cheerful.
22. PC wanting special auditing.
23. No TA action on running incidents.
24. PC not cogniting.
25. PC dispersed.
26. PC trying to explain condition to auditor or others.
27. PC bored with auditing.
28. PC not available for sessions.
29. PC tired.
30. PC attention on auditor.
31. PC not wanting to run the process or incident.
32. PC overwhelmed.
33. PC taking drugs or excessive alcohol.
34. PC not sure that auditing works for him.
35. PC continuing former practices.
36. PC not handling environment more easily.
37. PC sick between sessions.
38. PC not going on to next grade or level.