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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Check Sheet for HGC - B600407-2 | Сравнить
- New Summary of Auditing - B600407 | Сравнить

RUSSIAN DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Новая Сводка Одитинга - Б600407 | Сравнить

SCANS FOR THIS DATE- 600407 - HCO Bulletin - New Summary of Auditing, A [B024-095]
- 600407 - HCO Bulletin - New Summary of Auditing, A [B027-032]
- 600407 - HCO Bulletin - New Summary of Auditing, A [B065-014]
- 600407 - HCO Bulletin - New Summary of Auditing, A [B139-063]
- 600407 - HCO Bulletin - New Summary of Auditing, A [B139-064]
- 600407 Issue 2 - HCO Bulletin - Checksheet for HGC [B024-096]
CONTENTS CHECK SHEET FOR HGC Cохранить документ себе Скачать
HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 7 APRIL 1960 Issue II D of Ps Cent Orgs IMPORTANT


The following check sheet is to be made up in a mimeo form and issued to your staff auditors to be used at the beginning of each session. The data relative to it is in HCO Bulletin of April 7, 1960. Teach your staff auditors that bulletin. Insist heavily on the use of the check sheet before session commences while sitting down with pc. And thereby watch your results and number of clearings soar. This is IMPORTANT. Check Sheet:

Pc Name ______ Date _________ Auditor __________

  1. Pc still willing to be helped by me and HGC __________
  2. Pc under control and executing every command __________
  3. Pc willing to talk to me freely __________
  4. Pc interested in own case
  5. I have been following model session exactly except to establish the above
  6. Pc’s havingness is up __________
  7. Pc is getting wins he knows about __________

The following has been handled on pc’s case:

___________________________ Auditor’s signature

The above check sheet does not supplant the Auditor’s report. It is turned in with the report. Its purpose, in 1 to 7, is to keep Auditors alert to what makes cases advance.