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Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
(Cancels and replaces BTB 3 Oct 69R DIANETIC REMEDIES)
Remimeo All Auditors All C/Ses


The remedies given here will handle pcs who go anaten or dope off in session even though they are well rested beforehand. They will also handle high TAs caused by chains left in restimulation by reason of not taking them to a full Dianetic EP.


One of the beginning pc’s first steps in auditing is a thorough and complete CS-1. This is given as Action Seven on New Era Dianetics Series 2, Full Pc Program Outline. It must be done until the pc well understands the commands of R3RA and knows what is expected of him as a pc. (Ref: HCOB 9 Jul 78, DIANETIC CS-1.)

Do not attempt to run R3RA on a pc who is not properly indoctrinated. Clear the commands. Clear the list words and clear the procedures with him. It is the auditor’s responsibility to ensure the pc understands the commands and the procedure he is being run on.

So the first remedy given here is Word Clearing. A pc who does not understand R3RA commands, assessment procedures, etc. will only restimulate masses in Dianetic sessions, he will not be able to erase them.

If there is any doubt that your pc understands the commands and procedures of R3RA, you clear these up immediately.

There are uniformly two things that prevent pcs from running engrams. They are the failure to fully clear all the commands and procedures of R3RA as we have covered above, and unhandled drugs.

Hence, the following remedies are to be done in their correct sequence on the pc’s Dianetic program, after a full and complete drug handling per New Era Dianetics Series 9, Drug Handling. (Ref: New Era Dianetics Series 2, FULL PC PROGRAM OUTLINE.)


The following remedy is ordered by the C/S when the pc has no misunderstood words but still goes anaten in session, even when assessment and R3RA procedure are correctly done and the pc has had sufficient sleep, with no unflat chains evident by folder inspection but has a very high or low TA.

The auditor asks: “What pictures or masses have you touched on in life or in auditing that have been left unhandled?”

The most obvious remedy is simply to take the best reading picture that was left unflat in auditing and simply finish the chain. If the pc had only run it single flow at the time then finish it single flow for certain and check the other flows to see if they read and run them if they do. The question one checks is Step One narrative or Step One regular R3RA. One uses narrative when it is simply an incident and regular R3RA when he remembers what somatic he was running at the time.

The essence of this is simply to complete something that was already started and wasn’t completed.

If it was a picture which simply appeared in life, one can treat it as an original item per the Assessment HCOB and carry on from there.

Caution should be observed in running a pc on Quad who hitherto had only been run on single or triple flows. One can get onto the subject of bypassed charge when he suddenly runs a new flow (like Flow 0) that has never been run before on a new item. What happens is the pc, audited on single or triple on other items in previous auditing, collides with some of the unrun charge of previously unhandled chains of that flow and can get quite upset. The best handling of this sort of thing is called “Quading up a pc” as contained in HCOB 7 March 71R, Use Of Quadruple Dianetics.

Masses are handled simply by treating them as an original item as in the Assessment HCOB.

In pictures or masses remedies, one is best off following New Era Dianetics Series 4. Just treat the picture or mass as an original item. Therefore, when the pc gives you a list of pictures or masses that have been touched on in life or auditing he is really giving you a list of original items so far as handling is concerned. The auditor takes the best reading item from that list and does a preassessment on it.

“Are/is (preassessment item) connected with (item)?” is the preassessment question.

The auditor then follows the procedure outlined in HCOB 18 June 1978 New Era Dianetics Series 4, doing a full preassessment and runs out R3RA Quad all reading items with pc interest.

When this action is correctly performed the TA of the pc will be back in range, and the pc will be bright.


There are some pcs who keep talking about “this huge automaticity of pictures coming in, faster and faster.” They also dope off in session and they are somewhat hard to get an F/N on.

The thing which is really wrong with the pc is instability. He can’t hold things still.

A C/S could order HCO Training Bulletin of 6 Feb 1957 (Technical Volume III) – “Hold It Still.”

Objectives are also indicated, particularly SCS, as the pc can’t control things.

After flattening Objectives it will be found that the pc’s bank is more stable.

As the multipictures may also have keyed something in a C/S, after Objectives are flat, could order the following:

“Ask the pc ‘What pictures have you seen in life or auditing?’ and treat the best reading items in the resulting list as original items, handling them per New Era Dianetics Series 4.”

The phenomenon of automatic pictures is also called “an avalanche” and data on it is available in the Technical Bulletins Volume II, page 39, Volume VIII, page 106. The above section is the best handling.


When the pc goes anaten in session but there is no evidence of unflat chains, the C/S issues this C/S:

“Assess for:

“Run each reading item with interest R3RA Narrative Quad, running F2 first.”

The C/S could vary the assessment list, adding items if necessary in accordance with what the pc was motivating from.


Sometimes a pc cannot confront the actual incidents that are keyed-in by life or auditing. Such a pc will not go backtrack. In this case the running of imaginary incidents is quite productive. Sometimes the preclear will run them, quite astonishingly, with somatics. But he is not being required to face any reality about them and the auditor is not insisting that any reality exists concerning them. In a surprisingly high percentage of times, however, he will be running actual incidents. So long as he does not have to admit that these incidents are actual he can do something about them.

It should be understood that no amount of imaginary incidents can supplant the running of real incidents. The first value that this technique has – the invitation to the preclear to run avowedly imaginary incidents in his past – is to build up, the preclear’s confidence in the auditor. The preclear begins to feel that he will not be censured for indulging in fantasy.

When the preclear discovers that he has an auditor who not only will listen to imagination but who encourages it, the affinity level rises and the preclear’s ability to differentiate in terms of reality will itself rise.

The auditor must never, after the incident has been run, then insist that the incident was real. This would be a break of faith. He and the preclear have entered into a contract that what is being run is pure imagination, and the auditor must not break his contract.

To run imaginary incidents, the auditor discusses with the pc how they will be running imaginary incidents and gets the pc’s agreement to do so.

The auditor then asks, “What imaginary incidents or pictures have you touched on?”

All the pc’s responses to this question, with their meter reads are noted by the auditor. He then takes up the best reading incident or picture and runs it out R3RA Narrative Quad, first checking interest. Lesser reading items are then taken up.

This action is done until the pc is brighter and more able to confront actual incidents as they come up in auditing.

In doing this remedy be certain the pc understands R3RA procedure and has no misunderstoods.
