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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Drugs and Trippers - B680923i72 | Сравнить
- New Rudiments - B680923 | Сравнить
- Violation of the Laws of Listing and Nulling - B680923 | Сравнить

RUSSIAN DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Наркотики и Наркоманы - Б680923 | Сравнить

SCANS FOR THIS DATE- 680923 - HCO Bulletin - Drugs & Trippers [B008-052]
- 680923 - HCO Bulletin - Drugs & Trippers [B012-018]
- 680923 - HCO Bulletin - Drugs & Trippers [B041-078]
- 680923 - HCO Bulletin - Drugs & Trippers [B048-017]
- 680923 - HCO Bulletin - Drugs & Trippers [B122-003]
- 680923 - HCO Bulletin - New Rudiments [B008-053]
- 680923 - HCO Bulletin - New Rudiments [B041-077]
- 680923 - HCO Bulletin - New Rudiments [B070-014]
CONTENTS DRUGS & TRIPPERS Cохранить документ себе Скачать
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
(Reissued 22 January 1972 as “Remimeo”)


Any case that won’t run or won’t rehab is probably a “tripper”, meaning somebody who has taken drugs.

Standard practice for anyone who has ever taken drugs or even alcohol is to rehabilitate the moments of releases in these.

Drugs (or alcohol) give an enforced moment or period of release. It is surrounded in mass.

LSD, marijuana (pot, hashish), peyote, opium, ether (in operations), nitrous oxide (laughing gas in dental operations), weird “biochemical” compounds used by “psychiatrists”, Benzedrine, solid alcohol (canned heat), alcohol, turpentine, gasoline, witch herbs of various kinds, and even certain rays, in this lifetime and on the back track, could have caused a moment of release.

Death does also but it’s a bit steep to rehab.

In a rehab session, or before such a this lifetime one is audited on grades, the moments of release should be rehabbed.

The C/S directs this to be done before a rehab of ARC Straight Wire.

Such releases usually need rehabbing only once.

Tough rehabbing and probably all “Black Vs” probably trace to these chemical “releases”.

They are deadly because they give the sensation of release while actually pulling in mass.

When “All black” reads on a GF one of these chemical release periods is probably in restim.

These “Chemical releases” give us a lot of trouble unless (a) detected and (b) rehabbed.

Such pcs often withhold the fact (non-acceptable or discreditable datum) quite madly and thus make detection difficult unless directly asked for on a hard to run case.

Such persons can also be a mess on III if the chemical period rehabs aren’t done.

Delusory or dub-in cases also sometimes trace to chemical “releases”.

Painkillers, tranquilizers or morphine can also be explored where no “drug taking” is traced.

All the above come under the heading of forceful exteriorization and can inhibit the act of exteriorization on V.

Such pcs are a bit blank, irresponsible or detached.

Each TYPE of chemical which produced “release” must be rehabbed and it is best to count how many times released on each type.


[Original distribution was simply “Class VIII”.]