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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Exteriorization - B690712 | Сравнить

RUSSIAN DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Как Начать Дианетику с ПК, Который Уже Получал Саентологический Одитинг - Б690712-4 | Сравнить

SCANS FOR THIS DATE- 690712 - HCO Bulletin - Exteriorization [B009-119]
- 690712 - HCO Bulletin - Exteriorization [B042-108]
- 690712 - HCO Bulletin - Exteriorization [B151-016]
- 690712 Issue 2 - HCO Bulletin - Amendment to HCOB 5 June 1969 - Two Dianetic Remedies [B009-120]
- 690712 Issue 2 - HCO Bulletin - Amendment to HCOB 5 June 1969 - Two Dianetic Remedies [B042-109]
- 690712 Issue 2 - HCO Bulletin - Amendment to HCOB 5 June 1969 - Two Dianetic Remedies [B151-017]
- 690712 Issue 3 - HCO Bulletin - PC Who Has Something That Hasnt Been Handled, The [B009-121]
- 690712 Issue 3 - HCO Bulletin - PC Who Has Something That Hasnt Been Handled, The [B009-122]
- 690712 Issue 3 - HCO Bulletin - PC Who Has Something That Hasnt Been Handled, The [B042-110]
- 690712 Issue 3 - HCO Bulletin - PC Who Has Something That Hasnt Been Handled, The [B093-024]
- 690712 Issue 4 - HCO Bulletin - Starting Dianetics on PCs Who Have Had Scientology Auditing [B009-123]
- 690712 Issue 4 - HCO Bulletin - Starting Dianetics on PCs Who Have Had Scientology Auditing [B042-111]
- 690712 Issue 4 - HCO Bulletin - Starting Dianetics on PCs Who Have Had Scientology Auditing [B075-061]
CONTENTS EXTERIORIZATION Cохранить документ себе Скачать
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
Remimeo Dianetics Course


Exteriorization is one of the Scientology results that sometimes occur in Dianetic Auditing.

When the pc volunteers to the auditor or the examiner that he is exterior, or looking at the session from a distance, or not in his body and feels good with VGIs he is taken off auditing until such time as he re-interiorizes. This may be a matter of hours or hundreds of years.

An auditor on being told by pc he is exterior, quietly ends the session at once. The C/S action is to get it checked by the Examiner who is told to ask the pc to define and if he is exterior. The folder is marked EXTERIOR – OFF AUDITING UNLESS INTERIORIZES.

Exteriorization is not likely to be stable below the OT levels. An auditing session is never continued beyond exteriorization. If an exteriorized pc is audited he is likely to get banged back into the body and messed up.

This data is not new but has not previously been written up for the Dianetics Course.

Brian Livingston