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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Dianetics Course Auditing Requirements - B690406 | Сравнить
- Fundamental Auditing - B690406 | Сравнить

RUSSIAN DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Фундаментальный Одитинг (2) - Б690406 | Сравнить
- Фундаментальный Одитинг - Б690406 | Сравнить

SCANS FOR THIS DATE- 690406 - HCO Bulletin - Fundamental Auditing [B009-029]
- 690406 - HCO Bulletin - Fundamental Auditing [B042-021]
- 690406 - HCO Bulletin - Fundamental Auditing [B075-008]
- 690406 Issue 2 - HCO Bulletin - Dianetics Course Auditing Requirements [B009-030]
- 690406 Issue 2 - HCO Bulletin - Dianetics Course Auditing Requirements [B009-031]
- 690406 Issue 2 - HCO Bulletin - Dianetics Course Auditing Requirements [B042-020]
- 690406 Issue 2 - HCO Bulletin - Dianetics Course Auditing Requirements [B075-009]
CONTENTS FUNDAMENTAL AUDITING Cохранить документ себе Скачать
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
Issue II
(Corrected and reissued)
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
Dianetics CourseDianetics Course



In conjunction with the expansion of its curriculum, the auditing requirements of a Dianetic student for certification are as follows:

For some years it has not been appreciated fully that the ability to do DIANETIC AUDITING is the true fundamental background of a Scientology auditor.

25 hours total session time as an auditor.

For many years, 1950 onward, a Dianetic auditor was proudly capable of resolving mental and physical problems by his ability to find and run engrams and secondaries.

This auditing must include the following:

The Dianetic auditor had no other skill or tools than his understanding of mental image pictures, as locks, secondaries and engrams and the time track.

A. Touch Assists.

With these tools he produced many miracles. Broken bones healed in two weeks instead of six, withered limbs restored, burns vanished, swellings reduced visibly to nothing, lives wrecked by grief and loss recovered, women lost their aging wrinkles and sought-after abilities returned.

B. Contact Assists.

The percentage of win was above 50%, which is double that of former approaches.

C. Changing the life of someone who has lost a loved one by running the secondary or chain to GIs.

The use of the E-Meter and my development of R-3-R increased this percentage.

D. Running straight engrams of former injuries.

Dianetic training was usually one month in length and attained a high percentage of successful graduates who could attain excellent results.

E. Auditing assists on ill pcs, taking and tracing down every manifested symptom to its engramic incident or chain.

Dianetics operates at the level of the human being and is addressed mainly to the body and mind. It does not attempt and should not be confused with the end product of Scientology which is spiritual freedom. The end product of Dianetics is a well, happy, high IQ human being.

F. Doing TRs with pcs and indoctrinating them as pcs.

Dianetics is itself and has its place. When one can handle Dianetics so as to make people well and happy, one can then begin to think of and work on the higher aspects of Scientology.

The 25 hours must contain one or more remarkable cases demonstrating changes in the physical condition or well-being of a preclear.

To attempt to obtain the results of Scientology by applying only Dianetics is in fact a confusion of objectives.

Without these auditing actions and a total certainty Dianetics works as demonstrated in the cases he handles, no student enrolling on a Dianetics Course after receipt of this HCOB may be certified as a Hubbard Dianetic Auditor.

The Dianetic auditor, whether the „very best people“ behind governments like it or not, is the natural inheritor of all mental healing.

Any checksheet issued after receipt of this HCOB for the Dianetics Course must include:

Working in conjunction with bona fide physical healers such as the actual practicing medical doctor, the Dianetic auditor, with only the skills taught on the Dianetic Course, could all but eradicate psychosomatic illness and mental illness on this planet. Tens of thousands of cases in Dianetics show this is no idle boast. The recent breakthrough showing most insanity is common physical illness untreated, adds up to making such an objective a fact.

1. HCO Pol Ltr of 6 April 69

The Scientology auditor is all too often balked by the fact that his preclear comes to him already ill. His preclear is below being a well human being. That is part of the gradient. If the Scientology auditor is not also a good Dianetic auditor he tends to ignore the fact that his preclear is not yet up to being a well human being.

2. HCOB 6 April 69

Applying Grade Processing the Scientology auditor has already skipped a grade – a well human being. He therefore fails to understand that his preclear is simply seeking to escape as a thetan the gradient of being a well being.

3. This HCOB (6 April 69 Issue II)

The role of Dianetics, let us face it, is that of a healing science. It is the most advanced mental science man has. It should not be skimped or scanted.

4. HCOB 28 Feb 69

A good Dianetic auditor can handle the bulk of psychosomatic illness and speed the healing of ordinary illness or make it possible for the person to recover. Mental aberration as such can be handled in Dianetics if it works in conjunction with other valid branches of physical healing.

5. HCOB 7 Feb 69

There is then a demarcation between Dianetics and Scientology. The Dianetic auditor’s skills reach up to and include a well, happy human being. This is in excess of man’s hope for any mental science.

6. HCOB 12 Mar 69

The Scientology auditor is working for increased ability and spiritual freedom. And that is far in excess of any dream of accomplishment man has had including Buddhism.

7. HCOB 2 April 69

When we get a sick human being being handled to make him spiritually free we get a confusion and are likely to fail.

8. HCOB 5 April 69

The Scientology auditor who is also a good basic Dianetics auditor can make that being well enough, using Dianetics and available healing skills, to succeed with Scientology objectives.

These are in addition to the existing HDA checksheet.

But it has become plain, particularly in the last few months when I have been sorting out materials to communicate them better, that there is a vast difference between Dianetics and Scientology.

HCOBs or Pol Ltrs after this date relating to Dianetics are to be included on new checksheets issued to students.

A Dianetic preclear is one who is being processed toward the objective of a well and happy human being. A Scientology preclear is a well, happy human being who is being processed toward total ability and spiritual freedom.

An HDA is requisite to Level Zero Academy enrollment.

Those two definitions should be well learned. It will prevent much confusion and some failures.


When I hear of a preclear „getting his Grade IV to get rid of his headaches“ I really groan.

The reason Scientology auditors occasionally fail is that they seek to use grades to make pcs well. Grades are a route to spiritual freedom and greatly increased ability. Auditing a pc on grades who has not yet attained physical well-being as a human being is an oversight only by one not trained in and uncertain about Dianetics. A Dianetic auditor would use Dianetics to handle the lack of well-being of the pc.

A preclear „getting his Grade IV“ obviously never got his Dianetic auditing and the auditors who audited him were mixed up.

A Scientology auditor who is also skilled in Dianetics would not make the mistake of doing Grade or Level auditing on a temporarily or chronically ill pc. He would shift off to Dianetics, run the secondaries or engrams necessary to resolve the physical difficulty and then go on with Scientology auditing.

I would never never never audit a pc on grades if I found before me a sick person. I would simply change gears, get busy with good old Dianetics and use physical healers if necessary to get a well, happy pc before me. Then I would go on with grades.

Sometimes a Scientology auditor who has not become adept at Dianetics goes through his whole training thinking grades will accomplish physical healing, auditing sick pcs and wondering why "Scientology does not make them well" without ever realizing he is at cross purposes. He is trying to make Scientology do with grades or remedies what is done easily with Dianetics.

Scientology objectives are so far above anything man has any hope for that he at once thinks of them as healing activities. They are not.

A person can go all the way up the grades and into the OT sections always looking only to "get well" and miss the entire thing, whereas a remarkably little skilled application of Dianetic auditing would have long ago resolved it. Persons who "don't make OT" are only persons who didn't make Dianetics.

Dianetics is the healing activity.

It is vital then to give the Dianetic auditor total certainty of his dominance in the field of making people recover and making them into well, happy human beings before he then starts them off into the upper very valuable vital areas of Scientology grades.

Therefore all Dianetic course materials are refined with that objective fully in view. And when a Scientology auditor finds himself with a Dianetic preclear on his hands and if that auditor learned his Dianetics well, then he will apply Dianetics and when the preclear is ready for it, only then will he apply Scientology.

Most of the persons who want auditing are afflicted by discomfort and unhappiness if not illness.

Any Scientology failures are totally owing to the auditor not learning his Dianetics in the first place.

Since the two subjects were for a long while researched as one, some early materials are crossed. Usually materials after 1952 apply mainly to Scientology. But during this later period (as witness R-3-R and current advances) Dianetics has also been advanced.

So have at it and get a hatful of healing wins as a Dianetic Auditor.

The skill of the Dianetic Auditor is no small thing. It is worth attaining as itself. I myself, when called on to handle the ailing, pick up my meter and go to work and in an hour or two have a miraculous recovery. When I don't, which is seldom, I get the pc examined clinically and find he or she has a broken skull or back or a gallstone or some remediable thing. After this is fixed up, I once more audit them and they finally emerge as bright, well human beings.


And I do not use in all this anything that is not contained in the Dianetics course.


My percentage is 100%. And so can yours be.
