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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Glossary of Terms (S6) - B640413 | Сравнить
- Tone Arm Action (S6) - B640413 | Сравнить

SCANS FOR THIS DATE- 640413 - HCO Bulletin - Glossary of Terms [B168-033]
- 640413 - HCO Bulletin - Tone Arm Action [B004-010]
- 640413 - HCO Bulletin - Tone Arm Action [B040-011]
- 640413 - HCO Bulletin - Tone Arm Action [B168-018]
CONTENTS GLOSSARY OF TERMS Cохранить документ себе Скачать
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
Class VIClass VI
Scientology VI - Part OneSCIENTOLOGY VI - PART I



(Summary of previous HCO Bulletins)

Track - The time track. The endless record, complete with 52 perceptions of the pc’s entire past. (From HCOB 15 May 63)

The state of case of the pc has nothing to do with getting Tone Arm Action. An auditor is in absolute control of the bank – it always does what you tell it to do. A case must not be run without TA action or with minimal TA action. If it didn’t occur, Tone Arm Action has to have been prevented! It doesn’t just “not occur”.

Goal Series - The 84 actual goals in their sequence and pattern that repeats over and over forward through time. (Reference: Tape 25 Feb. 64)

The skill of an auditor is directly measured by the amount of TA he or she can get. Pcs are not more difficult one than another. Any pc can be made to produce TA. But some auditors cut TA more than others.

Actual Goal - The dominating significance of the thetan’s own causation which binds together the masses accumulated by the reliable items of an actual GPM.

The most vital necessity of auditing at any level of Scientology is to get Tone Arm Action. Not to worry the pc about it but just to get TA action. Not to find something that will get future TA. But just to get TA NOW.

Implant Goal - An implanted goal. A goal the thetan himself has not decided upon — but which has been induced in him by overwhelming force or persuasion.

Many auditors are still measuring their successes by things found or accomplished in the session. Though this is important too (mainly at Level IV), it is secondary to Tone Arm Action.

Actual GPM - The composite black mass of all the pairs of reliable items and their associated locks, dominated and bound together by the significance of an actual goal and having a definite location as a mass on the time track.

1. Get good Tone Arm Action.

Implant GPM - An implanted Goal Problem Mass. An electronic means of ovewhelming the thetan with a significance using the mechanics of the actual pattern of living to entrap the thetan and force obedience to behavior patterns. (From HCOB 8 May 63)

2. Get things done in the session to increase Tone Arm Action.

RI - Reliable Item. A black mass with a significance in it which is dominated by a goal and which is part of a GPM.

And Body Motion doesn’t count, as TA.

Item - Any terminal, opposition terminal, combination terminal, significance or idea appearing on a list derived from the pc. (From HCOB 8 Nov. 62)

Without Tone Arm Motion no charge is being released and no actual case betterment is observed beyond a few somatics removed. The pc’s session goals stay the same. The pc’s life doesn’t change.

Term - A terminal. One of a pair of reliable items of equal mass and force, the significance of which the thetan has aligned with his own intentions.

THE MOST CORRECT TRACK SIGNIFICANCES RUN BUT WITHOUT TA ACTION WILL NOT CHANGE BUT CAN DETERIORATE A CASE. It takes the right process correctly run to get TA action. So don’t underrate processes or the action of the auditor.

Oppterm - An opposition terminal. One of a pair of reliable items of equal mass and force, the significance of which the thetan has in opposition to his own intentions.


Crossover - The crossover area. That position in the GPM where the terminals run from neutral against the goal until in opposition to the goal and where the opposition terminals run from neutral on the goal until in complete agreement with the goal.

Your enemy is Over-Restimulation of the pc. As soon as the pc goes into more charge than he or she can Itsa easily the TA slows down! And as soon as the pc drowns in the over-restimulation the TA stops clank!

Lock - A minor mass whose significance is associated with that of an RI or GPM.

Unless destimulated a case can’t get a rocket read or present the auditor with a valid goal.

Key-ins - Those parts of the time track which contain the first moment an earlier engram, implant, RI or GPM is restimulated. (Reference: HCOB 15 May 63)

In doing R6 the silent auditor lets the pc Itsa all over the whole track and causes Over-Restimulation which locks up the TA. But in lower levels of auditing, inviting an Itsa with silence is an ordinary action.

Goals Plot - The pattern of the pc’s 84 actual goals. (Reference: HCOB 21 Mar. 64) Line PlotThe pattern of items for every GPM. (From HCOB 21 Mar. 64)

As soon as you get into Level VI auditing however, on the pc’s actual GPMs, the auditor has to be crisp and busy to get TA and a silent, idle auditor can mess up the pc and get very little TA.

Plotting - The action of obtaining goals or items from the pc and positioning them in their correct sequence on their respective plots.

Level VI auditing finds the auditor smoothly letting the pc Itsa RIs and lists but the auditor going at it like a small steam engine finding RIs, RIs, RIs, Goals, RIs, RIs,

Creak - A stiffness, and out-of-plumbness, an unchanging situation, a no energy flow. (From Tape 18 Feb. 64)

RIs. For the total TA in an R6 session only is proportional to the number of RIs found without goofs, wrong goals or other errors which rob TA action.

Heat - The physical sensation associated with the release of energy in the form of heat which is attendant to actual GPMs, their RIs and associated locks.

So the higher the level the more control of the pc’s attention.

Somatics - Uncomfortable physical perceptions coming from the reactive mind. (From HCOB 8 Nov. 62)

Only in R6 where you’re dead on the pc’s GPMs and the pc is allowed to say it is or isn’t can you get TA good action out of listing and nulling. And even then a failure to let the pc say it is it can cut the TA down enormously.

Bypassed Charge - Mental energy or mass that has been restimulated but not destimulated or erased.

In confirmation of auditors being too anxious to get in the Itsa line themselves and not let the pc is the fad of using the meter as a Ouija Board. The auditor asks it questions continually and never asks the pc. Up the spout go divisions of TA. “Is this Item a terminal?” the auditor asks the meter. Why not ask the pc? If you ask the pc, you get an Itsa, “No, I think it’s an oppterm because_____” and the TA moves.

RR - A rocket read.A needle reaction in which the needle goes to the right with a fast spurt which rapidly decays. (From HCOB 6 Dec. 62)


BD - A blowdown. A distinct rapid drop of the tone arm (0.2 divs or more) associated with some part of the auditing.

If a pc says something and the auditor fails to understand what the pc said or meant, the correct response is:

TA - Tone Arm. Refers to the tone arm or its motion.

“I did not (hear you) (understand what was said) (get that last).”

Chug - A needle reaction in which the needle, in falling, appears to encounter, penetrate and surge beyond a “skin.” (Reference: HCOB 15 Mar. 64)

To do anything else is not only bad form, it can amount to a heavy ARC Break.

Sub-Itsa - Significances or masses so charged that the pc is unable to locate, identify or describe them. They are below the depth he is able to itsa to. (Reference: Lecture Notes 18 Dec. 63)


Sub-Volitional - Actions, decisions, choices and goals occurring below the level at which the pc has any conscious control. Inevitable activities. (Reference: Tape 5 Feb. 64)

To say “You did not speak loud enough_____” or any other use of “you” is an invalidation.


The pc is also thrown out of session by having responsibility hung on him or her.

The auditor is responsible for the session. Therefore the auditor has to assume responsibility for all comm breakdowns in it.


Far more serious than Invalidation above, is the accidental evaluation which may occur when the auditor repeats what the pc said.

NEVER repeat anything a pc says after him, no matter why.

Repeating not only does not show the pc you heard but makes him feel you’re a circuit.

But that isn’t the main reason you do not repeat what the pc said after the pc. If you say it wrong the pc is thrown into heavy protest. The pc must correct the wrongness and hangs up right there. It may take an hour to dig the pc out of it.


If your pc has a dirty needle, its cause is CUT ITSA or an L1 session ARC Break.

NO other source such as a wrong Item or goal or earlier engrams or service fac by-passed charge can cause a dirty needle.

If it’s a dirty needle its cause lies in basic auditing not in technique errors.

This rule is invariable. The apparent exception is the session ARC Break that keys in by-passed technique charge.

All dirty needles are caused by the auditor failing to hear all the pc had to say in answering a question or volunteering data.

Charge is removed from a case only by the Comm Cycle Pc to Auditor.

The auditor’s command restimulates a charge in the pc. The only way this charge can be blown is by the pc telling the auditor.


The auditor who cleans a clean meter is asking for trouble.

This is the same as asking a pc for something that isn’t there and develops a “withhold of nothing”.


The pc says, “You missed a suppress. It’s_____” and the auditor re-consults the meter asking for a suppress. That leaves the pc’s offering an undischarged charge.


Example: You’ve declared suppress clean, pc gives you another suppress. Take it and don’t ask suppress again. That’s Echo Metering.

If a pc puts his own ruds in, don’t at once jump to the meter to put his ruds in. That makes all his offerings missed charge. Echo Metering is miserable auditing.


Echo Invalidation:

The pc gives an Item. The auditor calls it back to the pc and says it doesn’t RR. If this is kept up the pc will be put into a state of sensation that is appalling. The right way to do this is as follows:

Pc gives Item.

Auditor writes it down.

All Items are written down that the pc gives.

An auditor never repeats Items to the pc after the pc says them. If the auditor doesn’t understand he asks pc to spell it or if it is singular or plural. Don’t fake an understanding. The list must be accurate.

Echo Invalidation, in which pc names an Item and auditor says “That isn’t it” is not just bad form but a very vicious practice that leads to a games condition. The Invalidation of each Item makes the pc very dizzy and very desperate. The pc, sick and confused, starts plunging in desperation for the right Item and goes swiftly down tone and out of session.

High pc morale is vital to blowing charge and finding RIs.

Uphold the pc’s morale. Don’t begin Echo Invalidation.


An auditor who just sits and shakes his head, “Didn’t Rocket Read” can give a pc too many loses and deteriorate the pc’s ability to run GPMs.

In a conflict between pc and meter, take the pc’s data. Why? Because Protest and Assert and Mistake will also read on a meter. You can get these off, but why create them? Your data comes from the pc and the meter always for anything. And if the pc’s data is invalidated you won’t get a meter’s data. If the pc says he has a PTP and the meter says he doesn’t, you take the pc’s data that he does.

You take the pc’s data. Never take his orders.

Also, minimize a pc’s dependency on a meter. Don’t keep confirming a pc’s data by meter read with, “That reads. Yes, that’s there. Yes, there’s a rocket read…”

The meter is not there to invalidate the pc.

The E-Meter registers charge. A very high or low tone arm, a sticky or dirty needle all are registrations of this charge. The “chronic meter of a case” is an index of chronic charge. The fluctuations of a meter during a session are registering relative charge in different portions of the pc’s Time Track.

More valuably the meter registers released charge. You can see it blowing on the meter. The disintegrating RR, the blowing down of the TA, the heavy falls, the loosening needle all show charge being released.

The meter registers charge found and then charge released. It registers charge found but not yet released by the needle getting tight, by DN, by a climbing TA or TA going far below the clear read. Then as this cleans up, the charge is seen to “blow”.

Charge that is restimulated but not released causes the case to “charge up”, in that charge already on the Time Track is triggered but is not yet viewed by the pc. The whole cycle of restimulated charge that is then blown gives us the action of auditing. When prior charge is restimulated but not located so that it can be blown, we get “ARC Breaks”.

Auditing selectively restimulates, locates the charge and discharges it (as seen on the action of a moving Tone Arm).

The meter in actual fact does nothing but locate charged areas below the awareness of the pc and verify that the charge has been removed. The meter cures nothing and does not treat. It only assists the auditor in assisting the preclear to look and verify having looked.


A pc can be made more dependent upon the meter or can be made more independent of the meter, all in the way a meter is used by the auditor.

Meter dependence is created by invalidation by or poor acknowledgement of the auditor. If the auditor seems not to accept the pc’s data, then the pc may insist that the auditor “see it read on the meter”. This can grow up into a formidable meter dependence on the part of the pc.

A pc must be carefully weaned of meter dependence, not abruptly chopped off.

If a pc’s case is improving the pc becomes more independent of the meter. This is the proper direction.

Build up the pc’s confidence in his own knowingness and continuously and progressively reduce the pc’s dependence on a meter.

As the pc gets along in running Time Track and GPMs with their goals and Reliable Items he or she often becomes better than the meter as to what is right or wrong, what is the goal, what RI still reads.


Charge, the stored quantities of energy in the Time Track, is the sole thing that is being relieved or removed by the auditor from the Time Track.

When this charge is present in huge amounts the Time Track overwhelms the pc and the pc is thrust below observation of the actual track.

The mechanism of permanent restimulation consists of opposing forces of comparable magnitude which cause a balance which does not respond to current time and remains “timeless”.

Such phenomena as the overt act-motivator sequence, the problem (postulate counter-postulate), tend to hold certain portions of the Time Track in “permanent creation” and cause them to continue to exist in present time as unresolved masses, energies, spaces, times and significances.

The intention of the physical universe (and those who have become degraded enough to further only its ends) is to make a thetan solid, immobile and decisionless.

The fight of the thetan is to remain unsolid, mobile or immobile at will, and capable of decision.

This in itself is the principal unresolved problem and it itself creates timeless mass which accomplishes the basic purpose of a trap.


By-passed Charge does not always = ARC Break.

But ARC Break always = By-passed Charge.

By-passed Charge always exists in a session – it isn’t until it is keyed in by some communication failure in session that it causes an ARC Break.

The source of all ARC Breaks is By-passed Charge. There is no other source of ARC Breaks.

People do not ARC Break on known charge. It is always the hidden or the earlier charge that causes the ARC Break.

The pc never knows why the ARC Break. He may think he does and disclaim about it. But the moment the actual reason is spotted (the real missed area) the ARC Break ceases.

All by-passed charge is in some degree a missed withhold, missed by both auditor and pc.

In a session or handling the living lightning we handle, people can be hit by a forceful charge of which they are only minutely aware but which swamps them. Their affinity, reality and communication (life force) is retarded or cut by this hidden charge and they react with what we call an ARC Break or have an ARC Broken aspect.

Everything on the whole Know to Mystery Scale that still lies above the pc finds the pc at effect. These are all on Automatic.

Therefore the pc in an ARC Break is in the grip of the reaction which was in the incident, now fully on automatic.

The pc’s anger in the incident is not even seen or felt by the pc. But the moment something slips the pc is in the grip of that emotion as an automaticity and becomes furious or apathetic or whatever toward the auditor.

As soon as the actual by-passed charge is found and recognized as the charge by the person, up goes Affinity and Reality and Communication and life can be lived.


Stage One:

The ARC Break starts always in the same way. The pc finds something wrong with the auditor, the subject, or tools of auditing or the auditing room. He does this in varying intensity, ARC Break to ARC Break.

Stage Two:

This is followed by misemotion, also directed at the auditor, subject, tools or room.

Stage Three:

If the auditor continues on with auditing the pc will drop into grief, sadness or apathy.

This is an inevitable cycle and may be followed by the pc with greater or lesser intensity of emotion, or loudness or lack of response.

In R6 when the pc criticizes or attacks the auditor or goes into grief or apathy, an R6 error has just occurred. The auditor must ignore the pc’s statements as to the cause of the ARC break and quickly remedy the R6 and do nothing else.

The common denominator of all R6 ARC breaks consists of a missed or wrongly designated GPM, Goal or Reliable Item. There are no other sources of R6 ARC breaks.

Bad sessioning, poor auditing, ordinary life missed withholds are only contributive to R6 ARC Breaks and are incapable of doing more than keying in and intensifying the magnitude of the ARC Break which has already been caused by errors in R6.

ARC Break Rule 1: If the pc ARC Breaks, issue no further auditing commands until both pc and auditor are satisfied that the cause of the ARC Break has been located and indicated.

Do not issue more orders, do not run a process, do not offer to run a process, do not sit idly letting the pc ARC Break. Follow this rule:

Arc Break Rule 2: When a pc ARC Breaks or can’t go on for any reason, do an ARC Break Assessment and locate and indicate to the pc the By-Passed Charge.

If you know you’ve missed a goal or RI, just saying so prevents any ARC Break. Don’t by-pass charge unknown to the pc.


The meter is invaluable in locating by-passed charge and curing an ARC Break.

The trick is to find and indicate the right By-passed Charge to the pc and to handle it when possible but never fail to indicate it. It is then up to the auditor to locate it more precisely as to character and time and indicate it to the pc. The pc will feel better the moment the right type of by-passed charge is identified by assessment and indicated by the auditor. If the pc does not feel better but further ARC Breaks then the assessment is either incomplete or incorrect.

If the pc blows up in your face on being given a type of charge, keep going, as you have not yet found the charge.

You can, however, undo a session ARC Break Assessment by continuing beyond the pc’s cognition of what it is. Continuing an assessment after the pc has cognited, invalidates the pc’s cognition and cuts the Itsa Line and may cause a new ARC Break.

Several by-passed charges can exist and be found on one list.

Sometimes in trying to locate the by-passed charge causing an ARC Break, the pc’s needle is so dirty that it almost can’t be read.

However there is a way to read it. When the correct by-passed charge is located and indicated the needle will go beautifully clean.

But it can be done without a meter, just by letting the pc think over each line read to him or her from the ARC Break Assessment and say whether it is or isn’t and if it is, spotting the thing by-passed.

Don’t ever be “reasonable” about an ARC Break and think the pc is perfectly right to be having one “because “. If that ARC Break exists, the pc doesn’t know what’s causing it and neither do you until you and the pc find it! If you and the pc knew what was causing it, there would be no further ARC Break.

ARC Breaks are inevitable. They will happen.


Q and A causes ARC Breaks by By-passing Charge.

How? The pc says something. The auditor does not understand or acknowledge. Therefore the pc’s utterance becomes a By-passed Charge generated by whatever he or she is trying to release. As the auditor ignores it and the pc reasserts it, the original utterance’s charge is built up and up.

Finally the pc will start issuing orders in a frantic effort to get rid of the missed charge. This is the source of pc orders to the auditor.

Understand and Acknowledge the pc. Take the pc’s data. Don’t pester the pc for more data when the pc is offering data.

Learn to see if the pc has said everything he or she wants to say before the next auditor action, never do a new auditor action while or if the pc wants to speak and you’ll get superior TA action. Cut the pc off, get in more actions than the pc is allowed to answer and you’ll have a Dirty Needle, then a stuck TA and then an ARC Break.

Realize that the answering of the process question is senior to the asking of another process question.

Watch the pc’s eyes. Don’t take auditing actions if the pc is not looking at you.

Don’t give acknowledgements that aren’t needed. Over-acknowledgement means acknowledging before the pc has said all.


The pc rises in tone up to the lower levels of the tone scale. He or she comes up to degradation, up to apathy.

And it often feels horrible and, unlike an ARC Break and the Sad Effect, is not cured except by more of the same processing.

Then suddenly they realize that they have come up to being able to feel bad. They even come up to feeling pain. And all that is a gain.
