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CONTENTS GROUP AUDITING SESSIONS Cохранить документ себе Скачать


July 23, 1954

Group Auditing Sessions to audiences which contain new people must always begin with a talk about Scientology, giving its definition, purpose, goals and background. This talk must occupy at least ten minutes of the first hour. The descriptive material of 31-G of the Journal of Scientology is acceptable. The auditor should not encourage floor discussion but should then promptly begin his processing.

Floor discussion is avoided by informing the audience member who wants to talk, “I would be happy to discuss that but these others wish to get down to the serious business of processing,” and so begin.

The group auditor before he begins his talk must get everyone’s individual name on a card. If husband and wife are present, each writes his name. The cards are always collected promptly on being filled out and a piece of literature must go out to people attending within 24 hours.