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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- HGC Allowed Processes - B590721 | Сравнить

RUSSIAN DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Процессы, Разрешенные к Использованию в ВЦХ - Б590721 | Сравнить
- Разрешенные Процессы ВЦХ - Б590721 | Сравнить

SCANS FOR THIS DATE- 590721 - HCO Bulletin - HGC Allowed Processes [B023-114]
- 590721 - HCO Bulletin - HGC Allowed Processes [B035-079]
- 590721 - HCO Bulletin - HGC Allowed Processes [B071-030]
- 590721 - HCO Bulletin - HGC Allowed Processes [B133-042]
- 590721 - HCO Bulletin - HGC Allowed Processes [B133-043]
- 590721 - HCO Bulletin - HGC Allowed Processes [B145-006]
- 590721 - HCO Bulletin - HGC Allowed Processes [B145-007]
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex


The following rundown is to be used in all HGCs.

For use on unconscious and fixedly psychotic persons unwilling to be audited:

“You make that body sit on that chair (or lie on that bed)”, and CCH 1, 2, 3, 4.

For use on persons unwilling to be audited at any time:

Two way help bracket

“How could you help me?” “How could I help you?”

Get each question answered. Use lots of two way comm. Don’t Q and A with reasons.

For use on persons unwilling to be audited by reason of session errors: TR 5N, which is:

“What have I done wrong?” “What have you done wrong?” with two way comm.

For persons who are acutely ill:

Ask them what part of their body they think is ill. Use that as the terminal. Run:

“From where could you communicate to a ________?” (body part named).

For use on persons who complain that auditing has no effect on them or who make very slow gains, or who are going for OT. Run:

Process S2: “From where could you communicate to a victim?” This is flat when pc can confront calmly a victim.

For use on persons in general. If this has been handled in an HAS Co-audit well, don’t handle it again:

Overt-Withhold Straight Wire after careful assessment and used on various buttons, Dynamic Straight Wire, Know to Mystery Straight Wire, are all more or less same processes but are different ways of assessment. Always run terminals, never conditions.

For use on persons who have a p.t. problem. Get them to name the terminals associated with the problem. Run:

“From where could you communicate to a _______?” (general form of terminal).

For use on persons in general, always to some extent when they enter HGC: S-C-S.

For use on auditors in for auditing. Run until fully flat: Process S 2:

“From where could you communicate to a victim?"

For use on people going to theta clear. Use liberally and long: Assess case with E-Meter. Spot terminals needing clearing. Use: “From where could you communicate to a _________?” on each terminal.

For use on people going to theta clear:

Find engram necessary to resolve the case each time. Check out all terminals present in it. Make a list. Run: “From where could you communicate to a___?” (each terminal in incident by general name). Don’t run off from incident that is being run. Pc will go up and down the track but when one terminal is flat, choose the next from the same incident we started with. Remember to resurvey incident for new terminals when several are flat.

For finishing off cases to level of theta clear:

“From where could you communicate to a ______? ” (male, female bodies, bodies, mest).

For easing off any case into comfort or completion of an intensive:

Get person to say what is wrong. Get them to name the terminal they think is the trouble, run:

“From where could you communicate to a _______? ” (terminal name).


Comm processes may be used in HAS Co-audit. Assess by asking person: “Are you sick or well?” If he says “ill”, ask, “What part of your body do you think is ill?” Run:

“From where could you communicate to a _______? ” (body part person said).

If person says “well”, then say, “What person or thing have you been most sorry for?” (meaning pity). Whatever person says, run it as a terminal, “From where could you communicate to a ________?” (generalized form of whatever he or she said).

This gets people up to talking and you get the “word of mouth advertising” you should have, plus a lot of better people.


[This HCO B is superseded by HCO B 25 January 1960, OT-3 Procedure - HGC Allowed Processes, Volume IV-16.]