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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Handling of Rudiments - B610125 | Сравнить

SCANS FOR THIS DATE- 610125 - HCO Bulletin - Handling of Rudiments [B001-004]
- 610125 - HCO Bulletin - Handling of Rudiments [B028-005]
- 610125 - HCO Bulletin - Handling of Rudiments [B037-005]
- 610125 - HCO Bulletin - Ultimate Processes, The [B037-006]
CONTENTS HANDLING OF RUDIMENTS Cохранить документ себе Скачать
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
Fran HoldersFran Holders



On goals, the preclear should never be challenged as to what he establishes as his goals. The auditor accepts and acknowledges any and all goals the preclear has for the session and for life and livingness.

On goals, the preclear should never be challenged as to what he establishes as his goals. The auditor accepts and acknowledges any and all goals the preclear has for the session and for life and livingness.

In handling the environment, if there is charge on the E-Meter after asking, “Is it all right to audit in this room?” and if charge does not blow with a little two-way comm, then run TR 10, “Notice that.” However, if you have already located the Havingness process for the case, you would run that Havingness process until there was no longer any charge as far as the auditing environment is concerned. Only be careful in using TR 10 to flatten any somatic turned on while running it.

In handling the environment, if there is charge on the E-Meter after asking, “Is it all right to audit in this room?” and if charge does not blow with a little two-way comm, then run TR 10, “Notice that.” However, if you have already located the Havingness process for the case, you would run that Havingness process until there was no longer any charge as far as the auditing environment is concerned. Only be careful in using TR 10 to flatten any somatic turned on while running it.

Auditor clearance is the most important of the rudiments, because if the auditor is not cleared, negative results will be obtained on the profile of the preclear. To handle charge on the auditor, TR 5N should be run, if charge does not blow on a little two-way comm. TR 5N is:

Auditor clearance is the most important of the rudiments, because if the auditor is not cleared, negative results will be obtained on the profile of the preclear. To handle charge on the auditor, TR 5N should be run, if charge does not blow on a little two-way comm. TR 5N is:

“What have I done to you?” “What have you done to me?”

“What have I done to you?” “What have you done to me?”

Overt-withhold on the auditor is far too accusative and invalidates the pc.

Overt-withhold on the auditor is far too accusative and invalidates the pc.

If the relationship between the auditor and pc is one of long standing then you would run TR 5N as follows:

If the relationship between the auditor and pc is one of long standing then you would run TR 5N as follows:

“What have I done to you in this session?” “What have you done to me in this session?”

“What have I done to you in this session?” “What have you done to me in this session?”

On asking “Are you withholding anything?” under auditor clearance, you can say, “What did you think when the needle dropped? There it is again. What did you just think?” This can blow the charge on this question; however, if the charge does not blow, Presession 37 (“What question shouldn’t I ask you?”) or Formula 19 (“Who have you failed to help?” “Who has failed to help you?” “What have you failed to help?”) with General Overt/Withhold can be run.

On asking “Are you withholding anything?” under auditor clearance, you can say, “What did you think when the needle dropped? There it is again. What did you just think?” This can blow the charge on this question; however, if the charge does not blow, Presession 37 (“What question shouldn’t I ask you?”) or Formula 19 (“Who have you failed to help?” “Who has failed to help you?” “What have you failed to help?”) with General Overt/Withhold can be run.

As regards a Present Time Problem, the first thing you want to know is whether it is a problem of long duration or a problem of short duration. Only short duration problems are handled. If the pc has a problem with regard to the fact that he promised to call his wife at 4:00 p.m. , and it is 4:00 p.m. , the best way to handle this problem is to end the session and let him call his wife. When the session is resumed, you start the session again and go to where you were in the rudiments and ask, “Do you have a present time problem?” If the pc has a present time problem of being excused, you would not in this case end the session, as he will remain in the building and be back shortly.

As regards a Present Time Problem, the first thing you want to know is whether it is a problem of long duration or a problem of short duration. Only short duration problems are handled. If the pc has a problem with regard to the fact that he promised to call his wife at 4:00 p.m. , and it is 4:00 p.m. , the best way to handle this problem is to end the session and let him call his wife. When the session is resumed, you start the session again and go to where you were in the rudiments and ask, “Do you have a present time problem?” If the pc has a present time problem of being excused, you would not in this case end the session, as he will remain in the building and be back shortly.

The process of handling the present time problem of short duration and one which cannot be handled as above, is: “What part of that problem have you been responsible for?”

The process of handling the present time problem of short duration and one which cannot be handled as above, is: “What part of that problem have you been responsible for?”

Problems of long duration are run on Presession 38, as will be given. These problems of long duration are not handled as a part of rudiments, but these long duration problems tell the auditor what it is he will have to process on the case.

Problems of long duration are run on Presession 38, as will be given. These problems of long duration are not handled as a part of rudiments, but these long duration problems tell the auditor what it is he will have to process on the case.

Overt/Withhold on the auditor, or on an auditor, or on a practitioner, may also be used in Auditor Clearance, if considered advisable — see Note 17, HCO Bulletin of 21 March 1961, “Script of a Model Session”.

Overt/Withhold on the auditor, or on an auditor, or on a practitioner, may also be used in Auditor Clearance, if considered advisable — see Note 17, HCO Bulletin of 21 March 1961, “Script of a Model Session”.

LRH:jl. rd
LRH:jl. rd