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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- How to Get Results in an HGC (AAS-02, CSS-056) - B710825v72 | Сравнить

RUSSIAN DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Как Получать Результаты в НЦХ (КС-56, АО-2) - Б710825 | Сравнить

SCANS FOR THIS DATE- 710825 - HCO Bulletin - How to Get Results in an HGC [B011-143]
- 710825 - HCO Bulletin - How to Get Results in an HGC [B012-169]
- 710825 - HCO Bulletin - How to Get Results in an HGC [B045-031]
- 710825 - HCO Bulletin - How to Get Results in an HGC [B050-040]
- 710825 - HCO Bulletin - How to Get Results in an HGC [B050-041]
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
Re-issued 2 November 1972 as
Remimeo Auditor Admin Series 2
CS Series 56


Obtaining excellent case results is an administrative not a wholly technical function.

Auditors and C/Ses are often weak on Administrative. They think general tech results improve only by more tech study. If they continue to think this way they wind up squirreling. For they are working on a wrong target for improvement, a wrong why or reason.

Auditing is a team activity. The day of the individual country doctor is dead. Even if an individual field auditor starts out as an individual he goes one of two directions – he overworks and squirrels himself into failure or he builds up a team – may only be a receptionist and an apprentice auditor but he is still building up a team. I have never seen individual auditors succeed over a long period. Failing to form or become part of a team, they eventually fade out or squirrel.

The reason is simple enough.

These rules apply:

To improve tech results you must improve administration.

And I don’t mean just writing better in folders.


ADMINISTRATION consists of the formation and handling of the lines and terminals involved in production.

Unless an auditor understands this fully, he will never insist on a Tech Sec, a Tech Establishment Officer, D of P, C/S, Examiner, Pages, Folder Admin and himself will begin to omit keeping a Folder Summary and then omit the session actions and then, with big loses, retire from it all.

If I were an auditor and saw some of these things missing, I’d be liable to say, “Are you guys kidding? I thought we were here to audit pcs.”

Without the correct pattern of lines and terminals you don’t get results, you get headaches, mad neighbors and refunds.

Auditing on lines, an auditor should regard himself as a highly skilled expert, a technical specialist whose work requires respect and service.

And Case Supervising on lines, a Case Supervisor should consider himself a sort of Czar whose word is so law even the Exec Director thinks several times before he approaches – duly servile of course and bowing the prescribed three times as he exits.

A Class XII on Flag is listened to by others with a hush even if he is only commenting on the weather.

These are the stars of the team. Their worldwide reputation for smooth flubless auditing is an administrative result!

Short of space, overloaded, short of admin personnel, turning out the highest well done hours in the world, Flag’s Div IV produces because of an Admin system.

The highest of these C/Ses and auditors goes to Cramming if he misplaces a comma or drops a TR 1.

If the sessions’ exams at Examiner drop from 90% F/N the whole place gets overhauled.

Folders are Folder Error Summaried by an FES section. The Folder Summary is kept up each session (or Cramming). The folder is studied and C/Sed. The D of P assigns the sessions. The C/S is done correctly (or Cramming). The folder travels on its lines. The tests are done.

In short it is a complex but constantly flowing pattern of moving pcs, folders and examinations interspersed with testing and interviews and re-registration.

There is a right way to do it.


If an org has only 65% of its sessions F/N VGIs at Examiner the right answer is to organize the place.


Well, the first answer is that the third dynamic is stronger than the first dynamic.

An auditor auditing alone is a first dynamic. The pc is a first dynamic. As it is the auditor plus pc that must be greater than the reactive mind, one can easily work the rest out.

If the auditor is part of a functioning third dynamic, not just an individual, the auditor plus pc versus the bank is a LOT more than the bank.

Another answer is that an auditor knows the pc, if only because of sessions, and personal opinion enters into it. That is not a pure technical view as a C/S’s must be.

Another answer is that an auditor in a group gets more auditing done.

Individually practicing auditors often fail because nobody is taking care of the auditor as a person. Further they get loses. No one sends them to Cramming. When they get loses they often start squirreling. Then they really get loses.

That ends them as auditors.

An auditor working in a good on policy organization is given service. He does get sent to Cramming. He does keep his tech updated. He gets wins. When he doesn’t he’s put back on standard tech. So he happily keeps going and makes lots of happy people.

So if I were auditing in a group I would insist as a condition of work that Div IV and Div V be good on policy divisions, fully organized with no nonsense.

I know whereof I speak. As a part-time duty I work as a consulting C/S with a good IV and a good V. Sometimes I have had to take over the whole C/S line. When the organization bogs in any way I know the whole thing is heading toward

single-handing the lot. So I get the lines back in and get people to Cramming and get the F/N at Examiner ratio approaching 100% again.

Thus, the advice you get about C/Sing is live-live-live, not canned theory.


Being on administrative lines to all orgs, I can tell you pointblank that

Their stats depend on their volume and quality of service.

That isn’t propaganda. It’s pure fact.

The F/N-no F/N at Examiner ratio tells you at once if Divs IV and V are organized and operating or if they are just fooling about.

At 50% to 75% F/N at Examiner the administrative functions of Divs IV and V are stinking bad. C/S Series 25 is out. Cramming is out. Hidden data lines exist. HCO Bs, books and tapes are not used.

The public, at that % of F/N, will stay away in droves. Registrars will go batty and adopt “Hot Prospect Systems”.

The staff will go low pay and the execs will be a perpetual dark shade of purple from yelling. The cash-bills ratio will be the subject of finance missions and the neighbors will be phoning the police.


Because an org is itself a technical delivery organization and 50% to 75% F/N at Examiner is an overt product.

The Academy has already failed to apply student study tech and word clearing. Qual is a joke.

There is no library of tech available and if available isn’t read.

The org as a tech service delivery unit is treating its public to a no-auditing situation and will get in trouble.


The way to remedy is to get on policy with tech organization.

Put in a Qual with word clearing and a library and cramming.

Put in the C/S Series 25 Tech lines.

Tolerate NO out-tech or out-admin in folders.

Dummy run the lines until they’re in.

Cram Cram Cram C/S and auditor and tech personnel flubs whenever they occur.

Get the organization functioning.

Your F/N at Examiner ratio will climb straight up to 90% 95% 98%.

By actual test pcs will flood in, Reg lines will get easy, success stats soar.

More auditors more C/Ses, more organization. A second, a third HGC.

And the more thoroughly the admin lines are manned the better the tech lines work.

This conclusion came from actual inspections of orgs and studies of their stats.

Orgs should be selling more training than processing.

But why train if you can’t interne them in a good Qual and HGC? They’ll never amount to anything as auditors unless they work in an organization that is on tech and on policy.

So you need an HGC.

Tech, done in a proper administrative framework, works.

Some orgs really don’t believe they could ever attain the flubless auditing quality of Flag.

But they can.

It is even easy.

It is even easier to attain flubless quality of auditing than any other kind.

You put in a real on policy admin pattern in IV and V. You begin with a Qual Interne Course.

You send to Cramming for any C/S or auditing error no matter how minute.

The results come up.

The errors cease.

You’re a success! If you do it.
