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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Interim Process - B570520 | Сравнить

SCANS FOR THIS DATE- 570520 - HCO Training Bulletin - Interim Process [B021-023]
- 570520 - HCO Training Bulletin - Interim Process [B033-042]
CONTENTS INTERIM PROCESS Cохранить документ себе Скачать


While auditors are learning to handle CCH this learning process is recommended.

Objective Show Me is as workable as any old-time process and is very easy to run. Therefore, all HGC preclears until further notice in Washington shall be run on Objective Show Me as follows.

Objective Show Me is first run as simple Locational and is run in this way until it is flat as simple Locational:

Commands: “Show me that (object).”

The second stage is run alternately between body and room objects. The commands are: “Show me that (object),” then “Show me your (body part),” “Show me that (object),” “Show me your (body part).”

The third stage of Objective Show Me is run similar to Opening Procedure by Duplication. Two objects such as a chair and a table near together are selected and one part of the preclear’s body such as the head, the eyes, the right hand, etc, is selected. The preclear is asked to show the auditor the table, the body part, the chair, the body part, the table, the body part, the chair, etc.

Care should be taken in running this process not to use body parts which will embarrass the preclear. The target of the process is actually the engram bank and it will be found that at great long length the preclear will come clear of facsimiles. The target of the process is not the second dynamic and in running it any specialization toward second dynamic aberration defeats the process thoroughly.

This process actually will produce a clear if it is carefully and completely run.

It is not a Tone 40 process, which means that you acknowledge the originations of the preclear.

May 20, 1957

This Bulletin applies to outside preclears. CCH should be used on Staff.